Trading Technologies' Trade Surveillance, Regulatory Reporting and Compliance Solutions Ranked Among World's Best Risk Offerings in Chartis RiskTech100® 2025

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Trading Technologies International (TT) has been recognized as one of the world's top risk and compliance technology providers in the Chartis RiskTech100® 2025 rankings. TT ranked as the fourth best new entrant among 22 firms debuting this year. This recognition follows TT's recent launch of TT Trade Surveillance, a multi-asset trade surveillance solution combining new multi-asset coverage and configurable models with machine learning-driven models from TT Score.

TT Trade Surveillance offers enhanced capabilities for futures, equities, equity options, fixed income, and foreign exchange (FX). It features a unique hybrid system combining out-of-the-box and user-configurable models, providing users with risk scores to reduce false positives and improve compliance staff efficiency. The system also introduces an innovative method for identifying cross-product manipulation across multiple order books.

Trading Technologies International (TT) è stata riconosciuta come uno dei principali fornitori di tecnologia per il rischio e la conformità al mondo nella classifica Chartis RiskTech100® 2025. TT si è classificata come il quarto miglior nuovo entrante tra 22 aziende che debuttano quest'anno. Questo riconoscimento segue il recente lancio di TT Trade Surveillance, una soluzione di monitoraggio delle operazioni multi-asset che combina una nuova copertura multi-asset e modelli configurabili con modelli basati su machine learning di TT Score.

TT Trade Surveillance offre capacità avanzate per future, azioni, opzioni su azioni, reddito fisso e valuta estera (FX). Presenta un sistema ibrido unico che combina modelli preconfigurati e modelli configurabili dall'utente, fornendo agli utenti punteggi di rischio per ridurre i falsi positivi e migliorare l'efficienza del personale di conformità. Il sistema introduce anche un metodo innovativo per identificare la manipolazione cross-prodotto attraverso più libri ordini.

Trading Technologies International (TT) ha sido reconocida como uno de los principales proveedores de tecnología de riesgo y cumplimiento del mundo en el ranking Chartis RiskTech100® 2025. TT ocupó el cuarto lugar entre los nuevos participantes entre 22 empresas que debutan este año. Este reconocimiento sigue al reciente lanzamiento de TT Trade Surveillance, una solución de supervisión comercial multi-activos que combina una nueva cobertura multi-activos y modelos configurables con modelos impulsados por machine learning de TT Score.

TT Trade Surveillance ofrece capacidades mejoradas para futuros, acciones, opciones sobre acciones, renta fija y divisas (FX). Presenta un sistema híbrido único que combina modelos listos para usar y modelos configurables por el usuario, proporcionando a los usuarios puntuaciones de riesgo para reducir los falsos positivos y mejorar la eficiencia del personal de cumplimiento. El sistema también introduce un método innovador para identificar la manipulación cruzada de productos a través de múltiples libros de órdenes.

Trading Technologies International (TT)는 Chartis RiskTech100® 2025 순위에서 세계 최고의 리스크 및 컴플라이언스 기술 제공업체 중 하나로 인정받았습니다. TT는 올해 데뷔한 22개 기업 중 네 번째로 우수한 신규 참가자로 순위에 올랐습니다. 이는 TT Score의 머신 러닝 기반 모델과 새로운 멀티 자산 범위 및 구성 가능한 모델을 결합한 TT Trade Surveillance의 최근 출시 이후의 성과입니다.

TT Trade Surveillance는 선물, 주식, 주식 옵션, 고정 수익 및 외환(FX)에 대한 향상된 기능을 제공합니다. 사용자가 구성할 수 있는 모델과 즉시 사용할 수 있는 모델을 결합한 독특한 하이브리드 시스템을 특징으로 하며, 사용자에게 거짓 긍정 출력을 줄이고 규정 준수 직원의 효율성을 개선하기 위한 위험 점수를 제공합니다. 이 시스템은 또한 여러 주문서에서의 교차 제품 조작을 식별하는 혁신적인 방법을 도입합니다.

Trading Technologies International (TT) a été reconnue comme l'un des principaux fournisseurs de technologie de risque et de conformité au monde dans le classement Chartis RiskTech100® 2025. TT s'est classée quatrième meilleur nouvel entrant parmi 22 entreprises faisant leurs débuts cette année. Cette reconnaissance fait suite au récent lancement de TT Trade Surveillance, une solution de surveillance des transactions multi-actifs combinant une nouvelle couverture multi-actifs et des modèles configurables avec des modèles basés sur l'apprentissage automatique de TT Score.

TT Trade Surveillance offre des capacités améliorées pour les contrats à terme, les actions, les options sur actions, les titres à revenu fixe et les devises (FX). Il propose un système hybride unique combinant des modèles préconfigurés et des modèles configurables par les utilisateurs, fournissant aux utilisateurs des scores de risque pour réduire les faux positifs et améliorer l'efficacité du personnel de conformité. Le système introduit également une méthode innovante pour identifier la manipulation de produits croisée à travers plusieurs livres de commandes.

Trading Technologies International (TT) wurde in den Chartis RiskTech100® 2025 Rankings als einer der führenden Anbieter von Risiko- und Compliance-Technologie weltweit ausgezeichnet. TT belegte den vierten Platz für neue Teilnehmer unter 22 Unternehmen, die in diesem Jahr debutieren. Diese Anerkennung folgt auf die kürzliche Einführung von TT Trade Surveillance, einer Multi-Asset-Überwachungslösung, die neue Multi-Asset-Abdeckung und konfigurierbare Modelle mit von TT Score bereitgestellten, maschinellen Lernmodellen kombiniert.

