Travelers Publishes Citizen Travelers Playbook, a Corporate Model for Inspiring Civic Engagement

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Travelers (NYSE: TRV) has published its Citizen Travelers Playbook, a guide to help organizations support a civically engaged workforce. The playbook is based on Travelers' nonpartisan civic engagement initiative, Citizen Travelers, launched in 2021. The initiative aims to empower employees to become more engaged and informed citizens through:

  • Interactive resources and educational programming
  • Volunteer and networking opportunities
  • Connecting employees to service opportunities
  • Sharing stories of outstanding civic leadership

Since its launch, Citizen Travelers has supported thousands of Travelers' employees in strengthening their communities through civic education and engagement. The company hopes the playbook will inspire other organizations to pursue similar civic engagement initiatives.

Travelers (NYSE: TRV) ha pubblicato il suo Citizen Travelers Playbook, una guida per aiutare le organizzazioni a supportare una forza lavoro impegnata civicamente. Il playbook si basa sull'iniziativa di coinvolgimento civico non partigiana di Travelers, Citizen Travelers, lanciata nel 2021. L'iniziativa mira a responsabilizzare i dipendenti affinché diventino cittadini più attivi e informati attraverso:

  • Risorse interattive e programmi educativi
  • Opportunità di volontariato e networking
  • Collegamento dei dipendenti a opportunità di servizio
  • Condivisione di storie di eccellente leadership civica

Dalla sua introduzione, Citizen Travelers ha supportato migliaia di dipendenti di Travelers nel rafforzare le proprie comunità attraverso l'educazione e il coinvolgimento civico. L'azienda spera che il playbook possa ispirare altre organizzazioni a perseguire iniziative simili di coinvolgimento civico.

Travelers (NYSE: TRV) ha publicado su Citizen Travelers Playbook, una guía para ayudar a las organizaciones a apoyar una fuerza laboral comprometida cívicamente. El playbook se basa en la iniciativa de compromiso cívico no partidista de Travelers, Citizen Travelers, lanzada en 2021. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo empoderar a los empleados para que se conviertan en ciudadanos más comprometidos e informados a través de:

  • Recursos interactivos y programas educativos
  • Oportunidades de voluntariado y networking
  • Conectar a los empleados con oportunidades de servicio
  • Compartir historias de liderazgo cívico excepcional

Desde su lanzamiento, Citizen Travelers ha apoyado a miles de empleados de Travelers en el fortalecimiento de sus comunidades a través de la educación y el compromiso cívico. La empresa espera que el playbook inspire a otras organizaciones a seguir iniciativas similares de compromiso cívico.

Travelers (NYSE: TRV)는 Citizen Travelers Playbook을 발간했습니다. 이는 조직이 시민 참여가 활발한 인력을 지원하는 데 도움을 주기 위한 가이드입니다. 이 플레이북은 2021년에 시작된 Travelers의 비당파적인 시민 참여 이니셔티브인 Citizen Travelers를 기반으로 하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브의 목표는 직원들이 보다 적극적이고 정보에 밝은 시민이 되도록 Empowering하는 것입니다:

  • 인터랙티브 리소스 및 교육 프로그램
  • 자원봉사 및 네트워킹 기회
  • 직원들과 서비스 기회를 연결하기
  • 우수한 시민 리더십 이야기 공유하기

출시 이래, Citizen Travelers는 시민 교육 및 참여를 통해 Travelers의 수천 명의 직원들이 지역 사회를 강화하는 데 도움을 주었습니다. 회사는 이 플레이북이 다른 조직들이 유사한 시민 참여 이니셔티브를 추구하도록 영감을 줄 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.

Travelers (NYSE: TRV) a publié son Citizen Travelers Playbook, un guide pour aider les organisations à soutenir une main-d'œuvre engagée civiquement. Le manuel s'appuie sur l'initiative d'engagement civique non partisan de Travelers, Citizen Travelers, lancée en 2021. L'initiative vise à responsabiliser les employés pour qu'ils deviennent des citoyens plus engagés et informés à travers :

  • Des ressources interactives et des programmes éducatifs
  • Des opportunités de bénévolat et de réseautage
  • La mise en relation des employés avec des opportunités de service
  • Le partage d'histoires de leadership civique exceptionnel

Depuis son lancement, Citizen Travelers a soutenu des milliers d'employés de Travelers dans le renforcement de leurs communautés par le biais de l'éducation civique et de l'engagement. L'entreprise espère que ce manuel inspirera d'autres organisations à poursuivre des initiatives similaires d'engagement civique.

