Financial Advisor James Kosan joins UBS in the Inland Empire

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UBS Wealth Management has announced that James (Jim) Kosan has joined the firm's Riverside, California office. As a financial advisor, Jim specializes in comprehensive wealth management solutions for affluent families, focusing on Family Office services and life transitions. His expertise includes managing complex family strategies, business succession planning, inheritance planning, trust review and design, and tax minimization strategies.

Prior to joining UBS, Jim worked at Morgan Stanley since 2012 and spent six years with Merrill Lynch before that. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, along with Series 7 and 66 securities licenses and a Senior Portfolio Manager designation.

Pat Lizza, Market Director for the Inland Empire offices of UBS, expressed enthusiasm about Jim's addition to the team, highlighting his strong knowledge of key asset classes and expertise in retirement planning and investment decision-making.

UBS Wealth Management ha annunciato che James (Jim) Kosan è entrato a far parte dell'ufficio di Riverside, California della società. In qualità di consulente finanziario, Jim si specializza in soluzioni complete di gestione patrimoniale per famiglie benestanti, concentrandosi sui servizi di Family Office e sulle transizioni di vita. La sua esperienza include la gestione di strategie familiari complesse, la pianificazione della successione aziendale, la pianificazione dell'eredità, la revisione e progettazione dei trust, e strategie di minimizzazione fiscale.

Prima di unirsi a UBS, Jim ha lavorato presso Morgan Stanley dal 2012 e ha trascorso sei anni con Merrill Lynch prima di allora. Ha conseguito una laurea in Scienze Economiche presso la California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, insieme a licenze di sicurezza Serie 7 e 66 e una certificazione come Senior Portfolio Manager.

Pat Lizza, Direttore di Mercato per gli uffici dell'Inland Empire di UBS, ha espresso entusiasmo per l'aggiunta di Jim al team, evidenziando la sua profonda conoscenza delle principali classi di attivi e la sua esperienza nella pianificazione della pensione e nel processo decisionale sugli investimenti.

UBS Wealth Management ha anunciado que James (Jim) Kosan se ha unido a la oficina de Riverside, California de la firma. Como asesor financiero, Jim se especializa en soluciones integrales de gestión patrimonial para familias adineradas, centrándose en los servicios de Family Office y transiciones de vida. Su experiencia incluye la gestión de estrategias familiares complejas, planificación de sucesiones empresariales, planificación de herencias, revisión y diseño de fideicomisos, y estrategias de minimización fiscal.

Antes de unirse a UBS, Jim trabajó en Morgan Stanley desde 2012 y pasó seis años en Merrill Lynch antes de eso. Tiene una licenciatura en Ciencias Empresariales de la California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, junto con licencias de valores de la Serie 7 y 66 y una designación como Gerente de Portafolio Senior.

Pat Lizza, Director de Mercado para las oficinas del Inland Empire de UBS, expresó su entusiasmo por la adición de Jim al equipo, destacando su sólida conocimiento de las principales clases de activos y su experiencia en planificación de jubilación y toma de decisiones de inversión.

UBS 자산 관리가 제임스 (짐) 코산캘리포니아 리버사이드 사무소에 합류했다고 발표했습니다. 금융 상담사로서 짐은 부유한 가정을 위한 종합 자산 관리 솔루션을 전문으로 하며, 패밀리 오피스 서비스와 인생 전환에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 그의 전문 분야는 복잡한 가족 전략 관리, 사업 승계 계획, 상속 계획, 신탁 검토 및 설계, 세금 최소화 전략 등을 포함합니다.

UBS에 합류하기 전에 짐은 2012년부터 모건 스탠리에서 근무했으며, 그 이전에는 메리린치에서 6년을 보냈습니다. 그는 캘리포니아 주립 폴리테크닉 대학교 포모나에서 경영학 학사 학위를 받았으며, 시리즈 7 및 66 증권 라이센스와 선임 포트폴리오 관리자 자격증을 보유하고 있습니다.

UBS 인랜드 제국 사무소의 시장 이사인 팻 리자는 짐의 팀 합류에 대한 열정을 표명하면서 그의 주요 자산 클래스에 대한 깊은 지식과 은퇴 계획 및 투자 결정에서의 전문성을 강조했습니다.

UBS Wealth Management a annoncé que James (Jim) Kosan a rejoint le bureau de Riverside, Californie de la société. En tant que conseiller financier, Jim se spécialise dans des solutions complètes de gestion de patrimoine pour les familles aisées, en mettant l'accent sur les services de Family Office et les transitions de la vie. Son expertise inclut la gestion de stratégies familiales complexes, la planification de la succession d'entreprise, la planification successorale, la révision et la conception de trusts, ainsi que des stratégies de minimisation fiscale.

Avant de rejoindre UBS, Jim a travaillé chez Morgan Stanley depuis 2012 et a passé six ans chez Merrill Lynch avant cela. Il détient un diplôme de Bachelor of Science en gestion d'entreprise de la California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, ainsi que des licences de valeurs mobilières série 7 et 66 et une désignation de Senior Portfolio Manager.

