T2 Biosystems, Inc. and Prxcision, Inc. Announce Co-Marketing Collaboration for Rapid Direct-From-Blood Diagnostics and AI-Powered Decision Support Platform

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T2 Biosystems (NASDAQ: TTOO) and Prxcision have announced a co-marketing collaboration to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and improve sepsis treatment. The partnership aims to combine T2 Biosystems' rapid, direct-from-blood diagnostics with Prxcision's AI-powered pRxcision® platform to provide faster pathogen identification and real-time treatment guidance.

This collaboration is expected to revolutionize sepsis management by enabling clinicians to detect pathogens within hours and make informed treatment decisions quickly. The integrated solution aims to prevent antibiotic misuse, reduce resistance, and potentially save lives by addressing the critical time factor in sepsis treatment, where each hour of delay can increase mortality risk by up to 8%.

The partnership is positioned to drive product adoption and create growth opportunities in the healthcare market by offering hospitals a comprehensive tool to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs associated with AMR and sepsis management.

T2 Biosystems (NASDAQ: TTOO) e Prxcision hanno annunciato una collaborazione di co-marketing per combattere la resistenza antimicrobica (AMR) e migliorare il trattamento della sepsi. Il partenariato mira a combinare i rapidi diagnostici diretti dal sangue di T2 Biosystems con la piattaforma pRxcision® di Prxcision, alimentata dall'intelligenza artificiale, per fornire una più rapida identificazione dei patogeni e orientamenti al trattamento in tempo reale.

Questa collaborazione si prevede rivoluzionerà la gestione della sepsi consentendo ai medici di rilevare i patogeni in poche ore e prendere decisioni terapeutiche informate rapidamente. La soluzione integrata mira a prevenire l'uso improprio degli antibiotici, ridurre la resistenza e potenzialmente salvare vite affrontando il fattore tempo critico nel trattamento della sepsi, dove ogni ora di ritardo può aumentare il rischio di mortalità fino all'8%.

Il partenariato è posizionato per stimolare l'adozione dei prodotti e creare opportunità di crescita nel mercato della salute offrendo agli ospedali uno strumento completo per migliorare i risultati dei pazienti e ridurre i costi associati alla gestione di AMR e sepsi.

T2 Biosystems (NASDAQ: TTOO) y Prxcision han anunciado una colaboración de co-marketing para combatir la resistencia antimicrobiana (AMR) y mejorar el tratamiento de la sepsis. La asociación tiene como objetivo combinar los rápidos diagnósticos directos de sangre de T2 Biosystems con la plataforma pRxcision® de Prxcision, impulsada por inteligencia artificial, para proporcionar una identificación más rápida de patógenos y orientación de tratamiento en tiempo real.

Se espera que esta colaboración revolucione la gestión de la sepsis al permitir a los clínicos detectar patógenos en pocas horas y tomar decisiones de tratamiento informadas rápidamente. La solución integrada aspira a prevenir el mal uso de antibióticos, reducir la resistencia y potencialmente salvar vidas al abordar el crítico factor tiempo en el tratamiento de la sepsis, donde cada hora de retraso puede aumentar el riesgo de mortalidad hasta un 8%.

La asociación está posicionada para impulsar la adopción de productos y crear oportunidades de crecimiento en el mercado de la salud al ofrecer a los hospitales una herramienta integral para mejorar los resultados de los pacientes y reducir los costos asociados con AMR y la gestión de la sepsis.

T2 바이오시스템(NASDAQ: TTOO)과 프렉시전이 항균제 내성(AMR) 퇴치 및 패혈증 치료 개선을 위한 코마케팅 협력을 발표했습니다. 이 파트너십은 T2 바이오시스템의 신속한 혈액 직접 진단과 AI 기반의 프렉시전의 pRxcision® 플랫폼을 결합하여 더 빠른 병원체 식별 및 실시간 치료 지침을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이 협력은 의사들이 몇 시간 내에 병원체를 탐지하고 신속하게 정보에 기반한 치료 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 하여 패혈증 관리에 혁신을 가져올 것으로 예상됩니다. 통합 솔루션은 항생제 오용을 예방하고, 내성을 줄이며, 패혈증 치료의 결정적인 시간 요인을 다루어 잠재적으로 생명을 구하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 수시간의 지연이 사망 위험을 최대 8%까지 증가시킬 수 있습니다.

