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Rhea-AI Summary

Tuesday Morning (NASDAQ: TUEM) has partnered with Intalytics to enhance its location strategy through customized location intelligence solutions. This collaboration includes a sales forecasting model to support real estate and operations teams. The SiteIntel platform will enable the Tuesday Morning team to generate sales forecasts and analyze potential new store openings. Phil Hixon, Executive VP, expressed optimism about future profitability, while Intalytics highlighted the effectiveness of Tuesday Morning's executive team in positioning the company for growth.

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Rhea-AI Summary

Tuesday Morning has successfully completed its financial and operational reorganization, emerging from Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Supported by a $110 million asset-backed lending facility from J.P. Morgan, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America, the company optimizes its store footprint, now operating 490 top-performing stores. CEO Steve Becker expresses confidence in Tuesday Morning's future in the off-price home goods sector, highlighting significant new institutional ownership and a $40 million rights offering for shareholders.

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TUES Stock Data

Specialty Stores
Retail Trade