Trane Technologies’ Holly Paeper & Charlene Vance Named 2024 Paradigm for Parity(R) Women on the Rise

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Trane Technologies, a global climate innovator, proudly announces that Holly Paeper and Charlene Vance have been recognized as 2024 Women on the Rise by Paradigm for Parity®. This prestigious award honors outstanding women in corporate leadership who are advancing gender parity and promoting racial equity in the workforce.

Holly Paeper serves as the president of the Commercial HVAC business at Trane Technologies, while Charlene Vance is the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) General Manager for Thermo King Americas. Both leaders have demonstrated exceptional commitment to innovation, diversity, and sustainability in their respective roles.

Trane Technologies has been a member of Paradigm for Parity® since 2017, focusing on addressing the gender gap in corporate leadership through its 2030 Sustainability Commitments.

Trane Technologies, un innovatore globale nel settore climatico, annuncia con orgoglio che Holly Paeper e Charlene Vance sono state riconosciute come Donne in Ascesa 2024 da Paradigm for Parity®. Questo prestigioso premio onora donne straordinarie nella leadership aziendale che promuovono la parità di genere e l'equità razziale nel mondo del lavoro.

Holly Paeper ricopre il ruolo di presidente del settore Commercial HVAC in Trane Technologies, mentre Charlene Vance è la General Manager dell'Unità di Potenza Ausiliaria (APU) per Thermo King Americas. Entrambe le leader hanno dimostrato un eccezionale impegno verso l'innovazione, la diversità e la sostenibilità nei rispettivi ruoli.

Trane Technologies è membro di Paradigm for Parity® dal 2017, con l'obiettivo di affrontare il divario di genere nella leadership aziendale attraverso i suoi impegni di sostenibilità per il 2030.

Trane Technologies, un innovador global en clima, se enorgullece de anunciar que Holly Paeper y Charlene Vance han sido reconocidas como Mujeres en Ascenso 2024 por Paradigm for Parity®. Este prestigioso premio honra a mujeres sobresalientes en liderazgo corporativo que avanzan en la paridad de género y promueven la equidad racial en la fuerza laboral.

Holly Paeper se desempeña como presidenta del negocio de HVAC Comercial en Trane Technologies, mientras que Charlene Vance es la Gerente General de la Unidad de Potencia Auxiliar (APU) de Thermo King Americas. Ambas líderes han demostrado un compromiso excepcional con la innovación, la diversidad y la sostenibilidad en sus respectivos roles.

Trane Technologies ha sido miembro de Paradigm for Parity® desde 2017, centrándose en abordar la brecha de género en el liderazgo corporativo a través de sus Compromisos de Sostenibilidad 2030.

Trane Technologies는 글로벌 기후 혁신자로서 Holly PaeperCharlene Vance가 Paradigm for Parity®에서 2024년 떠오르는 여성으로 인정받았음을 자랑스럽게 발표합니다. 이 권위 있는 상은 성별 평등을 향상하고 인종 평등을 촉진하는 기업 리더십의 뛰어난 여성을 기립니다.

Holly Paeper는 Trane Technologies의 상업용 HVAC 사업의 사장직을 맡고 있으며, Charlene Vance는 Thermo King Americas의 보조 전원 장치(APU) 총괄 관리자입니다. 두 리더는 각자의 역할에서 혁신, 다양성 및 지속 가능성에 대한 특별한 헌신을 보여주었습니다.

Trane Technologies는 2017년부터 Paradigm for Parity®의 회원으로 활동하며, 2030 지속 가능성 약속을 통해 기업 리더십에서의 성별 격차를 해소하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

Trane Technologies, un innovateur climatique mondial, annonce avec fierté que Holly Paeper et Charlene Vance ont été reconnues comme Femmes en Plein Essor 2024 par Paradigm for Parity®. Cette prestigieuse récompense honore des femmes remarquables dans le leadership d'entreprise qui avancent vers la parité entre les sexes et promeuvent l'égalité raciale dans le milieu de travail.

Holly Paeper est la présidente du secteur Commercial HVAC chez Trane Technologies, tandis que Charlene Vance est la Directrice Générale de l'Unité de Puissance Auxiliaire (APU) pour Thermo King Americas. Les deux leaders ont montré un engagement exceptionnel envers l'innovation, la diversité et la durabilité dans leurs rôles respectifs.

