Titan to launch VPO™ Technology at Equip Expo 2024

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Titan International Inc. (NYSE: TWI) and its recently acquired Carlstar Group are launching their Variable Pressure Operation (VPO™) Technology at Equip Exposition 2024 in Louisville, Kentucky. VPO offers a flat-proof alternative to tweel wheels, allowing machinery to operate at various inflation pressures, even down to zero psi.

Key features of VPO Technology include:

  • Shock-absorbing properties for enhanced operator comfort
  • Flat-proof design for increased durability
  • Closed sidewall to prevent debris-related issues
  • Exceptional reliability, with tires running hundreds of miles at zero pressure
  • Versatility for various applications without tire changes

The technology is paired with the new Invictus tread pattern, offering balanced traction, self-cleaning capabilities, and improved heat dissipation. Originally developed for military use, VPO Technology has been adapted for consumer applications after extensive testing with Polaris.

Titan International Inc. (NYSE: TWI) e il suo recentemente acquisito Carlstar Group stanno lanciando la loro tecnologia Variable Pressure Operation (VPO™) all'Equip Exposition 2024 a Louisville, Kentucky. VPO offre un alternativa anti-foratura ai cerchi tweel, consentendo ai macchinari di operare a diverse pressioni di inflazione, persino fino a zero psi.

Le caratteristiche principali della tecnologia VPO includono:

  • Proprietà ammortizzanti per un maggiore comfort dell'operatore
  • Design anti-foratura per una maggiore durata
  • Fianco chiuso per prevenire problemi legati ai detriti
  • Affidabilità eccezionale, con pneumatici che percorrono centinaia di miglia a pressione zero
  • Versatilità per varie applicazioni senza cambi di pneumatici

La tecnologia è abbinata al nuovo motivo di battistrada Invictus, che offre trazione equilibrata, capacità di auto-pulizia e migliorata dissipazione del calore. Sviluppata inizialmente per uso militare, la tecnologia VPO è stata adattata per applicazioni commerciali dopo estesi test con Polaris.

Titan International Inc. (NYSE: TWI) y su recientemente adquirida Carlstar Group están lanzando su Tecnología de Operación de Presión Variable (VPO™) en la Equip Exposition 2024 en Louisville, Kentucky. VPO ofrece una alternativa a prueba de pinchazos a las ruedas tweel, permitiendo que las maquinarias operen a diversas presiones de inflado, incluso hasta cero psi.

Las características clave de la tecnología VPO incluyen:

  • Propiedades de amortiguación para un mayor confort del operador
  • Diseño a prueba de pinchazos para mayor durabilidad
  • Pared lateral cerrada para prevenir problemas relacionados con desechos
  • Confiabilidad excepcional, con llantas que recorren cientos de millas a presión cero
  • Versatilidad para diversas aplicaciones sin cambios de llantas

La tecnología se combina con el nuevo patrón de banda de rodadura Invictus, que ofrece tracción equilibrada, capacidades de autolimpieza y mejor disipación del calor. Originalmente desarrollada para uso militar, la tecnología VPO ha sido adaptada para aplicaciones de consumo tras extensas pruebas con Polaris.

Titan International Inc. (NYSE: TWI)와 최근 인수한 Carlstar Group은 켄터키주 루이빌에서 열리는 Equip Exposition 2024에서 그들의 변동 압력 운영 기술(VPO™)을 출시합니다. VPO는 트윌 휠의 펑크 방지 대안을 제공하여 기계가 다양한 인플레이션 압력에서 작동할 수 있게 하며, 심지어 0 psi까지 가능합니다.

VPO 기술의 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 운전자의 편안함을 위한 충격 흡수 특성
  • 내구성을 증가시키는 펑크 방지 설계
  • 파편 관련 문제를 방지하는 폐쇄 사이드월
  • 0 압력에서 몇 백 마일을 주행할 수 있는 뛰어난 신뢰성
  • 타이어 교체 없이 다양한 애플리케이션에 대한 다재다능함

이 기술은 균형 잡힌 접지력, 자가 청소 기능 및 향상된 열 분산을 제공하는 새로운 인빅투스 타이어 패턴과 결합되어 있습니다. 원래 군사용으로 개발된 VPO 기술은 폴라리스와의 광범위한 테스트 후 소비자 애플리케이션에 맞게 조정되었습니다.

Titan International Inc. (NYSE: TWI) et son nouvellement acquis Carlstar Group lancent leur Technologie d'Opération à Pression Variable (VPO™) lors de l'Equip Exposition 2024 à Louisville, Kentucky. VPO propose une alternative anti-crevaison aux roues tweel, permettant aux machines de fonctionner à différentes pressions d'inflation, même jusqu'à zéro psi.

Les caractéristiques clés de la Technologie VPO incluent :

  • Propriétés d'absorption des chocs pour un confort accru de l'opérateur
  • Conception anti-crevaison pour une durabilité améliorée
  • Flancs fermés pour éviter les problèmes liés aux débris
  • Fiabilité exceptionnelle, avec des pneus parcourant des centaines de miles à pression nulle
  • Polyvalence pour diverses applications sans changement de pneus

La technologie est associée au nouveau motif de bande de roulement Invictus, offrant une traction équilibrée, des capacités d'auto-nettoyage et une meilleure dissipation de la chaleur. Développée à l'origine pour un usage militaire, la technologie VPO a été adaptée aux applications de consommation après des tests approfondis avec Polaris.

