Omdia: IT Opportunity to Reach $8.2 Trillion by 2031 Amid Rising Budgets

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Omdia research projects global IT budgets to reach $12 trillion by 2031, with $8.2 trillion representing investment opportunities and $3.8 trillion going to staff costs and operational expenses. IT budgets will grow from 4.2% of corporate revenue in 2024 to 4.5% by 2031.

Applications will remain the largest IT budget category, increasing by $1.3 trillion. The rise of AI as co-pilots and agents will influence spending, reducing staff cost proportions and slowing hiring rather than causing mass layoffs.

IT budgets surged in 2024 due to rapid generative AI adoption, with notable spikes in infrastructure investments. A slight contraction is expected in 2025 as businesses focus on automation rather than expanding IT headcount.

The CloudOps market, valued at $18.3 billion in 2023, is projected to exceed $38 billion by 2030. The enterprise IT opportunity will grow from $5.06 trillion in 2024 to $8.2 trillion by 2031, with Applications seeing the largest growth at $1.1 trillion.

Secondo le ricerche di Omdia, i budget globali per l'IT raggiungeranno 12 trilioni di dollari entro il 2031, con 8,2 trilioni di dollari che rappresentano opportunità di investimento e 3,8 trilioni di dollari destinati ai costi del personale e alle spese operative. I budget IT cresceranno dal 4,2% del fatturato aziendale nel 2024 al 4,5% entro il 2031.

Le applicazioni rimarranno la categoria di budget IT più grande, aumentando di 1,3 trilioni di dollari. L'ascesa dell'IA come co-piloti e agenti influenzerà la spesa, riducendo le proporzioni dei costi del personale e rallentando le assunzioni piuttosto che causando licenziamenti di massa.

I budget IT sono aumentati nel 2024 a causa dell'adozione rapida dell'IA generativa, con picchi notevoli negli investimenti in infrastrutture. Si prevede una leggera contrazione nel 2025 mentre le aziende si concentrano sull'automazione piuttosto che sull'espansione del personale IT.

Il mercato CloudOps, valutato 18,3 miliardi di dollari nel 2023, è previsto superare i 38 miliardi di dollari entro il 2030. L'opportunità dell'IT aziendale crescerà da 5,06 trilioni di dollari nel 2024 a 8,2 trilioni di dollari entro il 2031, con le applicazioni che vedranno la crescita più grande a 1,1 trilioni di dollari.

Según las investigaciones de Omdia, se proyecta que los presupuestos globales de TI alcanzarán 12 billones de dólares para 2031, con 8,2 billones de dólares representando oportunidades de inversión y 3,8 billones de dólares destinados a costos de personal y gastos operativos. Los presupuestos de TI crecerán del 4,2% de los ingresos corporativos en 2024 al 4,5% para 2031.

Las aplicaciones seguirán siendo la categoría de presupuesto de TI más grande, aumentando en 1,3 billones de dólares. El auge de la IA como co-pilotos y agentes influirá en el gasto, reduciendo las proporciones de costos de personal y ralentizando las contrataciones en lugar de causar despidos masivos.

Los presupuestos de TI aumentaron en 2024 debido a la rápida adopción de la IA generativa, con picos notables en las inversiones en infraestructura. Se espera una ligera contracción en 2025 a medida que las empresas se centran en la automatización en lugar de expandir el personal de TI.

El mercado de CloudOps, valorado en 18,3 mil millones de dólares en 2023, se proyecta que superará los 38 mil millones de dólares para 2030. La oportunidad de TI empresarial crecerá de 5,06 billones de dólares en 2024 a 8,2 billones de dólares para 2031, siendo las aplicaciones las que verán el mayor crecimiento con 1,1 billones de dólares.

Omdia의 연구에 따르면, 전 세계 IT 예산은 2031년까지 12조 달러에 이를 것으로 예상됩니다. 이 중 8.2조 달러는 투자 기회를 나타내며, 3.8조 달러는 인건비와 운영 비용에 사용됩니다. IT 예산은 2024년 기업 수익의 4.2%에서 2031년까지 4.5%로 증가할 것입니다.

