Udemy Helps Learners Remain at the Forefront of Emerging Generative AI Skills with New Content

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(Very Positive)

Udemy has launched a new course, 'Ultimate AWS Certified AI Practitioner AIF-C01', created by instructor Stephane Maarek. This course aims to prepare professionals for the new AWS Certified AI Practitioner exam, focusing on generative AI (GenAI), AI, and machine learning (ML) concepts. The launch comes as demand for GenAI content surges on Udemy's platform, with a 21% increase in GenAI course consumption reported in Q1 2024.

Key highlights include:

  • Over 4 million enrollments in GenAI courses in the past year
  • 11 million enrollments in IT certification preparation courses, with 2.5 million for AWS certifications
  • 3.3 million enrollments in ChatGPT-related courses since December 2022

The new course covers GenAI and AI/ML concepts, teaching learners to identify AI application opportunities and use AI tools responsibly.

Udemy ha lanciato un nuovo corso, 'Ultimate AWS Certified AI Practitioner AIF-C01', creato dall'istruttore Stephane Maarek. Questo corso mira a preparare i professionisti per il nuovo esame di AWS Certified AI Practitioner, concentrandosi su AI generativa (GenAI), AI e concetti di machine learning (ML). Il lancio avviene in un contesto di crescente domanda di contenuti GenAI sulla piattaforma di Udemy, con un aumento del 21% nel consumo dei corsi GenAI riportato nel primo trimestre del 2024.

Le principali caratteristiche includono:

  • Oltre 4 milioni di iscrizioni a corsi GenAI nell'ultimo anno
  • 11 milioni di iscrizioni a corsi di preparazione per certificazioni IT, con 2,5 milioni per le certificazioni AWS
  • 3,3 milioni di iscrizioni a corsi relativi a ChatGPT dal dicembre 2022

Il nuovo corso copre concetti di GenAI e AI/ML, insegnando ai partecipanti a identificare le opportunità di applicazione dell'AI e ad utilizzare gli strumenti AI in modo responsabile.

Udemy ha lanzado un nuevo curso, 'Ultimate AWS Certified AI Practitioner AIF-C01', creado por el instructor Stephane Maarek. Este curso tiene como objetivo preparar a los profesionales para el nuevo examen de AWS Certified AI Practitioner, enfocándose en IA generativa (GenAI), IA y conceptos de aprendizaje automático (ML). El lanzamiento se produce en medio de una creciente demanda de contenido GenAI en la plataforma de Udemy, con un aumento del 21% en el consumo de cursos GenAI reportado en el primer trimestre de 2024.

Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

  • Más de 4 millones de inscripciones en cursos de GenAI en el último año
  • 11 millones de inscripciones en cursos de preparación para certificaciones de IT, con 2.5 millones para certificaciones de AWS
  • 3.3 millones de inscripciones en cursos relacionados con ChatGPT desde diciembre de 2022

El nuevo curso cubre conceptos de GenAI y AI/ML, enseñando a los alumnos a identificar oportunidades de aplicación de la IA y a usar herramientas de IA de manera responsable.

Udemy는 강사 Stephane Maarek가 만든 새로운 과정 'Ultimate AWS Certified AI Practitioner AIF-C01'을 출시했습니다. 이 과정은 새로운 AWS Certified AI Practitioner 시험을 준비하기 위한 것으로, 생성적 AI(GenAI), AI, 기계 학습(ML) 개념에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 이번 출시 는 Udemy 플랫폼에서 GenAI 콘텐츠에 대한 수요가 급증하고 있는 가운데 이루어졌으며, 2024년 1분기에 GenAI 과정 소비가 21% 증가한 것으로 보고되었습니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 지난 한 해 동안 GenAI 과정에 400만 명 이상 등록
  • IT 인증 준비 과정에 1100만 명 등록, 그 중 250만 명은 AWS 인증 과정
  • 2022년 12월 이후 ChatGPT 관련 과정에 330만 명 등록

이 새로운 과정은 GenAI와 AI/ML 개념을 다루며, 학습자가 AI 애플리케이션 기회를 식별하고 AI 도구를 책임감 있게 사용하는 방법을 가르칩니다.

Udemy a lancé un nouveau cours, 'Ultimate AWS Certified AI Practitioner AIF-C01', créé par l'instructeur Stephane Maarek. Ce cours vise à préparer les professionnels à la nouvelle certification AWS Certified AI Practitioner, en se concentrant sur l'IA générative (GenAI), l'IA et les concepts d'apprentissage automatique (ML). Le lancement intervient alors que la demande de contenu GenAI sur la plateforme Udemy explose, avec un augmentation de 21 % de la consommation des cours GenAI reportée au premier trimestre 2024.

