AgEagle Aerial Systems eBee VISION Selected to Participate in REPMUS 2024 Exercise Co-Hosted by NATO

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AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. (NYSE: UAVS) has been selected to participate in the REPMUS 2024 Exercise co-hosted by NATO in Troia, Portugal from September 9-27, 2024. REPMUS, led by the Portuguese Navy, focuses on maritime unmanned system capability development. The exercise aims to conduct large-scale operational experimentation, integrating the latest commercial off-the-shelf systems for trials.

AgEagle's CEO, Bill Irby, highlighted the rigorous selection process and the importance of this opportunity for increased visibility among NATO decision-makers. The company's eBee VISION demonstrated enhanced integration with COTS systems and validated its ability to perform in sustained combat conditions. AgEagle conducted 19 flights over 14 days, connecting with a mesh network and two programs of record: ATAK and NATO COP software.

This selection was achieved in collaboration with AgEagle's UK partner, Brigantes Consulting The company aims to expand its global footprint in both government and commercial verticals, positioning itself for long-term shareholder value.

AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. (NYSE: UAVS) è stata selezionata per partecipare all'esercitazione REPMUS 2024 co-organizzata dalla NATO a Troia, in Portogallo, dal 9 al 27 settembre 2024. REPMUS, guidata dalla Marina Portoghese, si concentra sullo sviluppo delle capacità dei sistemi marittimi senza pilota. L'esercitazione mira a condurre esperimenti operativi su larga scala, integrando i più recenti sistemi commerciali pronti all'uso per prove.

Il CEO di AgEagle, Bill Irby, ha sottolineato il rigoroso processo di selezione e l'importanza di questa opportunità per aumentare la visibilità tra i decisori NATO. L'eBee VISION dell'azienda ha dimostrato un'integrazione migliorata con i sistemi COTS e ha convalidato la sua capacità di operare in condizioni di combattimento sostenuto. AgEagle ha condotto 19 voli in 14 giorni, collegandosi a una rete mesh e a due programmi di registrazione: il software ATAK e NATO COP.

Questa selezione è stata ottenuta in collaborazione con il partner britannico di AgEagle, Brigantes Consulting. L'azienda mira ad espandere la propria presenza globale sia nel settore pubblico che in quello commerciale, posizionandosi per un valore azionario a lungo termine.

AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. (NYSE: UAVS) ha sido seleccionada para participar en el Ejercicio REPMUS 2024 coorganizado por la OTAN en Troia, Portugal, del 9 al 27 de septiembre de 2024. REPMUS, liderado por la Marina Portuguesa, se centra en el desarrollo de capacidades de sistemas marítimos no tripulados. El ejercicio tiene como objetivo realizar experimentos operativos a gran escala, integrando los últimos sistemas comerciales disponibles para pruebas.

El CEO de AgEagle, Bill Irby, destacó el riguroso proceso de selección y la importancia de esta oportunidad para aumentar la visibilidad entre los tomadores de decisiones de la OTAN. El eBee VISION de la compañía demostró una integración mejorada con los sistemas COTS y validó su capacidad para operar en condiciones de combate sostenidas. AgEagle realizó 19 vuelos en 14 días, conectándose a una red de malla y a dos programas registrados: el software ATAK y NATO COP.

Esta selección se logró en colaboración con el socio británico de AgEagle, Brigantes Consulting. La compañía tiene como objetivo expandir su presencia global tanto en los sectores gubernamentales como comerciales, posicionándose para un valor a largo plazo para los accionistas.

AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. (NYSE: UAVS)는 2024년 9월 9일부터 27일까지 포르투갈 트로이에서 NATO와 공동 주최하는 REPMUS 2024 훈련에 참여하도록 선택되었습니다. 포르투갈 해 Navy에 의해 주도되는 REPMUS는 해양 무인 시스템 능력 개발에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 이 훈련은 최신 상용 시스템을 통합하여 대규모 운영 실험을 실시하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

AgEagle의 CEO인 Bill Irby는 엄격한 선정 과정과 NATO 결정권자들 사이에서의 가시성을 높일 수 있는 이 기회의 중요성을 강조했습니다. 회사의 eBee VISION은 COTS 시스템과의 통합을 향상시켰으며, 지속적인 전투 조건에서의 성능을 검증했습니다. AgEagle은 14일 동안 19회의 비행을 수행하며 메쉬 네트워크로 연결되었고, ATAK 및 NATO COP 소프트웨어라는 두 가지 기록 프로그램과 연결되었습니다.

