Decarbonizing French Industry: TotalEnergies Signs a Renewable Electricity Supply Agreement with Saint-Gobain

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TotalEnergies has signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Saint-Gobain to supply renewable electricity to Saint-Gobain's French facilities. The agreement, effective from January 2026, covers a total volume of 875 GWh over five years. TotalEnergies will provide baseload electricity and guarantees of origin from its wind and solar plants in France.

This contract complements a previous agreement for biomethane sales. The PPA demonstrates TotalEnergies' commitment to decarbonizing French industry and its ability to offer tailored electricity solutions. TotalEnergies has a renewable portfolio of over 2 GW in France, preventing 800,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually.

For Saint-Gobain, this agreement supports its goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Combined with other PPAs, 30% of Saint-Gobain's electricity in France will be from renewable sources by 2027.

TotalEnergies ha firmato un contratto di acquisto di energia (PPA) con Saint-Gobain per fornire elettricità rinnovabile agli impianti francesi di Saint-Gobain. L'accordo, valido dal gennaio 2026, copre un volume totale di 875 GWh in cinque anni. TotalEnergies fornirà elettricità di base e garanzie d'origine dai suoi impianti eolici e solari in Francia.

Questo contratto si aggiunge a un accordo precedente per la vendita di biometano. Il PPA dimostra l'impegno di TotalEnergies per la decarbonizzazione dell'industria francese e la sua capacità di offrire soluzioni elettriche personalizzate. TotalEnergies ha un portafoglio rinnovabile di oltre 2 GW in Francia, prevenendo 800.000 tonnellate di emissioni di CO2 all'anno.

Per Saint-Gobain, questo accordo supporta il suo obiettivo di raggiungere emissioni di carbonio net-zero entro il 2050. Combinato con altri PPA, il 30% dell'elettricità di Saint-Gobain in Francia sarà proveniente da fonti rinnovabili entro il 2027.

TotalEnergies ha firmado un contrato de compra de energía (PPA) con Saint-Gobain para suministrar electricidad renovable a las instalaciones de Saint-Gobain en Francia. El acuerdo, que entra en vigor en enero de 2026, abarca un volumen total de 875 GWh durante cinco años. TotalEnergies proporcionará electricidad de base y garantías de origen de sus plantas eólicas y solares en Francia.

Este contrato complementa un acuerdo previo para la venta de biometano. El PPA demuestra el compromiso de TotalEnergies con la descarbonización de la industria francesa y su capacidad para ofrecer soluciones eléctricas a medida. TotalEnergies tiene un portafolio renovable de más de 2 GW en Francia, evitando 800.000 toneladas de emisiones de CO2 anualmente.

Para Saint-Gobain, este acuerdo apoya su objetivo de alcanzar emisiones de carbono netas cero para 2050. Combinado con otros PPA, el 30% de la electricidad de Saint-Gobain en Francia será de fuentes renovables para 2027.

TotalEnergies는 Saint-Gobain과 파워 구매 계약(PPA)을 체결하여 프랑스에 있는 Saint-Gobain 시설에 재생 가능 전기를 공급합니다. 이 계약은 2026년 1월부터 유효하며, 5년 동안 총 875 GWh의 전력을 포함합니다. TotalEnergies는 프랑스의 풍력 및 태양광 발전소에서 공급하는 기저 전기와 원산지 보증을 제공합니다.

이 계약은 바이오메탄 판매를 위한 이전 계약을 보완합니다. PPA는 TotalEnergies의 프랑스 산업의 탈탄소화에 대한 의지와 맞춤형 전력 솔루션을 제공할 수 있는 능력을 보여줍니다. TotalEnergies는 프랑스에서 2 GW 이상의 재생 가능 포트폴리오를 보유하고 있으며 매년 80만 톤의 CO2 배출을 방지하고 있습니다.

Saint-Gobain에게 이 계약은 2050년까지 탄소 순 배출 제로 목표를 지원합니다. 다른 PPA와 결합하여 2027년까지 Saint-Gobain의 프랑스 전력의 30%가 재생 가능 자원에서 올 것입니다.

