TCW Strategic Income Fund Announces Quarterly Distribution

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TCW Strategic Income Fund (NYSE: TSI) has announced a quarterly distribution of $0.06 per share. This distribution will be payable to shareholders of record on September 30, 2024, with the payment date set for October 11, 2024. The distribution policy, approved by the Board of Directors in December 2013, allows for payments from accumulated net investment income and other sources, subject to regulatory requirements.

TSI is a closed-end fund listed on the New York Stock Exchange, which began operations in March 1987. The fund currently has net assets of approximately $254 million. The Board of Directors, in consultation with portfolio managers, regularly monitors conditions and may adjust the distribution policy as needed.

Il TCW Strategic Income Fund (NYSE: TSI) ha annunciato una distribuzione trimestrale di $0,06 per azione. Questa distribuzione sarà pagabile agli azionisti registrati il 30 settembre 2024, con la data di pagamento fissata per il 11 ottobre 2024. La politica di distribuzione, approvata dal Consiglio di Amministrazione nel dicembre 2013, consente pagamenti da reddito netto di investimento accumulato e altre fonti, in conformità con i requisiti normativi.

TSI è un fondo chiuso quotato alla Borsa di New York, che ha iniziato le operazioni nel marzo 1987. Attualmente, il fondo ha attivi netti di circa 254 milioni di dollari. Il Consiglio di Amministrazione, in consultazione con i gestori del portafoglio, monitora regolarmente le condizioni e può adeguare la politica di distribuzione se necessario.

El TCW Strategic Income Fund (NYSE: TSI) ha anunciado una distribución trimestral de $0.06 por acción. Esta distribución se pagará a los accionistas registrados el 30 de septiembre de 2024, con la fecha de pago programada para el 11 de octubre de 2024. La política de distribución, aprobada por la Junta Directiva en diciembre de 2013, permite pagos de ingresos netos de inversión acumulados y otras fuentes, sujetos a los requisitos regulatorios.

TSI es un fondo cerrado que cotiza en la Bolsa de Nueva York, que comenzó sus operaciones en marzo de 1987. Actualmente, el fondo tiene activos netos de aproximadamente 254 millones de dólares. La Junta Directiva, en consulta con los gerentes de cartera, monitorea regularmente las condiciones y puede ajustar la política de distribución según sea necesario.

TCW 전략 소득 펀드 (NYSE: TSI)가 주당 $0.06의 분기 배당금을 발표했습니다. 이 분배금은 2024년 9월 30일 현재 주주에게 지급되며, 지급일은 2024년 10월 11일로 설정되어 있습니다. 2013년 12월 이사회에서 승인된 분배 정책은 규제 요구 사항에 따라 누적된 순투자 소득 및 기타 출처에서 지급할 수 있도록 허용합니다.

TSI는 1987년 3월에 운영을 시작한 뉴욕 증권 거래소에 상장된 폐쇄형 펀드입니다. 현재 이 펀드는 약 2억 5400만 달러의 순 자산을 보유하고 있습니다. 이사회는 포트폴리오 관리자와 협의하여 정기적으로 상황을 모니터링하며 필요한 경우 배분 정책을 조정할 수 있습니다.

Le TCW Strategic Income Fund (NYSE: TSI) a annoncé une distribution trimestrielle de 0,06 $ par action. Cette distribution sera payable aux actionnaires enregistrés le 30 septembre 2024, avec une date de paiement fixée au 11 octobre 2024. La politique de distribution, approuvée par le Conseil d'Administration en décembre 2013, permet des paiements provenant des revenus d'investissement nets accumulés et d'autres sources, sous réserve des exigences réglementaires.

TSI est un fonds fermé coté à la Bourse de New York, qui a commencé ses opérations en mars 1987. Le fonds dispose actuellement de ressources nettes d'environ 254 millions de dollars. Le Conseil d'Administration, en consultation avec les gestionnaires de portefeuille, surveille régulièrement les conditions et peut ajuster la politique de distribution si nécessaire.

Der TCW Strategic Income Fund (NYSE: TSI) hat eine vierteljährliche Ausschüttung von 0,06 $ pro Aktie angekündigt. Diese Ausschüttung wird an Aktionäre gezahlt, die am 30. September 2024 im Register stehen, wobei das Zahlungsdatum auf den 11. Oktober 2024 festgelegt ist. Die Ausschüttungspolitik, die im Dezember 2013 vom Vorstand genehmigt wurde, erlaubt Zahlungen aus angesammeltem Nettoanlageertrag und anderen Quellen, vorbehaltlich der gesetzlichen Anforderungen.

TSI ist ein Closed-End-Fonds, der an der New Yorker Börse notiert ist und im März 1987 mit dem Betrieb begann. Der Fonds verfügt derzeit über netto Vermögenswerte von etwa 254 Millionen Dollar. Der Vorstand überwacht in Absprache mit den Portfoliomanagern regelmäßig die Bedingungen und kann die Ausschüttungspolitik nach Bedarf anpassen.

  • Quarterly distribution of $0.06 per share announced
  • Net assets of approximately $254 million
  • None.

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- TCW Strategic Income Fund, Inc. (NYSE: TSI) today announced a quarterly distribution of $0.06 per share payable to shareholders of record on September 30, 2024, with the payable date of October 11, 2024.

The distribution is based on a policy that was approved by the Board of Directors in December 2013 which was to pay distributions out of the Fund’s accumulated net investment income and/or other sources subject to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and Sub-chapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. The Directors will regularly monitor conditions and circumstances relating to the distribution of dividends and make such changes as they, in consultation with the Fund’s portfolio managers, deem appropriate. Distribution policy is a matter of Board discretion and may be modified or terminated at any time without prior notice.

TSI is a closed-end fund listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The Fund began operations in March 1987 and currently has net assets of approximately $254 million.

About The TCW Group

TCW is a leading global asset management firm with a broad range of products across fixed income, alternative investments, equities, and emerging markets. With over half a century of investment experience, TCW manages approximately $200 billion in client assets today. Through its ETFs, TCW MetWest Funds, and TCW Funds, TCW manages one of the largest fund complexes in the U.S. TCW’s clients include many of the world’s largest corporate and public pension plans, financial institutions, endowments and foundations, as well as financial advisors and high net worth individuals. For more information, please visit

Various matters discussed in this news release constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws. Actual results and the timing of certain events could differ materially from those projected or contemplated by these forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including general economic conditions, overall availability of certain types of securities for investment by the Fund, the level of volatility in the securities markets and in the share price of the Fund, and other risk factors outlined in the Fund’s SEC Filings.

Investor Contact:

Tel: 800-386-3829

Media Contact:

Doug Morris

Head of Corporate Communications

Tel: 213-244-0509

Source: TCW Strategic Income Fund, Inc.


What is the quarterly distribution amount for TCW Strategic Income Fund (TSI)?

TCW Strategic Income Fund (TSI) has announced a quarterly distribution of $0.06 per share.

When is the record date and payable date for TSI's quarterly distribution in 2024?

The record date for TSI's quarterly distribution is September 30, 2024, and the payable date is October 11, 2024.

What are the current net assets of TCW Strategic Income Fund (TSI)?

TCW Strategic Income Fund (TSI) currently has net assets of approximately $254 million.

When did TCW Strategic Income Fund (TSI) begin operations?

TCW Strategic Income Fund (TSI) began operations in March 1987.

TCW Strategic Income Fund, Inc.


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