Omdia: e-cigarettes, game consoles and two-wheeled vehicles drive industrial display panel revenue to USD 2.4 billion, up 13.6% year on year in 2025
Industrial display panel shipments are projected to reach 167.9 million units in 2024, showing a 10.9% YoY growth, according to Omdia's analysis. Smart home and office applications lead with 46% shipment share, with multi-function printers accounting for significant volumes. E-cigarettes, gaming consoles, and two-wheeled vehicles are driving growth in the sector.
While 2024 revenue is expected to decline by 3.5% YoY to USD 2.1 billion, a strong rebound to USD 2.4 billion (13.6% YoY growth) is forecasted for 2025. Major players like AUO Display Plus, BOE, and Truly are diversifying their portfolios, with set and open frame business expected to account for 4.8% of total panel revenue in 2024.
The industry is adapting to geopolitical risks by shifting production to Southeast Asia and India. New opportunities are emerging in two-wheeled vehicles requiring weather-resistant displays, while mini LED backlight products for slot machines, marine, professional medical displays, and drones are set for mass production.
Le spedizioni dei pannelli di visualizzazione industriali sono previste raggiungere 167,9 milioni di unità nel 2024, con una crescita annua del 10,9%, secondo l'analisi di Omdia. Le applicazioni per la casa e l'ufficio intelligente guidano con una quota di spedizioni del 46%, con le stampanti multifunzione che rappresentano volumi significativi. Le sigarette elettroniche, le console di gioco e i veicoli a due ruote stanno guidando la crescita del settore.
Sebbene si preveda un calo del fatturato 2024 del 3,5% su base annua a 2,1 miliardi di USD, è prevista una forte ripresa a 2,4 miliardi di USD (crescita del 13,6% su base annua) nel 2025. I principali attori come AUO Display Plus, BOE e Truly stanno diversificando i loro portafogli, con il business dei set e dei telai aperti previsto rappresentare il 4,8% del fatturato totale dei pannelli nel 2024.
Il settore si sta adattando ai rischi geopolitici spostando la produzione nel sud-est asiatico e in India. Nuove opportunità stanno emergendo nei veicoli a due ruote che richiedono display resistenti alle intemperie, mentre i prodotti con retroilluminazione mini LED per le macchine da gioco, marittimi, display professionali medicali e droni stanno per entrare in produzione di massa.
Se proyecta que los envíos de paneles de visualización industrial alcancen 167,9 millones de unidades en 2024, mostrando un crecimiento interanual del 10,9%, según el análisis de Omdia. Las aplicaciones para el hogar y la oficina inteligente lideran con un 46% de participación en los envíos, siendo las impresoras multifuncionales las que representan volúmenes significativos. Los cigarrillos electrónicos, las consolas de juegos y los vehículos de dos ruedas están impulsando el crecimiento en el sector.
Si bien se espera que los ingresos de 2024 disminuyan un 3,5% interanual, alcanzando 2,1 mil millones de USD, se prevé una fuerte recuperación a 2,4 mil millones de USD (crecimiento del 13,6% interanual) para 2025. Los principales actores como AUO Display Plus, BOE y Truly están diversificando sus carteras, y se espera que el negocio de conjuntos y cuadros abiertos represente el 4,8% de los ingresos totales por panel en 2024.
La industria se está adaptando a los riesgos geopolíticos desplazando la producción a Asia Sudoriental e India. Están surgiendo nuevas oportunidades en vehículos de dos ruedas que requieren pantallas resistentes a la intemperie, mientras que los productos de retroiluminación mini LED para máquinas traga monedas, displays médicos profesionales, marinos y drones están a punto de comenzar la producción en masa.
산업 디스플레이 패널 출하량은 2024년까지 1억 6,790만 대에 이를 것으로 예상되며, 이는 전년 대비 10.9% 성장하는 수치입니다. Omdia의 분석에 따르면 스마트 홈 및 사무실 애플리케이션이 46%의 출하 점유율로 선도하고 있으며, 다기능 프린터가 상당한 물량을 차지하고 있습니다. 전자 담배, 게임 콘솔, 이륜차는 이 분야의 성장을 이끌고 있습니다.
2024년 수익은 전년 대비 3.5% 감소하여 21억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상되지만, 2025년에는 24억 달러(전년 대비 13.6% 성장)가 강력하게 반등할 것으로 예상됩니다. AUO Display Plus, BOE, Truly와 같은 주요 업체들은 포트폴리오를 다각화하고 있으며, 세트 및 오픈 프레임 사업이 2024년 전체 패널 수익의 4.8%를 차지할 것으로 보입니다.
업계는 지정학적 위험에 대응하기 위해 생산을 동남아시아와 인도로 이전하고 있습니다. 기상 저항성이 필요한 이륜차에 대한 새로운 기회가 대두되고 있으며, 슬롯 머신, 해양, 전문 의료 디스플레이 및 드론용 미니 LED 백라이트 제품이 대량 생산을 위해 준비되고 있습니다.
Les expéditions de panneaux d'affichage industriels devraient atteindre 167,9 millions d'unités en 2024, montrant une croissance annuelle de 10,9 %, selon l'analyse d'Omdia. Les applications pour la maison et le bureau intelligents dominent avec une part d'expédition de 46 %, les imprimantes multifonctions représentant des volumes significatifs. Les cigarettes électroniques, les consoles de jeux et les véhicules à deux roues stimulent la croissance dans le secteur.
