Turbo Energy CEO Issues Formal Operational Update to Shareholders
Turbo Energy (NASDAQ:TURB) CEO Mariano Soria has issued an operational update to shareholders, highlighting the company's achievements and future plans. Key points include:
1. Turbo Energy's one-year anniversary of IPO and Nasdaq listing on September 26, 2024.
2. Recognition as a leading innovator in photovoltaic energy storage solutions in Europe.
3. Plans to expand into the U.S. and South America markets.
4. Development of a new cloud-based SaaS mobile app powered by proprietary AI.
5. Focus on increasing revenue, expense discipline, and sustainable positive cash flow.
6. Aim to obtain necessary U.S. certifications and identify strategic partners for North American expansion.
Soria emphasized Turbo Energy's unique position in the rapidly growing global energy storage market, projected to reach $506.5 billion by 2031.
Il CEO di Turbo Energy (NASDAQ:TURB), Mariano Soria, ha fornito un aggiornamento operativo agli azionisti, evidenziando i successi della compagnia e i piani futuri. Punti chiave includono:
1. Il primo anniversario dell'IPO e della quotazione al Nasdaq di Turbo Energy il 26 settembre 2024.
2. Riconoscimento come innovatore leader nelle soluzioni di accumulo energetico fotovoltaico in Europa.
3. Piani di espansione nei mercati degli Stati Uniti e del Sud America.
4. Sviluppo di una nuova app mobile SaaS basata su cloud alimentata da un'IA proprietaria.
5. Focus sull'aumento dei ricavi, disciplina delle spese e flusso di cassa sostenibile positivo.
6. Obiettivo di ottenere le necessarie certificazioni statunitensi e individuare partner strategici per l'espansione in Nord America.
Soria ha enfatizzato la posizione unica di Turbo Energy nel rapidamente crescente mercato globale dell'accumulo energetico, che si prevede raggiungerà i 506,5 miliardi di dollari entro il 2031.
El CEO de Turbo Energy (NASDAQ:TURB), Mariano Soria, ha emitido una actualización operativa a los accionistas, destacando los logros de la compañía y sus planes futuros. Los puntos clave incluyen:
1. El primer aniversario de la OPI y la cotización de Turbo Energy en Nasdaq el 26 de septiembre de 2024.
2. Reconocimiento como innovador líder en soluciones de almacenamiento de energía fotovoltaica en Europa.
3. Planes de expansión hacia los mercados de EE. UU. y América del Sur.
4. Desarrollo de una nueva aplicación móvil SaaS basada en la nube impulsada por IA propia.
5. Enfoque en aumentar los ingresos, disciplina de gastos y flujo de caja positivo sostenible.
6. Objetivo de obtener las certificaciones necesarias en EE. UU. e identificar socios estratégicos para la expansión en América del Norte.
Soria enfatizó la posición única de Turbo Energy en el rápidamente creciente mercado global de almacenamiento de energía, que se proyecta alcanzará los 506.5 mil millones de dólares para 2031.
터보 에너지(TNASDAQ:TURB)의 CEO 마리아노 소리아는 주주들에게 운영 업데이트를 발표하며 회사의 성과와 향후 계획을 강조했습니다. 주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
1. 터보 에너지의 IPO 및 나스닥 상장 1주년을 맞는 2024년 9월 26일.
2. 유럽에서의 사진발전 에너지 저장 솔루션의 선도적인 혁신자로 인정받음.
3. 미국 및 남미 시장으로의 확장 계획.
4. 독자적인 AI 기반의 클라우드 기반 SaaS 모바일 앱 개발.
5. 매출 증가, 지출 관리 및 지속 가능한 긍정적 현금 흐름에 주력.
6. 미국에서 필요한 인증을 획득하고 북미 확장을 위한 전략적 파트너를 찾는 것을 목표로 함.
소리아는 Turbo Energy가 2031년까지 5,065억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상되는 빠르게 성장하는 글로벌 에너지 저장 시장에서 독특한 위치에 있음을 강조했습니다.
Le PDG de Turbo Energy (NASDAQ:TURB), Mariano Soria, a émis une mise à jour opérationnelle pour les actionnaires, soulignant les réalisations de l'entreprise et ses projets futurs. Les points clés incluent:
1. Le premier anniversaire de l'IPO et de la cotation de Turbo Energy au Nasdaq le 26 septembre 2024.
2. Reconnaissance en tant qu'innovateur de premier plan dans les solutions de stockage d'énergie photovoltaïque en Europe.