이 파트너십은 의료 시장에서 제품 도입을 촉진하고 AMR 및 패혈증 관리와 관련된 비용을 줄이며 환자 결과를 개선할 수 있는 포괄적인 도구를 병원에 제공하여 성장 기회를 창출할 수 있도록 포지셔닝되어 있습니다.

T2 Biosystems (NASDAQ: TTOO) et Prxcision ont annoncé une collaboration de co-marketing pour lutter contre la résistance antimicrobienne (AMR) et améliorer le traitement de la sepsie. Le partenariat vise à combiner les diagnostics rapides directs à partir du sang de T2 Biosystems avec la plateforme pRxcision® de Prxcision alimentée par l'IA, afin de fournir une identification plus rapide des agents pathogènes et des conseils de traitement en temps réel.

Cette collaboration devrait révolutionner la gestion de la sepsie en permettant aux cliniciens de détecter les agents pathogènes en quelques heures et de prendre rapidement des décisions thérapeutiques éclairées. La solution intégrée vise à prévenir l'utilisation abusive d'antibiotiques, à réduire la résistance et à potentiellement sauver des vies en prenant en compte le facteur temps critique dans le traitement de la sepsie, où chaque heure de retard peut augmenter le risque de mortalité jusqu'à 8 %.

Ce partenariat est conçu pour stimuler l'adoption des produits et créer des opportunités de croissance sur le marché de la santé en offrant aux hôpitaux un outil complet pour améliorer les résultats des patients et réduire les coûts liés à la gestion de l'AMR et de la sepsie.

T2 Biosystems (NASDAQ: TTOO) und Prxcision haben eine Co-Marketing-Kooperation angekündigt, um der antimikrobiellen Resistenz (AMR) entgegenzuwirken und die Behandlung von Sepsis zu verbessern. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die schnellen direkt aus Blut stammenden Diagnosen von T2 Biosystems mit der KI-gesteuerten pRxcision® Plattform von Prxcision zu kombinieren, um eine schnellere Identifizierung von Krankheitserregern und eine Echtzeit-Behandlungsanleitung bereitzustellen.

Diese Zusammenarbeit wird voraussichtlich das Management von Sepsis revolutionieren, indem sie den Kliniken ermöglicht, Krankheitserreger innerhalb von Stunden zu erkennen und schnell informierte Behandlungsentscheidungen zu treffen. Die integrierte Lösung zielt darauf ab, den Missbrauch von Antibiotika zu verhindern, Resistenzen zu verringern und potenziell Leben zu retten, indem sie den kritischen Zeitfaktor bei der Behandlung von Sepsis angeht, bei dem jede Stunde Verzögerung das Sterberisiko um bis zu 8 % erhöhen kann.

Die Partnerschaft ist darauf ausgerichtet, die Produktakzeptanz zu fördern und Wachstumschancen im Gesundheitsmarkt zu schaffen, indem sie den Krankenhäusern ein umfassendes Werkzeug zur Verbesserung der Patientenergebnisse und zur Reduzierung der mit AMR und Sepsismanagement verbundenen Kosten anbietet.

  • Potential to significantly reduce time for pathogen identification in sepsis cases
  • Collaboration may lead to increased product adoption and market growth
  • Combined solution aims to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs
  • Addresses the critical global health threat of antimicrobial resistance
  • None.


This collaboration between T2 Biosystems and Prxcision marks a significant advancement in rapid sepsis diagnostics and treatment. The integration of T2's direct-from-blood pathogen detection with Prxcision's AI-driven decision support platform addresses a critical need in antimicrobial stewardship.

Key points to consider:

  • Market potential: With over 1.27 million annual deaths due to AMR, this solution targets a substantial and growing healthcare concern.
  • Competitive advantage: The combined offering provides a unique value proposition - rapid pathogen identification paired with real-time treatment guidance.
  • Revenue synergies: This partnership could accelerate adoption of both companies' technologies, potentially boosting T2's market penetration and sales.
  • Cost savings for hospitals: Faster, more accurate treatment decisions could lead to reduced hospital stays and better resource utilization.

