Innovating for Impact: Thermo King(R) and RTR

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Thermo King EMEA, part of Trane Technologies (TT), has fulfilled its pledge to provide fully electric, zero direct emission refrigeration solutions for every segment of the cold chain. The company partnered with Refrigerated Trailer Rentals Holland (RTR) to deploy the first Advancer-e unit and trial the AxlePower smart-energy generating system for fully electric trailer refrigeration.

Key outcomes include:

  • Reduction of up to 10 metric tons of CO2e per Advancer-e unit per year
  • Significant reduction of noise pollution
  • Annual savings in maintenance and elimination of fuel purchasing

RTR became the first to adopt the Advancer-e unit in March 2023, with their client Dailycool being the first to benefit from the technology. Thermo King has successfully delivered on its 2021 commitment to provide fully electric solutions for every cold chain segment in the EMEA region by 2023.

Thermo King EMEA, parte di Trane Technologies (TT), ha adempiuto alla sua promessa di fornire soluzioni di refrigerazione completamente elettriche e a zero emissioni dirette per ogni segmento della catena del freddo. L'azienda ha collaborato con Refrigerated Trailer Rentals Holland (RTR) per implementare la prima unità Advancer-e e testare il sistema di generazione di energia intelligente AxlePower per la refrigerazione di rimorchi completamente elettrici.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • Riduzione fino a 10 tonnellate metriche di CO2e per unità Advancer-e all'anno
  • Significativa riduzione dell'inquinamento acustico
  • Risparmi annuali nella manutenzione e eliminazione dell'acquisto di carburante

RTR è diventata la prima a adottare l'unità Advancer-e nel marzo 2023, con il loro cliente Dailycool che è stato il primo a beneficiare della tecnologia. Thermo King ha rispettato con successo il suo impegno del 2021 di fornire soluzioni completamente elettriche per ogni segmento della catena del freddo nella regione EMEA entro il 2023.

Thermo King EMEA, parte de Trane Technologies (TT), ha cumplido su promesa de proporcionar soluciones de refrigeración totalmente eléctricas y con cero emisiones directas para cada segmento de la cadena de frío. La empresa se asoció con Refrigerated Trailer Rentals Holland (RTR) para implementar la primera unidad Advancer-e y probar el sistema de generación de energía inteligente AxlePower para la refrigeración de remolques completamente eléctricos.

Los resultados clave incluyen:

  • Reducción de hasta 10 toneladas métricas de CO2e por unidad Advancer-e al año
  • Reducción significativa de la contaminación acústica
  • Ahorros anuales en mantenimiento y eliminación de la compra de combustible

RTR se convirtió en la primera en adoptar la unidad Advancer-e en marzo de 2023, siendo su cliente Dailycool el primero en beneficiarse de la tecnología. Thermo King ha cumplido con éxito su compromiso de 2021 de proporcionar soluciones totalmente eléctricas para cada segmento de la cadena de frío en la región EMEA para 2023.

Thermo King EMEA는 Trane Technologies (TT)의 일원으로, 모든 냉장 유통 체인을 위한 완전 전기식 제로 직접 배출 냉장 솔루션을 제공하겠다는 약속을 이행했습니다. 이 회사는 Refrigerated Trailer Rentals Holland (RTR)와 협력하여 첫 번째 Advancer-e 장치를 배포하고 완전 전기식 트레일러 냉장용 스마트 에너지 생성 시스템인 AxlePower를 시험했습니다.

주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • Advancer-e 장치당 연간 최대 10톤의 CO2e 감소
  • 소음 공해의 상당한 감소
  • 연간 유지보수 비용 절감 및 연료 구매의 제거

RTR은 2023년 3월에 Advancer-e 장치를 가장 먼저 채택하였고, 그들의 고객인 Dailycool이 이 기술의 첫 번째 혜택을 누렸습니다. Thermo King은 2021년 EMEA 지역의 모든 냉장 유통 체인을 위한 완전 전기식 솔루션을 2023년까지 제공하겠다는 약속을 성공적으로 이행하였습니다.

Thermo King EMEA, partie de Trane Technologies (TT), a tenu sa promesse de fournir des solutions de réfrigération entièrement électriques et à zéro émission directe pour chaque segment de la chaîne du froid. L'entreprise a collaboré avec Refrigerated Trailer Rentals Holland (RTR) pour déployer la première unité Advancer-e et tester le système de génération d'énergie intelligent AxlePower pour la réfrigération des remorques entièrement électriques.

