Growing concerns about data privacy and ethical data practices: TELUS poll

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TELUS, a global communications and IT company, released findings from its 2024 Data & Trust survey, revealing growing concerns about data privacy among American consumers. Key findings include:

  • 82% believe data privacy matters more now than ever
  • 74% worry about how organizations handle their personal data
  • 88% consider a company's data handling reputation important for business decisions
  • 86% agree trust in a business inspires them to buy or use its products/services
  • 52% think about data privacy daily

The survey also highlighted concerns about AI development, with 86% wanting AI to be developed carefully and 81% emphasizing the importance of clarity and transparency. TELUS remains committed to leading in data trust, privacy, and security, having secured various certifications and awards for its practices.

TELUS, un'azienda globale di comunicazioni e IT, ha pubblicato i risultati del suo sondaggio 2024 su dati e fiducia, rivelando crescenti preoccupazioni per la privacy dei dati tra i consumatori americani. I risultati principali includono:

  • Il 82% crede che la privacy dei dati sia più importante ora che mai
  • Il 74% è preoccupato per come le organizzazioni gestiscono i propri dati personali
  • Il 88% considera importante la reputazione di un'azienda nella gestione dei dati per le decisioni aziendali
  • Il 86% concorda sul fatto che la fiducia in un'azienda li ispira a acquistare o utilizzare i suoi prodotti/servizi
  • Il 52% pensa alla privacy dei dati quotidianamente

Il sondaggio ha anche evidenziato le preoccupazioni riguardo lo sviluppo dell'IA, con l'86% che desidera che l'IA venga sviluppata con attenzione e l'81% che sottolinea l'importanza della chiarezza e della trasparenza. TELUS rimane impegnata a guidare nella fiducia dei dati, nella privacy e nella sicurezza, avendo ottenuto vari certificati e premi per le sue pratiche.

TELUS, una empresa global de comunicaciones y TI, lanzó los hallazgos de su encuesta de Datos y Confianza 2024, revelando crecientes preocupaciones sobre la privacidad de los datos entre los consumidores estadounidenses. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • El 82% cree que la privacidad de los datos es más importante que nunca
  • El 74% se preocupa por cómo las organizaciones manejan sus datos personales
  • El 88% considera importante la reputación de una empresa en el manejo de datos para sus decisiones comerciales
  • El 86% está de acuerdo en que la confianza en un negocio los inspira a comprar o usar sus productos/servicios
  • El 52% piensa en la privacidad de los datos a diario

La encuesta también destacó preocupaciones sobre el desarrollo de la IA, con el 86% deseando que la IA se desarrolle con cuidado y el 81% enfatizando la importancia de la claridad y la transparencia. TELUS sigue comprometida a liderar en confianza en los datos, privacidad y seguridad, habiendo obtenido varias certificaciones y premios por sus prácticas.

TELUS는 통신 및 IT 분야의 글로벌 기업으로, 2024 데이터 및 신뢰 조사 결과를 발표하면서 미국 소비자들 사이에서 데이터 프라이버시에 대한 우려가 커지고 있다고 밝혔습니다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 82%가 데이터 프라이버시가 그 어느 때보다 중요하다고 생각합니다
  • 74%가 조직들이 개인 데이터를 어떻게 처리하는지에 대해 걱정합니다
  • 88%가 기업의 데이터 처리 명성이 비즈니스 결정에 중요하다고 여깁니다
  • 86%가 사업체에 대한 신뢰가 제품/서비스 구매 또는 사용을 촉진한다고 동의합니다
  • 52%가 매일 데이터 프라이버시에 대해 생각합니다

이 조사에서는 AI 개발에 대한 우려도 강조되었으며, 86%는 AI가 신중하게 개발되기를 원하며 81%는 명확성과 투명성의 중요성을 강조했습니다. TELUS는 데이터 신뢰, 프라이버시 및 보안 분야에서 선도하는 역할을 다짐하며, 다양한 인증과 상을 수상했습니다.

TELUS, une entreprise mondiale de communications et de TI, a publié les résultats de son enquête 2024 sur les Données et la Confiance, révélant des inquiétudes croissantes concernant la confidentialité des données parmi les consommateurs américains. Les résultats clés incluent :

  • 82 % pensent que la confidentialité des données est plus importante que jamais
  • 74 % s'inquiètent de la manière dont les organisations gèrent leurs données personnelles
  • 88 % considèrent la réputation d'une entreprise en matière de gestion des données comme importante pour leurs décisions commerciales
  • 86 % s'accordent à dire que la confiance dans une entreprise les incite à acheter ou à utiliser ses produits/services
  • 52 % pensent à la confidentialité des données au quotidien

L'enquête a également mis en évidence des inquiétudes concernant le développement de l'IA, 86 % souhaitant que l'IA soit développée avec précaution et 81 % soulignant l'importance de la clarté et de la transparence. TELUS reste engagée à être un leader en matière de confiance dans les données, de confidentialité et de sécurité, ayant obtenu diverses certifications et récompenses pour ses pratiques.