Bien que les revenus de 2024 devraient diminuer de 3,5 % par rapport à l'année précédente, atteignant 2,1 milliards USD, une forte reprise à 2,4 milliards USD (croissance de 13,6 % par rapport à l'année précédente) est prévue pour 2025. Les principaux acteurs tels qu'AUO Display Plus, BOE et Truly diversifient leurs portefeuilles, et l'activité de cadres et de cadres ouverts devrait représenter 4,8 % des revenus totaux des panneaux en 2024.
L'industrie s'adapte aux risques géopolitiques en déplaçant la production vers l'Asie du Sud-Est et l'Inde. De nouvelles opportunités émergent dans les véhicules à deux roues nécessitant des affichages résistant aux intempéries, tandis que les produits à rétroéclairage mini LED pour machines à sous, affichages marins, médicaux professionnels et drones se préparent à la production en série.
Die Lieferungen von Industrie-Display-Panels werden voraussichtlich im Jahr 2024 167,9 Millionen Einheiten erreichen, was einem jährlichen Wachstum von 10,9% entspricht, so die Analyse von Omdia. Smart-Home- und Büroanwendungen führen mit einem Anteil von 46% an den Auslieferungen, wobei Multifunktionsdrucker bedeutende Volumina ausmachen. E-Zigaretten, Spielkonsolen und zweirädrige Fahrzeuge treiben das Wachstum in diesem Sektor voran.
Obwohl für 2024 ein Rückgang des Umsatzes um 3,5% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr auf 2,1 Milliarden USD erwartet wird, wird für 2025 eine starke Erholung auf 2,4 Milliarden USD (wachsend um 13,6% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr) prognostiziert. Zu den großen Akteuren wie AUO Display Plus, BOE und Truly, die ihre Portfolios diversifizieren, wird erwartet, dass das Geschäft mit Sets und offenen Rahmen 2024 4,8% der Gesamtumsätze von Panels ausmacht.
Die Branche passt sich geopolitischen Risiken an, indem sie die Produktion nach Südostasien und Indien verlagert. Neue Chancen entstehen bei zweirädrigen Fahrzeugen, die wetterfeste Displays benötigen, während Produkte mit Mini-LED-Hintergrundbeleuchtung für Spielautomaten, maritime, professionelle medizinische Displays und Drohnen zur Serienproduktion bereit sind.
- Projected 10.9% YoY growth in shipment volumes for 2024 (167.9M units)
- Strong revenue rebound expected in 2025 to $2.4B (13.6% YoY growth)
- Diversification into new growth markets (e-cigarettes, gaming consoles, two-wheeled vehicles)
- Supply chain successfully adapting to geopolitical risks with production shifts to Southeast Asia
- 3.5% YoY revenue decline expected in 2024 to $2.1B
- Ongoing inventory challenges affecting demand in most industrial display segments
- Geopolitical risks and tariff impacts creating supply chain challenges
The industrial display panel market is showing remarkable resilience and growth potential, with projected revenues of
Three key growth drivers stand out: First, the e-cigarette segment's demand for 0.96-inch AMOLED panels indicates a shift toward premium display technologies in consumer electronics. Second, the gaming console market's appetite for 8-inch LTPS displays suggests sustained momentum in gaming hardware. Third, the emergence of two-wheeled vehicle displays points to expanding applications in mobility solutions.
The supply chain dynamics are particularly noteworthy - the strategic shift toward Southeast Asia and India represents a calculated response to geopolitical risks and tariff concerns. This geographic diversification, already embraced by key players, should provide operational stability and cost advantages.
The mini LED backlight segment's expansion into specialized applications like slot machines and medical displays indicates a growing premium display market, which should support higher profit margins for manufacturers.
The technical evolution in the industrial display sector is fascinating. The adoption of AMOLED and LTPS technologies in specific applications showcases a strategic pivot toward higher-value display solutions. The
The specifications for two-wheeled vehicle displays particularly stand out - the requirement for sunlight readability and weather resistance is pushing technological boundaries in a-Si display technology. This represents a significant opportunity for panel makers to differentiate through innovation.
The diversification of business models among major players like AUO Display Plus, BOE and Truly into set and open frame business (
While most of the industrial display demand is expected to remain stable or decline slightly due to inventory challenges, the double-digit shipment growth will mainly be fueled by specific sectors, including 0.96-inch AMOLED panels for e-cigarettes and 8-inch LTPS gaming consoles, with Truly driving much of this growth. In 2025, industrial display shipments are expected to rise further to 178 million units, reflecting
From the perspective of the industrial panel makers which includes the major industrial display panel makers such as AUO Display Plus, BOE, Innolux, Tianma and Truly, revenue is estimated to reach
From 2024 to 2025, industrial display supply chain participants operate with varying business models, balancing cooperation and competition to diversify product portfolios and drive revenue. Panel makers like AUO Display Plus, BOE and Truly are increasing efforts in set and open frame business, some panel makers need to have revenue first, while some prefer to choose set and open-frame businesses, which are expected to account for
Geopolitical risks and tariff impact in 2025 pose challenges, prompting the supply chain to shift production to
"Higher revenue growth is expected in 2025, driven by e-cigarettes, game consoles and new applications, such as two-wheeled vehicles with a-Si display technology," said TzuHu Huang.
"These vehicles require displays that withstand direct sunlight and rain leading more stringent specifications."
Additionally, mini LEDs backlight products, planned for slot machines, marine and professional medical display and drones, are expected to enter mass production further boosting revenue.
Omdia, part of Informa TechTarget, Inc. (Nasdaq: TTGT), is a technology research and advisory group. Our deep knowledge of tech markets combined with our actionable insights empower organizations to make smart growth decisions.
Fasiha Khan:
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