Les points clés incluent:

  • Plus de 4 millions d'inscriptions à des cours GenAI l'année dernière
  • 11 millions d'inscriptions à des cours de préparation à des certifications IT, dont 2,5 millions pour les certifications AWS
  • 3,3 millions d'inscriptions à des cours liés à ChatGPT depuis décembre 2022

Le nouveau cours couvre des concepts de GenAI et d'AI/ML, enseignant aux apprenants à identifier les opportunités d'application de l'IA et à utiliser les outils d'IA de manière responsable.

Udemy hat einen neuen Kurs gestartet, 'Ultimate AWS Certified AI Practitioner AIF-C01', der von dem Dozenten Stephane Maarek erstellt wurde. Ziel dieses Kurses ist es, Fachleute auf die neue AWS Certified AI Practitioner-Prüfung vorzubereiten, wobei der Fokus auf generativer KI (GenAI), KI und Konzepten des maschinellen Lernens (ML) liegt. Der Start erfolgt, da die Nachfrage nach GenAI-Inhalten auf der Udemy-Plattform steigt, mit einem 21%igen Anstieg des GenAI-Kursverbrauchs, der im 1. Quartal 2024 berichtet wurde.

Die wichtigsten Highlights umfassen:

  • Über 4 Millionen Anmeldungen für GenAI-Kurse im letzten Jahr
  • 11 Millionen Anmeldungen für IT-Zertifizierungsvorbereitungskurse, davon 2,5 Millionen für AWS-Zertifikate
  • 3,3 Millionen Anmeldungen für ChatGPT-bezogene Kurse seit Dezember 2022

Der neue Kurs behandelt GenAI und AI/ML-Konzepte und lehrt die Lernenden, Möglichkeiten zur Anwendung von KI zu identifizieren und KI-Tools verantwortungsbewusst zu nutzen.

  • Launch of new course 'Ultimate AWS Certified AI Practitioner AIF-C01' to meet growing demand for GenAI skills
  • 21% increase in GenAI course consumption in Q1 2024
  • 4 million enrollments in GenAI courses in the past year
  • 11 million enrollments in IT certification preparation courses, with 2.5 million for AWS certifications
  • 3.3 million enrollments in ChatGPT-related courses since December 2022
  • None.

As a technology expert with a focus on cloud computing, I find Udemy's latest course offering highly relevant in today's rapidly evolving tech landscape. The launch of the "Ultimate AWS Certified AI Practitioner AIF-C01" course is a strategic move that addresses the growing demand for AI and machine learning skills, particularly in the context of Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Key points to consider:

  • The course's timing aligns with the upcoming AWS Certified AI Practitioner exam, giving Udemy a competitive edge in the e-learning market.
  • The 21% increase in GenAI course consumption reported in Udemy's Q1 2024 Global Workplace Learning Index underscores the significant market demand for these skills.
  • With 4 million enrollments in GenAI courses over the past year and 8 new enrollments every minute, there's clear evidence of sustained interest in AI-related learning.
  • The 11 million enrollments in IT certification preparation courses, with 2.5 million specifically for AWS certifications, highlight the importance of cloud computing skills in the current job market.

From an investor's perspective, Udemy's ability to quickly respond to market demands through its marketplace model is a significant advantage. This agility allows the platform to stay relevant and potentially increase its market share in the competitive e-learning industry. However, it's important to note that while the demand for AI and cloud computing skills is high, the e-learning market is also highly competitive, with other platforms likely to offer similar courses.

Overall, this news suggests a positive trend for Udemy's growth potential, particularly in the tech education sector. Investors should monitor how this translates into revenue growth and user acquisition in the coming quarters.

As an AI and machine learning specialist, I'm particularly intrigued by the content of Stephane Maarek's new course on AWS AI certification. The course's focus on generative AI, broader AI/ML concepts and their practical applications in AWS environments is timely and crucial.

Several aspects stand out:

  • The course covers identifying opportunities for AI applications, which is essential for businesses looking to leverage AI effectively.
  • It includes guidance on the responsible use of AI tools, addressing an increasingly important ethical dimension in AI deployment.
  • The integration of GenAI concepts with AWS certification preparation demonstrates the convergence of cutting-edge AI technologies with cloud computing platforms.

The statistics provided are telling:

  • ChatGPT-related courses on Udemy have garnered over 3.3 million learner enrollments since December 2022, indicating a massive interest in practical applications of large language models.
  • The continuous updates to courses based on new information about AWS certification exams ensure that the content remains relevant and valuable.

From an industry perspective, this course represents a bridge between theoretical AI knowledge and practical, certifiable skills that are in high demand. The ability to rapidly develop and deploy such courses positions Udemy favorably in the fast-moving AI education market.

For investors, this development signals Udemy's commitment to staying at the forefront of tech education. The company's ability to leverage expert instructors like Maarek, who brings nine AWS certifications and industry experience, adds credibility and value to their offering. This could potentially lead to increased user engagement and revenue growth, especially if the demand for AI skills continues to rise as expected.