이번 선발은 AgEagle의 영국 파트너인 Brigantes Consulting과 협력하여 이루어졌습니다. 회사는 정부 및 상업 부문 모두에서 글로벌 입지를 확장하고 장기적인 주주 가치를 위한 포지셔닝을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. (NYSE: UAVS) a été sélectionnée pour participer à l'Exercice REPMUS 2024, co-organisé par l'OTAN à Troia, au Portugal, du 9 au 27 septembre 2024. REPMUS, dirigé par la Marine portugaise, se concentre sur le développement des capacités des systèmes maritimes sans pilote. L'exercice vise à réaliser des expérimentations opérationnelles à grande échelle, intégrant les derniers systèmes commerciaux disponibles pour les essais.

Le PDG d'AgEagle, Bill Irby, a souligné le processus de sélection rigoureux et l'importance de cette opportunité pour accroître la visibilité auprès des décideurs de l'OTAN. Le eBee VISION de l'entreprise a démontré une meilleure intégration avec les systèmes COTS et a validé sa capacité à opérer dans des conditions de combat soutenues. AgEagle a effectué 19 vols sur 14 jours, se connectant à un réseau maillé et à deux programmes en cours : le logiciel ATAK et NATO COP.

Cette sélection a été obtenue en collaboration avec le partenaire britannique d'AgEagle, Brigantes Consulting. L'entreprise vise à étendre son empreinte mondiale tant dans les secteurs gouvernementaux que commerciaux, se positionnant pour une valeur actionnariale à long terme.

AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. (NYSE: UAVS) wurde ausgewählt, am REPMUS 2024 Übung teilzunehmen, die von der NATO in Troia, Portugal, vom 9. bis 27. September 2024 co-gehostet wird. REPMUS, geleitet von der portugiesischen Marine, konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten unbemannter maritimer Systeme. Die Übung zielt darauf ab, groß angelegte betriebliche Experimente durchzuführen und die neuesten handelsüblichen Systeme für Tests zu integrieren.

Der CEO von AgEagle, Bill Irby, hob den rigorosen Auswahlprozess und die Bedeutung dieser Gelegenheit für erhöhte Sichtbarkeit bei NATO-Entscheidungsträgern hervor. Das eBee VISION des Unternehmens zeigte eine verbesserte Integration mit COTS-Systemen und bestätigte seine Fähigkeit, unter anhaltenden Kampfbedingungen zu operieren. AgEagle führte 19 Flüge über 14 Tage durch und stellte eine Verbindung zu einem Mesh-Netzwerk und zwei aufgezeichneten Programmen her: dem ATAK- und dem NATO-COP-Software.

Diese Auswahl wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit dem britischen Partner von AgEagle, Brigantes Consulting, erreicht. Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, seine globale Präsenz sowohl im Regierungs- als auch im kommerziellen Sektor auszubauen und sich so langfristig für einen Wert für die Aktionäre zu positionieren.

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Annual event featured UAS industry leaders determined through rigorous selection process

WICHITA, Kan., Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. (NYSE: UAVS) a leading provider of best-in-class unmanned aerial systems (UAS), sensors and software solutions for customers worldwide in the commercial and government verticals, announces the Company was selected to participate in the REPMUS 2024 Exercise co-hosted by NATO. Exercises and demonstrations took place September 9 -27, 2024 in Troia, Portugal.

