Tevogen Bio Provides Clarity on CSO Share Sales to Satisfy Tax Obligations, Expects Additional Forecast and Progress Updates in the Coming Days

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Tevogen Bio (Nasdaq: TVGN) has clarified that the recent sale of shares by Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Neal Flomenberg was solely to satisfy tax obligations related to vesting restricted stock units, not a discretionary decision. The company's CFO, Kirti Desai, emphasized that other officers holding over 75% of outstanding shares have already paid taxes on granted shares and have no further obligation for similar sales. None of the company's officers have reduced their holdings since inception.

Tevogen recently released top-line revenue projections for its oncology therapeutic area, forecasting $1 billion in revenue for the launch year of its lead product candidate, with a 5-year cumulative estimate between $10-14 billion. The company plans to release similar forecasts for non-oncology areas soon. CEO Dr. Ryan Saadi highlighted the leadership team's retention of 100% equity as a sign of confidence in the company's potential, noting the significant market activity with over half a billion shares traded last week.

Tevogen Bio (Nasdaq: TVGN) ha chiarito che la recente vendita di azioni da parte del Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Neal Flomenberg è stata effettuata esclusivamente per soddisfare obblighi fiscali legati all'acquisizione di azioni vincolate, e non è stata una decisione discrezionale. Il CFO dell'azienda, Kirti Desai, ha sottolineato che altri dirigenti che detengono oltre il 75% delle azioni in circolazione hanno già pagato le tasse sulle azioni ricevute e non hanno ulteriori obblighi per vendite simili. Nessuno degli ufficiali dell'azienda ha ridotto le proprie partecipazioni dall'inizio.

Tevogen ha recentemente pubblicato previsioni di fatturato per la sua area terapeutica oncologica, prevedendo 1 miliardo di dollari di fatturato per l'anno di lancio del suo principale candidato prodotto, con una stima cumulativa di 5 anni tra 10 e 14 miliardi di dollari. L'azienda prevede di rilasciare previsioni simili per le aree non oncologiche a breve. Il CEO Dr. Ryan Saadi ha messo in evidenza il mantenimento del 100% del capitale da parte del team di leadership come un segno di fiducia nel potenziale dell'azienda, notando la significativa attività di mercato con oltre mezzo miliardo di azioni scambiate la scorsa settimana.

Tevogen Bio (Nasdaq: TVGN) ha aclarado que la reciente venta de acciones por parte del Director Científico Dr. Neal Flomenberg fue únicamente para cumplir con obligaciones fiscales relacionadas con la adquisición de unidades de acciones restringidas, no fue una decisión discrecional. El CFO de la empresa, Kirti Desai, enfatizó que otros funcionarios que poseen más del 75% de las acciones en circulación ya han pagado impuestos sobre las acciones otorgadas y no tienen ninguna obligación adicional para ventas similares. Ninguno de los funcionarios de la empresa ha reducido sus participaciones desde su inicio.

Tevogen recientemente lanzó proyecciones de ingresos para su área terapéutica oncológica, pronosticando 1 mil millones de dólares en ingresos para el año de lanzamiento de su principal candidato a producto, con una estimación acumulada de 5 años entre 10 y 14 mil millones de dólares. La empresa planea realizar pronósticos similares para áreas no oncológicas pronto. El CEO Dr. Ryan Saadi destacó que el equipo de liderazgo mantiene el 100% de su patrimonio como una señal de confianza en el potencial de la empresa, señalando la actividad significativa del mercado con más de medio mil millones de acciones negociadas la semana pasada.

Tevogen Bio (Nasdaq: TVGN)는 최근 최고 과학 책임자인 Dr. Neal Flomenberg의 주식 매각이 제한된 주식 단위의 세금 의무를 충족하기 위한 것일 뿐, 임의의 결정이 아니었다고 밝혔습니다. 회사의 CFO인 Kirti Desai는 75% 이상의 발행 주식을 보유한 다른 임원들이 이미 부여된 주식에 대해 세금을 납부했으며 유사한 매각에 대한 추가 의무가 없다고 강조했습니다. 회사의 임원 중 누구도 설립 이후 자신의 지분을 줄인 적이 없습니다.

