Travelers Risk Index: Cyber Risks Reclaim Top Spot as Leading Business Concern

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The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) has released its 2024 Travelers Risk Index, revealing cyber threats as the top concern among business leaders. This marks the fourth time in six years that cyber risks have topped the list, with a record 62% of participants expressing worry. Other major concerns include medical cost inflation (59%), increasing employee benefits costs (59%), broad economic uncertainty (59%), and talent attraction and retention (54%).

The survey also found that 65% of businesses now have cyber insurance policies, up from 60% last year and significantly higher than the 39% reported in 2018. However, nearly 30% of respondents still lack cyber coverage. Alarmingly, 24% of participants reported experiencing a cyber incident, marking the eighth increase in nine years.

Top cyber concerns include security breaches, unauthorized access to financial accounts or control systems, ransomware, employee-related risks, and system glitches. In response, the Travelers Institute will host educational programs in October to help business leaders prepare for and respond to cyber incidents.

The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) ha rilasciato il suo Travelers Risk Index 2024, rivelando che le minacce informatiche sono la principale preoccupazione tra i leader aziendali. Questo segna la quarta volta in sei anni che i rischi informatici si trovano in cima alla lista, con un record di 62% dei partecipanti che esprimono preoccupazione. Altre preoccupazioni rilevanti includono l'inflazione dei costi sanitari (59%), l'aumento dei costi dei benefici per i dipendenti (59%), l'incertezza economica generale (59%) e l'attrazione e la ritenzione dei talenti (54%).

Il sondaggio ha anche rilevato che 65% delle aziende ha ora polizze di assicurazione informatica, in aumento rispetto al 60% dell'anno scorso e significativamente superiore al 39% riportato nel 2018. Tuttavia, quasi il 30% degli intervistati non ha ancora copertura informatica. È allarmante che 24% dei partecipanti abbia segnalato di aver subito un incidente informatico, segnando l'ottavo aumento in nove anni.

Le principali preoccupazioni informatiche includono violazioni della sicurezza, accesso non autorizzato a conti finanziari o sistemi di controllo, ransomware, rischi legati ai dipendenti e malfunzionamenti del sistema. In risposta, il Travelers Institute ospiterà programmi educativi in ottobre per aiutare i leader aziendali a prepararsi e rispondere agli incidenti informatici.

The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) ha publicado su Travelers Risk Index 2024, revelando que las amenazas cibernéticas son la principal preocupación entre los líderes empresariales. Esta es la cuarta vez en seis años que los riesgos cibernéticos encabezan la lista, con un récord de 62% de los participantes expresando preocupación. Otras preocupaciones importantes incluyen la inflación de costos médicos (59%), el aumento de los costos de beneficios para empleados (59%), la incertidumbre económica general (59%) y la atracción y retención de talento (54%).

La encuesta también encontró que 65% de las empresas ahora tienen pólizas de seguro cibernético, un aumento del 60% del año pasado y significativamente superior al 39% reportado en 2018. Sin embargo, casi el 30% de los encuestados aún carece de cobertura cibernética. Alarmantemente, 24% de los participantes informaron haber experimentado un incidente cibernético, marcando el octavo aumento en nueve años.

Las principales preocupaciones cibernéticas incluyen violaciones de seguridad, acceso no autorizado a cuentas financieras o sistemas de control, ransomware, riesgos relacionados con empleados y fallos del sistema. En respuesta, el Travelers Institute llevará a cabo programas educativos en octubre para ayudar a los líderes empresariales a prepararse y responder a incidentes cibernéticos.

The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV)는 2024 Travelers Risk Index를 발표하며 사이버 위협이 기업 리더들 사이에서 가장 큰 우려 사항이라고 밝혔습니다. 이는 6년 동안 네 번째로 사이버 위험이 목록의 최상위에 오른 것으로, 62%의 참가자들이 우려를 표시했습니다. 다른 주요 우려 사항으로는 의료비 인플레이션(59%), 직원 복리후생 비용 증가(59%), 광범위한 경제 불확실성(59%), 인재 유치 및 유지(54%)가 있습니다.

이번 조사에 따르면 65%의 기업들이 현재 사이버 보험 정책을 보유하고 있으며, 이는 지난해 60%에서 증가한 수준으로 2018년의 39%와 비교하여 상당히 높은 수치입니다. 그러나 거의 30%의 응답자가 여전히 사이버 보장이 없습니다. 놀랍게도 24%의 참가자가 사이버 사고를 경험한 것으로 보고하여 9년 중 8번째 증가를 기록했습니다.