TotalEnergies a signé un contrat d'achat d'électricité (PPA) avec Saint-Gobain pour fournir de l'électricité renouvelable aux installations françaises de Saint-Gobain. L'accord, qui prend effet à partir de janvier 2026, couvre un volume total de 875 GWh sur cinq ans. TotalEnergies fournira de l'électricité de base et des garanties d'origine de ses parcs éoliens et solaires en France.

Ce contrat complète un accord précédent pour la vente de biométhane. Le PPA démontre l'engagement de TotalEnergies envers la décarbonisation de l'industrie française et sa capacité à offrir des solutions électriques sur mesure. TotalEnergies dispose d'un portefeuille renouvelable de plus de 2 GW en France, évitant 800 000 tonnes d'émissions de CO2 par an.

Pour Saint-Gobain, cet accord soutient son objectif d'atteindre des émissions de carbone nettes nulles d'ici 2050. Combiné avec d'autres PPA, 30 % de l'électricité de Saint-Gobain en France proviendra de sources renouvelables d'ici 2027.

TotalEnergies hat einen Stromabnahmevertrag (PPA) mit Saint-Gobain unterzeichnet, um erneuerbare Elektrizität an die französischen Einrichtungen von Saint-Gobain zu liefern. Der Vertrag, der ab Januar 2026 in Kraft tritt, umfasst ein Gesamtvolumen von 875 GWh über fünf Jahre. TotalEnergies wird Grundlaststrom und Herkunftsnachweise aus seinen Wind- und Solaranlagen in Frankreich bereitstellen.

Dieser Vertrag ergänzt einen vorherigen Vertrag über Biomethanverkauf. Das PPA zeigt das Engagement von TotalEnergies für die Dekarbonisierung der französischen Industrie und die Fähigkeit, maßgeschneiderte Stromlösungen anzubieten. TotalEnergies verfügt über ein erneuerbares Portfolio von über 2 GW in Frankreich, was jährlich 800.000 Tonnen CO2-Emissionen verhindert.

Für Saint-Gobain unterstützt dieser Vertrag das Ziel, bis 2050 Netto-Null-CO2-Emissionen zu erreichen. In Kombination mit anderen PPAs wird 30% des Stroms von Saint-Gobain in Frankreich bis 2027 aus erneuerbaren Quellen stammen.

  • Signed a 5-year renewable electricity supply agreement with Saint-Gobain for 875 GWh
  • Demonstrates ability to offer tailored electricity solutions to major industrial clients
  • Renewable portfolio in France exceeds 2 GW, preventing 800,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually
  • Expanding renewable energy business, targeting 35 GW capacity by 2025 and over 100 TWh net production by 2030
  • None.


This PPA between TotalEnergies and Saint-Gobain marks a significant step in industrial decarbonization efforts in France. The 875 GWh renewable electricity supply over five years will substantially reduce Saint-Gobain's carbon footprint. TotalEnergies' ability to provide baseload supply from diverse renewable sources demonstrates the maturity of their green energy portfolio.

The agreement aligns with broader industry trends towards corporate PPAs as a key strategy for meeting sustainability goals. For TotalEnergies, this deal strengthens its position in the competitive renewable energy market and showcases its capacity to deliver tailored solutions to large industrial clients.

Investors should note TotalEnergies' growing renewable portfolio, now at over 2 GW in France alone and its ambitious target of 35 GW global capacity by 2025. This rapid expansion in renewables could significantly impact the company's future revenue streams and market valuation, potentially offsetting risks associated with traditional fossil fuel assets.

This agreement represents a win-win for both companies in their sustainability journeys. For Saint-Gobain, sourcing 30% of its electricity from renewables in France by 2027 is a substantial leap towards its net-zero 2050 goal. The continuous and reliable supply addresses a key challenge in industrial decarbonization - maintaining consistent production while reducing emissions.

TotalEnergies' strategy of offering both renewable electricity and biomethane to industrial clients demonstrates a comprehensive approach to decarbonization. This holistic offering could give them a competitive edge in the evolving energy market.

The deal also highlights the growing importance of corporate PPAs in driving renewable energy adoption. As more industries seek to decarbonize, companies with established renewable assets and the ability to provide baseload power from green sources will likely see increased demand for their services, potentially leading to long-term revenue stability and growth opportunities.

PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Regulatory News:

TotalEnergies (Paris:TTE) (LSE:TTE) (NYSE:TTE) has signed with Saint-Gobain a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), under which TotalEnergies will supply renewable electricity to Saint-Gobain’s French facilities. It will take effect from January 2026 for a total volume of 875 GWh over a period of five years.

TotalEnergies will provide Saint-Gobain with a baseload supply of electricity and guarantees of origin for that amount of power, produced by TotalEnergies’ wind and solar plants in the northeast and south of France, and the Loire Valley.

The contract for renewable electricity between the two companies adds to a previous agreement, signed in June 2023, for the sale to Saint-Gobain of biomethane produced by TotalEnergies at its BioBéarn site.

“We are delighted with this new contract with Saint-Gobain, a sign of our shared commitment to take carbon out of French industry. It also demonstrates our ability to offer electricity solutions that meet our client’s needs while ensuring the origin of the green electricity provided”, said Sophie Chevalier, Vice President, Flexible Power & Integration, TotalEnergies. “In France, TotalEnergies has a renewable portfolio of over 2 GW, preventing the emission into the atmosphere of 800,000 tons of CO2 every year. That’s a persuasive argument for our customers”, she added.

"Saint-Gobain is committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Realizing this ambition involves decarbonizing our production processes. This contract signed with TotalEnergies allows the Group to take a further step toward this goal with a reliable and continuous supply of renewable electricity for our industrial sites. With this PPA, combined with others signed by the Group in France, 30% of the electricity will be from renewable sources in France by 2027", explained Swaroop Srinath, Energy Purchasing Director for the Saint-Gobain Group.

Tailored solutions for the specific needs of our customers worldwide

The PPA with Saint-Gobain follows similar contracts signed with Air Liquide, Amazon, LyondellBasell, Merck, Microsoft, Orange and Sasol, and provides a further illustration of TotalEnergies’ ability to develop innovative solutions by leveraging its diverse asset portfolio to support its customers’ decarbonization efforts.


TotalEnergies and electricity
As part of its ambition to get to net zero by 2050, TotalEnergies is building a world class cost-competitive portfolio combining renewables (solar, onshore and offshore wind) and flexible assets (CCGT, storage) to deliver clean firm power to its customers. By mid-2024, TotalEnergies’ gross renewable electricity generation installed capacity reached 24 GW. TotalEnergies will continue to expand this business to reach 35 GW in 2025 and more than 100 TWh of net electricity production by 2030.

About TotalEnergies
TotalEnergies is a global integrated energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our more than 100,000 employees are committed to provide as many people as possible with energy that is more reliable, more affordable and more sustainable. Active in about 120 countries, TotalEnergies places sustainability at the heart of its strategy, its projects and its operations.

@TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies

Cautionary Note
The terms “TotalEnergies”, “TotalEnergies company” or “Company” in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used to refer to these entities or to their employees. The entities in which TotalEnergies SE directly or indirectly owns a shareholding are separate legal entities. This document may contain forward-looking information and statements that are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future and are subject to a number of risk factors. Neither TotalEnergies SE nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in this document whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Information concerning risk factors, that may affect TotalEnergies’ financial results or activities is provided in the most recent Universal Registration Document, the French-language version of which is filed by TotalEnergies SE with the French securities regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), and in the Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

TotalEnergies Contacts

Media Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 99 l l @TotalEnergiesPR

Investor Relations: +33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l

Source: TotalEnergies SE


What is the duration and volume of the PPA between TotalEnergies (TTE) and Saint-Gobain?

The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between TotalEnergies and Saint-Gobain is for a period of five years, starting from January 2026, with a total volume of 875 GWh of renewable electricity.

How does this agreement contribute to Saint-Gobain's sustainability goals?

This agreement, along with other PPAs, will help Saint-Gobain source 30% of its electricity in France from renewable sources by 2027, supporting its commitment to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

What is TotalEnergies' (TTE) current renewable electricity generation capacity?

By mid-2024, TotalEnergies' gross renewable electricity generation installed capacity reached 24 GW. The company aims to expand this to 35 GW by 2025.

How much CO2 emissions does TotalEnergies' (TTE) renewable portfolio in France prevent annually?

TotalEnergies' renewable portfolio in France, which exceeds 2 GW, prevents the emission of 800,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year.

TotalEnergies SE


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