Tyson Foods Announces Results of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
Tyson Foods (NYSE: TSN) held its Annual Meeting of Shareholders, where 13 incumbent directors were reelected with strong shareholder support. The Board size was reduced from 14 to 13 directors following Jonathan Mariner's decision not to seek renomination, with nine directors being independent. Kate Quinn was appointed as Chair of the Audit Committee.
Shareholders ratified PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2025 and voted against the sole shareholder proposal presented. Chairman John H. Tyson reflected on the company's 90th anniversary, expressing confidence in their current strategic direction.
Tyson Foods (NYSE: TSN) ha tenuto la sua Assemblea Annuale degli Azionisti, dove 13 amministratori uscenti sono stati rieletti con un forte supporto degli azionisti. La dimensione del Consiglio è stata ridotta da 14 a 13 amministratori a seguito della decisione di Jonathan Mariner di non cercare la rielezione, con nove amministratori indipendenti. Kate Quinn è stata nominata Presidente del Comitato di Revisione.
Gli azionisti hanno ratificato PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP come società di revisione contabile registrata indipendente per l'anno fiscale 2025 e hanno votato contro l'unica proposta presentata dagli azionisti. Il Presidente John H. Tyson ha riflettuto sul 90º anniversario dell'azienda, esprimendo fiducia nella loro attuale direzione strategica.
Tyson Foods (NYSE: TSN) celebró su Junta Anual de Accionistas, donde 13 directores en funciones fueron reelegidos con un fuerte apoyo de los accionistas. El tamaño de la Junta se redujo de 14 a 13 directores tras la decisión de Jonathan Mariner de no buscar la reelección, con nueve directores independientes. Kate Quinn fue nombrada Presidenta del Comité de Auditoría.
Los accionistas ratificaron a PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP como la firma de contabilidad pública registrada e independiente para el año fiscal 2025 y votaron en contra de la única propuesta de los accionistas presentada. El Presidente John H. Tyson reflexionó sobre el 90.º aniversario de la empresa, expresando confianza en su dirección estratégica actual.
Tyson Foods (NYSE: TSN)는 주주 총회를 개최하여 13명의 현직 이사가 강력한 주주 지원을 받아 재선임되었습니다. 조나단 마리너의 재임 신청 포기로 이사회 규모는 14명에서 13명으로 줄어들었으며, 9명의 이사가 독립적이었습니다. 케이트 퀸이 감사 위원회 의장으로 임명되었습니다.
주주들은 2025 회계연도에 대한 독립 등록 공인 회계법인으로 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP를 인가하고 제시된 유일한 주주 제안에 반대 투표를 하였습니다. 의장인 존 H. 타이슨은 회사의 90주년을 되새기면서 현재의 전략적 방향에 대한 신뢰를 표명했습니다.
Tyson Foods (NYSE: TSN) a tenu son Assemblée Annuelle des Actionnaires, où 13 administrateurs en poste ont été réélus avec un fort soutien des actionnaires. La taille du Conseil a été réduite de 14 à 13 administrateurs suite à la décision de Jonathan Mariner de ne pas se représenter, avec neuf administrateurs indépendants. Kate Quinn a été nommée Présidente du Comité d'Audit.
Les actionnaires ont ratifié PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP en tant que cabinet comptable public indépendant pour l'exercice fiscal 2025 et ont voté contre la seule proposition des actionnaires présentée. Le Président John H. Tyson a réfléchi au 90ème anniversaire de l'entreprise, exprimant sa confiance dans leur direction stratégique actuelle.
Tyson Foods (NYSE: TSN) hielt seine Jahreshauptversammlung ab, bei der 13 amtierende Direktoren mit starker Unterstützung der Aktionäre wiedergewählt wurden. Die Größe des Vorstands wurde von 14 auf 13 Direktoren verringert, nachdem Jonathan Mariner beschlossen hatte, sich nicht mehr zur Wiederwahl zu stellen, wobei neun Direktoren unabhängig sind. Kate Quinn wurde zur Vorsitzenden des Prüfungsausschusses ernannt.
Die Aktionäre bestätigten PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP als das unabhängige, registrierte Wirtschaftsprüfungsunternehmen für das Geschäftsjahr 2025 und stimmten gegen den einzigen vorgelegten Aktionärsantrag. Vorsitzender John H. Tyson blickte auf das 90-jährige Jubiläum des Unternehmens zurück und äußerte Vertrauen in die aktuelle strategische Ausrichtung.
- Board maintains strong independence with 9 out of 13 directors being independent
- Successful reelection of all proposed directors with strong shareholder support
- Continuity in leadership maintained through reelection of incumbent directors
- Reduction in board size from 14 to 13 members
SPRINGDALE, Ark., Feb. 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE: TSN) announced the results of its Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which was held today.
Shareholders reelected 13 incumbent directors, with each receiving strong shareholder support according to preliminary voting results. Jonathan Mariner, having expressed his preference not to be renominated to the Board, was not put forward as a director nominee. This reduced the Board size to 13 directors, nine of which are independent. Kate Quinn was elected Chair of the Audit Committee.
“As we mark the 90th anniversary of Tyson Foods, we reflect on the decades of hard work that have transformed our business into a global, world-class food company,” said Chairman John H. Tyson. “I am confident we are working on the right things at the right time with the right effort every day to meet our goals. I’d like to thank our dedicated team members—and all the communities in which they live and work—as well as our shareholders for their ongoing support.”
As noted in the company’s most recent proxy statement, the board members elected today included: Chairman John H. Tyson, Les R. Baledge, Mike Beebe, Maria Claudia Borras, David J. Bronczek, Donnie King, Maria N. Martinez, Kevin M. McNamara, Cheryl S. Miller, Kate B. Quinn, Jeffrey K. Schomburger, Barbara A. Tyson and Noel White.
Additionally, shareholders ratified the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for the 2025 fiscal year and voted against the sole shareholder proposal put forward this year.
About Tyson Foods, Inc.
Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE: TSN) is a world-class food company and recognized leader in protein. Founded in 1935 by John W. Tyson, it has grown under four generations of family leadership. The Company is unified by this purpose: Tyson Foods. We Feed the World Like Family™ and has a broad portfolio of iconic products and brands including Tyson®, Jimmy Dean®, Hillshire Farm®, Ball Park®, Wright®, State Fair®, Aidells® and ibp®. Tyson Foods is dedicated to bringing high-quality food to every table in the world, safely and affordably, now and for future generations. Headquartered in Springdale, Arkansas, the company had approximately 138,000 team members as of September 2024. Visit www.tysonfoods.com.
Media Contact: Laura Burns | Laura.Burns2@tyson.com | 479-466-0401
Category: IR
Source: Tyson Foods