주요 사이버 우려 사항으로는 보안 위반, 재무 계좌 또는 제어 시스템에 대한 무단 접근, 랜섬웨어, 직원 관련 위험 및 시스템 결함이 있습니다. 이에 따라 Travelers Institute는 10월에 기업 리더들이 사이버 사고에 대비하고 대응할 수 있도록 교육 프로그램을 진행할 예정입니다.

The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) a publié son Travelers Risk Index 2024, révélant que les menaces cybernétiques sont la principale préoccupation des dirigeants d'entreprise. C'est la quatrième fois en six ans que les risques cybernétiques arrivent en tête de la liste, avec un record de 62% des participants exprimant des inquiétudes. D'autres préoccupations majeures incluent l'inflation des coûts médicaux (59%), l'augmentation des coûts des avantages sociaux pour les employés (59%), l'incertitude économique générale (59%) et l'attraction et la rétention des talents (54%).

Le sondage a également révélé que 65% des entreprises disposent désormais de polices d'assurance cybernétique, en hausse par rapport à 60% l'année dernière et bien au-dessus des 39% rapportés en 2018. Cependant, près de 30% des répondants ne disposent toujours pas de couverture en matière de cybersécurité. Alarmant, 24% des participants ont déclaré avoir subi un incident cybernétique, marquant ainsi la huitième augmentation en neuf ans.

Les principales préoccupations en matière de cybersécurité comprennent les violations de sécurité, l'accès non autorisé aux comptes financiers ou aux systèmes de contrôle, les ransomwares, les risques liés aux employés et les pannes système. En réponse, le Travelers Institute proposera des programmes éducatifs en octobre pour aider les dirigeants d'entreprise à se préparer et à réagir aux incidents cybernétiques.

The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) hat seinen Travelers Risk Index 2024 veröffentlicht, der zeigt, dass Cyber-Bedrohungen die größte Sorge unter Unternehmensführern darstellen. Dies ist das vierte Mal in sechs Jahren, dass Cyberrisiken die Liste anführen, wobei 62% der Teilnehmer Besorgnis äußern. Weitere wichtige Anliegen sind die Inflationsrate der Gesundheitskosten (59%), steigende Kosten für Mitarbeiterleistungen (59%), allgemeine wirtschaftliche Unsicherheit (59%) und die Anwerbung und Bindung von Talenten (54%).

Die Umfrage ergab auch, dass 65% der Unternehmen mittlerweile über Cyber-Versicherungspolicen verfügen, ein Anstieg von 60% im letzten Jahr und deutlich höher als die 39%, die 2018 gemeldet wurden. Allerdings haben fast 30% der Befragten noch keinen Cyber-Schutz. Alarmierend ist, dass 24% der Teilnehmer angaben, ein Cyber-Ereignis erlebt zu haben, was den achten Anstieg in neun Jahren markiert.

Zu den größten Cyber-Bedenken gehören Sicherheitsverletzungen, unbefugter Zugriff auf Finanzkonten oder Kontrollsysteme, Ransomware, mitarbeiterbezogene Risiken und Systemausfälle. In Reaktion darauf wird das Travelers Institute im Oktober Schulungsprogramme anbieten, um Unternehmensleiter bei der Vorbereitung auf und Reaktion auf Cyber-Vorfälle zu unterstützen.

  • Record 62% of businesses are now aware of and concerned about cyber threats
  • Cyber insurance adoption has increased to 65%, up from 60% last year and 39% in 2018
  • Company is proactively addressing cyber risks through educational programs
  • 24% of surveyed companies experienced a cyber incident, marking the eighth increase in nine years
  • Nearly 30% of respondents still do not have cyber insurance coverage
  • Ransomware concerns have significantly increased, jumping to the third top cyber-related concern


The 2024 Travelers Risk Index reveals a significant shift in business concerns, with cyber threats reclaiming the top spot. This trend aligns with the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks. The 62% of participants worried about cyber risks indicates a growing awareness of the potential catastrophic impact on operations and finances.

The rise in cyber insurance adoption, reaching 65% overall and 78% for large businesses, suggests companies are taking proactive measures. However, the 24% of businesses reporting cyber incidents, marking the eighth increase in nine years, underscores the persistent and evolving nature of these threats.

The emergence of ransomware as a top concern, jumping to third place, reflects its growing prevalence and potential for significant disruption. This shift in priorities emphasizes the need for comprehensive cybersecurity strategies, including robust employee training, system hardening and incident response planning.

The Travelers Risk Index offers valuable insights into the evolving landscape of business risks and insurance needs. The increased adoption of cyber insurance policies across all business sizes is a positive trend, indicating a growing recognition of cyber risks as a critical exposure requiring financial protection.

