Turbo Energy Teams with Connection Holdings to Introduce All-in-One, AI-Optimized SUNBOX Home Energy Storage System to U.S. Market
Turbo Energy (NASDAQ:TURB) has partnered with Connection Holdings to introduce its AI-optimized SUNBOX Home energy storage system to the U.S. market. This marks a significant step in Turbo Energy's global expansion plan. The SUNBOX Home system, already installed in thousands of homes across nine European countries, is undergoing U.S. testing and certification processes.
Key features of SUNBOX Home include:
- Scalable energy storage capacity up to four times greater than leading U.S. competitors
- All-in-one integrated system with inverter, batteries, and AI-optimized software
- Cloud-based mobile app for user control and real-time monitoring
Connection Holdings will lead a multi-month beta test, deploying SUNBOX Home installations in key U.S. markets, followed by a national marketing campaign. The partnership aims to capitalize on the growing demand for solar-plus-storage systems in the U.S., with industry projections indicating 28% of new distributed solar capacity will be paired with storage by 2028.
Turbo Energy (NASDAQ:TURB) ha stipulato una partnership con Connection Holdings per introdurre il suo sistema di stoccaggio energetico SUNBOX Home ottimizzato per l'IA nel mercato statunitense. Questo rappresenta un passo significativo nel piano di espansione globale di Turbo Energy. Il sistema SUNBOX Home, già installato in migliaia di abitazioni in nove paesi europei, sta attualmente subendo processi di test e certificazione negli Stati Uniti.
Le principali caratteristiche di SUNBOX Home includono:
- Capacità di stoccaggio energetico scalabile fino a quattro volte superiore rispetto ai principali competitor statunitensi
- Sistema integrato all-in-one con inverter, batterie e software ottimizzato per l'IA
- App mobile basata su cloud per il controllo degli utenti e il monitoraggio in tempo reale
Connection Holdings condurrà un test beta di diversi mesi, installando SUNBOX Home nei principali mercati statunitensi, seguito da una campagna di marketing nazionale. La partnership mira a sfruttare la crescente domanda di sistemi solari con stoccaggio negli Stati Uniti, con proiezioni di settore che indicano che il 28% della nuova capacità solare distribuita sarà abbinato a sistemi di stoccaggio entro il 2028.
Turbo Energy (NASDAQ:TURB) se ha asociado con Connection Holdings para introducir su sistema de almacenamiento de energía SUNBOX Home optimizado por IA en el mercado estadounidense. Este es un paso significativo en el plan de expansión global de Turbo Energy. El sistema SUNBOX Home, ya instalado en miles de hogares en nueve países europeos, está atravesando procesos de prueba y certificación en EE. UU.
Las características clave de SUNBOX Home incluyen:
- Capacidad de almacenamiento de energía escalable hasta cuatro veces mayor que la de los principales competidores en EE. UU.
- Sistema integrado todo en uno con inversor, baterías y software optimizado por IA
- Aplicación móvil en la nube para control del usuario y monitoreo en tiempo real
Connection Holdings llevará a cabo una prueba beta de varios meses, desplegando instalaciones de SUNBOX Home en mercados clave de EE. UU., seguida de una campaña de marketing nacional. La asociación tiene como objetivo aprovechar la creciente demanda de sistemas solares con almacenamiento en EE. UU., con proyecciones de la industria que indican que el 28% de la nueva capacidad solar distribuida se emparejará con almacenamiento para 2028.
터보 에너지(NASDAQ:TURB)는 커넥션 홀딩스와 협력하여 AI 최적화된 SUNBOX 홈 에너지 저장 시스템을 미국 시장에 도입합니다. 이는 터보 에너지의 글로벌 확장 계획에서 중요한 단계입니다. SUNBOX 홈 시스템은 이미 9개 유럽 국가의 수천 가구에 설치되어 있으며, 현재 미국에서 테스트 및 인증 과정을 진행 중입니다.
SUNBOX 홈의 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:
- 미국의 주요 경쟁사보다 최대 4배 더 많은 확장 가능한 에너지 저장 용량
- 인버터, 배터리 및 AI 최적화 소프트웨어가 통합된 올인원 시스템
- 사용자 제어 및 실시간 모니터링을 위한 클라우드 기반 모바일 앱
커넥션 홀딩스는 주요 미국 시장에서 SUNBOX 홈 설치를 배포하며 여러 달간의 베타 테스트를 주도할 예정이며, 그 뒤에는 전국 마케팅 캠페인이 이어질 것입니다. 이번 파트너십은 미국 내 태양광 저장 시스템에 대한 증가하는 수요를 활용하는 것을 목표로 하며, 업계 전망에 따르면 2028년까지 새로운 배급 태양광 용량의 28%가 저장 시스템과 함께할 것으로 예상됩니다.