TELUS, ein globales Kommunikations- und IT-Unternehmen, hat die Ergebnisse seiner Umfrage 2024 zu Daten und Vertrauen veröffentlicht, die wachsendes Interesse an Datenschutz unter amerikanischen Verbrauchern offenbart. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind:

  • 82% glauben, dass Datenschutz heute wichtiger ist als je zuvor
  • 74% sorgen sich darum, wie Organisationen mit ihren persönlichen Daten umgehen
  • 88% halten den Ruf eines Unternehmens im Umgang mit Daten für wichtig bei Geschäftsentscheidungen
  • 86% stimmen zu, dass Vertrauen in ein Unternehmen sie zum Kauf oder zur Nutzung seiner Produkte/Dienstleistungen inspiriert
  • 52% denken täglich an Datenschutz

Die Umfrage hob auch Bedenken bezüglich KI-Entwicklung hervor, wobei 86% wünschen, dass KI sorgfältig entwickelt wird, und 81% die Bedeutung von Klarheit und Transparenz betonen. TELUS bleibt verpflichtet, in den Bereichen Datensicherheit, Datenschutz und Sicherheit führend zu sein und hat verschiedene Zertifizierungen und Auszeichnungen für seine Praktiken erhalten.

  • 82% of respondents believe data privacy matters more now than ever, indicating strong market demand for privacy-focused services
  • 86% of respondents agree that trust in a business inspires them to buy or use that company's products and services, potentially benefiting TELUS's reputation
  • TELUS secured the ISO 31700-1 Privacy by Design certification, positioning it as a leader in data privacy
  • The company won the Responsible AI Institute's Outstanding Organization prize, enhancing its reputation in AI ethics
  • 74% of respondents expressed concerns about how organizations handle their personal data, potentially affecting trust in companies like TELUS
  • 86% of Americans want AI to be developed with care, indicating potential challenges and costs for AI implementation


The TELUS Data & Trust survey reveals a significant shift in consumer attitudes towards data privacy. With 82% of Americans stating that data privacy matters more now than ever, it's clear that this issue has become a top priority for consumers. This heightened awareness could lead to increased scrutiny of companies' data practices and potentially impact consumer behavior.

The survey highlights a important link between trust and business success. 86% of respondents indicate that trust influences their purchasing decisions, while 67% are willing to advocate for trusted brands. This suggests that companies prioritizing data privacy and ethical practices may gain a competitive advantage in customer acquisition and retention.

The findings also underscore the importance of transparency in AI development, with 81% of Americans desiring clarity in AI applications. This demand for openness could shape future regulations and industry standards, potentially affecting how companies develop and deploy AI technologies.

The survey results indicate a significant market trend towards data privacy consciousness. This shift in consumer sentiment could reshape various industries, particularly those heavily reliant on data collection and processing. Companies that proactively address these concerns may see increased customer loyalty and potentially higher market valuations.

The high percentage (88%) of respondents considering a company's data handling reputation when making business decisions suggests a direct link between data practices and revenue potential. This could lead to increased investment in data security and privacy measures across industries, potentially creating new market opportunities for cybersecurity and privacy-focused tech solutions.

The strong desire for careful AI development (86%) and public consultation (74%) in AI processes indicates a growing market for transparent, ethically-developed AI products. This trend could influence product development strategies and marketing approaches across the tech sector, favoring companies that demonstrate responsible AI practices.

Vast majority of respondents say data privacy matters more to them than ever

TORONTO, Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - TELUS (NYSE: TU), a leading global communications and information technology company, today released findings from its 2024 Data & Trust survey, revealing growing concerns about data privacy among American consumers. The survey revealed that an overwhelming majority of Americans (82%) believe data privacy matters more to them now than ever before, with many (74%) expressing worry about how organizations handle their personal data. The survey, conducted by TELUS, a company recognized for its commitment to customer privacy and data security, examined Americans' attitudes towards data privacy, trust in organizations, and expectations for responsible data practices, highlights the critical need for companies to prioritize ethical data management and transparency as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other technology rapidly evolves.

Key findings from the TELUS Data Trust Survey 2024 include:

  • Reputation matters: 88% of respondents consider a company's reputation for data handling important when deciding to do business with them.
  • Trust inspires action: 86% agree that their trust in a business inspires them to buy or use that company's products and services. What's more, two-thirds of respondents (67%) will advocate for brands they trust, telling friends and family, posting on social media and sharing reviews.
  • Worries remain about data: 74% expressed concerns about what organizations do with their personal data
  • Privacy on our minds: 52% think about their data privacy on a daily basis, indicating a high level of awareness and concern.