Titan International Inc. (NYSE: TWI) und die kürzlich erworbene Carlstar Group bringen ihre Variable Pressure Operation (VPO™) Technologie auf der Equip Exposition 2024 in Louisville, Kentucky, auf den Markt. VPO bietet eine pannenfeste Alternative zu Tweel-Rädern, die es Maschinen ermöglicht, bei verschiedenen Druckeinstellungen zu arbeiten, sogar bis zu null psi.

Wichtige Merkmale der VPO-Technologie umfassen:

  • Stoßdämpfende Eigenschaften für erhöhten Komfort des Bedieners
  • Pannenfestes Design für höhere Haltbarkeit
  • Geschlossene Seitenwand zur Vermeidung von Problemen durch Verunreinigungen
  • Außergewöhnliche Zuverlässigkeit, mit Reifen, die Hunderte von Meilen bei null Druck fahren
  • Vielseitigkeit für verschiedene Anwendungen ohne Reifenwechsel

Die Technologie ist mit dem neuen Invictus-Profil kombiniert, das ausgewogene Traktion, Selbstreinigung und verbesserte Wärmeableitung bietet. Ursprünglich für den militärischen Einsatz entwickelt, wurde die VPO-Technologie nach umfassenden Tests mit Polaris für Verbraucheranwendungen angepasst.

  • Launch of innovative VPO™ Technology as a high-performing alternative to tweel wheels
  • Ability to operate machinery at various inflation pressures, including zero psi
  • Increased durability and reliability, with tires running hundreds of miles at zero pressure
  • Versatility for different applications without the need for tire changes
  • Potential for improved market position in the off-highway wheel and tire sector
  • None.

VPO offers a high-performing, durable alternative to tweel wheels

CHICAGO, Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Titan International Inc. (Titan) and the recently acquired Carlstar Group are proud to announce the launch of its Variable Pressure Operation (VPO™) Technology™ at Equip Exposition, from October 15-18 in Louisville, Kentucky. This innovative flat-proof technology offers a versatile solution as an alternative to tweel wheels, and other airless polyurethane spoke wheel options, by providing the ability to effectively operate machinery at various inflation pressures — even down to zero psi.

"We first developed this technology for military applications. It has since been tested extensively with Polaris and is now adapted for consumer use," said Chris Daum, General Manager of Outdoor Power Equipment at Titan. "We put a lot of thought and passion into the product design with function at the forefront — it's cool, aggressive-looking appearance is a bonus."

Zero psi advantage
The impressive pressure adjustability of VPO Technology allows operators to optimize performance and longevity by adapting the inflation pressure to suit different terrains and applications. With this flat-proof technology an operator can focus on getting work done with less stress about flats and down-time.

Additional features of VPO Technology include:

  • Shock-absorbing properties — which minimize whole-body vibration, enhancing operator comfort and reducing fatigue.
  • Flat-proof design — unlike traditional bias or radial tires, VPO Technology is specifically designed to be flat-proof or zero psi-capable, which significantly increases durability.
  • Closed sidewall — prevents debris from getting stuck between the spokes, eliminating sidewall damage, balance issues, and other handling problems.
  • Exceptional reliability — extensive testing has shown that tires equipped with VPO Technology can run for hundreds of miles at 30 mph with zero pressure.
  • Built for various applications — allowing operation with or without large attachments while using the same set of tires, unlike other tires that must be changed based on application.

When coupled with VPO Technology, the new Invictus tread pattern provides:

  • Balanced traction
  • Self-cleaning capabilities
  • Better wet traction
  • Improved heat dissipation
  • Evenly distributed ground pressure
  • Enhanced traction and self-cleaning due to split lugs.

To learn more about Carlstar and its products that will be on site at Equip Expo, visit the link Here.

About Titan: Titan International, Inc. (NYSE: TWI) is a leading global manufacturer of off-highway wheels, tires, assemblies, and undercarriage products.  Headquartered in West Chicago, Illinois, the company globally produces a broad range of products to meet the specifications of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and aftermarket customers in the agricultural, earthmoving/construction, and consumer markets. For more information, visit


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What is Titan International's new VPO™ Technology announced for Equip Expo 2024?

Titan International's VPO™ (Variable Pressure Operation) Technology is a flat-proof tire technology that allows machinery to operate at various inflation pressures, even down to zero psi. It offers a durable alternative to tweel wheels and other airless polyurethane spoke wheel options.

What are the key features of Titan's VPO™ Technology for TWI stock investors?

Key features include shock-absorbing properties for operator comfort, flat-proof design for increased durability, closed sidewall to prevent debris issues, exceptional reliability with tires running hundreds of miles at zero pressure, and versatility for various applications without tire changes.

When and where is Titan International (TWI) launching its VPO™ Technology in 2024?

Titan International (TWI) is launching its VPO™ Technology at the Equip Exposition, taking place from October 15-18, 2024, in Louisville, Kentucky.

How does the new Invictus tread pattern complement Titan's VPO™ Technology?

The Invictus tread pattern, when coupled with VPO™ Technology, provides balanced traction, self-cleaning capabilities, better wet traction, improved heat dissipation, evenly distributed ground pressure, and enhanced traction due to split lugs.

Titan International, Inc.(Delaware)


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