Uranium Energy Corp Announces Restart of ISR Uranium Production in Wyoming

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Uranium Energy Corp (UEC) has successfully restarted uranium production at its Christensen Ranch In-Situ Recovery operations in Wyoming. Production began on August 6th in Mine Unit 10, with uranium concentrations meeting expectations. The company has achieved all planned startup milestones, including hiring and training the initial workforce. The first yellowcake shipment is anticipated in November or December 2024.

UEC's Irigaray Central Processing Plant, with a current licensed capacity of 2.5 million pounds U3O8 per year, will process the recovered uranium. A license amendment under review is expected to increase capacity to 4.0 million pounds annually. The company is in full growth mode, with plans to expand production to Mine Units 7 and 8 in the coming months and develop Mine Unit 11.

Uranium Energy Corp (UEC) ha riavviato con successo la produzione di uranio presso le sue operazioni di Recupero In-Situ al Christensen Ranch nel Wyoming. La produzione è iniziata il 6 agosto nell'Unità Mineraria 10, con concentrazioni di uranio conformi alle aspettative. L'azienda ha raggiunto tutti gli obiettivi di avvio pianificati, inclusi l'assunzione e la formazione della forza lavoro iniziale. La prima spedizione di yellowcake è attesa per novembre o dicembre 2024.

L'impianto di lavorazione centrale Irigaray di UEC, con una capacità attualmente autorizzata di 2,5 milioni di libbre di U3O8 all'anno, tratterà l'uranio recuperato. Una modifica della licenza attualmente in fase di revisione dovrebbe aumentare la capacità a 4,0 milioni di libbre all'anno. L'azienda è in piena fase di crescita, con piani per espandere la produzione alle Unità Minerarie 7 e 8 nei prossimi mesi e sviluppare l'Unità Mineraria 11.

Uranium Energy Corp (UEC) ha reiniciado con éxito la producción de uranio en sus operaciones de Recuperación In-Situ en Christensen Ranch, Wyoming. La producción comenzó el 6 de agosto en la Unidad Minera 10, alcanzando concentraciones de uranio que cumplen con las expectativas. La compañía ha alcanzado todos los hitos de inicio planificados, incluyendo la contratación y capacitación de la fuerza laboral inicial. Se anticipa que el primer envío de yellowcake será en noviembre o diciembre de 2024.

La Planta de Procesamiento Central Irigaray de UEC, con una capacidad licenciada actual de 2.5 millones de libras de U3O8 por año, procesará el uranio recuperado. Se espera que una enmienda de licencia en revisión incremente la capacidad a 4.0 millones de libras anuales. La empresa está en una fase de crecimiento total, con planes de expandir la producción a las Unidades Mineras 7 y 8 en los próximos meses y desarrollar la Unidad Minera 11.

우라늄 에너지 코퍼레이션 (UEC)이 와이오밍의 크리스텐센 랜치에서 인사이트 회수 작업으로 우라늄 생산을 성공적으로 재개했습니다. 생산은 8월 6일에 광산 유닛 10에서 시작되었으며, 우라늄 농도가 기대에 부응하고 있습니다. 회사는 초기 인력의 채용과 교육을 포함하여 모든 계획된 시작 이정표를 달성했습니다. 첫 번째 옐로케이크 배송은 2024년 11월 또는 12월로 예상됩니다.

UEC의 이리가레이 중앙 처리 공장은 연간 2.5백만 파운드의 U3O8 처리 용량을 보유하고 있으며, 회수된 우라늄을 처리할 것입니다. 현재 검토 중인 허가 수정이 연간 4.0백만 파운드로 용량을 증가시킬 것으로 예상됩니다. 회사는 전면적인 성장 모드에 있으며, 향후 몇 달 내에 광산 유닛 7과 8로 생산을 확대하고 광산 유닛 11을 개발할 계획입니다.

Uranium Energy Corp (UEC) a redémarré avec succès la production d'uranium dans ses opérations de Récupération In-Situ au Christensen Ranch dans le Wyoming. La production a commencé le 6 août dans l'Unité Minière 10, avec des concentrations d'uranium conformes aux attentes. La société a atteint tous les jalons de démarrage prévus, y compris le recrutement et la formation de la main-d'œuvre initiale. Le premier envoi de yellowcake est prévu en novembre ou décembre 2024.

L'usine de traitement centrale d'Irigaray, avec une capacité actuellement autorisée de 2,5 millions de livres de U3O8 par an, traitera l'uranium récupéré. Un amendement de licence en cours de révision devrait augmenter la capacité à 4,0 millions de livres par an. L'entreprise est en pleine mode de croissance, avec des projets d'expansion de la production vers les Unités Minières 7 et 8 dans les mois à venir et de développement de l'Unité Minière 11.