"As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, it's clear that people are becoming increasingly aware of and concerned about their data," said Pam Snively, TELUS' Chief Data & Trust Officer. "At TELUS, we recognize that trust is the cornerstone of the relationship with our customers and communities, which is why we integrate trustworthy practices into everything we do, ensuring that as technology such as AI evolves, our commitment to respecting our customers' data and protecting their privacy remains unwavering."

Artificial intelligence needs to be developed carefully

It is no surprise that there are strong feelings about artificial intelligence (AI) and its development when it comes to trust and technology with 86% of Americans wanting to see AI develop with care. Having AI presented with clarity and transparency is important to Americans (81%). Finally, 74% of respondents want AI development done in consultation with everyday people, not just academics or technologists.

"We recognize the importance of developing technology with trustworthy practices and the value of engaging diverse voices in the development of our AI tools and services," said Snively. "People are telling us what they need to trust data and AI: they want companies to ask for and listen to customer input, for data ethics experts to be involved, and for transparency in the explanations on how AI is used in a way that is understandable to everyone. Organizations need to listen and act on these concerns."

TELUS remains committed to leading by example in data trust, privacy and security, continuously evolving its practices to meet the changing needs and expectations of customers and communities. It was the first organization in the world to secure the ISO 31700-1 Privacy by Design certification, the first telecom to sign a voluntary AI code of conduct introduced by the Canadian federal government, and has won several international awards for its work, including the Responsible AI Institute's Outstanding Organization prize. TELUS also participates in many international forums to influence the development of sustainable data and technology practices, including joining the Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) U.S. AI Safety Institute Consortium (AISIC), acting as a member of the Canadian delegation for G7 Business, and forming a strategic partnership with Mila - Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute, for example. By prioritizing trust, TELUS aims to create a future where everyone can confidently embrace the benefits of technology.

The 2024 Data Trust Survey was conducted among 1,000 Americans representative of the general population of adults, weighted on age, gender, and region according to the 2020 census figures for the American sample. For more information about TELUS' commitment to data trust and privacy and to learn more, please visit


TELUS (TSX: T, NYSE: TU) is a dynamic, world-leading communications technology company with more than $20 billion in annual revenue and over 19 million customer connections spanning wireless, data, IP, voice, television, entertainment, video, and security. Our social purpose is to leverage our global-leading technology and compassion to drive social change and enable remarkable human outcomes. Our longstanding commitment to putting our customers first fuels every aspect of our business, making us a distinct leader in customer service excellence and loyalty. The numerous, sustained accolades TELUS has earned over the years from independent, industry-leading network insight firms showcase the strength and speed of TELUS' global-leading networks, reinforcing our commitment to provide Canadians with access to superior technology that connects us to the people, resources and information that make our lives better.

Operating in 32 countries around the world, TELUS Digital Experience (TSX and NYSE: TIXT) is a leading digital customer experience innovator that designs, builds, and delivers next-generation solutions, including AI and content moderation, for global and disruptive brands across strategic industry verticals, including tech and games, communications and media, eCommerce and fintech, banking, financial services and insurance, healthcare, and others.

TELUS Health is a global healthcare leader, which provides employee and family primary and preventive healthcare and wellbeing solutions. Our TELUS team, along with our 100,000 health professionals, are leveraging the combination of TELUS' strong digital and data analytics capabilities with our unsurpassed client service to dramatically improve remedial, preventive and mental health outcomes covering over 75 million lives, and growing, around the world. As the largest provider of digital solutions and digital insights of its kind, TELUS Agriculture & Consumer Goods enables efficient and sustainable production from seed to store, helping improve the safety and quality of food and other goods in a way that is traceable to end consumers.

Driven by our determination and vision to connect all citizens for good, our deeply meaningful and enduring philosophy to give where we live has inspired TELUS and our team to contribute $1.7 billion, including 2.2 million days of service since 2000. This unprecedented generosity and unparalleled volunteerism have made TELUS the most giving company in the world. Together, let's make the future friendly.

For more information about TELUS, please visit, follow us at @TELUSNews on X and @Darren_Entwistle on Instagram.

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TELUS Public Relations 

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SOURCE TELUS Communications Inc.


What percentage of Americans believe data privacy matters more now than ever according to TELUS's 2024 survey?

According to TELUS's 2024 Data & Trust survey, 82% of Americans believe data privacy matters more to them now than ever before.

How many respondents consider a company's data handling reputation important when deciding to do business with them?

The survey found that 88% of respondents consider a company's reputation for data handling important when deciding to do business with them.

What percentage of Americans think about their data privacy on a daily basis, according to the TELUS survey?

According to the TELUS Data & Trust Survey 2024, 52% of Americans think about their data privacy on a daily basis.

What certification did TELUS (TU) secure related to privacy?

TELUS (TU) was the first organization in the world to secure the ISO 31700-1 Privacy by Design certification.

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