Les résultats clés comprennent :

  • Réduction jusqu'à 10 tonnes métriques de CO2e par unité Advancer-e par an
  • Réduction significative de la pollution sonore
  • Économies annuelles en maintenance et élimination de l'achat de carburant

RTR est devenu le premier à adopter l'unité Advancer-e en mars 2023, avec leur client Dailycool étant le premier à bénéficier de la technologie. Thermo King a réussi à respecter son engagement de 2021 de fournir des solutions entièrement électriques pour chaque segment de la chaîne du froid dans la région EMEA d'ici 2023.

Thermo King EMEA, Teil von Trane Technologies (TT), hat sein Versprechen erfüllt, vollständig elektrische, direkte emissionsfreie Kühllösungen für jedes Segment der Kühlkette bereitzustellen. Das Unternehmen arbeitete mit Refrigerated Trailer Rentals Holland (RTR) zusammen, um die erste Advancer-e Einheit zu implementieren und das intelligente Energieerzeugungssystem AxlePower für vollständig elektrische Trailerkühlung zu testen.

Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen:

  • Reduzierung von bis zu 10 metrischen Tonnen CO2e pro Advancer-e Einheit und Jahr
  • Deutliche Reduzierung der Lärmbelastung
  • Jährliche Einsparungen bei Wartung und Eliminierung von Kraftstoffkäufen

RTR wurde im März 2023 das erste Unternehmen, das die Advancer-e Einheit einführte, wobei ihr Kunde Dailycool der erste war, der von der Technologie profitierte. Thermo King hat sein 2021 gegebenes Versprechen, bis 2023 vollständig elektrische Lösungen für jedes Segment der Kühlkette in der EMEA-Region bereitzustellen, erfolgreich umgesetzt.

  • Successful deployment of Advancer-e unit, reducing CO2e emissions by up to 10 metric tons per year
  • Introduction of AxlePower smart energy-generating technology for emission-free systems
  • Fulfillment of commitment to deliver fully electric solutions for all cold chain segments in EMEA
  • Reduction in noise pollution with nearly silent electric refrigeration units
  • Potential annual savings in maintenance and fuel costs for customers
  • Additional training and investment required for customers to adopt new electric systems
  • availability of charging stations impacting planning for longer routes
  • Need for customers to invest in recharging infrastructure and consider battery life cycle


This news highlights Trane Technologies' progress in sustainable innovation through its Thermo King brand, particularly in electrified refrigeration solutions for the cold chain. While the development is positive for the company's ESG profile, the immediate financial impact appears

Key points:

  • Thermo King has fulfilled its pledge to offer fully electric, zero-emission refrigeration solutions across all cold chain segments in EMEA by 2023.
  • The Advancer-e unit can reduce a trailer fleet's carbon footprint by up to 10 metric tons of CO2e per year.
  • RTR Holland's adoption of these technologies demonstrates market acceptance, but widespread adoption may take time.

For investors, this progress reinforces Trane Technologies' position in sustainable HVAC and transport solutions. However, the financial implications are likely gradual, as market penetration of these new technologies will occur over time. The long-term outlook is positive as regulatory pressures and customer demand for sustainable solutions increase, potentially driving future revenue growth in this segment.

Trane Technologies' Thermo King division is making significant strides in electrifying the cold chain, a important step towards reducing emissions in the transportation sector. The Advancer-e and AxlePower technologies represent cutting-edge solutions in this space.

Key technological advancements:

  • Fully electric architecture eliminates direct emissions from refrigeration units
  • AxlePower smart energy-generating system reduces reliance on external charging
  • Significant noise reduction improves urban logistics

These innovations address multiple environmental concerns simultaneously: CO2 emissions, noise pollution and energy efficiency. The challenge lies in the infrastructure required for widespread adoption, including charging stations and battery lifecycle management. As the technology matures and infrastructure develops, we can expect accelerated uptake, potentially reshaping the refrigerated transport industry. This positions Trane Technologies favorably in the growing market for sustainable cold chain solutions.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 14, 2024 / Trane Technologies
Thermo King EMEA delivers on its pledge to provide customers like RTR Holland fully electric, zero direct emission refrigeration solutions for every segment of the cold chain.

We're innovating for impact by delivering electrified solutions for every segment of the cold chain.