Uranium Energy Corp (UEC) hat erfolgreich die Uranzproduktion in seinen In-Situ-Recuperation-Betrieben im Christensen Ranch in Wyoming wieder aufgenommen. Die Produktion begann am 6. August in Mineneinheit 10, wobei die Uran-Konzentrationen die Erwartungen erfüllten. Das Unternehmen hat alle geplanten Startmeilensteine erreicht, einschließlich der Einstellung und Schulung der Anfangsarbeiter. Die erste Lieferung von Yellowcake wird für November oder Dezember 2024 erwartet.

Das Irigaray-Zentralverarbeitungswerk von UEC, mit einer derzeit lizenzierten Kapazität von 2,5 Millionen Pfund U3O8 pro Jahr, wird das zurückgewonnene Uran verarbeiten. Eine derzeit überprüfte Lizenzänderung wird voraussichtlich die Kapazität auf 4,0 Millionen Pfund jährlich erhöhen. Das Unternehmen befindet sich in vollem Wachstum, mit Plänen, die Produktion in den kommenden Monaten auf die Mineneinheiten 7 und 8 auszuweiten und die Mineneinheit 11 zu entwickeln.

  • Successful restart of uranium production at Christensen Ranch ISR operations
  • First yellowcake shipment expected in November or December 2024
  • Irigaray Central Processing Plant capacity expected to increase from 2.5 to 4.0 million pounds U3O8 annually
  • Expansion plans for Mine Units 7, 8, and 11 to increase production
  • Strong global uranium market fundamentals and growing demand for nuclear power
  • None.

The restart of uranium production at UEC's Christensen Ranch marks a significant milestone for the U.S. uranium industry. This move addresses the critical shortage of domestic uranium production, which has been virtually non-existent for years. The company's ability to meet initial production expectations is encouraging, suggesting a smooth ramp-up process.

The planned capacity increase at Irigaray CPP from 2.5 million to 4.0 million pounds U3O8 annually indicates strong growth potential. This expansion, coupled with the development of additional mine units, positions UEC to capitalize on the increasing demand for uranium, particularly from U.S. sources.

Investors should note the strategic importance of U.S. origin uranium for both commercial and national security purposes, which could provide UEC with a competitive advantage in the market.

UEC's production restart aligns with a bullish outlook for the uranium market. Global demand for nuclear power is expected to grow, driven by energy security concerns and decarbonization efforts. The company's timing appears strategic, potentially capitalizing on rising uranium prices.

The focus on domestic production is particularly noteworthy. With U.S. utilities consuming over 50 million pounds of uranium annually and minimal domestic supply, UEC is well-positioned to benefit from government initiatives supporting U.S. uranium production. The Strategic Uranium Reserve purchases highlight this trend.

Investors should monitor UEC's production ramp-up and its ability to secure contracts with U.S. utilities. The company's workforce expansion plans and production growth strategy suggest confidence in long-term market demand, which could translate to sustained revenue growth.

UEC's production restart is a positive financial development. The company's ability to meet initial production targets suggests efficient operations and could lead to strong cash flow generation in the coming quarters. The first yellowcake shipment expected in Q2 fiscal 2025 should mark the beginning of revenue recognition from this project.

Investors should focus on the production costs and realized prices in future reports to gauge profitability. The planned capacity expansion at Irigaray CPP indicates potential for economies of scale, which could improve margins over time.

The company's strategic positioning in the U.S. market, coupled with government support for domestic production, could lead to premium pricing for its uranium. This, combined with the anticipated growth in global uranium demand, presents a favorable financial outlook for UEC in the medium to long term.

NYSE American: UEC

CASPER, Wyo., Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Uranium Energy Corp (NYSE American: UEC) (the "Company" or "UEC") is pleased to announce the successful startup of uranium production at its past-producing Christensen Ranch In-Situ Recovery ("ISR") operations in Wyoming.

Production commenced in the previously operated Mine Unit 10 at Christensen Ranch on August 6th.  To date, uranium concentrations in the initial production patterns are meeting expectations and are anticipated to rise in the coming weeks.  All planned startup milestones, including the hiring and training of the initial restart workforce for both the Irigaray Central Processing Plant ("CPP") and Christensen Ranch, have been achieved to ensure a successful ramp-up of uranium production.  Approximately 40% of the total workforce is from Johnson County, with other employees originating from Campbell, Converse, Carbon, Laramie and Natrona Counties in Wyoming.

The first shipment of yellowcake is anticipated to occur in November or December 2024.  This coincides with the Company's fiscal Q2 ending January 31, 2025.

Uranium recovered from Christensen Ranch will be processed at the Irigaray CPP, located approximately 15 miles northwest of Christensen Ranch. Irigaray has a current licensed capacity of 2.5 million pounds U3O8 per year, with a license amendment currently under regulatory review that is expected to increase capacity to 4.0 million pounds annually. The Irigaray CPP is the hub, central to four fully permitted ISR projects in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming, including Christensen Ranch.