응용 프로그램은 가장 큰 IT 예산 범주로 남아 있으며, 1.3조 달러 증가할 것입니다. AI의 부상은 공동 파일럿 및 에이전트로서 지출에 영향을 미치며, 인건비 비율을 줄이고 대량 해고를 초래하기보다는 채용을 둔화시킬 것입니다.

2024년에는 빠른 생성 AI 채택으로 인해 IT 예산이 급증했으며, 인프라 투자에서 눈에 띄는 급증이 있었습니다. 기업들이 IT 인력을 확장하기보다는 자동화에 집중함에 따라 2025년에는 약간의 축소가 예상됩니다.

2023년 183억 달러로 평가된 CloudOps 시장은 2030년까지 380억 달러를 초과할 것으로 예상됩니다. 기업 IT 기회는 2024년 5.06조 달러에서 2031년까지 8.2조 달러로 성장할 것이며, 응용 프로그램은 1.1조 달러로 가장 큰 성장을 보일 것입니다.

Selon les recherches d'Omdia, les budgets informatiques mondiaux devraient atteindre 12 billions de dollars d'ici 2031, avec 8,2 billions de dollars représentant des opportunités d'investissement et 3,8 billions de dollars destinés aux coûts de personnel et aux dépenses opérationnelles. Les budgets informatiques passeront de 4,2% des revenus des entreprises en 2024 à 4,5% d'ici 2031.

Les applications resteront la plus grande catégorie de budget informatique, augmentant de 1,3 billion de dollars. L'essor de l'IA en tant que co-pilotes et agents influencera les dépenses, réduisant les proportions des coûts de personnel et ralentissant les recrutements plutôt que de provoquer des licenciements massifs.

Les budgets informatiques ont explosé en 2024 en raison de l'adoption rapide de l'IA générative, avec des pics notables dans les investissements en infrastructure. Une légère contraction est attendue en 2025 alors que les entreprises se concentrent sur l'automatisation plutôt que sur l'expansion des effectifs informatiques.

Le marché CloudOps, évalué à 18,3 milliards de dollars en 2023, devrait dépasser 38 milliards de dollars d'ici 2030. L'opportunité de l'informatique d'entreprise passera de 5,06 billions de dollars en 2024 à 8,2 billions de dollars d'ici 2031, les applications connaissant la plus forte croissance avec 1,1 billion de dollars.

Laut den Forschungen von Omdia wird erwartet, dass die globalen IT-Budgets bis 2031 12 Billionen Dollar erreichen, wobei 8,2 Billionen Dollar Investitionsmöglichkeiten darstellen und 3,8 Billionen Dollar für Personalkosten und Betriebsausgaben verwendet werden. Die IT-Budgets werden von 4,2% des Unternehmensumsatzes im Jahr 2024 auf 4,5% bis 2031 steigen.

Anwendungen werden die größte Kategorie im IT-Budget bleiben und um 1,3 Billionen Dollar zunehmen. Der Aufstieg der KI als Co-Piloten und Agenten wird die Ausgaben beeinflussen, die Anteile der Personalkosten reduzieren und die Einstellungen verlangsamen, anstatt Massenentlassungen zu verursachen.

Die IT-Budgets stiegen 2024 aufgrund der raschen Einführung von generativer KI, mit bemerkenswerten Anstiegen bei den Infrastrukturinvestitionen. Für 2025 wird eine leichte Kontraktion erwartet, da Unternehmen sich auf Automatisierung anstatt auf die Erweiterung des IT-Personals konzentrieren.

