TechTarget’s Computer Weekly Wins Prestigious Orwell Special Prize for Journalistic Excellence

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TechTarget's Computer Weekly has been awarded the prestigious Orwell Special Prize for its coverage of the British Post Office Scandal. This rare honor recognizes Computer Weekly's 15-year investigation into one of the largest miscarriages of justice in British history. The story, first reported in 2009, has led to significant government action and inspired the ITV drama 'Mr. Bates vs. The Post Office'.

This award caps off a successful year for TechTarget's global editorial team, which has also received recognition from the British Society of Magazine Editors, the UK Association of Online Publishers, and the American Society of Business Publication Editors. TechTarget's commitment to high-quality, independent content is reflected in its team of over 150 editors and 1,000+ contributors worldwide, covering enterprise technology topics across 150 websites and 1000+ webinar channels.

Computer Weekly di TechTarget ha ricevuto il prestigioso Premio Speciale Orwell per la sua copertura dello scandalo delle Poste britanniche. Questo raro onore riconosce i 15 anni di indagine di Computer Weekly su uno dei più grandi errori giudiziari nella storia britannica. La storia, riportata per la prima volta nel 2009, ha portato a significative azioni da parte del governo e ha ispirato il dramma di ITV 'Mr. Bates vs. The Post Office'.

Questo premio conclude un anno di successo per il team editoriale globale di TechTarget, che ha ricevuto riconoscimenti anche dalla British Society of Magazine Editors, dalla UK Association of Online Publishers e dalla American Society of Business Publication Editors. L'impegno di TechTarget verso contenuti di alta qualità e indipendenti si riflette nel suo team di oltre 150 editori e più di 1.000 collaboratori in tutto il mondo, che coprono argomenti legati alla tecnologia aziendale su 150 siti web e oltre 1.000 canali di webinar.

Computer Weekly de TechTarget ha sido galardonado con el prestigioso Premio Especial Orwell por su cobertura del Escándalo de la Oficina de Correos Británica. Este raro honor reconoce la investigación de 15 años de Computer Weekly sobre uno de los mayores errores judiciales en la historia británica. La historia, reportada por primera vez en 2009, ha llevado a acciones significativas por parte del gobierno e inspirado el drama de ITV 'Mr. Bates vs. The Post Office'.

Este premio cierra un año exitoso para el equipo editorial global de TechTarget, que también ha recibido reconocimientos de la British Society of Magazine Editors, la UK Association of Online Publishers y la American Society of Business Publication Editors. El compromiso de TechTarget con contenidos de alta calidad e independientes se refleja en su equipo de más de 150 editores y más de 1,000 colaboradores en todo el mundo, cubriendo temas de tecnología empresarial en 150 sitios web y más de 1,000 canales de seminarios web.

TechTarget의 Computer Weekly는 영국 우체국 스캔들에 대한 보도로 저명한 오웰 특별상을 수상했습니다. 이 드문 영예는 Computer Weekly가 영국 역사상 가장 큰 사법적 착오 중 하나를 조사한 15년의 노력을 인정합니다. 이 이야기는 2009년에 처음 보도되었으며, 정부의 중요한 조치를 이끌어냈고 ITV 드라마 'Mr. Bates vs. The Post Office'에 영감을 주었습니다.

이 상은 TechTarget의 글로벌 편집 팀이 성공적인 한 해를 마무리하는 것으로, 이 팀은 또한 British Society of Magazine Editors, UK Association of Online Publishers, American Society of Business Publication Editors로부터 인정받았습니다. TechTarget이 고품질의 독립적인 콘텐츠에 대한 헌신은 150명이 넘는 편집자와 전 세계 1,000명이 넘는 기여자로 구성된 팀에 반영되어 있으며, 150개의 웹사이트와 1,000개 이상의 웨비나 채널에서 기업 기술 주제를 다루고 있습니다.

Computer Weekly de TechTarget a reçu le prestigieux Prix Spécial Orwell pour sa couverture du scandale de la Poste britannique. Cet honneur rare reconnaît les 15 années d'enquête de Computer Weekly sur l'un des plus grands dysfonctionnements judiciaires de l'histoire britannique. L'histoire, rapportée pour la première fois en 2009, a conduit à des actions gouvernementales significatives et a inspiré le drame d'ITV 'Mr. Bates vs. The Post Office'.

Ce prix clôt une année réussie pour l'équipe éditoriale mondiale de TechTarget, qui a également reçu des distinctions de la British Society of Magazine Editors, de la UK Association of Online Publishers et de la American Society of Business Publication Editors. L'engagement de TechTarget envers un contenu de haute qualité et indépendant se reflète dans son équipe de plus de 150 éditeurs et de plus de 1 000 contributeurs dans le monde, couvrant des thèmes liés à la technologie d'entreprise sur 150 sites Web et plus de 1 000 canaux de webinaires.

TechTargets Computer Weekly wurde mit dem renommierten Orwell-Sonderpreis für die Berichterstattung über den britischen Postamtsskandal ausgezeichnet. Diese seltene Ehrung erkennt die 15-jährige Untersuchung von Computer Weekly zu einem der größten Justizfehler in der britischen Geschichte an. Die Geschichte, die erstmals 2009 berichtet wurde, führte zu bedeutenden Maßnahmen der Regierung und inspirierte das ITV-Drama 'Mr. Bates vs. The Post Office'.

