TELUS Acquires Additional Shares of TELUS Digital

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TELUS has acquired 2,593,631 subordinate voting shares of TELUS Digital through market purchases on the Toronto Stock Exchange. This acquisition represents an additional 2.35% interest in TELUS Digital subordinate voting shares since TELUS' prior early warning report on August 16, 2024. TELUS now holds approximately 5.99% of the outstanding subordinate voting shares.

The purchase was made under the normal course purchase exemption. After the acquisition, TELUS holds 152,004,019 multiple voting shares and 6,624,822 subordinate voting shares, representing about 92.5% of outstanding multiple voting shares, 6.0% of outstanding subordinate voting shares, and 87.0% of outstanding voting rights of TELUS Digital.

TELUS CEO Darren Entwistle stated that these purchases reflect their confidence in TELUS Digital's long-term profitable growth strategy and are not part of a privatization plan.

TELUS ha acquisito 2.593.631 azioni con diritto di voto subordinate di TELUS Digital tramite acquisti sul mercato della Borsa di Toronto. Questa acquisizione rappresenta un interesse aggiuntivo del 2,35% nelle azioni con diritto di voto subordinate di TELUS Digital rispetto al precedente rapporto di avviso anticipato di TELUS del 16 agosto 2024. TELUS detiene ora circa il 5,99% delle azioni con diritto di voto subordinate in circolazione.

L'acquisto è stato effettuato nell'ambito dell'esenzione per acquisti nel corso normale delle operazioni. Dopo l'acquisizione, TELUS detiene 152.004.019 azioni a voto multiplo e 6.624.822 azioni con diritto di voto subordinate, rappresentando circa il 92,5% delle azioni a voto multiplo in circolazione, il 6,0% delle azioni con diritto di voto subordinate in circolazione e l'87,0% dei diritti di voto in circolazione di TELUS Digital.

Il CEO di TELUS, Darren Entwistle, ha dichiarato che questi acquisti riflettono la loro fiducia nella strategia di crescita redditizia a lungo termine di TELUS Digital e non fanno parte di un piano di privatizzazione.

TELUS ha adquirido 2.593.631 acciones subordinadas de TELUS Digital a través de compras en el mercado de la Bolsa de Toronto. Esta adquisición representa un interés adicional del 2,35% en acciones subordinadas de TELUS Digital desde el anterior informe de aviso anticipado de TELUS del 16 de agosto de 2024. TELUS ahora posee aproximadamente el 5,99% de las acciones subordinadas en circulación.

La compra se realizó bajo la exención de compra en curso normal. Después de la adquisición, TELUS posee 152.004.019 acciones con voto múltiple y 6.624.822 acciones subordinadas, representando aproximadamente el 92,5% de las acciones con voto múltiple en circulación, el 6,0% de las acciones subordinadas en circulación y el 87,0% de los derechos de voto en circulación de TELUS Digital.

El CEO de TELUS, Darren Entwistle, declaró que estas compras reflejan su confianza en la estrategia de crecimiento rentable a largo plazo de TELUS Digital y no son parte de un plan de privatización.

TELUS는 토론토 증권 거래소에서 시장 구매를 통해 TELUS Digital의 2,593,631주 전환 우선주취득했습니다. 이번 인수는 TELUS가 2024년 8월 16일에 발표한 이전 조기 경고 보고서 이후 TELUS Digital 전환 우선주에 대한 추가 2.35%의 지분을 나타냅니다. TELUS는 이제 발행된 전환 우선주의 약 5.99%를 보유하고 있습니다.

구매는 정상적인 거래 대행 면세로 진행되었습니다. 인수 후 TELUS는 152,004,019주 다중투표주와 6,624,822주 전환 우선주를 보유하고 있으며, 이는 TELUS Digital의 발행된 다중투표주의 약 92.5%, 전환 우선주의 6.0% 및 발행된 투표권의 87.0%를 나타냅니다.

TELUS의 CEO인 Darren Entwistle는 이러한 구매가 TELUS Digital의 장기적인 수익성 있는 성장 전략에 대한 신뢰를 반영하며, 이는 민영화 계획의 일부가 아니라고 밝혔습니다.

TELUS a acquis 2 593 631 actions à droit de vote subordonné de TELUS Digital par le biais d'achats sur le marché de la Bourse de Toronto. Cette acquisition représente un intérêt supplémentaire de 2,35% dans les actions à droit de vote subordonné de TELUS Digital depuis le précédent rapport d'alerte précoce de TELUS du 16 août 2024. TELUS détient désormais environ 5,99 % des actions à droit de vote subordonné émises.

L'achat a été effectué dans le cadre de l'exemption de rachat normal. Après l'acquisition, TELUS possède 152 004 019 actions à vote multiple et 6 624 822 actions à droit de vote subordonné, représentant environ 92,5 % des actions à vote multiple en circulation, 6,0 % des actions à droit de vote subordonné en circulation et 87,0 % des droits de vote émis de TELUS Digital.