Der CloudOps-Markt, der 2023 auf 18,3 Milliarden Dollar geschätzt wird, wird voraussichtlich bis 2030 38 Milliarden Dollar überschreiten. Die Unternehmens-IT-Möglichkeiten werden von 5,06 Billionen Dollar im Jahr 2024 auf 8,2 Billionen Dollar bis 2031 wachsen, wobei Anwendungen das größte Wachstum mit 1,1 Billionen Dollar verzeichnen werden.

  • Global IT budgets projected to reach $12 trillion by 2031
  • IT investment opportunities to reach $8.2 trillion by 2031
  • IT budgets growing as percentage of corporate revenue (4.2% in 2024 to 4.5% by 2031)
  • Applications segment to increase by $1.3 trillion by 2031
  • CloudOps market expected to more than double from $18.3B in 2023 to over $38B by 2030
  • IT budgets expected to slightly contract in 2025
  • Slower growth in staff costs as businesses focus on automation
  • Potential layoffs or hiring freezes across the industry
  • Management category will see lowest growth ($400B increase by 2031)
  • 'Black swan' events could introduce greater volatility to forecasted growth


Omdia's projection of global IT budgets reaching $12 trillion by 2031 presents a complex landscape of opportunities and challenges for TechTarget (TTGT), a company specializing in B2B technology marketing and intent data services.

The forecasted growth in IT spending as a percentage of corporate revenue (from 4.2% to 4.5%) signals an expanding addressable market for TTGT. This is particularly significant given that applications—a key focus area for TTGT's marketing services—represent the largest growth category with a projected $1.3 trillion increase. However, the anticipated slight contraction in 2025 IT budgets warrants closer scrutiny, as technology vendors might temporarily reduce marketing expenditures, potentially pressuring TTGT's near-term revenue growth.

The GenAI revolution creates a double-edged sword for TTGT's business model. The company's core value proposition relies on capturing and monetizing purchase intent data from IT professionals researching technology solutions. As GenAI transforms IT operations and decision-making processes, TTGT must evolve its data collection and analysis capabilities to remain relevant. The projected reduction in IT staff growth doesn't necessarily mean fewer decision-makers, but rather a shift in how and where purchase decisions are researched and made.

TTGT's recent quarterly results have shown uneven performance, with revenue challenges in certain segments. The company's ability to capitalize on the $3.14 trillion growth in enterprise IT opportunity by 2031 will depend on successfully adapting its intent data services to track the evolving IT purchase journey, particularly as GenAI becomes more embedded in the decision process.

The CloudOps market doubling to $38 billion by 2030 represents a specific growth vector for TTGT, as cloud vendors will need targeted marketing to reach the right decision-makers. However, TTGT faces increasing competition from alternative data providers and marketing platforms that are also evolving their AI capabilities.

Investors should monitor TTGT's product innovation roadmap, particularly how they're incorporating AI into their own offerings to deliver more actionable intent data. The company's ability to maintain its competitive edge in this rapidly evolving landscape will be important for long-term growth prospects amid this expanding but increasingly complex IT spending environment.

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Recent research from Omdia reveals that global IT budgets are projected to reach $12 trillion by 2031, with $8.2 trillion representing IT investment opportunities. The remaining $3.8 trillion will be allocated to staff costs and other operational expenses.

Figure 1: Total IT budgets by 2031 (Graphic: Business Wire)

Figure 1: Total IT budgets by 2031 (Graphic: Business Wire)

Omdia forecasts that IT budgets will continue to grow as a proportion of corporate revenue, rising from 4.2% in 2024 to 4.5% by 2031. Applications will remain the largest IT budget category increasing by $1.3 trillion over this period.

The rise of AI as co-pilots and agents is expected to influence IT spending, reducing the proportion allocated to staff costs. However, rather than triggering mass layoffs, this shift will likely lead to a slowdown in hiring as IT headcount growth lags behind business expansion. Ultimately, AI-driven efficiencies will enable IT teams to support business growth while maintaining leaner staffing levels.