Turbo Energy (NASDAQ:TURB) s'est associé à Connection Holdings pour introduire son système de stockage d'énergie SUNBOX Home optimisé par IA sur le marché américain. Cela marque une étape significative dans le plan d'expansion mondiale de Turbo Energy. Le système SUNBOX Home, déjà installé dans des milliers de foyers dans neuf pays européens, est actuellement en cours de tests et de certification aux États-Unis.
Les principales caractéristiques de SUNBOX Home incluent :
- Capacité de stockage d'énergie évolutive jusqu'à quatre fois supérieure à celle des principaux concurrents américains
- Système intégré tout-en-un avec inverseur, batteries et logiciel optimisé par IA
- Application mobile basée sur le cloud pour le contrôle des utilisateurs et la surveillance en temps réel
Connection Holdings dirigera un test bêta de plusieurs mois, déployant des installations de SUNBOX Home sur les principaux marchés américains, suivi d'une campagne de marketing nationale. Le partenariat vise à tirer parti de la demande croissante de systèmes solaires avec stockage aux États-Unis, les projections de l'industrie indiquant que 28 % de la nouvelle capacité solaire distribuée sera associée à du stockage d'ici 2028.
Turbo Energy (NASDAQ:TURB) hat sich mit Connection Holdings zusammengetan, um sein KI-optimiertes SUNBOX Home Energiespeichersystem auf dem US-Markt einzuführen. Dies stellt einen bedeutenden Schritt im globalen Expansionsplan von Turbo Energy dar. Das SUNBOX Home System, das bereits in Tausenden von Haushalten in neun europäischen Ländern installiert ist, befindet sich derzeit im Test- und Zertifizierungsprozess in den USA.
Die wichtigsten Funktionen von SUNBOX Home umfassen:
- Skalierbare Speicherkapazität, die bis zu viermal größer ist als die führenden US-Konkurrenten
- Integriertes All-in-One-System mit Wechselrichter, Batterien und KI-optimierter Software
- Cloud-basierte mobile App für Benutzersteuerung und Echtzeitüberwachung
Connection Holdings wird einen mehrmonatigen Beta-Test leiten und SUNBOX Home-Installationen in wichtigen US-Märkten bereitstellen, gefolgt von einer nationalen Marketingkampagne. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, von der wachsenden Nachfrage nach Solarspeichersystemen in den USA zu profitieren, wobei Branchenschätzungen darauf hinweisen, dass bis 2028 28 % der neuen dezentralen Solarleistung mit Speicher gekoppelt sein werden.
- Partnership with Connection Holdings to introduce SUNBOX Home to the U.S. market
- SUNBOX Home features up to 4x greater energy storage capacity than leading U.S. competitors
- Thousands of SUNBOX Home installations already in nine European countries
- Growing U.S. market demand for solar-plus-storage systems
- Projected increase in solar-plus-storage attachment rates from 12% in 2023 to 28% by 2028
- Ongoing U.S. testing and certification processes for SUNBOX Home
- Multi-month beta test required before full market launch
- Potential challenges in establishing U.S.-based infrastructure to support market demand
The partnership between Turbo Energy and Connection Holdings marks a significant step in expanding SUNBOX Home to the U.S. market. This move is strategically timed, given the growing demand for solar-plus-storage systems in the U.S. residential sector. The SUNBOX Home system's unique selling points include:
- Scalable energy storage capacity up to 4 times greater than competitors
- All-in-one integrated system (inverter, batteries, AI-optimized software)
- Competitive pricing
The projected growth in solar-plus-storage attachment rates from
Turbo Energy's SUNBOX Home system stands out with its AI-driven optimization and comprehensive mobile app integration. Key technological advantages include:
- Patented AI algorithms for energy efficiency optimization
- Cloud-based mobile app offering real-time control and insights
- Advanced features like weather and electricity price forecasts
The system's ability to provide data-driven insights and total user control aligns with the growing trend of smart home technology integration. This could be a significant differentiator in the competitive U.S. market. However, the success of the technology will largely depend on its performance during the beta testing phase and its ability to adapt to varying U.S. regional energy needs and regulations. Investors should pay attention to user feedback and any technological refinements made during the initial rollout.
Marks Pivotal Step Forward in Turbo Energy’s Global Expansion Initiatives
VALENCIA, Spain, Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Turbo Energy, S.A. (NASDAQ:TURB) (“Turbo Energy” or the “Company”), a global provider of leading-edge, AI-optimized solar energy storage technologies and solutions, today announced that the Company has partnered with Florida-based Connection Holdings, LLC (“CH”), the managing entity of brands operating in the performance marketing and lead generation sectors with focus on a broad range of industries, including the U.S. solar energy market.
Pursuant to the strategic advisory agreement entered into on October 18, 2024, CH will employ its organization’s award-winning market penetration capabilities and leverage its extensive nationwide network of leading U.S. solar installation companies to assist Turbo Energy in introducing and winning U.S. market share for the Company’s proprietary, all-in-one, Artificial Intelligence (“AI”)-optimized SUNBOX solar energy storage system designed specifically for residential application (“SUNBOX Home”).