Dieser Preis rundet ein erfolgreiches Jahr für das globale Redaktionsteam von TechTarget ab, das auch Anerkennung von der British Society of Magazine Editors, der UK Association of Online Publishers und der American Society of Business Publication Editors erhalten hat. Das Engagement von TechTarget für qualitativ hochwertigen, unabhängigen Inhalt spiegelt sich in seinem Team von über 150 Redakteuren und über 1.000 Mitwirkenden weltweit wider, die Unternehmenstechnologiethemen auf 150 Websites und über 1.000 Webinar-Kanälen abdecken.

  • Computer Weekly won the prestigious Orwell Special Prize for journalistic excellence
  • TechTarget's editorial team received multiple awards in 2024, including 31 ASBPE Azbee Awards
  • TechTarget has a global team of over 150 editors and 1,000+ contributors
  • The company operates 150 enterprise technology-specific websites and 1000+ webinar channels
  • None.

The latest of several 2024 editorial awards is reflective of TechTarget’s continued commitment to delivering high quality, independent editorial to B2B technology audiences worldwide

LONDON & NEWTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Leading technology media and purchase intent-driven marketing and sales services company TechTarget, Inc. (Nasdaq: TTGT) today announced that Computer WeeklyTM, its leading source of news, analysis, opinion and information for millions of IT decision-makers in Europe, was awarded an Orwell Special Prize as part of the annual Orwell Prizes – one of the most prestigious awards programs in British journalism. The Orwell Prizes were established in the name of George Orwell by the Orwell Foundation to recognize the very best in political and investigative writing in journalism, fiction and non-fiction. Although the Orwell Prizes are an annual program, the exceptional Orwell Special Prize is rarely given, with the last one being awarded in 2017. Computer Weekly specifically won the award for the breaking of the British Post Office Scandal - one of the largest miscarriages of justice in British history - and for “sustained, impactful and diligent investigation and reportage of that story for many, many years”.

Previous winners of the Orwell Special Prize include some the most well-respected British publishers and media outlets like the BBC, The Sunday Times and The Observer.

This story, first broken by former Computer Weekly reporter Rebecca Thompson in 2009 and covered actively by Chief Reporter and Senior Editor Karl Flinders since 2010, has played a major part in spurring unprecedented government action and was part of the inspiration for 2024’s ITV 4-part UK drama Mr. Bates vs. The Post Office. Computer Weekly has written more than 400 articles on the British Post Office Scandal over the last 15 years.

“We’re immensely proud to be the publication that broke a story of this magnitude and wide-ranging impact across our market,” said Bryan Glick, Editor in Chief, Computer Weekly. “Sometimes campaigning, investigative journalism takes time – for Computer Weekly it’s been 15 years since we first exposed the Post Office scandal. To be recognized alongside the legends of British journalism who have won the Orwell Special Prize is a testament to the knowledge and quality of our editorial team, past and present.”

This latest honor caps an incredible year of recognition for TechTarget’s world-class global team of journalists and editors, including:

“To receive the Orwell Prize is an incredible achievement and showcases the leadership, expertise, and tenacity of our team at Computer Weekly – which is reflective of the values of TechTarget’s worldwide editorial organization as a whole,” said Michael Cotoia, CEO of TechTarget. “We continue to commit to and invest in delivering the highest quality independent content in the industry and our audience of 32 million opt-in B2B tech buyers rely on us to deliver this in-depth information to help them make more intelligent purchasing decisions.”

TechTarget’s team of over 150 editors and 1,000+ contributors worldwide provide in-depth coverage of the issues and trends while also delivering real insight into the challenges business leaders face and delve deeply into a myriad of topics, products, companies and policies that shape the increasingly complex business ecosystem. This award-winning content across its network of 150 enterprise technology-specific websites and 1000+ webinar channels allows TechTarget to attract, inform, engage and capture the intent of the most qualified, active enterprise technology buyers across the Web. Enterprise technology sales and marketing teams leverage TechTarget’s powerful, precise and proprietary intent data to accelerate business outcomes.

To learn more about the award-winning editorial that drives TechTarget’s powerful audiences and market-leading insights, visit

About TechTarget

TechTarget (Nasdaq: TTGT) is the global leader in purchase intent-driven marketing and sales services that deliver business impact for enterprise technology companies. By creating abundant, high-quality editorial content across 150 highly targeted technology-specific websites and more than 1,000 channels, TechTarget attracts and nurtures communities of technology buyers researching their companies’ information technology needs. By understanding these buyers’ content consumption behaviors, TechTarget creates the purchase intent insights that fuel efficient and effective marketing and sales activities for clients around the world.

TechTarget has offices in Boston, London, Munich, New York, Paris, Singapore and Sydney. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn.

(C) 2024 TechTarget, Inc. All rights reserved. TechTarget and the TechTarget logo are registered trademarks and Computer Weekly is a trademark of TechTarget. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Garrett Mann

Vice President of Corporate Communications

TechTarget, Inc.


Source: TechTarget, Inc.


What award did TechTarget's Computer Weekly win in 2024?

TechTarget's Computer Weekly won the Orwell Special Prize in 2024 for its coverage of the British Post Office Scandal.

How long has Computer Weekly (TTGT) been reporting on the British Post Office Scandal?

Computer Weekly has been reporting on the British Post Office Scandal for 15 years, since first breaking the story in 2009.

How many articles has Computer Weekly (TTGT) written about the British Post Office Scandal?

Computer Weekly has written more than 400 articles on the British Post Office Scandal over the last 15 years.

What other awards did TechTarget's editorial team receive in 2024?

TechTarget's editorial team also received awards from the British Society of Magazine Editors, the UK Association of Online Publishers, and 31 National and Regional 'Azbee' Awards from the American Society of Business Publication Editors in 2024.

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