IT budgets experienced a significant surge in 2024 exceeding previous forecasts. This sharp increase was fueled by the rapid adoption of growth in generative AI (GenAI) as enterprises rushed to keep up with this fast-evolving technology. The most notable budget spikes were in infrastructure investments with organizations either acquiring GPU-enabled capabilities and expanded storage or leveraging cloud IaaS and PaaS for model training and application development.

Omdia expects IT budgets to slightly contract in 2025, though IT spending will continue to claim a growing share of corporate budgets. The primary driver of this dip is slower growth in staff costs, as businesses focus on automation and GenAI-driven efficiencies rather than expanding IT headcount. For example, Meta announced a 5% workforce reduction in January 2025, and similar layoffs or hiring freezes are anticipated across the industry.

As GenAI automates more tasks, CIOs are expected to optimize existing IT teams rather than significantly expand them enabling businesses to scale operations without proportional increases in staffing.

IT budgets will continue to grow as a share of organizational revenue reaching 4.5% globally by 2031. However, spending varies significantly by company size. In 2024, the average IT budget stands at approximately $9 million for small to medium businesses, $75 million for enterprises, and $1.1 billion for large organizations.

According to Omdia’s Chief Analyst Roy Illsley, “The CloudOps market remains in flux, with a mix of emerging startups, established vendors expanding their management capabilities, and acquisitions in adjacent markets acquiring the technology. Omdia’s projects that the CloudOps market, valued at $18.3 billion in 2023, will more than double to over $38 billion by 2030.”

The enterprise IT opportunity - representing the portion of IT budgets allocated to technology products and services – is set to grow from $5.06 trillion in 2024 to $8.2 trillion by 2031, a $3.14 trillion increase (see Figure 2). Among IT sub-categories, Applications will see the largest spending growth, rising by $1.1 trillion, while Management will experience the lowest growth, increasing by $400 billion over the same period.

Illsley further noted: “Many CIOs recognize that embedded GenAI in management tools and solutions will simplify their use. As a result, IT budgets are shifting, internal spending on IT staff is expected to grow more slowly than other budget areas, freeing up funds to address other business challenges. However, if these expected benefits fail to materialize, discretionary IT spending will likely be reduced.”

“The forecast indicates steady growth from 2024 to 2031, but the impact of ‘black swan’ events could introduce greater volatility,” concludes Illsley.


Omdia, part of Informa TechTarget, Inc. (Nasdaq: TTGT), is a technology research and advisory group. Our deep knowledge of tech markets combined with our actionable insights empower organizations to make smart growth decisions.

Fasiha Khan-

Source: Omdia


What is the projected size of global IT budgets by 2031 according to Omdia?

According to Omdia, global IT budgets are projected to reach $12 trillion by 2031, with $8.2 trillion representing IT investment opportunities and $3.8 trillion allocated to staff costs and operational expenses.

How will IT budgets change as a percentage of corporate revenue by 2031?

Omdia forecasts that IT budgets will grow from 4.2% of corporate revenue in 2024 to 4.5% by 2031, indicating increased corporate investment in technology.

What impact will generative AI have on IT staffing according to the Omdia report?

Rather than triggering mass layoffs, generative AI will likely lead to a slowdown in hiring as IT headcount growth lags behind business expansion, enabling IT teams to support growth with leaner staffing levels.

Which IT budget category will see the largest growth by 2031?

Applications will remain the largest IT budget category, increasing by $1.3 trillion between 2024 and 2031, according to Omdia's research.

How much is the CloudOps market expected to grow by 2030?

The CloudOps market, valued at $18.3 billion in 2023, is projected to more than double to over $38 billion by 2030.

How do IT budgets vary by company size in 2024?

In 2024, the average IT budget stands at approximately $9 million for small to medium businesses, $75 million for enterprises, and $1.1 billion for large organizations.

Why are IT budgets expected to contract in 2025 according to Omdia?

IT budgets are expected to slightly contract in 2025 primarily due to slower growth in staff costs, as businesses focus on automation and GenAI-driven efficiencies rather than expanding IT headcount.



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