While promising, investors should monitor the execution of this collaboration and its impact on T2's financial performance, given the company's current low market cap of $28.6 million. The success of this initiative could be transformative for T2 Biosystems, but it's important to see tangible results in future quarters.

This collaboration represents a significant leap forward in combating sepsis and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The integration of rapid diagnostics with AI-driven treatment guidance addresses several critical challenges in sepsis management:

  • Time-to-treatment: Reducing the time to targeted therapy from days to hours could significantly improve patient outcomes, as each hour delay increases mortality risk by up to 8%.
  • Precision medicine: The AI platform's ability to provide personalized treatment recommendations based on real-time patient data and pathogen profiles aligns with the growing trend towards precision medicine in infectious diseases.
  • Antibiotic stewardship: By enabling more targeted antibiotic use, this solution could help slow the development of AMR, a major global health threat.

The potential impact on clinical practice is substantial. However, adoption rates and real-world efficacy data will be important to watch. If successful, this approach could set a new standard in sepsis care and infectious disease management, potentially leading to widespread implementation across healthcare systems.

Pioneering a new frontier in antibiotic stewardship to combat the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance

LEXINGTON, Mass. and SCHENECTADY, N.Y., Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- T2 Biosystems, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTOO), a leader in the rapid detection of sepsis-causing pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes, and Prxcision, Inc., innovators behind the real-time AI-powered decision support platform pRxcision®, have announced a co-marketing collaboration intended to deliver a revolutionary solution for patients suspected of bloodstream infections and sepsis, and combat the escalating crisis of antibiotic resistance.

Antibiotic resistance is one of the greatest threats facing modern medicine, with millions of lives at risk. Over 1.27 million deaths are reported annually due to antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which threatens to render essential antibiotics useless. The stakes are high, and time is critical—each hour of delayed targeted treatment can increase the risk of death by up to 8% for sepsis patients. By co-marketing T2 Biosystems’ rapid, direct-from-blood diagnostics and the pRxcision® platform, the companies intend to enable a new, comprehensive approach to infection management. This collaboration is expected to provide hospitals with a powerful solution: rapid identification of pathogens directly from blood in hours, not days, paired with real-time insights and information to guide the best possible treatment decisions—immediately.

A Revolution in Real-Time Care
“Imagine being able to detect sepsis-causing pathogens within a few hours and having the information needed to act in real time,” said John Sperzel, CEO of T2 Biosystems. “We believe our collaboration with Prxcision, Inc. brings this vision to life. By combining our direct-from-blood diagnostics with the AI-driven pRxcision® platform, we plan to empower clinicians with the information to stop infections in their tracks—faster than ever before. We believe this collaboration will not only prevent antibiotic misuse but also reduce resistance, save lives, and fundamentally change the way we manage sepsis.”

The Right Treatment at the Right Time
The pRxcision® platform is designed to leverage data from T2 Biosystems’ diagnostics to provide another level of precision—using advanced pharmacokinetic models, pathogen profiles, and real-time patient data to enable clinicians to prescribe the right drug, dose, and duration as the patient's condition evolves. The platform adapts continuously to changing clinical information, providing ranked, evidence-based treatment regimens that help clinicians optimize care and improve outcomes.

“Our platform delivers real-time insights that were once unimaginable,” said Paul G. Ambrose, CEO of Prxcision, Inc. “pRxcision® brings cutting-edge AI to the patient’s bedside—empowering clinicians to navigate complex decisions with confidence. We are thrilled about this collaboration and believe it can accelerate the adoption of our technology, driving significant improvements in hospitals across the country.”

Unlocking New Growth in a Changing Healthcare Landscape
Beyond improving patient care, this collaboration is intended to drive product adoption and create exciting opportunities for growth in a rapidly evolving market. With speed and accuracy at its core, the combined solution can provide hospitals with a powerful tool to improve outcomes and reduce costs. By offering real-time insights and targeted treatment information, T2 Biosystems and Prxcision, Inc. aim to reduce the burden of AMR, helping healthcare systems across the United States take a proactive stance against one of the top global public health threats.