Tevogen은 최근 자신의 종양학 치료 분야에 대한 매출 예상치를 발표하며 출시 첫 해에 10억 달러의 수익을 예상하고 있으며, 5년 누적 예상치는 100억에서 140억 달러 사이입니다. 회사는 곧 비종양학 분야에 대한 유사한 예측을 발표할 예정입니다. CEO Dr. Ryan Saadi는 리더십 팀이 회사의 잠재력에 대한 신뢰의 표시로 100%의 자본을 유지하고 있으며, 지난 주에 5억 주가 거래된 점을 언급했습니다.

Tevogen Bio (Nasdaq: TVGN) a clarifié que la récente vente d'actions par le directeur scientifique Dr. Neal Flomenberg a été effectuée uniquement pour répondre à des obligations fiscales liées à l'acquisition d'unités d'actions restreintes, et non pas en raison d'une décision discrétionnaire. Le directeur financier de l'entreprise, Kirti Desai, a souligné que d'autres dirigeants détenant plus de 75% des actions en circulation ont déjà payé des impôts sur les actions accordées et n'ont plus d'obligations pour des ventes similaires. Aucun des dirigeants de l'entreprise n'a réduit ses participations depuis sa création.

Tevogen a récemment publié des prévisions de revenus pour son domaine thérapeutique en oncologie, prévoyant 1 milliard de dollars de revenus pour l'année de lancement de son principal candidat de produit, avec une estimation cumulative sur 5 ans entre 10 et 14 milliards de dollars. L'entreprise prévoit de publier bientôt des prévisions similaires pour les domaines non-oncologiques. Le PDG Dr. Ryan Saadi a souligné que l'équipe de direction conserve 100% de ses parts, ce qui est un signe de confiance dans le potentiel de l'entreprise, notant l'activité significative du marché avec plus de 500 millions d'actions échangées la semaine dernière.

Tevogen Bio (Nasdaq: TVGN) hat klargestellt, dass der kürzliche Verkauf von Aktien durch den Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Neal Flomenberg ausschließlich zur Erfüllung steuerlicher Verpflichtungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Erwerb von eingeschränkten Aktieneinheiten erfolgte und keine discretionary Entscheidung war. Der CFO des Unternehmens, Kirti Desai, betonte, dass andere Führungskräfte, die zusammen mehr als 75% der ausstehenden Aktien halten, bereits Steuern auf die gewährten Aktien gezahlt haben und keine weiteren Verpflichtungen für ähnliche Verkäufe haben. Keiner der Führungskräfte des Unternehmens hat seine Anteile seit der Gründung verringert.

Tevogen hat kürzlich Umsatzprognosen für seinen Bereich der Onkologie-Therapeutika veröffentlicht und prognostiziert 1 Milliarde US-Dollar an Umsatz im Launch-Jahr seines Hauptproduktkandidaten, mit einer 5-jährigen kumulierten Schätzung zwischen 10 und 14 Milliarden US-Dollar. Das Unternehmen plant, bald ähnliche Prognosen für nicht-onkologische Bereiche zu veröffentlichen. CEO Dr. Ryan Saadi hob hervor, dass das Führungsteam 100% des Eigenkapitals behält, was ein Zeichen des Vertrauens in das Potenzial des Unternehmens ist, und erwähnte die signifikante Marktaktivität mit über einer halben Milliarde gehandelten Aktien in der letzten Woche.

