Trane Technologies Moves to Reduce Embodied Carbon by 40% by 2030

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Trane Technologies (NYSE: TT), a global climate innovator, has announced a groundbreaking commitment to reduce embodied carbon by 40% by 2030. This industry-first initiative aims to lower the carbon footprint of buildings, which currently account for 40% of global energy-related carbon emissions. The company will focus on partnering with suppliers of materials used in buildings and building equipment, including steel, aluminum, copper, and refrigerants.

This new commitment aligns with guidance from global non-profit building sector organizations and builds upon Trane Technologies' existing 2030 Sustainability Commitments. These include the Gigaton Challenge, which pledges to reduce customer greenhouse gas emissions by 1 billion metric tons within a decade. The company has also committed to becoming net-zero by 2050, with its emissions reduction targets validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).

Trane Technologies (NYSE: TT), un innovatore globale nel settore del clima, ha annunciato un impegno rivoluzionario per ridurre il carbonio incorporato del 40% entro il 2030. Questa iniziativa, prima nel suo genere, mira a ridurre l'impronta di carbonio degli edifici, che attualmente rappresentano il 40% delle emissioni di carbonio legate all'energia a livello globale. L'azienda si concentrerà nel collaborare con i fornitori di materiali utilizzati negli edifici e nelle attrezzature edilizie, inclusi acciaio, alluminio, rame e refrigeranti.

Questo nuovo impegno si allinea con le indicazioni delle organizzazioni globali senza scopo di lucro del settore edilizio e si basa sui già esistenti impegni di sostenibilità per il 2030 di Trane Technologies. Questi includono la Gigaton Challenge, che promette di ridurre le emissioni di gas serra dei clienti di 1 miliardo di tonnellate metriche entro un decennio. L'azienda ha inoltre impegnato a diventare carbon neutral entro il 2050, con i suoi obiettivi di riduzione delle emissioni convalidati dall'iniziativa Science Based Targets (SBTi).

Trane Technologies (NYSE: TT), un innovador global en climática, ha anunciado un compromiso revolucionario para reducir el carbono incorporado en un 40% para 2030. Esta iniciativa, la primera de su tipo en la industria, tiene como objetivo disminuir la huella de carbono de los edificios, que actualmente representan el 40% de las emisiones de carbono relacionadas con la energía en todo el mundo. La compañía se centrará en asociarse con proveedores de materiales utilizados en edificios y equipos de construcción, incluidos acero, aluminio, cobre y refrigerantes.

Este nuevo compromiso se alinea con las directrices de organizaciones no lucrativas globales del sector de la construcción y se basa en los compromisos existentes de sostenibilidad de Trane Technologies para 2030. Estos incluyen el Gigaton Challenge, que se compromete a reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de los clientes en 1 mil millones de toneladas métricas en una década. La compañía también se ha comprometido a convertirse en neutro en carbono para 2050, con sus objetivos de reducción de emisiones validados por la Iniciativa Science Based Targets (SBTi).

트레인 테크놀로지스(뉴욕증권거래소: TT)는 2030년까지 내재된 탄소를 40% 줄이겠다는 혁신적인 약속을 발표했습니다. 이 업계 최초의 이니셔티브는 현재 전 세계 에너지 관련 탄소 배출의 40%를 차지하는 건물의 탄소 발자국을 줄이는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 강철, 알루미늄, 구리 및 냉매를 포함하여 건물과 건축 장비에 사용되는 자재 공급업체와 협력하는 데 집중할 것입니다.

이 새로운 약속은 글로벌 비영리 건축 부문 조직의 지침에 부합하며, 트레인 테크놀로지스의 기존 2030 지속 가능성 약속을 기반으로 합니다. 여기에는 고객의 온실가스 배출을 10년 이내에 10억 미터 톤 줄이겠다는 기가톤 챌린지가 포함됩니다. 또한 이 회사는 2050년까지 탄소 중립을 이루겠다고 약속했으며, 감축 목표는 과학 기반 목표 이니셔티브(SBTi)에 의해 검증받았습니다.

Trane Technologies (NYSE: TT), un innovateur mondial en matière de climat, a annoncé un engagement révolutionnaire de réduire le carbone incorporé de 40% d'ici 2030. Cette initiative, première dans l'industrie, vise à diminuer l'empreinte carbone des bâtiments, qui représentent actuellement 40% des émissions de carbone liées à l'énergie au niveau mondial. L'entreprise se concentrera sur des partenariats avec des fournisseurs de matériaux utilisés dans les bâtiments et les équipements de construction, y compris acier, aluminium, cuivre et réfrigérants.

Ce nouvel engagement est en accord avec les directives d'organisations non lucratives mondiales du secteur de la construction et s'appuie sur les engagements de durabilité de Trane Technologies pour 2030. Ceux-ci incluent le Gigaton Challenge, qui promet de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre des clients de 1 milliard de tonnes métriques en une décennie. L'entreprise s'est également engagée à devenir neutre en carbone d'ici 2050, avec des objectifs de réduction d'émissions validés par l'initiative Science Based Targets (SBTi).

