TechTarget CMO John Steinert to Present with MarTech Pioneer and Marketo Co-Founder Jon Miller on Buying Group Measurement and Metrics at Upcoming OpsStars Conference

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TechTarget's CMO John Steinert will join Marketo Co-Founder Jon Miller for a panel discussion at the OpsStars Conference on September 18 in San Francisco. The session, titled 'Measure What (Really) Matters: The Metrics of Buying Groups', will focus on how Revenue teams can measure and evaluate key metrics for Buying Groups as a go-to-market strategy.

The panel will cover essential topics such as unifying sales and marketing goals, developing key data points for Buying Groups, and strategies for organizational success. TechTarget, recently named a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: B2B Intent Providers Q2 2023, will showcase its Priority Engine™ intent platform and Prospect-Level Intent™ data at the conference.

Il CMO di TechTarget, John Steinert, si unirà a Jon Miller, cofondatore di Marketo, per una discussione di panel alla OpsStars Conference il 18 settembre a San Francisco. La sessione, intitolata 'Misurare Ciò che (Davvero) Conta: Le Metriche dei Gruppi di Acquisto', si concentrerà su come i team di fatturato possano misurare e valutare metriche chiave per i Gruppi di Acquisto come strategia di mercato.

Il panel tratterà argomenti essenziali come l'unificazione degli obiettivi di vendita e marketing, lo sviluppo di punti dati chiave per i Gruppi di Acquisto e strategie per il successo organizzativo. TechTarget, recentemente nominato Leader nella The Forrester Wave™: B2B Intent Providers Q2 2023, presenterà la sua piattaforma di intenti Priority Engine™ e i dati di intenti a livello di prospect Prospect-Level Intent™ durante la conferenza.

El CMO de TechTarget, John Steinert, se unirá a Jon Miller, cofundador de Marketo, para un panel de discusión en la OpsStars Conference el 18 de septiembre en San Francisco. La sesión, titulada 'Mide lo que (realmente) importa: las métricas de los grupos de compra', se centrará en cómo los equipos de ingresos pueden medir y evaluar métricas clave para los Grupos de Compra como estrategia de entrada al mercado.

El panel abordará temas esenciales como la unificación de los objetivos de ventas y marketing, el desarrollo de puntos de datos clave para los Grupos de Compra y estrategias para el éxito organizacional. TechTarget, recientemente nombrado líder en The Forrester Wave™: Proveedores de Intención B2B Q2 2023, presentará su plataforma de intención Priority Engine™ y datos de intención a nivel de prospecto Prospect-Level Intent™ en la conferencia.

TechTarget의 CMO인 John Steinert가 Marketo의 공동 창립자인 Jon Miller와 함께 9월 18일 샌프란시스코에서 열리는 OpsStars Conference에서 패널 토론에 참석합니다. '중요한 것(정말로) 측정하기: 구매 그룹의 메트릭'이라는 제목의 이 세션은 수익 팀이 시장 진출 전략으로 구매 그룹의 핵심 메트릭을 측정하고 평가할 수 있는 방법에 초점을 맞출 것입니다.

패널은 판매 및 마케팅 목표 통합, 구매 그룹을 위한 핵심 데이터 포인트 개발, 조직적 성공을 위한 전략과 같은 필수 주제를 다룰 것입니다. 최근 2023년 2분기 B2B 의도 제공업체에 대한 The Forrester Wave™에서 리더로 선정된 TechTarget는 Priority Engine™ 의도 플랫폼과 Prospect-Level Intent™ 데이터를 컨퍼런스에서 선보일 것입니다.

Le CMO de TechTarget, John Steinert, rejoindra Jon Miller, cofondateur de Marketo, pour une discussion en panel lors de la OpsStars Conference le 18 septembre à San Francisco. La session, intitulée 'Mesurer Ce Qui (Vraiment) Compte : Les Métriques des Groupes d'Achat', se concentrera sur la manière dont les équipes de revenus peuvent mesurer et évaluer des métriques clés pour les Groupes d'Achat en tant que stratégie de mise sur le marché.

Le panel couvrira des sujets essentiels tels que l'unification des objectifs de vente et de marketing, le développement de points de données clés pour les Groupes d'Achat et des stratégies pour le succès organisationnel. TechTarget, récemment désigné comme Leader dans The Forrester Wave™ : Fournisseurs d'Intention B2B Q2 2023, présentera sa plateforme d'intention Priority Engine™ et les données d'intention au niveau du prospect Prospect-Level Intent™ lors de la conférence.

Der CMO von TechTarget, John Steinert, wird sich Jon Miller, Mitbegründer von Marketo, zu einer Podiumsdiskussion auf der OpsStars Conference am 18. September in San Francisco anschließen. Die Sitzung mit dem Titel 'Messe, was (wirklich) zählt: Die Kennzahlen von Kaufgruppen' konzentriert sich darauf, wie Einnahmeteams wichtige Kennzahlen für Kaufgruppen im Rahmen einer Markteinführungsstrategie messen und bewerten können.