  • Projected $1 billion revenue in launch year for lead oncology product
  • Estimated 5-year cumulative revenue of $10-14 billion for oncology therapeutic area
  • Company officers retain 100% of their equity, demonstrating confidence in the company
  • High trading volume with over half a billion shares traded in a week
  • CSO sold shares to meet tax obligations, potentially impacting investor perception


The CSO's share sale to meet tax obligations is a routine event and doesn't signal a lack of confidence in the company. The retention of shares by other key executives, who collectively hold over 75% of outstanding shares, is a strong vote of confidence in Tevogen's future.

The company's revenue projections are ambitious, forecasting $1 billion in the launch year for its lead oncology product and $10-14 billion cumulative over 5 years. These figures suggest significant market potential but also carry execution risks. Investors should closely monitor the upcoming non-oncology revenue forecasts and any progress updates on clinical trials or regulatory milestones.

The high trading volume of over 500 million shares last week indicates strong market interest, but also potential volatility. As a clinical-stage biotech, Tevogen's value is largely based on future potential rather than current earnings, making it a higher-risk investment. Investors should carefully consider their risk tolerance and the company's progress in bringing its T cell therapeutics to market.

Tevogen's focus on off-the-shelf, genetically unmodified T cell therapeutics for infectious diseases and cancers places it in a promising niche within the immunotherapy market. The company's approach could potentially offer advantages in manufacturing scalability and cost-effectiveness compared to personalized cell therapies.

The projected $1 billion revenue for the lead oncology product's launch year is ambitious and suggests a large addressable market. However, achieving this will depend on factors such as efficacy data, regulatory approval, pricing strategy and market adoption. The cumulative 5-year estimate of $10-14 billion implies sustained growth and market penetration.

Investors should look for upcoming clinical trial results, regulatory interactions and partnerships that could validate Tevogen's technology platform. The planned release of revenue forecasts for non-oncology areas will provide a more comprehensive view of the company's potential across multiple therapeutic areas. As with any clinical-stage biotech, the path to commercialization carries significant risks and uncertainties.

WARREN, N.J., Oct. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tevogen Bio (“Tevogen” or “Tevogen Bio Holdings Inc.”) (Nasdaq: TVGN), a clinical-stage specialty immunotherapy biotech developing off-the-shelf, genetically unmodified T cell therapeutics to treat infectious disease and cancers, reported last week that Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) Dr. Neal Flomenberg sold shares. Tevogen's Chief Financial Officer, Kirti Desai, clarified that the sale was made solely to satisfy the payment of tax obligations relating to the vesting of restricted stock units and was not made at the discretion of the CSO.

Other officers, the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, and the Chief Commercial Officer, who hold more than 75% of total outstanding shares in aggregate, have already paid taxes when shares were granted and have no further obligation to make similar share sales. Additionally, none of the company’s officers have decreased their holdings since the company’s inception.

In a related update, Tevogen Bio recently released top-line revenue projections for its oncology therapeutic area, anticipating $1 billion in revenue in the launch year for its lead product candidate, with a cumulative 5-year estimate ranging between $10 billion and $14 billion. The company plans to release similar revenue forecasts for its non-oncology therapeutic areas in the coming days.

"The leadership team’s retention of 100% of their equity reflects our collective confidence in the company’s potential," said Tevogen CEO Dr. Ryan Saadi. "With over half a billion shares traded on the open market last week, I am deeply grateful for the public’s unprecedented support of Tevogen’s innovative business model."

About Tevogen Bio

Tevogen is a clinical-stage specialty immunotherapy company harnessing CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes, to develop off-the-shelf, genetically unmodified T cell therapeutics to treat infectious disease and cancers, aiming to address the significant unmet needs of large patient populations. Tevogen leadership believes that sustainability and commercial success in the current era of healthcare rely on ensuring patient accessibility through advanced science and innovative business models. Tevogen has reported positive safety data from its proof-of-concept clinical trial, and its key intellectual property assets are wholly owned by the company, not subject to any third-party licensing agreements. These assets include three granted patents and numerous pending patents, two of which are related to artificial intelligence.