About T2 Biosystems
T2 Biosystems is commercializing the only FDA-cleared diagnostics capable of detecting sepsis-causing bacterial and fungal pathogens directly from blood in just 3-5 hours—eliminating the need for days-long blood cultures. The T2Bacteria® and T2Candida® Panels identify the most common sepsis-causing pathogens with high sensitivity and specificity, allowing clinicians to act sooner, improve outcomes, and save lives.

About Prxcision, Inc.
Prxcision, Inc. leverages two decades of expertise in antibiotic development to create a real-time, AI-powered decision support platform. Integrated with electronic health records, pRxcision® provides clinicians with ranked, evidence-based antibiotic regimens tailored to each patient’s needs. This approach helps stop antibiotic misuse, breaks the cycle of resistance, reduces healthcare costs, and ultimately saves lives.

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements contained in this press release that do not relate to matters of historical fact should be considered forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, statements regarding the potential for the collaboration between T2 Biosystems and Prxcision, Inc. to deliver a revolutionary solution for patients with suspected of bloodstream infections and sepsis; the likelihood that the collaboration will enable a new, comprehensive approach to infection management; the likelihood that the collaboration will not only prevent antibiotic misuse but also reduce resistance, save lives, and fundamentally change the way we manage sepsis; the likelihood that the collaboration will create a new frontier in antibiotic stewardship and optimize treatment for patients with a bloodstream infection or sepsis; and the likelihood that combining rapid direct-from-blood diagnostics like the T2Bacteria Panel and the T2Candida Panel, with real-time AI-powered decision support tools like the pRxcision® platform can ensure that patients receive the right antibiotics, at the right dose, at the right time, faster than ever before, as well as statements that include the words “expect,” “may,” “should,” “anticipate,” and similar statements of a future or forward-looking nature. These forward-looking statements are based on management’s current expectations. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees, but involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, (i) any inability to (a) realize anticipated benefits from commitments, contracts or products; (b) successfully execute strategic priorities; (c) bring products to market; (d) expand product usage or adoption; (e) obtain customer testimonials; (f) accurately predict growth assumptions; (g) realize anticipated revenues; (h) incur expected levels of operating expenses; or (i) increase the number of high-risk patients at customer facilities; (ii) failure of early data to predict eventual outcomes; (iii) failure to make or obtain anticipated FDA filings or clearances within expected time frames or at all; or (iv) the factors discussed under Item 1A. “Risk Factors” in T2 Biosystems‘ Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, on April 1, 2024, and other filings T2 Biosystems makes with the SEC from time to time, including our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Current Reports on Form 8-K. These and other important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the forward-looking statements made in this press release. Any such forward-looking statements represent management’s estimates as of the date of this press release. While T2 Biosystems and Prxcision may elect to update such forward-looking statements at some point in the future, unless required by law, it disclaims any obligation to do so, even if subsequent events cause their respective views to change. Thus, no one should assume that any silence by T2 Biosystems or Prxcision over time means that actual events are bearing out as expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing the views of T2 Biosystems or Prxcision as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release.

Investor Contacts:
Philip Trip Taylor, Gilmartin Group

Prxcision, Inc.


What is the purpose of T2 Biosystems and Prxcision's collaboration?

The collaboration aims to combine T2 Biosystems' rapid diagnostics with Prxcision's AI platform to provide faster pathogen identification and real-time treatment guidance for sepsis and bloodstream infections, combating antimicrobial resistance.

How can the T2 Biosystems (TTOO) and Prxcision collaboration impact sepsis treatment?

The collaboration is expected to enable detection of sepsis-causing pathogens within hours instead of days, allowing for faster, more targeted treatment decisions, which could significantly reduce the risk of death for sepsis patients.

What are the potential benefits of the T2 Biosystems (TTOO) and Prxcision partnership for hospitals?

The partnership aims to provide hospitals with a comprehensive solution that can improve patient outcomes, reduce costs associated with antimicrobial resistance and sepsis management, and offer real-time insights for more effective treatment decisions.

How does the pRxcision® platform work with T2 Biosystems' (TTOO) diagnostics?

The pRxcision® platform uses data from T2 Biosystems' diagnostics, along with advanced pharmacokinetic models and real-time patient data, to provide ranked, evidence-based treatment regimens that adapt to changing clinical information.

T2 Biosystems, Inc


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