TT Trade Surveillance bietet verbesserte Funktionen für Terminkontrakte, Aktien, Aktienoptionen, festverzinsliche Wertpapiere und Devisen (FX). Es verfügt über ein einzigartiges hybrides System, das sofort einsetzbare und benutzerkonfigurierbare Modelle kombiniert und den Nutzern Risiko-Werte zur Reduzierung von falschen positiven Ergebnissen und Verbesserung der Effizienz des Compliance-Personals bereitstellt. Das System führt zudem ein innovatives Verfahren zur Identifizierung von Produktmanipulationen über mehrere Orderbücher hinweg ein.

  • Recognized as one of the world's top risk and compliance technology providers
  • Ranked fourth best new entrant in Chartis RiskTech100® 2025
  • Launch of TT Trade Surveillance, a multi-asset trade surveillance solution
  • Trusted by over 100 of the world's largest banks, brokers, and buy-side clients
  • Expanded coverage to include futures, equities, equity options, fixed income, and FX
  • None.


TT's recognition in the Chartis RiskTech100® 2025 rankings is a positive development, but its impact on investors is likely As the fourth best new entrant among 22 debut firms, it shows TT is competitive in the risk and compliance technology space. However, this doesn't directly translate to financial performance.

The launch of TT Trade Surveillance expands TT's product offerings, potentially opening new revenue streams. The system's coverage of multiple asset classes (futures, equities, options, fixed income and FX) could appeal to a broader client base. The hybrid approach combining pre-configured and user-customizable models may be a differentiator in the market.

While promising, investors should note that the impact on TT's financials remains to be seen. The recognition may help in marketing efforts, but it's not a guarantee of increased market share or revenue growth. Investors should monitor future financial reports for tangible evidence of how this recognition and product launch translate into business performance.

CHICAGO, Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Trading Technologies International, Inc. (TT), a global capital markets technology platform provider, today announced the firm has been recognized as one of the world's top risk and compliance technology providers in the Chartis RiskTech100® 2025 rankings. The report, released in conjunction with a virtual event on Oct. 9, highlighted TT as the fourth best new entrant among the 22 firms that debuted this year in the rankings.

The honor from Chartis comes just months after TT's launch of TT Trade Surveillance, a multi-asset trade surveillance solution. TT Trade Surveillance combines new multi-asset coverage and dozens of new configurable models to supplement the machine learning-driven models from TT Score, the company's first-generation trade surveillance platform.

Jay Biondo, Head of Surveillance at TT, said: "This award, which places TT ahead of several well-established competitors, reflects the unique capabilities of the TT Trade Surveillance offering. TT is trusted by more than 100 of the world's largest banks, brokers and buy side clients. Over the course of the last seven years, we have grown a loyal global customer base by providing nearly instantaneous onboarding with our Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)  service model, best of breed machine learning models, and outstanding customer service. Today, TT Trade Surveillance stands out as the only hybrid system which combines out-of-the-box and user-configurable models that provide users with a risk score to reduce false positives and provide a workflow prioritization to increase the efficiency of the compliance staff."

TT Trade Surveillance provides enhanced trade surveillance capabilities beyond listed derivatives to a wide range of asset classes, including futures, equities, equity options, fixed income and foreign exchange (FX). The system has also recently added a new and innovative way for identifying cross-product manipulation, where users can input correlated instruments directly into the user interface to create a single synthetic instrument, and utilize the machine-learning spoofing models to identify patterns of spoofing activity across multiple order books.

Chartis describes the RiskTech100 as the most comprehensive independent study of the world's major players in risk and compliance technology. The companies in the RiskTech100 are drawn from a range of risk technology categories and meet the needs of financial and non-financial organizations. The rankings cover a broad range of solutions across five industry categories including Banking, Buy-side, Corporations, Insurance and Trading & Capital Markets.

About Trading Technologies

Trading Technologies ( is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) technology platform provider to the global capital markets industry. The company's award-winning TT® platform connects to the world's major international exchanges and liquidity venues in listed derivatives alongside a growing number of asset classes, including fixed income, foreign exchange (FX) and cryptocurrencies. The TT platform delivers advanced tools for trade execution and order management, market data solutions, analytics, trade surveillance, risk management, clearing, post-trade allocation and infrastructure services to the world's leading sell-side institutions, buy-side firms and exchanges. The company's blue-chip client base includes the Tier 1 banks as well as brokers, money managers, hedge funds, proprietary traders, Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs), commercial hedgers and risk managers. These firms rely on the TT ecosystem to manage their end-to-end trading operations. In addition, exchanges utilize TT's technology to deliver innovative solutions to their market participants. TT also strategically partners with technology companies to make their complementary offerings available to Trading Technologies' global client base through the TT ecosystem.

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What ranking did Trading Technologies (TT) receive in the Chartis RiskTech100® 2025?

Trading Technologies (TT) was ranked as the fourth best new entrant among 22 firms that debuted in the Chartis RiskTech100® 2025 rankings.

What new product did TT launch recently?

TT recently launched TT Trade Surveillance, a multi-asset trade surveillance solution that combines new multi-asset coverage and configurable models with machine learning-driven models from TT Score.

What asset classes does TT Trade Surveillance cover?

TT Trade Surveillance provides enhanced trade surveillance capabilities for futures, equities, equity options, fixed income, and foreign exchange (FX).

How does TT Trade Surveillance help reduce false positives?

TT Trade Surveillance uses a hybrid system combining out-of-the-box and user-configurable models to provide users with risk scores, which helps reduce false positives and improves compliance staff efficiency.

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