Project At-a-Glance:

The opportunity: Help longtime Thermo King® customer Refrigerated Trailer Rentals Holland (RTR) continue to offer their clients the most efficient and sustainable solutions available in refrigerated transport.

The solution: In partnership with RTR and two of their clients, deploy the first Advancer-eTM unit into their fleet and begin trials of the AxlePower smart-energy generating system for fully electric trailer refrigeration.

Sustainability outcomes:

  • Reduction of up to 10 metric tons of CO2e per Advancer-e unit per year

  • Significant reduction of noise pollution

  • Annual savings in maintenance and elimination of fuel purchasing

When family-owned Refrigerated Trailer Rentals Holland (RTR) wanted to offer its clients the most sustainable, efficient system for refrigerated transport, they immediately looked to the expanding electric portfolio of longtime temperature-control solutions provider Thermo King®.

"Going full-electric and adding new technology that future-proofs our fleet without compromising on cooling capacity and operational efficiency was something we didn't have to think twice about," said Wilbert de Graaff, owner of RTR. "We want to have the best, most efficient and environmentally friendly products, service and support there is in the market, and make it available for our clients."

In March of 2023, RTR became the first company to adopt the new electric Thermo King Advancer-e refrigeration unit in their fleet. As the pilot operators, RTR client Dailycool, a Netherlands-based company specializing in the transport and logistics services of food products, became the first client to benefit from the engineless technology.

"We knew we need to have the new Advancer-e in our fleet the moment Thermo King introduced it," added Wilbert de Graaff, "and this is just a first step in a longer journey for us."

Adapting to electrified systems

With its fully electric architecture, one Advancer-e unit can reduce a trailer fleet's carbon footprint by up to 10 metric tons of CO2e per year.

Adopting the fully electric unit did require some additional training and investment for RTR and Dailycool. Maintenance of the new battery-powered system is different than the traditional diesel-burning engine.

The availability of charging stations impacts planning for longer routes. And operators must also invest in the necessary infrastructure for recharging on site and consider the full life of the battery, including eventual disposal.

But from an operational standpoint, the only noticeable difference reported by Dailycool drivers was the whisper quiet operations. With an electric refrigeration unit, the system is nearly silent even when fully operational.

A growing portfolio of electrified solutions

Beyond the Advancer-e units, RTR has also deployed trailers using Thermo King's AxlePower smart energy-generating technology, the next step in emission-free systems which can also help reduce re-charging needs.

These industry-leading solutions are part of a broader sustainability strategy. In August 2021, guided by Trane Technologies' bold 2030 Sustainability Commitments, Thermo King pledged to deliver fully electric, zero direct emission refrigeration solutions for every segment of the cold chain in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region by 2023.

With a comprehensive portfolio that includes all-electric E-series refrigeration unit for light commercial vehicles as well as advanced, all-electric transport refrigeration technology for heavy goods vehicles, Thermo King has successfully delivered on its commitment made back in November of 2023.

"As we continue leveraging the power of innovation to transform our industry, I am thrilled to announce this significant milestone in our journey toward a more sustainable world," said Claudio Zanframundo, president, Thermo King EMEA. "Our ability to deliver an all-electric, zero direct emissions solution in every segment of the EMEA cold chain represents another important step in our unwavering commitment to cutting our customers' carbon footprints while reducing global food loss."

Discover more about our sustainable innovation in our 2023 ESG Report.

View additional multimedia and more ESG storytelling from Trane Technologies on

Contact Info:
Spokesperson: Trane Technologies

SOURCE: Trane Technologies

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What is the CO2e reduction potential of Thermo King's Advancer-e unit for TT?

The Advancer-e unit from Thermo King, a Trane Technologies (TT) company, can reduce a trailer fleet's carbon footprint by up to 10 metric tons of CO2e per year per unit.

When did RTR adopt the first Thermo King Advancer-e refrigeration unit for TT?

RTR (Refrigerated Trailer Rentals Holland) became the first company to adopt the new electric Thermo King Advancer-e refrigeration unit in their fleet in March 2023.

What commitment did Thermo King EMEA make regarding electric solutions for TT in 2021?

In August 2021, Thermo King EMEA pledged to deliver fully electric, zero direct emission refrigeration solutions for every segment of the cold chain in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region by 2023, which they have successfully achieved.

What are the main benefits of Thermo King's electric refrigeration units for TT customers?

The main benefits include reduction of CO2e emissions, significant reduction of noise pollution, and potential annual savings in maintenance and fuel costs.

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