3. Plans d'expansion sur les marchés américains et sud-américains.
4. Développement d'une nouvelle application mobile SaaS basée sur le cloud alimentée par une IA propriétaire.
5. Accent mis sur l'augmentation des revenus, la discipline des dépenses et un flux de trésorerie positif durable.
6. Objectif d'obtenir les certifications nécessaires aux États-Unis et d'identifier des partenaires stratégiques pour l'expansion en Amérique du Nord.
Soria a souligné la position unique de Turbo Energy sur le marché mondial du stockage d'énergie en forte croissance, qui devrait atteindre 506,5 milliards de dollars d'ici 2031.
Der CEO von Turbo Energy (NASDAQ:TURB), Mariano Soria, hat eine betriebliche Aktualisierung für die Aktionäre herausgegeben, in der die Erfolge des Unternehmens und die zukünftigen Pläne hervorgehoben werden. Wichtige Punkte umfassen:
1. Der einjährige Geburtstag des IPO und der Nasdaq-Notierung von Turbo Energy am 26. September 2024.
2. Anerkennung als führender Innovator im Bereich der photovoltaischen Energiespeicherlösungen in Europa.
3. Pläne zur Expansion in den US-amerikanischen und südamerikanischen Markt.
4. Entwicklung einer neuen cloud-basierten SaaS-Mobilapp, die von proprietärer KI betrieben wird.
5. Fokus auf Umsatzsteigerung, Ausgabendisziplin und nachhaltigen positiven Cashflow.
6. Ziel, die notwendigen US-Zertifizierungen zu erhalten und strategische Partner für die Expansion in Nordamerika zu identifizieren.
Soria betonte die einzigartige Position von Turbo Energy im schnell wachsenden globalen Markt für Energiespeicher, der voraussichtlich bis 2031 506,5 Milliarden US-Dollar erreichen wird.
- Turbo Energy has established itself as a leading innovator in photovoltaic energy storage solutions in Europe
- The company has distribution partners and customers in nine European countries
- Plans for global expansion into the U.S. and South America markets
- Development of a new cloud-based SaaS mobile app powered by proprietary AI
- Focus on increasing revenue and achieving sustainable positive cash flow
- Targeting the global energy storage market, projected to reach $506.5 billion by 2031
- None.
VALENCIA, Spain, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mariano Soria, Chief Executive Officer of Turbo Energy, S.A. (NASDAQ:TURB) (“Turbo Energy” or the “Company”), a global provider of leading-edge, AI-optimized solar energy storage technologies and solutions, today issued a formal operational update to the Company’s shareholders on Turbo Energy’s business expansion strategies and key global growth objectives for the coming year. Soria stated:
“On September 26, 2024, we will celebrate Turbo Energy’s one-year anniversary of completing our Initial Public Offering and commencing trading on The Nasdaq Stock Market. While the past year has been a period during which the world continues to respond to a number of geopolitical, supply chain and inflationary challenges, we have remained squarely focused on our mission to deliver affordable, high performance solar energy storage technologies and solutions which are adaptable to every home, business, industrial plant and government facility on the globe; and through disciplined execution of our defined growth strategies, create sustainable long-term value for our fellow shareholders.
“When reflecting on our accomplishments over the past ten years, we take tremendous pride in having earned Turbo Energy distinction as a leading authority and innovator of patented and patent-pending photovoltaic energy storage solutions in Europe, with distribution partners and customers spanning nine countries throughout the European region. As one of the very first companies worldwide to offer an all-in-one, scalable residential and commercial/industrial solar energy storage system at a competitive price, and one of the only companies to incorporate Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) technology to enable and optimize stored solar energy management, we believe we are now ideally poised to proceed with taking Turbo Energy into its next exciting phase of growth and evolution.