Donna Wichers, Vice President of Wyoming Operations, stated: "The Christensen Ranch ISR Mine has successfully restarted and we are in full growth mode with initial recoveries from Mine Unit 10 to be followed with Mine Units 7 and 8 in the coming months.  Additionally, we have drilled, cased and completed 55 wellfield patterns to extend Mine Unit 10 that will commence production in 2025.  Further production growth is being developed with delineation drilling and monitor well planning at Mine Unit 11. We have filled all our initial personnel requirements, resulting in a total workforce of 40 employees. Hiring is expected to continue into 2025 with an additional 20 positions to meet plans for future wellfield development and expanded production."

Amir Adnani, President and CEO, stated: "I am very proud of the Wyoming team who have executed as planned to achieve the restart of production. This is the moment we have been working towards for over a decade, having acquired and further developed leading U.S. and Canadian assets with an exceptional, deeply experienced operations team. Global uranium market fundamentals are solid, with prospects for extraordinary growth in nuclear power and uranium demand."

Mr. Adnani continued: "The U.S. nuclear utility fleet produces almost 20% of the country's electricity and is the world's largest uranium consumer with purchases of over 50 million pounds last year. U.S. production has been virtually non-existent for many years, suffering from price insensitive imports via foreign state-owned enterprises that undermined domestic mining and investment.  This situation is changing by way of successive and unprecedented bipartisan U.S. government programs designed to  stimulate growth  of domestic uranium production as the foundation of a robust nuclear fuel supply chain."

Scott Melbye, Executive Vice President, stated: "Production from stable jurisdictions is valued in today's volatile world and has become a renewed priority in utility purchasing strategies.  The special nature of U.S. origin uranium carries a unique demand profile, not only applicable for U.S. and Western utilities security of supply but also for U.S. national security. Unobligated U.S. origin uranium is required to fuel the U.S. nuclear navy, and the government inventories feeding this demand have been drawn down over several decades.  The U.S. Department of Energy's recent Strategic Uranium Reserve purchases being the clearest example of a domestic priority."

About Uranium Energy Corp

Uranium Energy Corp is the fastest growing supplier of the fuel for the green energy transition to a low carbon future. UEC is the largest, diversified North American focused uranium company, advancing the next generation of low-cost, environmentally friendly ISR mining uranium projects in the United States and high-grade conventional projects in Canada. The Company has two production-ready ISR hub and spoke platforms in South Texas and Wyoming. These two production platforms are anchored by fully operational CPPs and served by seven U.S. ISR uranium projects with all their major permits in place. Additionally, the Company has diversified uranium holdings including: (1) one of the largest physical uranium portfolios of U.S. warehoused U3O8; (2) a major equity stake in Uranium Royalty Corp., the only royalty company in the sector; and (3) a Western Hemisphere pipeline of resource stage uranium projects. The Company's operations are managed by professionals with decades of hands-on experience in the key facets of uranium exploration, development and mining.

X (formerly known as Twitter): @UraniumEnergy

Stock Exchange Information:
NYSE American: UEC
ISN: US916896103

Safe Harbor Statement

Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, the information presented in this news release constitutes "forward-looking statements" as such term is used in applicable United States and Canadian securities laws. These statements relate to analyses and other information that are based on forecasts of future results, estimates of amounts not yet determinable and assumptions of management. Any other statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, using words or phrases such as "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", "plans, "estimates" or "intends", or stating that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved) are not statements of historical fact and should be viewed as "forward-looking statements". Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks and other factors include, among others, the actual results of exploration activities, variations in the underlying assumptions associated with the estimation or realization of mineral resources, the availability of capital to fund programs and the resulting dilution caused by the raising of capital through the sale of shares, accidents, labor disputes and other risks of the mining industry including, without limitation, those associated with the environment, delays in obtaining governmental approvals, permits or financing or in the completion of development or construction activities, title disputes or claims limitations on insurance coverage. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. Many of these factors are beyond the Company's ability to control or predict. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements contained in this news release and in any document referred to in this news release. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially and that could impact the Company and the statements contained in this news release can be found in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. For forward-looking statements in this news release, the Company claims the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company assumes no obligation to update or supplement any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities.

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SOURCE Uranium Energy Corp


When did UEC restart uranium production at Christensen Ranch in Wyoming?

UEC restarted uranium production at Christensen Ranch in Wyoming on August 6, 2024, beginning with Mine Unit 10.

What is the current licensed capacity of UEC's Irigaray Central Processing Plant?

The current licensed capacity of UEC's Irigaray Central Processing Plant is 2.5 million pounds U3O8 per year.

When does UEC expect to make its first yellowcake shipment from the restarted Wyoming operations?

UEC anticipates making its first yellowcake shipment from the restarted Wyoming operations in November or December 2024.

How many employees does UEC currently have at its Wyoming operations?

UEC currently has a total workforce of 40 employees at its Wyoming operations, with plans to add 20 more positions by 2025.

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