TETRA Technologies (NYSE:TTI) has launched TETRA Oasis TDS, a new water treatment and desalination technology for oil and gas produced water. The company recently completed a successful pilot project in the Delaware Basin, achieving a 92% recovery rate of desalinated water with total dissolved solids levels of 40-200 ppm, exceeding municipal drinking water standards. The treated water passed all Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) testing parameters, important for regulatory compliance.
The technology addresses growing produced water volumes in the Permian Basin, estimated at 8.3 billion barrels in 2024, up 5% from 2023. With regulatory restrictions potentially reducing disposal well capacity by 20%, this creates a market opportunity of up to 4 million barrels per day for beneficial re-use, representing a $4 billion annual market in the Permian Basin.
TETRA Technologies (NYSE:TTI) ha lanciato TETRA Oasis TDS, una nuova tecnologia per il trattamento e la dissalazione delle acque prodotte nel settore petrolifero e del gas. L'azienda ha recentemente completato un progetto pilota di successo nel Delaware Basin, raggiungendo un tasso di recupero dell'acqua dissalata del 92% con livelli di solidi disciolti totali di 40-200 ppm, superando gli standard municipali per l'acqua potabile. L'acqua trattata ha superato tutti i parametri di test di Tossicità Totale degli Effluenti (WET), essenziali per la conformità alle normative.
La tecnologia affronta l'aumento dei volumi di acqua prodotta nel Permian Basin, stimati in 8,3 miliardi di barili nel 2024, con un incremento del 5% rispetto al 2023. Con le restrizioni normative che potrebbero ridurre la capacità dei pozzi di smaltimento del 20%, ciò crea un'opportunità di mercato fino a 4 milioni di barili al giorno per riutilizzi benefici, rappresentando un mercato annuale di 4 miliardi di dollari nel Permian Basin.
TETRA Technologies (NYSE:TTI) ha lanzado TETRA Oasis TDS, una nueva tecnología de tratamiento y desalinización de aguas producidas en la industria del petróleo y gas. La compañía completó recientemente un exitoso proyecto piloto en la Cuenca de Delaware, logrando una tasa de recuperación del 92% de agua desalada con niveles de sólidos disueltos totales de 40-200 ppm, superando los estándares municipales de agua potable. El agua tratada aprobó todos los parámetros de pruebas de Toxicidad Total de Efluentes (WET), lo que es importante para el cumplimiento normativo.
La tecnología aborda el creciente volumen de agua producida en la Cuenca de Permian, que se estima en 8.3 mil millones de barriles para 2024, un aumento del 5% respecto a 2023. Con restricciones normativas que podrían reducir la capacidad de los pozos de eliminación en un 20%, esto crea una oportunidad de mercado de hasta 4 millones de barriles por día para su reutilización beneficiosa, representando un mercado anual de $4 mil millones en la Cuenca de Permian.
TETRA Technologies (NYSE:TTI)는 기름과 가스에서 발생한 물을 위한 새로운 수처리 및 염수 제거 기술인 TETRA Oasis TDS를 출시했습니다. 회사는 최근 델라웨어 분지에서 성공적인 파일럿 프로젝트를 완료하였으며, 40-200 ppm의 총 용존 고형물 수준으로 92%의 탈염수 회수율을 달성하여 시정촌의 음용수 기준을 초과했습니다. 처리된 물은 규제 준수에 중요한 모든 전체 배출 독성(WET) 테스트 매개변수를 통과했습니다.
이 기술은 2024년 83억 배럴로 예상되는 페미안 분지의 증가하는 발생수량 문제를 해결합니다. 이는 2023년에 비해 5% 증가한 수치입니다. 규제 제한이 폐기물 잘의 용량을 20% 줄일 수 있는 상황에서, 이는 유익한 재사용을 위해 하루 최대 400만 배럴의 시장 기회를 창출하며, 페미안 분지에서 연간 40억 달러의 시장을 나타냅니다.
TETRA Technologies (NYSE:TTI) a lancé TETRA Oasis TDS, une nouvelle technologie de traitement et de désalinisation des eaux produites dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier. L'entreprise a récemment achevé un projet pilote réussi dans le Delaware Basin, atteignant un taux de récupération de 92 % de l'eau désalinisée avec des niveaux de solides dissous totaux de 40-200 ppm, dépassant les normes municipales d'eau potable. L'eau traitée a satisfait à tous les paramètres du test de toxicité totale des effluents (WET), essentiel pour la conformité réglementaire.
Cette technologie répond à l'augmentation des volumes d'eau produite dans le Permian Basin, estimée à 8,3 milliards de barils en 2024, soit une augmentation de 5 % par rapport à 2023. Avec des restrictions réglementaires qui pourraient réduire la capacité des puits d'élimination de 20 %, cela crée une opportunité de marché allant jusqu'à 4 millions de barils par jour pour une réutilisation bénéfique, représentant un marché annuel de 4 milliards de dollars dans le Permian Basin.
TETRA Technologies (NYSE:TTI) hat TETRA Oasis TDS vorgestellt, eine neue Technologie zur Wasseraufbereitung und Entsalzung von im Öl- und Gasbereich produzierten Wasser. Das Unternehmen hat kürzlich ein erfolgreiches Pilotprojekt im Delaware Basin abgeschlossen und eine Rückgewinnungsrate von 92% für entsalzenes Wasser mit einem Gehalt an gelösten Feststoffen von 40-200 ppm erzielt, was die kommunalen Standards für Trinkwasser übersteigt. Das behandelte Wasser hat alle Parameter der Gesamtabfluss-Toxizitätstests (WET) bestanden, die für die regulatorische Compliance wichtig sind.