Le PDG de TELUS, Darren Entwistle, a déclaré que ces acquisitions reflètent leur confiance dans la stratégie de croissance rentable à long terme de TELUS Digital et ne font pas partie d'un plan de privatisation.

TELUS hat 2.593.631 subordinierte Stammaktien von TELUS Digital durch Marktkäufe an der Toronto Stock Exchange erworben. Diese Übernahme stellt ein zusätzliches Interesse von 2,35% an den subordinierenden Stammaktien von TELUS Digital dar, seit dem vorherigen Frühwarnbericht von TELUS am 16. August 2024. TELUS hält nun ungefähr 5,99% der ausgegebenen subordinierenden Stammaktien.

Der Kauf wurde im Rahmen der normalen Kaufausnahme durchgeführt. Nach der Übernahme hält TELUS 152.004.019 Mehrfachstimmausgaben und 6.624.822 subordinierte Stammaktien, was etwa 92,5% der ausgegebenen Mehrfachstimmausgaben, 6,0% der ausgegebenen subordinierenden Stammaktien und 87,0% der ausgegebenen Stimmrechte von TELUS Digital ausmacht.

Darren Entwistle, der CEO von TELUS, erklärte, dass diese Käufe ihr Vertrauen in die langfristige profitable Wachstumsstrategie von TELUS Digital widerspiegeln und kein Teil eines Privatisierungsplans sind.

  • Increased ownership in TELUS Digital, demonstrating confidence in its growth strategy
  • Acquisition of 2,593,631 subordinate voting shares, representing a 2.35% increase in ownership
  • Total ownership now at 57.7% of outstanding shares and 87.0% of voting rights in TELUS Digital
  • Significant capital expenditure of C$12,703,197 for share purchases


TELUS 's acquisition of additional TELUS Digital shares is a strategic move that demonstrates confidence in its subsidiary's growth potential. The C$12.7 million investment increases TELUS' ownership to 57.7% of outstanding shares and 87.0% of voting rights in TELUS Digital.

Key points to consider:

  • This purchase is not aimed at privatization but reflects belief in TELUS Digital's long-term value creation.
  • The average purchase price of C$4.90 per share suggests TELUS sees the current market valuation as attractive.
  • The increased stake strengthens TELUS' control over TELUS Digital, potentially allowing for better alignment of strategies.
  • While positive for TELUS, this move may have mixed implications for other TELUS Digital shareholders, as it concentrates more control with the parent company.

Investors should monitor how this increased ownership translates into operational synergies and whether it impacts TELUS Digital's autonomy in decision-making.

This transaction raises important corporate governance considerations:

  • TELUS' increased stake to 87.0% of voting rights further cements its control over TELUS Digital, potentially reducing the influence of minority shareholders.
  • The dual-class share structure (multiple voting and subordinate voting shares) already gives TELUS disproportionate control relative to its economic interest.
  • While TELUS states no intention to privatize, the continued share accumulation could eventually lead to that outcome, which investors should be aware of.
  • The transaction's disclosure through an early warning report demonstrates compliance with regulatory requirements, enhancing transparency.

Minority shareholders of TELUS Digital should closely monitor future transactions and their impact on corporate governance dynamics. The increased concentration of ownership may affect decision-making processes and potentially the company's strategic direction.

VANCOUVER, BC, Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - TELUS Corporation ("TELUS") today announced that it has acquired, through a wholly owned subsidiary, an aggregate of 2,593,631 subordinate voting shares (the "Purchased Shares") in the capital of TELUS International (Cda) Inc. ("TELUS Digital") by way of market purchases over the facilities of the Toronto Stock Exchange. As a result of the acquisition of these subordinate voting shares, TELUS has acquired an additional 2.35% interest in the TELUS Digital subordinate voting shares since TELUS' prior early warning report filed on August 16, 2024. When added to the 4,031,191 subordinate voting shares held prior to the last report, TELUS now holds approximately 5.99% of the outstanding subordinate voting shares.

"We continue to hold confidence in TELUS Digital and its long term profitable growth strategy," said Darren Entwistle, President and CEO of TELUS. "In recognition of the considerable opportunities ahead, we are once again increasing our existing share ownership of the subordinate voting shares in the public market. These purchases are not part of a strategy to privatize the business, but rather, a reflection of our strong belief in the meaningful and sustainable value that TELUS Digital will create for stakeholders in the years to come."

The purchase of the Purchased Shares is being made pursuant to the normal course purchase exemption set forth in section 4.1 of National Instrument 62-104.