However, the fact that nearly 30% of respondents still lack cyber coverage is concerning, especially given the rising frequency of incidents. This gap presents both a challenge and an opportunity for the insurance industry to educate businesses and develop tailored cyber insurance solutions.

The consistent year-over-year increase in reported cyber incidents suggests that insurers must continually refine their underwriting criteria, pricing models and risk management services to keep pace with the evolving threat landscape. The focus on ransomware and unauthorized access highlights specific areas where insurers can provide targeted risk mitigation guidance and coverage enhancements.

Percentage of companies that have suffered a cyberattack climbs for eighth time in nine years

HARTFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) today released the results of its 2024 Travelers Risk Index, which highlighted cyber threats as the top concern among business leaders. The annual survey began in 2014 and asks business insurance decision-makers from U.S. companies of various sizes and industries about the issues that worry them most.

This was the fourth time in six years that cyber threats ranked as the top concern, with a record number (62%) of participants saying they worry some or a great deal about cyber risks. Cyber concerns were followed by medical cost inflation (59%), which held the top spot in 2023; increasing employee benefits costs (59%); broad economic uncertainty (59%); and the ability to attract and retain talent (54%).

“The findings speak to the business community’s greater awareness of cyber threats and the catastrophic damage, both operational and financial, a cyberattack can have on a company,” said Tim Francis, Enterprise Cyber Lead at Travelers. “What’s troubling is that while more businesses are securing cyber insurance as a tool to mitigate vulnerabilities, many still elect not to – despite knowing the risks.”

Increasing Cyber Coverage
Nearly 30% of the more than 1,200 respondents said their company did not have a cyber insurance policy. Notably, the percentage who said their business did have a policy (65%) is up from last year (60%) and is considerably higher than in 2018, when only 39% said they had a cyber insurance policy. The year-over-year increase was seen across businesses of all sizes: small businesses jumped to 41% from 34%; mid-sized companies increased to 77% from 74%; and large businesses rose to 78% from 72%.

Rising Cyber Incidents
The increase in cyber insurance policies coincided with a slightly higher percentage (24% compared to 23% in 2023) of survey participants reporting that their company had experienced a cyber incident, with more than half of those incidents having occurred within the past year. This is the eighth time in nine years that the percentage of respondents who said their company has suffered a data breach or cyber event increased from the previous year.

Top Cyber Concerns
Tied for first, with 57% of respondents listing them as a top cyber-related concern, were a security breach and someone gaining unauthorized access to financial accounts or control systems. Rounding out the top five cyber concerns were:

  • Ransomware (54%, which saw the largest jump, up from the ninth cyber-related concern in 2023).
  • Employees putting information or systems at risk through unauthorized or unsafe computing practices (53%).
  • System glitch (53%).

A microsite developed by Travelers provides key Risk Index survey results and highlights.

Travelers Institute Cyber Awareness Events
The Travelers Institute, the public policy division of Travelers, will host three in-person educational programs in October – Cybersecurity Awareness Month – aimed at helping business leaders prepare for and respond to cyber incidents. The Travelers Institute’s Cyber: Prepare, Prevent, Mitigate, Restore symposium series will make stops in Irvine, California, on Oct. 10, and in Philadelphia on Oct. 30. A webinar on Oct. 2 will offer tips related to cyber readiness. All events are free and open to the public. For more information and to register, visit the Travelers Institute Events & Webinars page.

About the Survey
Hart Research conducted a national online survey of 1,202 U.S. business insurance decision-makers June 20-30, 2024, regarding their top challenges. Launched in November 2014, the Travelers Risk Index survey was commissioned by Travelers.

About Travelers
The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) is a leading provider of property casualty insurance for auto, home and business. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Travelers has more than 30,000 employees and generated revenues of approximately $41 billion in 2023. For more information, visit


Michael Whitmer, 860.277.2010

Source: The Travelers Companies, Inc.


What is the top business concern according to the 2024 Travelers Risk Index?

According to the 2024 Travelers Risk Index, cyber threats are the top concern among business leaders, with 62% of participants expressing worry about cyber risks.

How has cyber insurance adoption changed since 2018 for TRV?

Cyber insurance adoption has significantly increased since 2018. In 2024, 65% of businesses reported having cyber insurance policies, compared to only 39% in 2018.

What percentage of companies surveyed by Travelers (TRV) experienced a cyber incident?

According to the survey, 24% of participants reported that their company had experienced a cyber incident, with more than half of those incidents occurring within the past year.

What are the top cyber concerns identified in the 2024 Travelers Risk Index?

The top cyber concerns identified are security breaches, unauthorized access to financial accounts or control systems, ransomware, employees putting information or systems at risk, and system glitches.

The Travelers Companies, Inc.


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