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Designed with both novice traders and seasoned investors in mind, our page aims to simplify the complex world of stock market news. By combining real-time updates, Rhea-AI's analytical insights, and historical stock performance data, we provide a holistic view of TREX ACQUISITION's position in the market.
T-REX Acquisition Corp. (PINK: TRXA) announced the effective registration of 6,505,267 shares of common stock by the SEC. This allows for potential resale by selling stockholders, including PIPE Investors and warrants. Sales will start at a fixed price of $1.50 per share until the stock is quoted on OTC Market Group tiers. The company will not receive proceeds from these sales but will from any cash exercises of the warrants. The SEC also declared effective a registration statement on Form S-1 earlier this month.
T REX Acquisition Corp. (OTC Pink Sheets: TRXA) announced its entry into the cryptocurrency mining sector through its subsidiary, Raptor Mining LLC. The company is focused on environmentally sustainable mining practices to enhance growth potential. T REX has partnered with Ace Host, a Tampa-based data center, to manage its first cryptocurrency mining equipment. This co-location strategy allows T REX to reduce overhead costs while ensuring efficient operations. The company expects to significantly scale its mining activities over the coming months, capitalizing on new power sources.