Before giving effect to the purchase subsequent to our August 15th news release, TELUS held an aggregate of 152,004,019 multiple voting shares of TELUS Digital and 4,031,191 subordinate voting shares. These securities represented approximately 92.5% of the outstanding multiple voting shares and 86.9% of the outstanding voting rights attached to all shares of TELUS Digital and approximately 56.8% of the total shares outstanding, reflecting the conversion by Riel B.V. of multiple voting shares into subordinate voting shares. The 2,593,631 Purchased Shares were acquired at an average purchase price of C$4.90, representing a total additional investment, before trading commissions, of C$12,703,197. After giving effect to the market purchases, TELUS holds an aggregate of 152,004,019 multiple voting shares and 6,624,822 subordinate voting shares. The shares held by TELUS now represent approximately 92.5% of the outstanding multiple voting shares, 6.0% of the outstanding subordinate voting shares, 57.7% of the outstanding shares of TELUS Digital and 87.0% of the outstanding voting rights of TELUS Digital. The multiple voting shares of TELUS Digital may be converted into subordinate voting shares on a one-for-one basis at any time.

TELUS purchased the Purchased Shares for investment purposes and may or may not purchase or sell multiple voting shares, subordinate voting shares or other securities of TELUS Digital in the future on the open market or in private transactions, depending on market conditions and other factors. TELUS currently has no other plans or intentions that relate to its investment in TELUS Digital. Depending on market conditions, general economic and industry conditions, TELUS Digital's business and financial condition and/or other relevant factors, TELUS may at any time develop other plans or intentions in the future relating to one or more of the above items. A copy of the early warning report to be filed by TELUS in connection with the acquisition will be available on TELUS Digital's profile on SEDAR+ at Alternatively, you may contact TELUS Investor Relations at 1-800-667-4871 in order to obtain a copy of the report.

The headquarters and principal executive offices of TELUS Digital are located at Floor 5, 510 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6B 0M3


TELUS (TSX: T, NYSE: TU) is a dynamic, world-leading communications technology company with more than $20 billion in annual revenue and over 19 million customer connections spanning wireless, data, IP, voice, television, entertainment, video, and security. Our social purpose is to leverage our global-leading technology and compassion to drive social change and enable remarkable human outcomes. Our longstanding commitment to putting our customers first fuels every aspect of our business, making us a distinct leader in customer service excellence and loyalty. The numerous, sustained accolades TELUS has earned over the years from independent, industry-leading network insight firms showcase the strength and speed of TELUS' global-leading networks, reinforcing our commitment to provide Canadians with access to superior technology that connects us to the people, resources and information that make our lives better.

Operating in 32 countries around the world, TELUS Digital Experience (TSX and NYSE: TIXT) is a leading digital customer experience innovator that designs, builds, and delivers next-generation solutions, including AI and content moderation, for global and disruptive brands across strategic industry verticals, including tech and games, communications and media, eCommerce and fintech, banking, financial services and insurance, healthcare, and others.

TELUS Health is a global healthcare leader, which provides employee and family primary and preventive healthcare and wellbeing solutions. Our TELUS team, along with our 100,000 health professionals, are leveraging the combination of TELUS' strong digital and data analytics capabilities with our unsurpassed client service to dramatically improve remedial, preventive and mental health outcomes covering over 75 million lives, and growing, around the world. As the largest provider of digital solutions and digital insights of its kind, TELUS Agriculture & Consumer Goods enables efficient and sustainable production from seed to store, helping improve the safety and quality of food and other goods in a way that is traceable to end consumers.

Driven by our determination and vision to connect all citizens for good, our deeply meaningful and enduring philosophy to give where we live has inspired TELUS and our team to contribute $1.7 billion, including 2.2 million days of service since 2000. This unprecedented generosity and unparalleled volunteerism have made TELUS the most giving company in the world. Together, let's make the future friendly.

For more information about TELUS, please visit, follow us at @TELUSNews on X and @Darren_Entwistle on Instagram.

Investor Relations
Robert Mitchell
(647) 837-1606

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(604) 317-8768 

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Steve Beisswanger
(514) 865-2787

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SOURCE TELUS Corporation


How many additional shares of TELUS Digital (TU) did TELUS acquire?

TELUS acquired an additional 2,593,631 subordinate voting shares of TELUS Digital (TU) through market purchases on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

What is TELUS's current ownership percentage in TELUS Digital (TU) after the recent acquisition?

After the acquisition, TELUS now holds approximately 57.7% of the outstanding shares and 87.0% of the outstanding voting rights of TELUS Digital (TU).

What was the average purchase price for the newly acquired TELUS Digital (TU) shares?

The 2,593,631 purchased shares were acquired at an average purchase price of C$4.90 per share.

Is TELUS planning to privatize TELUS Digital (TU) with these share purchases?

No, according to TELUS CEO Darren Entwistle, these purchases are not part of a strategy to privatize TELUS Digital (TU), but rather a reflection of their belief in the company's long-term value creation.

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