Trane Technologies (NYSE: TT), ein globaler Innovator im Bereich Klima, hat ein bahnbrechendes Engagement angekündigt, den verkörperten Kohlenstoff bis 2030 um 40% zu reduzieren. Diese branchenfirst Initiative zielt darauf ab, den CO2-Fußabdruck von Gebäuden zu senken, die derzeit 40% der globalen, energiebedingten CO2-Emissionen ausmachen. Das Unternehmen wird sich auf Partnerschaften mit Lieferanten von in Gebäuden und Baumaterialien verwendeten Materialien, einschließlich Stahl, Aluminium, Kupfer und Kältemitteln, konzentrieren.

Dieses neue Engagement steht im Einklang mit den Richtlinien globaler, gemeinnütziger Organisationen im Bausektor und baut auf den bestehenden 2030-Nachhaltigkeitsverpflichtungen von Trane Technologies auf. Dazu gehört die Gigaton Challenge, die verspricht, die Treibhausgasemissionen der Kunden in einem Jahrzehnt um 1 Milliarde metrische Tonnen zu reduzieren. Das Unternehmen hat sich außerdem verpflichtet, bis 2050 netto null zu werden, wobei die Ziele zur Emissionsreduzierung von der Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) validiert wurden.

  • Industry-first commitment to reduce embodied carbon by 40% by 2030
  • Aligns with global non-profit building sector organizations' guidance
  • Builds on existing 2030 Sustainability Commitments
  • Gigaton Challenge aims to reduce customer greenhouse gas emissions by 1 billion metric tons
  • Net-zero commitment by 2050 with SBTi-validated emissions reduction targets
  • None.

Global climate innovator expands 2030 Sustainability Commitments with precedent-setting goal, building on leadership in sourcing sustainable materials

Industry-first commitment to play crucial role in lowering carbon footprint of buildings

SWORDS, Ireland--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Trane Technologies (NYSE: TT), a global climate innovator, today announced a commitment to reduce embodied carbon by 40% by 2030, an industry first. Building on its leadership in sourcing more sustainable solutions like low-carbon steel, Trane Technologies will focus its efforts on partnering with suppliers of materials used in buildings and building equipment including steel, aluminum, copper and refrigerants, while continuing to incorporate circular design criteria into its product development projects.

Buildings are currently responsible for 40% of global energy related carbon emissions. A critical step in lowering the overall carbon footprint of buildings is to reduce their amount of embodied carbon, which is the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions associated with a product’s lifecycle, including the extraction of raw materials, manufacturing, transportation and recycling of materials and products.

“To create a more sustainable world, we must address emissions from the built environment – everything from reducing embodied carbon to the electrification of heating to optimizing energy with digital solutions,” said Dave Regnery, chair and CEO of Trane Technologies. “We are proud to be a first mover, partnering with our suppliers to scale more sustainable materials, designing our products for circularity and helping our customers achieve their performance and sustainability goals.”

“Bridging operational and embodied carbon is a vital prerequisite for decarbonizing the built environment, and HVAC systems play a crucial role in our shared vision for a net-zero future,” said Diane Holdorf, executive vice president, Pathways, World Business Council for Sustainable Development. “There is no decarbonizing our future without decarbonizing buildings, and we are proud to collaborate with industry leaders like Trane Technologies who are helping drive significant carbon footprint reductions for themselves and their customers.”

The new embodied carbon commitment aligns with guidance from global non-profit building sector organizations. It builds on the company’s 2030 Sustainability Commitments, with a baseline year of 2019, including the Gigaton Challenge, a pledge to reduce customer greenhouse gas emissions by 1 billion metric tons (or, one gigaton) – the largest science-based climate commitment of any global company related to product emission reductions within a single decade. The company has also pledged to be net-zero by 2050, and its near and long-term emissions reduction targets have been externally validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).

About Trane Technologies

Trane Technologies is a global climate innovator. Through our strategic brands Trane® and Thermo King®, and our portfolio of environmentally responsible products and services, we bring efficient and sustainable climate solutions to buildings, homes and transportation. Visit

This news release includes “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of securities laws, which are statements that are not historical facts, including statements that relate to our decarbonization efforts, our sustainability commitments and the impact of these commitments. These forward-looking statements are based on our current expectations and are subject to risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results to differ materially from our current expectations. Factors that could cause such differences can be found in our Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as well as our subsequent reports on Form 10-Q and other SEC filings. New risks and uncertainties arise from time to time, and it is impossible for us to predict these events or how they may affect the Company. We assume no obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

Media Contact:

Travis Bullard


Investors Contact:

Zachary Nagle


Source: Trane Technologies


What is Trane Technologies' (TT) new commitment regarding embodied carbon?

Trane Technologies (TT) has committed to reduce embodied carbon by 40% by 2030, which is an industry-first initiative aimed at lowering the carbon footprint of buildings and building equipment.

How does Trane Technologies (TT) plan to achieve its embodied carbon reduction goal?

Trane Technologies (TT) plans to partner with suppliers of materials used in buildings and building equipment, including steel, aluminum, copper, and refrigerants, to reduce embodied carbon. They will also continue to incorporate circular design criteria into product development projects.

What is the Gigaton Challenge mentioned in Trane Technologies' (TT) sustainability commitments?

The Gigaton Challenge is Trane Technologies' (TT) pledge to reduce customer greenhouse gas emissions by 1 billion metric tons (one gigaton) within a single decade. It's part of their 2030 Sustainability Commitments.

Has Trane Technologies (TT) set a net-zero target?

Yes, Trane Technologies (TT) has pledged to be net-zero by 2050. Their near and long-term emissions reduction targets have been externally validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).

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