Travelers (NYSE: TRV) hat sein Citizen Travelers Playbook veröffentlicht, ein Leitfaden, der Organisationen dabei helfen soll, eine zivilgesellschaftlich engagierte Belegschaft zu unterstützen. Das Handbuch basiert auf der unparteiischen Initiative für bürgerschaftliches Engagement von Travelers, Citizen Travelers, die 2021 ins Leben gerufen wurde. Die Initiative hat zum Ziel, Mitarbeiter zu ermutigen, aktivere und informiertere Bürger zu werden durch:

  • Interaktive Ressourcen und Bildungsprogramme
  • Freiwilligen- und Networking-Möglichkeiten
  • Vernetzung der Mitarbeiter mit Dienstgelegenheiten
  • Teilen von Geschichten über herausragende bürgerschaftliche Führung

Seit ihrer Einführung hat Citizen Travelers Tausenden von Mitarbeitern von Travelers dabei geholfen, ihre Gemeinschaften durch bürgerschaftliche Bildung und Engagement zu stärken. Das Unternehmen hofft, dass das Handbuch andere Organisationen inspiriert, ähnliche Initiativen für bürgerschaftliches Engagement zu verfolgen.

  • Launch of Citizen Travelers Playbook to help other organizations develop civic engagement programs
  • Thousands of employees supported in becoming more engaged and informed citizens since 2021
  • Potential for improved employee engagement and deeper connections with business partners and communities
  • None.

HARTFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Travelers Companies Inc. (NYSE: TRV) today published its Citizen Travelers Playbook, a guide to help organizations better support a civically engaged workforce.

Based on the company’s nonpartisan civic engagement initiative, Citizen Travelers, the playbook outlines proven strategies and ideas for developing corporate programs that empower employees to get involved in the civic life of their communities.

“While we’ve always aspired to be a good corporate citizen, we started Citizen Travelers in 2021 to become a corporation of good citizens,” said Travelers Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Alan Schnitzer. “In the three years since, I’ve been gratified to see so many of my colleagues taking this mission to heart – strengthening their own communities through civic education and engagement. At its core, Citizen Travelers is a recognition that the success of the business community and the outlook for inclusive prosperity in our country depend on our coming together to preserve and strengthen our public institutions.”

Since its launch in 2021, Citizen Travelers has supported thousands of the company’s employees in becoming more engaged and informed citizens. Among other tools and activities, Citizen Travelers provides interactive resources, virtual and in-person educational programming, and volunteer and networking opportunities to help employees get involved in the civic matters that are most meaningful to them.

Citizen Travelers empowers a civically engaged workforce through a multipronged approach:

  • Foster learning by creating and promoting educational opportunities designed to deepen employees’ understanding of civics and its importance in American life.
  • Empower action by helping connect employees to service opportunities, such as participating in voter engagement efforts, serving as poll workers and even running for local office.
  • Demonstrate leadership by sharing stories of Travelers employees who exemplify outstanding civic leadership and reaching external audiences through nonprofit partnerships and speaking engagements.

“We created Citizen Travelers to support and empower our more than 30,000 employees to begin – or deepen – their involvement in their communities, even to the point of serving in elected office,” said Janice Brunner, Group General Counsel and Head of Civic Engagement at Travelers. “We’ve already seen these efforts lead to greater engagement among employees and a deeper connection with our business partners and the communities we serve. We know these values aren’t unique to Travelers, and we hope this playbook helps other organizations pursue civic engagement initiatives of their own.”

More information about Citizen Travelers, including a downloadable version of the playbook, can be found here.

About Travelers

The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) is a leading provider of property casualty insurance for auto, home and business. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Travelers has more than 30,000 employees and generated revenues of approximately $41 billion in 2023. For more information, visit


Courtney Nogas, 860-954-3731

Source: The Travelers Companies, Inc.


What is the Citizen Travelers Playbook released by Travelers (TRV)?

The Citizen Travelers Playbook is a guide published by Travelers (TRV) to help organizations support a civically engaged workforce. It's based on Travelers' nonpartisan civic engagement initiative, Citizen Travelers, and outlines strategies for developing corporate programs that empower employees to get involved in their communities' civic life.

When was the Citizen Travelers initiative launched by Travelers (TRV)?

Travelers (TRV) launched the Citizen Travelers initiative in 2021 to support and empower its more than 30,000 employees to begin or deepen their involvement in their communities.

What are the main components of Travelers' (TRV) Citizen Travelers program?

Travelers' (TRV) Citizen Travelers program includes interactive resources, virtual and in-person educational programming, volunteer and networking opportunities, connecting employees to service opportunities like voter engagement and poll working, and sharing stories of outstanding civic leadership.

How has the Citizen Travelers initiative impacted Travelers (TRV) employees?

Since its launch in 2021, the Citizen Travelers initiative has supported thousands of Travelers (TRV) employees in becoming more engaged and informed citizens, leading to greater engagement among employees and a deeper connection with business partners and the communities they serve.

The Travelers Companies, Inc.


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