Pat Lizza, directeur de marché pour les bureaux de l'Inland Empire d'UBS, a exprimé son enthousiasme concernant l'ajout de Jim à l'équipe, soulignant sa solide connaissance des principales classes d'actifs et son expertise en matière de planification de la retraite et de prise de décisions d'investissement.

UBS Wealth Management hat bekannt gegeben, dass James (Jim) Kosan dem Büro in Riverside, Kalifornien des Unternehmens beigetreten ist. Als Finanzberater spezialisiert sich Jim auf umfassende Lösungen im Vermögensmanagement für wohlhabende Familien, wobei er sich auf Family-Office-Dienste und Lebensübergänge konzentriert. Sein Fachwissen umfasst die Verwaltung komplexer Familienstrategien, die Planung der Unternehmensnachfolge, die Nachlassplanung, die Überprüfung und Gestaltung von Trusts sowie Strategien zur Steueroptimierung.

Vor seinem Eintritt bei UBS arbeitete Jim seit 2012 bei Morgan Stanley und war zuvor sechs Jahre bei Merrill Lynch tätig. Er hat einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Betriebswirtschaft von der California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, und besitzt Lizenzen für Wertpapiere der Serien 7 und 66 sowie eine Qualifikation als Senior Portfolio Manager.

Pat Lizza, Marktleiter für die Büros im Inland Empire von UBS, äußerte sich begeistert über Jims Hinzukommen im Team und hob sein fundiertes Wissen über wesentliche Anlageklassen und seine Expertise in der Altersvorsorgeplanung und Investitionsentscheidungsfindung hervor.

  • Acquisition of experienced financial advisor James Kosan
  • Expansion of UBS Wealth Management team in Riverside, California
  • Addition of expertise in Family Office services and life transitions
  • None.

RIVERSIDE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- UBS Wealth Management today announced that James (Jim) Kosan has joined the firm in its Riverside, California office. As an advisor delivering comprehensive wealth management solutions, Jim’s primary focus is working with affluent families, providing Family Office services and specializing in life transitions.

Jim manages complex family strategies, business succession strategies, inheritance planning, trust review and design, and tax minimization strategies, working with clients and other professionals to design custom portfolios that help meet clients’ retirement planning and personal financial goals. Prior to joining UBS, he worked as a financial advisor with Morgan Stanley since 2012 and prior to that, he spent six years with Merrill Lynch.

“It is my pleasure to welcome Jim to our Riverside office,” says Pat Lizza, Market Director for the Inland Empire offices of UBS. “As a senior portfolio manager and financial advisor, Jim has a strong knowledge of key asset classes and great depth in retirement planning and investment decision-making. He will be a great addition to our team and to helping our clients.”

Jim earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. He holds his Series 7 and 66 securities licenses and has earned a Senior Portfolio Manager designation. An advocate for community participation, Jim has served with several community groups that focus on youth development. He and his wife, Lori, have been married for 37 years and are the proud parents of three very productive boys. Outside the office, Jim enjoys restoring classic cars and high-adventure, outdoor activities.

Notes to Editors: photos upon request

About UBS

UBS is a leading and truly global wealth manager and the leading universal bank in Switzerland. It also provides diversified asset management solutions and focused investment banking capabilities. With the acquisition of Credit Suisse, UBS manages 5.7 trillion dollars of invested assets as per fourth quarter 2023. UBS helps clients achieve their financial goals through personalized advice, solutions and products. Headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, the firm is operating in more than 50 markets around the globe. UBS Group shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

© UBS 2024. All rights reserved. The key symbol and UBS are among the registered and unregistered trademarks of UBS. For press use only.

Media Contact:

Beth Walsh


Source: UBS


Who is James Kosan and why did he join UBS?

James Kosan is an experienced financial advisor who recently joined UBS Wealth Management in Riverside, California. He specializes in comprehensive wealth management solutions for affluent families, focusing on Family Office services and life transitions.

What are James Kosan's qualifications and experience before joining UBS?

James Kosan holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. He has Series 7 and 66 securities licenses and a Senior Portfolio Manager designation. Prior to UBS, he worked at Morgan Stanley since 2012 and spent six years with Merrill Lynch.

What services does James Kosan offer at UBS Wealth Management?

At UBS, James Kosan offers comprehensive wealth management solutions, including complex family strategies, business succession planning, inheritance planning, trust review and design, tax minimization strategies, and custom portfolio design for retirement planning and personal financial goals.

How does UBS view James Kosan's addition to their team?

UBS views James Kosan's addition positively. Pat Lizza, Market Director for the Inland Empire offices of UBS, stated that Kosan's strong knowledge of key asset classes and expertise in retirement planning and investment decision-making will be a great addition to their team and in helping their clients.

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