“Make no mistake. Turbo Energy is not another ‘me-too’ solar energy storage company. On the contrary, our Company, inspired by our dedicated team’s pioneering mindset, is actively pursuing opportunities to leverage our collective decades of industry experience and engineering expertise to effectively address the fast emerging global energy storage market, which market observers are forecasting will reach
“Moving forward, building worldwide awareness and appreciation for the Turbo Energy brand, and the inherent value we believe it represents, and winning broader market penetration for our proprietary, AI-enabled SUNBOX and SUNBOX C&I solutions in key expansion markets, are paramount to our long-term success. The value proposition of SUNBOX to end users is indeed tangible and quantifiable. Our customers love the clean, elegant aesthetic and robust functionality and customization of SUNBOX, and installers greatly value its ease of installation with limited time and training required. Moreover, end users benefit from SUNBOX’s intelligent data collection, optimized storage energy management and predictive analytics, which provide real-time insight into weather and electricity price forecasts, solar panel performance, energy consumption and material cost saving opportunities, among other key deliverables.
“In the months ahead, we look forward to sharing details on specific growth initiatives centered on expanding our global geographic footprint to include both the United States and South America, as well as further expansion throughout western Europe. We will be working hard on developing the regional infrastructure, business partnerships and in-country distributor networks necessary to achieve exponential revenue and earnings growth in our targeted growth markets. Turbo Energy is currently working to complete the following critical initiatives within the next 30-90 days:
- Obtaining necessary certifications required to meet and exceed U.S. safety and environmental regulations and rigorous standards for adoption of our SUNBOX solutions for residential solar storage applications;
- Identifying the right strategic partners in the U.S. with deep market knowledge, relationships with key suppliers, solar installation companies and on-site logistical resources essential to the successful market introduction of SUNBOX and the aggressive ramp-up of our business operations in North America over the next 12-18 months;
- Leveraging the strong presence of Umbrella Global Energy, our parent company, in Chile, South America to accelerate market penetration in that strategic, high growth region;
- Continuing to expand and diversify our sales and distribution channels serving western European regions offering high demand for both our SUNBOX residential system and our new SUNBOX C&I line;
- Unveiling to the worldwide market our next generation, cloud-based SaaS mobile app, which is powered by our proprietary AI to provide SUNBOX end users with comprehensive management and predictive analytical tools to get optimal benefits from solar energy storage systems; and
- Remaining focused on attaining fundamental and sustainable financial strength by increasing revenue, exercising continued expense discipline, advancing towards sustainable positive cash flow on a subsequent quarter-over-quarter basis, and fortifying our balance sheet through smart capital formation strategies.
“Ultimately, our aim is to unleash the full power and potential of clean, sustainable solar energy by pioneering the most advanced tools and technologies on the market capable of efficiently and cost effectively harnessing the sun to power how we live, work and play, wherever we live, work and play. I feel enormously fortunate to be leading our Company through this remarkable journey. It is through the daily efforts and commitment to excellence of our valued employees and business partners that enables us to push past the status quo with bold and progressive ideas and solutions that are positively impacting the world and the markets we serve.
“Turbo Energy is at an important strategic and financial inflexion point in our history and we are grateful that you are with us. On behalf of everyone at our Company, I want to thank our fellow shareholders for your continued support, confidence in our team and, above all, for your trust in our promising future,” concluded Soria.
About Turbo Energy, S.A.
Founded in 2013, Turbo Energy is a globally recognized pioneer of proprietary solar energy storage technologies and solutions managed through Artificial Intelligence (“AI”). Turbo Energy’s elegant all-in-one and scalable, modular energy storage systems empower residential, commercial and industrial users expanding across Europe, North America and South America to materially reduce dependence on traditional energy sources, helping to lower electricity costs, provide peak shaving and uninterruptible power supply and realize a more sustainable, energy-efficient future. A testament to the Company’s commitment to innovation and industry disruption, Turbo Energy’s introduction of its flagship SUNBOX represents one of the world’s first high performance, competitively priced, all-in-one home solar energy storage systems, which also incorporates patented EV charging capability and powerful AI processes to optimize solar energy management. Turbo Energy is a proud subsidiary of publicly traded Umbrella Global Energy, S.A., a vertically integrated, global collective of solar energy-focused companies.
For more information, please visit www.turbo-e.com.
Forward-Looking Statements
Statements in this press release about future expectations, plans and prospects, as well as any other statements regarding matters that are not historical facts, may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based only on current beliefs, expectations and assumptions regarding the future of the business of the Company, future plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy and other future conditions. The words "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "target," "will," "would" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control, including the risks described in our registration statements and annual report under the heading "Risk Factors" as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results and financial condition may differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date hereof, and Turbo Energy, S.A. specifically disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
For more information, please contact:
Dodi Handy
Phone: 407-960-4636
Email: dodihandy@turbo-e.com

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