REPMUS (Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping augmented by Maritime Unmanned Systems) is an annual Portuguese Navy (PN)-led, NATO co-hosted exercise, focusing on maritime unmanned system (MUS) capability development. The objective of REPMUS 2024 is to conduct large-scale operational experimentation. The exercise facilitated the engagement of operational communities with the industry and academia, integrating the latest commercial off-the-shelf systems for trials. It also focused on validating experimental tactics, upgraded vehicles, software updates, integrated payloads, and command and control on Maritime Unmanned Systems (MUS) to address key operational issues. The last REPMUS exercise, which took place in September 2023, was attended by more than 25 Navies, 8 NATO entities and more than 30 companies and universities dedicated to research and development in this area.

Bill Irby, AgEagle CEO, commented, “The REPMUS selection process was rigorous, requiring extensive documentation to ensure we met all NATO criteria for medium-range capabilities. To be included among the industry leaders selected for this event is an honor that we believe will greatly benefit the Company with increased visibility among NATO decision-makers and international stakeholders. The exercise demonstrated enhanced integration with the latest COTS systems and real-world testing of Experimental Tactics (EXTACs). Establishing the interoperability of our eBee VISION was crucial due to the presence of armies from various countries with different protocols. We achieved a variety of milestones, most notably the validation of the VISION’s ability to perform in sustained combat conditions. We look forward to continuing to expand the global footprint of our products, leveraging both government and commercial verticals, as we position the Company for long-term shareholder value.”

Through multiple flight serials over the course of a 14-day period the Company conducted 19 flights while connecting with a mesh network and 2 programs of record ATAK and the NATO COP software. ATAK is a situational awareness tool meant to enable the tactical warfighter, COP is a Common Operation Picture displaying the status from multiple warfighting functions to aid commanders in decision making and synchronize information from multiple domains across time and space.

This selection was achieved in collaboration with the Company’s partner in the UK, Brigantes Consulting Ltd.

About AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc.

Through its three centers of excellence, AgEagle is actively engaged in designing and delivering best-in-class flight hardware, sensors and software that solve important problems for its customers. Founded in 2010, AgEagle was originally formed to pioneer proprietary, professional-grade, fixed-winged drones and aerial imagery-based data collection and analytics solutions for the agriculture industry. Today, AgEagle is a leading provider of full stack UAS, sensors and software solutions for customers worldwide in the energy, construction, agriculture, and government verticals. For additional information, please visit our website at

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release may constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are made on the basis of the current beliefs, expectations and assumptions of the management of AgEagle and are subject to significant risks and uncertainty. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements. All such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and AgEagle undertakes no obligation to update or revise these statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Although AgEagle believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, these statements involve many risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from what may be expressed or implied in these forward-looking statements. For a further discussion of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from those expressed in these forward-looking statements, as well as risks relating to the business of AgEagle in general, see the risk disclosures in the Annual Report on Form 10-K of AgEagle for the year ended December 31, 2023, and in subsequent reports on Forms 10-Q and 8-K and other filings made with the SEC by AgEagle.

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Investor Relations:


What event was AgEagle Aerial Systems (UAVS) selected to participate in for 2024?

AgEagle Aerial Systems (UAVS) was selected to participate in the REPMUS 2024 Exercise co-hosted by NATO, taking place from September 9-27, 2024 in Troia, Portugal.

How many flights did AgEagle conduct during the REPMUS 2024 Exercise?

AgEagle conducted 19 flights over a 14-day period during the REPMUS 2024 Exercise.

What software programs did AgEagle's eBee VISION connect with during the exercise?

AgEagle's eBee VISION connected with a mesh network and two programs of record: ATAK (a situational awareness tool) and NATO COP (Common Operation Picture) software.

Who is AgEagle's partner in the UK that collaborated on the REPMUS 2024 selection?

AgEagle collaborated with Brigantes Consulting , their partner in the UK, to achieve selection for the REPMUS 2024 Exercise.

What was a key capability of AgEagle's eBee VISION validated during the REPMUS 2024 Exercise?

The REPMUS 2024 Exercise validated the eBee VISION's ability to perform in sustained combat conditions.

AgEagle Aerial Systems, Inc.


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