Die Technologie befasst sich mit den wachsenden Volumina an produziertem Wasser im Permian Basin, die für 2024 auf 8,3 Milliarden Barrel geschätzt werden, was einem Anstieg von 5% im Vergleich zu 2023 entspricht. Da regulatorische Beschränkungen die Kapazität von Entsorgungsbohrungen um 20% reduzieren könnten, ergibt sich daraus eine Marktchance von bis zu 4 Millionen Barrel pro Tag für nützliche Wiederverwendung, was einem jährlichen Markt von 4 Milliarden Dollar im Permian Basin entspricht.
- Successful pilot project achieving 92% water recovery rate
- Treated water quality exceeding municipal drinking water standards
- Passed all regulatory WET testing parameters
- Addressing $4 billion annual market opportunity in Permian Basin
- Record peak volume of over 800,000 bbl/day treated in Q4 2024
- U.S. land oil and gas well frac and completion activity declining throughout 2024
The launch of TETRA Oasis TDS represents a significant technological advancement in produced water treatment. The system's 92% recovery rate and ability to reduce total dissolved solids to 40-200 ppm is remarkably efficient, exceeding typical municipal water standards. The successful WET testing results are particularly noteworthy, as they validate the system's environmental safety and regulatory compliance potential.
With Permian Basin produced water volumes reaching 8.3 billion barrels in 2024 and a potential $4 billion annual market opportunity, TETRA's solution addresses a critical industry challenge. The integration of KMX's VMD and Hyrec's OARO technologies provides flexibility in handling varying water qualities, while the mineral extraction capability adds significant economic value.
TETRA's strategic expansion into water treatment positions them well in a rapidly growing market. With Permian Basin produced water volumes increasing
Their record treatment volume of 800,000 barrels per day in Q4 2024 demonstrates operational capability and market penetration. The seven NDAs in place suggest strong commercial interest, while the equity investment in KMX Technologies indicates commitment to technological advancement. This diversification could significantly impact TETRA's revenue streams and market valuation.
TETRA also recently completed a commercial pilot project for the desalination of
Our first field pilot program successfully treated produced water where we achieved
TETRA see significant opportunity in the space and continue to engage high quality customers to address their water challenges and disposal restrictions due to seismicity events with seven NDA's in place and ongoing negotiations with others to discuss the proprietary details of our TETRA Oasis TDS."
TETRA Oasis TDS is a proprietary end-to-end offering that involves a variety of processing stages starting with operator's oil and gas well produced water as feed brine for a pre-treatment step. TETRA has developed extensive experience and expertise over the past six years in the treatment and recycling of produced water for frac re-use, as demonstrated by having treated in the fourth quarter, 2024 a record peak volume of over 800,000 bbl/day. This experience has advanced TETRA's chemistry know-how in addressing a wide variability of produced water constituents, including dealing with organic compounds that would otherwise be destructive to membranes used in other industries to desalinate water.
The critical pre-treatment first step is followed by the desalination stage through two technologies licensed exclusively to TETRA for oil and gas produced water applications, KMX Technologies Inc., ("KMX") Vacuum Membrane Distillation ("VMD") or Hyrec Holdings Company W.L.L. ("Hyrec") Osmotically Assisted Reverse Osmosis ("OARO"), or a combination of both. The selection of which technology or combination thereof depends, in part, on the total dissolved solids of the feed water, the end use application, and optimizing both the capital and operating costs of the process. The final stage is a post-treatment process designed to meet customer water specifications and may involve extraction of minerals, which TETRA's chemical business has been doing for many years, and potentially significantly improving the economic benefits. TETRA Oasis TDS was successfully proven in the field to deliver a water quality that achieves or exceeds regulatory requirements in a cost-effective manner for multiple beneficial re-use applications, including potential surface irrigation and industrial uses.
TETRA recently completed an equity investment in KMX Technologies Inc.
Details on TETRA Oasis TDS can be found on the following website link:
Investor Contact
For further information, please contact Elijio Serrano, CFO, TETRA Technologies, Inc. at (281) 367-1983 or via email at eserrano@onetetra.com.
Company Overview
TETRA Technologies, Inc. is an energy services and solutions company focused on developing environmentally conscious services and solutions that help make people's lives better. With operations on six continents, the Company's portfolio consists of Energy Services, Industrial Chemicals, and Critical Minerals. In addition to providing products and services to the oil and gas industry and calcium chloride for diverse applications, TETRA is expanding into the low-carbon energy market with chemistry expertise, key mineral acreage, and global infrastructure, helping to meet the demand for sustainable energy in the twenty-first century. Visit the Company's website at www.onetetra.com for more information.
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Statements
This news release includes certain statements that are deemed to be forward-looking statements. Generally, the use of words such as "may," "see," "expectation," "expect," "intend," "estimate," "projects," "anticipate," "believe," "assume," "could," "should," "plans," "targets" or similar expressions that convey the uncertainty of future events, activities, expectations or outcomes identify forward-looking statements that TETRA intends to be included within the safe harbor protections provided by the federal securities laws. These forward-looking statements include statements regarding TETRA's beliefs, expectations, plans, goals, future events and performance, and other statements that are not purely historical. These forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by TETRA in light of its experience and its perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances. Such statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of TETRA. Factors which may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, but are not limited to: changes adversely affecting the business in which we are engaged; our ability to forecast trends accurately; our ability to develop efficient water treatment processes to scale and to forecast related costs and efficiencies accurately; fluctuations in our revenue and operating results; competition from existing or new competitors; future relationships between parties; risks associated with security breaches in our information technology systems; risks related to legal proceedings or claims; risks associated with changes in federal, state, or local laws; risks associated with potential costs of regulatory compliance; risks associated with changes to
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SOURCE TETRA Technologies, Inc.