Trane Technologies est membre de Paradigm for Parity® depuis 2017, mettant l'accent sur la réduction de l'écart entre les sexes dans le leadership d'entreprise grâce à ses engagements de durabilité pour 2030.

Trane Technologies, ein globaler Klima-Innovator, gibt stolz bekannt, dass Holly Paeper und Charlene Vance als 2024 Women on the Rise von Paradigm for Parity® ausgezeichnet wurden. Diese prestigeträchtige Auszeichnung ehrt herausragende Frauen in der Unternehmensführung, die die Geschlechterparität vorantreiben und die rassische Gleichstellung am Arbeitsplatz fördern.

Holly Paeper ist Präsidentin des Commercial HVAC-Geschäfts bei Trane Technologies, während Charlene Vance die General Managerin der Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) für Thermo King Americas ist. Beide Führungspersönlichkeiten haben außergewöhnliches Engagement für Innovation, Vielfalt und Nachhaltigkeit in ihren jeweiligen Rollen gezeigt.

Trane Technologies ist seit 2017 Mitglied von Paradigm for Parity® und konzentriert sich darauf, die Geschlechterkluft in der Unternehmensführung durch ihre Nachhaltigkeitsverpflichtungen bis 2030 anzugehen.

  • Recognition of two company executives as 2024 Women on the Rise by Paradigm for Parity®
  • Demonstrates company's commitment to gender parity and racial equity in leadership
  • Aligns with Trane Technologies' 2030 Sustainability Commitments
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 16, 2024 / Trane Technologies

Trane Technologies, a global climate innovator, is proud to announce that Holly Paeper and Charlene Vance have been recognized as 2024 Women on the Rise by Paradigm for Parity®. This prestigious award honors outstanding women in corporate leadership who are breaking barriers, advancing gender parity, and promoting racial equity in the workforce.

"We are incredibly proud of Holly and Charlene for being recognized as 2024 Women on the Rise by Paradigm for Parity®," said Donny Simmons, group president, Americas, Trane Technologies. "Their leadership and commitment to innovation, diversity, and sustainability is truly inspiring and exemplifies the core values of Trane Technologies as we work together to create a more sustainable future."

Holly Paeper serves as the president of the Commercial HVAC business at Trane Technologies. Since joining the company in 2016, she has held executive roles, including President of Life Science Solutions, Head of Marketing, General Manager for Data Center Precision Cooling, and Head of Strategic Sales & Operations. A staunch advocate for STEM, Holly has received numerous industry accolades for her contributions to entrepreneurship, diversity, and sustainability.

Charlene Vance is the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) General Manager for Thermo King Americas, where she oversees product growth strategy and new product development. She is committed to creating innovative, reliable, and sustainable APU products that meet the evolving needs of the transportation sector. Additionally, Charlene leads the Trane Technologies Women's Employee Network and serves on the Minneapolis/St. Paul community board for the Jeremiah Program.

Paradigm for Parity® is a coalition of business leaders, board members and academics dedicated to addressing the gender gap in corporate leadership. Trane Technologies has been a member of Paradigm for Parity® since 2017, becoming the first company in its industry to join. Through the Opportunity for All pillar of its 2030 Sustainability Commitments, Trane Technologies is investing in workforce innovation and strategic partnerships to cultivate a diverse pipeline of talent reflective of our communities.

Holly Paeper, President, Commercial HVAC, Trane Technologies

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Spokesperson: Trane Technologies

SOURCE: Trane Technologies

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Who are the Trane Technologies (TT) executives recognized as 2024 Women on the Rise?

Holly Paeper, President of Commercial HVAC, and Charlene Vance, Auxiliary Power Unit General Manager for Thermo King Americas, were recognized as 2024 Women on the Rise by Paradigm for Parity®.

What is the significance of the 2024 Women on the Rise award for Trane Technologies (TT)?

The award recognizes Trane Technologies' commitment to advancing gender parity and promoting racial equity in corporate leadership, aligning with the company's 2030 Sustainability Commitments.

When did Trane Technologies (TT) join Paradigm for Parity®?

Trane Technologies joined Paradigm for Parity® in 2017, becoming the first company in its industry to do so.

What is Trane Technologies' (TT) commitment to diversity in leadership?

Through its 2030 Sustainability Commitments, Trane Technologies is investing in workforce innovation and strategic partnerships to cultivate a diverse pipeline of talent reflective of its communities.

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