However, it's important to monitor how Udemy maintains quality and relevance across its vast course catalog, especially in rapidly evolving fields like AI and cloud computing. The platform's success will depend on its ability to consistently deliver up-to-date, high-quality content that meets the changing needs of learners and employers alike.

Leading instructor Stephane Maarek launched a new course ahead of the AWS Certified AI Practitioner Exam to prepare professionals with cutting-edge Cloud and AI skills

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Udemy (Nasdaq: UDMY), a leading online skills marketplace and learning platform, today announced the launch of a new course, “Ultimate AWS Certified AI Practitioner AIF-C01” created by celebrated Udemy instructor, Stephane Maarek. As demand for generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) content continues to surge across the Udemy platform, this new course provides learners with the most up-to-date knowledge of GenAI, AI, and machine learning (ML) concepts to prepare for the new AWS Certified AI Practitioner exam, solidifying the speed-to-market advantage Udemy has through its marketplace model.

“I’m grateful that Udemy allows me to identify emerging trends within my subject areas, enabling me to create new courses ahead of the market for more than 2.6 million learners enrolled in my courses,” said Maarek. “The advanced tools provided by Udemy also allow me to continuously update my courses as new information is available on AWS certification exams, ensuring that learners are always up-to-speed with what they need to successfully complete their certification exams and stay competitive in their careers.”

GenAI continues to reshape the global skills landscape, with professionals dedicated to mastering new AI trends and showcasing their proficiency to employers. Udemy’s Q1 2024 Global Workplace Learning Index reported a 21% increase in GenAI course consumption, reflecting the workplace's continued pursuit of innovative AI models.

  • In the past year alone, GenAI courses on the Udemy platform attracted more than four million enrollments, with eight new enrollments occurring every minute.
  • IT certification preparation courses have also seen incredibly strong demand with 11 million learner enrollments over the past 12 months, out of which 2.5 million are specifically for AWS certifications.
  • Since December 2022, ChatGPT-related courses on Udemy have garnered more than 3.3 million learner enrollments.

"We are seeing firsthand how GenAI and AWS skills are rapidly transforming industries through the huge demand for these competencies from professionals across various fields," said Scott Rogers, Senior Vice President of Instructor and Content Strategy at Udemy. “We provide timely, high-quality resources that empower individuals to learn about the latest technologies to help them acquire industry-leading certifications. By offering courses that keep pace with the latest advancements and certification requirements, we are helping to bridge the skills gap in this critical area.”

Designed for professionals from a variety of backgrounds, Maarek’s new course covers GenAI and broader AI/ML concepts. It teaches learners how to identify opportunities for AI applications and provides guidance on the responsible use of AI tools. The course is available to individuals on the Udemy marketplace as well as enterprise customers through Udemy Business. Maarek also designed practice exams for the AWS Certified AI Practitioner (AIF-C01) certification, which learners can register for starting August 13.

Maarek is a serial founder, former CEO of DataCumulus, solutions architect, consultant, and software developer specializing in Big Data, Cloud, and APIs. He is a recognized expert having secured nine AWS certifications, including AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional and AWS Certified DevOps Professional. He also actively contributes to the Apache Kafka community.

To adopt key skills for becoming an AWS Certified AI Practitioner, visit

About Udemy

Udemy (Nasdaq: UDMY) transforms lives through learning by ensuring everyone has access to the latest and most relevant skills. Through the Udemy Intelligent Skills Platform and a global community of diverse and knowledgeable instructors, millions of learners gain expertise in a wide range of technical and professional skills — from generative AI to leadership. The Udemy marketplace provides learners with thousands of up-to-date courses in dozens of languages, offering a variety of solutions to achieve their goals. Udemy Business empowers enterprises to offer on-demand learning for all employees, immersive learning for tech teams through Udemy Business Pro, and cohort learning for leaders through Udemy Business Leadership Academy. Udemy Business customers include Fender, Glassdoor, On24, The World Bank and Volkswagen. Udemy is headquartered in San Francisco with hubs in Austin and Denver, USA; Ankara and Istanbul, Türkiye; Dublin, Ireland; Melbourne, Australia; and Chennai, Gurugram and Mumbai, India.

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What new course has Udemy (UDMY) launched for AWS certification?

Udemy has launched 'Ultimate AWS Certified AI Practitioner AIF-C01', a new course created by instructor Stephane Maarek to prepare professionals for the AWS Certified AI Practitioner exam.

How has the demand for GenAI content changed on Udemy's platform?

Udemy reported a 21% increase in GenAI course consumption in Q1 2024, with over 4 million enrollments in GenAI courses in the past year.

How many enrollments have Udemy's IT certification preparation courses received?

Udemy's IT certification preparation courses have received 11 million learner enrollments over the past 12 months, with 2.5 million specifically for AWS certifications.

When will the AWS Certified AI Practitioner (AIF-C01) certification exam be available?

Learners can register for the AWS Certified AI Practitioner (AIF-C01) certification exam starting August 13.

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