Tevogen is driven by a team of experienced industry leaders and scientists with drug development and global product launch experience. Tevogen’s leadership believes that accessible personalized therapeutics are the next frontier of medicine, and that disruptive business models are required to sustain medical innovation.

Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including without limitation statements relating to: expectations regarding the healthcare and biopharmaceutical industries; Tevogen’s development of, the potential benefits of, and patient access to its product candidates for the treatment of infectious diseases, cancer and neurological disorders, including TVGN 489 for the treatment of COVID-19 and Long COVID; Tevogen’s ability to develop additional product candidates, including through use of Tevogen’s ExacTcell platform; the anticipated benefits of ExacTcell; expectations regarding Tevogen’s future clinical trials; and Tevogen’s ability to generate revenue in the future. Forward-looking statements can sometimes be identified by words such as “may,” “could,” “would,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “possible,” “potential,” “goal,” “opportunity,” “project,” “believe,” “future,” and similar words and expressions or their opposites. These statements are based on management’s expectations, assumptions, estimates, projections and beliefs as of the date of this press release and are subject to a number of factors that involve known and unknown risks, delays, uncertainties and other factors not under the company’s control that may cause actual results, performance or achievements of the company to be materially different from the results, performance or other expectations expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.

Factors that could cause actual results, performance, or achievements to differ from those expressed or implied by forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: that Tevogen will need to raise additional capital to execute its business plan, which may not be available on acceptable terms or at all; the effect of the recent business combination with Semper Paratus Acquisition Corporation (the “Business Combination”) on Tevogen’s business relationships, operating results, and business generally; the outcome of any legal proceedings that may be instituted against Tevogen; changes in the markets in which Tevogen competes, including with respect to its competitive landscape, technology evolution, or regulatory changes; changes in domestic and global general economic conditions; the risk that Tevogen may not be able to execute its growth strategies or may experience difficulties in managing its growth and expanding operations; the risk that Tevogen may not be able to develop and maintain effective internal controls; costs related to the Business Combination and the failure to realize anticipated benefits of the Business Combination; the failure to achieve Tevogen’s commercialization and development plans and identify and realize additional opportunities, which may be affected by, among other things, competition, the ability of Tevogen to grow and manage growth economically and hire and retain key employees; the risk that Tevogen may fail to keep pace with rapid technological developments to provide new and innovative products and services or make substantial investments in unsuccessful new products and services; the ability to develop, license or acquire new therapeutics; that Tevogen will need to raise additional capital to execute its business plan, which may not be available on acceptable terms or at all; the risk of regulatory lawsuits or proceedings relating to Tevogen’s business; uncertainties inherent in the execution, cost, and completion of preclinical studies and clinical trials; risks related to regulatory review, approval and commercial development; risks associated with intellectual property protection; Tevogen’s limited operating history; and those factors discussed or incorporated by reference in Tevogen’s Annual Report on Form 10-K and subsequent filings with the SEC.

You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made. Tevogen undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable law.


Tevogen Bio Communications
T: 1 877 TEVOGEN, Ext 701


Why did Tevogen Bio's CSO Dr. Neal Flomenberg sell shares?

Dr. Flomenberg sold shares solely to satisfy tax obligations related to the vesting of restricted stock units, not as a discretionary decision.

What are Tevogen Bio's (TVGNW) revenue projections for its oncology therapeutic area?

Tevogen Bio projects $1 billion in revenue for the launch year of its lead oncology product, with a 5-year cumulative estimate between $10-14 billion.

Have any Tevogen Bio officers reduced their holdings since the company's inception?

No, none of Tevogen Bio's officers have decreased their holdings since the company's inception.

What percentage of Tevogen Bio's outstanding shares are held by its top officers?

The CEO, CFO, and CCO collectively hold more than 75% of Tevogen Bio's total outstanding shares.

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Biological Products, (no Disgnostic Substances)
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