Turbo Energy Partners with Connection Holdings to Introduce SUNBOX Home to U.S. Market
Mariano Soria, the Chief Executive Officer of Turbo Energy, stated, “With virtually thousands of SUNBOX Home installations spanning nine countries throughout Europe, we have been actively engaged over the past several months in progressing through extensive U.S. testing and certification processes to affirm that SUNBOX Home meets and exceeds American public and product safety standards for energy storage systems and equipment. We are very excited to be partnering with Connection Holdings to take the next pivotal step in our global expansion plan, introducing SUNBOX Home to the U.S. market in hopes that we will achieve meaningful market awareness and rapid adoption of what we believe is the industry’s most price-competitive, smart, all-in-one solar energy storage solution on the market today.”
“We are very proud to have been chosen by Turbo Energy to lead the market launch of SUNBOX Home in the U.S.,” noted Edmond Pain, Managing Principal and Co-Founder of CH. “Considering that SUNBOX Home features scalable energy storage capacity that is up to four times greater than other leading residential energy storage systems available in the U.S., coupled with the fact that all components – inverter, batteries and AI-optimized software -- are fully integrated in an innovative, all-in-one, elegantly designed system, we expect that market demand will be strong and immediate and grow exponentially in the coming years as sustainable solar energy storage solutions become a must-have for homeowners nationwide.”
According to the Q3 2024 industry research report released by the Solar Energy Industries Association and Wood Mackenzie, homeowners and businesses are increasingly demanding solar systems that are paired with battery storage. California’s shift in net metering policy and state incentives for solar-plus-storage in other markets have driven attachment rates up in recent quarters. The report further states that by 2028,
SUNBOX Home is a complete intelligent solar energy storage system powered by Turbo Energy’s patented AI algorithms and processes that allow homeowners to fully optimize the energy efficiency of their solar power panel installations. Moreover, the cloud-based Turbo Energy mobile app gives SUNBOX Home users total control over the storage system, including determining best times of day when to use the surplus energy stored, as well as providing complete real-time visibility into battery status, energy production, actual power usage and monthly cost savings. In addition, the app provides data-driven insight into weather and electricity price forecasts, among other vital metrics.
Turbo Energy’s U.S. market launch will be led by a multi-month beta test, whereby Connection Holdings will coordinate the deployment of several SUNBOX Home system installations in residences located in key, high growth markets across the nation. Following the conclusion of the beta test and analysis of collected data and feedback from installers and homeowners, Connection Holdings is tasked with implementing a national marketing campaign designed to ramp sales of SUNBOX Home and help to define and refine, as necessary, the U.S.-based infrastructure needed to support anticipated market demand in the months and years to come.
About Connection Holdings, LLC
Connection Holdings has built and consolidated a portfolio of U.S. companies which are trusted to provide award-winning performance marketing and comprehensive data analytic services to the nation’s leading solar, roofing, home improvement, consumer financial and health insurance companies. Its brands, which have collectively generated nearly
About Turbo Energy, S.A.
Founded in 2013, Turbo Energy is a globally recognized pioneer of proprietary solar energy storage technologies and solutions managed through Artificial Intelligence. Turbo Energy’s elegant all-in-one and scalable, modular energy storage systems empower residential, commercial and industrial users expanding across Europe, North America and South America to materially reduce dependence on traditional energy sources, helping to lower electricity costs, provide peak shaving and uninterruptible power supply and realize a more sustainable, energy-efficient future. A testament to the Company’s commitment to innovation and industry disruption, Turbo Energy’s introduction of its flagship SUNBOX represents one of the world’s first high performance, competitively priced, all-in-one home solar energy storage systems, which also incorporates patented EV charging capability and powerful AI processes to optimize solar energy management. Turbo Energy is a proud subsidiary of publicly traded Umbrella Global Energy, S.A., a vertically integrated, global collective of solar energy-focused companies.
For more information, please visit www.turbo-e.com.
Forward-Looking Statements
Statements in this press release about future expectations, plans and prospects, as well as any other statements regarding matters that are not historical facts, may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based only on current beliefs, expectations and assumptions regarding the future of the business of the Company, future plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy and other future conditions. The words "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "target," "will," "would" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control, including the risks described in our registration statements and annual report under the heading "Risk Factors" as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results and financial condition may differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date hereof, and Turbo Energy, S.A. specifically disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
For more information, please contact:
At Turbo Energy, S.A.
Dodi Handy, Director of Communications
Phone: 407-960-4636
Email: dodihandy@turbo-e.com
At Connection Holdings, LLC
David Stodolak, Chief Executive Officer
Phone: 919-802-1555
Email: david@solardirectmarketing.com

What is Turbo Energy's SUNBOX Home system?
How is Turbo Energy (TURB) entering the U.S. market?
What are the projected growth trends for solar-plus-storage systems in the U.S.?