Das Panel wird wesentliche Themen wie die Vereinheitlichung der Vertriebs- und Marketingziele, die Entwicklung zentraler Datenpunkte für Kaufgruppen und Strategien für den organisatorischen Erfolg behandeln. TechTarget, das kürzlich als Marktführer in The Forrester Wave™: B2B Intent Providers Q2 2023 benannt wurde, wird auf der Konferenz seine Priority Engine™ Intent-Plattform und Prospect-Level Intent™ Daten vorstellen.

  • None.
  • None.

NEWTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- TechTarget, Inc. (Nasdaq: TTGT), the global leader in B2B technology purchase intent data and services today announced that its Chief Marketing Officer John Steinert will be joining a panel with Marketo Co-Founder Jon Miller live at OpsStars on September 18 in San Francisco – “Measure What (Really) Matters: The Metrics of Buying Groups”.

These two marketing leaders will discuss and debate how Revenue teams can measure and evaluate key metrics for Buying Groups as a go-to-market motion. They will cover what is needed to launch this new Opportunity-centric motion and the essential role that metrics play in guiding targeting as well as alignment between sales and marketing, specifically:

  • With Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) thrown out the window, how to unify sales and marketing goals and metrics
  • How to develop your own key data points in a Buying Groups motion
  • The strategies and mindset shifts that will drive organizational success

This panel will be moderated by Alice Walker of LeanData, the authority in turning buyer journey signals into buying decisions as well as a strong partner for top-performing companies looking to build and maintain strategic go-to-market motions centered on Buying Groups. The session will be live on the main stage Wednesday, September 18 at 2pm PT at the historic San Francisco Mint.

“Many enterprise technology companies would like to make the move from a lead-centric to a buying group-centric model, but don’t have the right insights, processes or measurement frameworks in place to do it,” said John Steinert, Chief Marketing Officer, TechTarget. “I am excited to participate in OpsStars and, specifically, to join this panel with Jon to help Revenue teams understand how to get started, providing practical advice from real experience and the tools to propel their own journeys. We will dive into specific strategies and tactics, unique insights available from data sources like Prospect-Level Intent data and the true metrics that matter for success to deliver essential education for leaders moving to Buying Groups for GTM.”

Learn more about the panel here.

TechTarget was named a Leader in The Forrester Wave: B2B Intent Providers Q2 2023. Its proprietary purchase intent data is available on the account, buying team and contact level and is uniquely powerful because of how it is made and how it is delivered to B2B tech Go-to-Market teams. The actionable insights within the TechTarget Priority Engine intent platform are available because of the depth of original decision-support content spanning thousands of unique IT topics across TechTarget’s network of 150 enterprise technology-specific websites. Because our content is built to aid decision making during buyer's journeys, our data enables clients to precisely target and engage our audience of active buying teams in the most relevant context possible.

The annual OpsStars Conference, held annually at the historic San Francisco Mint, brings together thousands of sales, marketing, customer, and revenue operations leaders to share best practices and build meaningful connections. TechTarget is a sponsor of the 2024 event and will be meeting with customers and prospects at our booth in the Sponsor Ballroom. To understand how to connect with us at the event, please reach out to your TechTarget representative or click here.

About OpsStars

OpsStars is a thriving community of revenue-focused operations practitioners and executives, offering an event experience that centers on sharing practical knowledge and solutions. With an ever-changing agenda and diverse speakers, the annual OpsStars Conference enables attendees to collaborate, gain new insights, and drive revenue success.

About TechTarget

TechTarget (Nasdaq: TTGT) is the global leader in purchase intent-driven marketing and sales services that deliver business impact for enterprise technology companies. By creating abundant, high-quality editorial content across 150 highly targeted technology-specific websites and more than 1,000 channels, TechTarget attracts and nurtures communities of technology buyers researching their companies’ information technology needs. By understanding these buyers’ content consumption behaviors, TechTarget creates the purchase intent insights that fuel efficient and effective marketing and sales activities for clients around the world.

TechTarget has offices in Boston, London, Munich, New York, Paris, Singapore and Sydney. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn.

(C) 2024 TechTarget, Inc. All rights reserved. TechTarget and the TechTarget logo are registered trademarks and Priority Engine and Prospect-Level Intent are trademarks of TechTarget. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Media Inquiries

Garrett Mann

Vice President of Corporate Communications

TechTarget, Inc.


Source: TechTarget, Inc.


When and where is TechTarget's CMO John Steinert presenting at the OpsStars Conference?

John Steinert is presenting on September 18, 2023, at 2pm PT at the historic San Francisco Mint during the OpsStars Conference.

What is the main topic of the panel discussion featuring TechTarget (TTGT) at OpsStars?

The main topic is 'Measure What (Really) Matters: The Metrics of Buying Groups', focusing on how Revenue teams can measure and evaluate key metrics for Buying Groups as a go-to-market strategy.

Who is joining TechTarget's CMO John Steinert on the OpsStars Conference panel?

John Steinert will be joined by Marketo Co-Founder Jon Miller on the panel, which will be moderated by Alice Walker of LeanData.

What recent recognition did TechTarget (TTGT) receive from Forrester?

TechTarget was named a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: B2B Intent Providers Q2 2023.

What are the key TechTarget (TTGT) products mentioned in relation to the OpsStars Conference?

The key products mentioned are the Priority Engine™ intent platform and Prospect-Level Intent™ data.

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