Travelers Canada Risk Index Features Cyber Threats as the Top Business Concern

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The 2024 Travelers Canada Risk Index reveals cyber threats as the top concern for business leaders for the second consecutive year. 65% of respondents worry about cyber risks, up from 61% last year. Other major concerns include economic uncertainty (62%), global economy impact (58%), financial issues (57%), and supply chain risks (56%).

66% of companies have purchased cyber insurance, down from 72% last year. Among those without cyber policies, 32% cited cost as a barrier, while 29% believe they have adequate protection. 29% of respondents reported experiencing a cybersecurity event, with medium-sized businesses (36%) more affected than small ones (20%).

The top cyber concern is unauthorized access to banking accounts or financial control systems (60%). Other worries include compromise of customer records (59%), security breaches (59%), and system glitches (58%).

Il 2024 Travelers Canada Risk Index rivela che le minacce informatiche sono la principale preoccupazione per i leader aziendali per il secondo anno consecutivo. Il 65% degli intervistati è preoccupato per i rischi informatici, in aumento rispetto al 61% dell'anno scorso. Altre principali preoccupazioni includono l'incertezza economica (62%), l'impatto dell'economia globale (58%), problemi finanziari (57%) e rischi nella catena di approvvigionamento (56%).

Il 66% delle aziende ha acquistato un'assicurazione informatica, in calo rispetto al 72% dell'anno scorso. Tra coloro che non hanno polizze informatiche, il 32% ha citato i costi come un ostacolo, mentre il 29% crede di avere una protezione adeguata. Il 29% degli intervistati ha riportato di aver subito un evento di sicurezza informatica, con le aziende di medie dimensioni (36%) più colpite rispetto a quelle piccole (20%).

La principale preoccupazione informatica è l'accesso non autorizzato ai conti bancari o ai sistemi di controllo finanziario (60%). Altre preoccupazioni includono la compromissione dei dati dei clienti (59%), le violazioni della sicurezza (59%) e i malfunzionamenti dei sistemi (58%).

El 2024 Travelers Canada Risk Index revela que las amenazas cibernéticas son la principal preocupación para los líderes empresariales por segundo año consecutivo. El 65% de los encuestados se preocupa por los riesgos cibernéticos, un aumento del 61% del año pasado. Otras preocupaciones importantes incluyen la incertidumbre económica (62%), el impacto de la economía global (58%), problemas financieros (57%) y riesgos en la cadena de suministro (56%).

El 66% de las empresas ha adquirido un seguro cibernético, disminuyendo del 72% del año pasado. Entre los que no tienen pólizas cibernéticas, el 32% cita el costo como una barrera, mientras que el 29% cree que tiene una protección adecuada. El 29% de los encuestados informó haber experimentado un evento de ciberseguridad, siendo las empresas de tamaño medio (36%) las más afectadas en comparación con las pequeñas (20%).

La principal preocupación cibernética es el acceso no autorizado a cuentas bancarias o sistemas de control financiero (60%). Otras preocupaciones incluyen la compromisión de los registros de clientes (59%), las violaciones de seguridad (59%) y los fallos del sistema (58%).

2024 Travelers Canada Risk Index는 사이버 위협이 비즈니스 리더들의 주요 우려 사항으로 두 번째 연속 1위를 차지했다고 밝혔습니다. 응답자의 65%가 사이버 위험에 대해 걱정하고 있으며, 이는 작년 61%에서 증가한 수치입니다. 다른 주요 우려 사항으로는 경제 불확실성(62%), 글로벌 경제 영향(58%), 재정 문제(57%), 공급망 위험(56%)이 있습니다.

66%의 기업이 사이버 보험을 구매했지만, 이는 작년의 72%에서 감소한 수치입니다. 사이버 보험이 없는 기업 중 32%는 비용을 장애로 꼽았으며, 29%는 충분한 보호가 있다고 믿고 있습니다. 응답자의 29%가 사이버 보안 사건을 경험했다고 보고했으며, 중규모 기업(36%)이 소규모 기업(20%)보다 더 크게 영향을 받았습니다.

주요 사이버 우려 사항은 은행 계좌나 재정 관리 시스템에 대한 무단 접근(60%)입니다. 다른 걱정거리로는 고객 기록의 유출(59%), 보안 침해(59%), 시스템 오류(58%) 등이 있습니다.

Le 2024 Travelers Canada Risk Index révèle que les menaces cybernétiques sont la principale préoccupation des dirigeants d'entreprise pour la deuxième année consécutive. 65% des répondants sont préoccupés par les risques cybernétiques, en hausse par rapport à 61% l'année dernière. D'autres préoccupations majeures incluent l'incertitude économique (62%), l'impact de l'économie mondiale (58%), les problèmes financiers (57%) et les risques de chaîne d'approvisionnement (56%).

66% des entreprises ont souscrit une assurance cybernétique, en baisse par rapport à 72% l'année dernière. Parmi ceux qui n'ont pas de polices cyber, 32% citent le coût comme un obstacle, tandis que 29% estiment avoir une protection adéquate. 29% des répondants ont signalé avoir subi un incident de cybersécurité, les entreprises de taille moyenne (36%) étant plus touchées que les petites (20%).

La principale préoccupation en matière de cybersécurité est l'accès non autorisé aux comptes bancaires ou aux systèmes de contrôle financier (60%). D'autres inquiétudes incluent la compromission des dossiers clients (59%), les violations de sécurité (59%) et les pannes de système (58%).

Der 2024 Travelers Canada Risk Index zeigt, dass cyberbedrohungen erneut die größte Sorge für Geschäftsleiter sind. 65% der Befragten äußern Bedenken über Cyberrisiken, ein Anstieg von 61% im letzten Jahr. Weitere wesentliche Sorgen sind wirtschaftliche Unsicherheiten (62%), Auswirkungen der globalen Wirtschaft (58%), finanzielle Probleme (57%) und Risiken in der Lieferkette (56%).

66% der Unternehmen haben Cyberversicherungen abgeschlossen, ein Rückgang von 72% im letzten Jahr. Unter den Unternehmen ohne Cyber-Policen gaben 32% die Kosten als Barriere an, während 29% glauben, dass sie über ausreichenden Schutz verfügen. 29% der Befragten berichteten von einem Sicherheitsvorfall, wobei mittelgroße Unternehmen (36%) stärker betroffen waren als kleine (20%).

Die größte Cyber-Sorge ist der unbefugte Zugang zu Bankkonten oder Finanzkontrollsystemen (60%). Weitere Sorgen umfassen die Kompromittierung von Kundenunterlagen (59%), Sicherheitsverletzungen (59%) und Systemfehler (58%).

  • 84% of respondents agree that proper cyber controls are critical to their companies' well-being
  • 66% of companies have purchased cyber insurance
  • Cyber threats remain the top business concern for the second consecutive year
  • 29% of respondents reported experiencing a cybersecurity event
  • 19% of companies experienced a cyber event but did not report it
  • Cyber insurance adoption decreased from 72% to 66% year-over-year


The Travelers Canada Risk Index highlights a critical trend in the business landscape: the growing prominence of cyber threats. With 65% of respondents expressing concern about cyber risks, up from 61% last year, it's clear that digital security is becoming a top priority for Canadian SMEs.

However, the decrease in cyber insurance adoption from 72% to 66% is concerning. This gap in protection, coupled with the fact that 19% of companies don't report cyber incidents, creates a significant vulnerability in the business ecosystem. The shift in top cyber concerns towards unauthorized access to financial systems indicates a growing awareness of the potential for direct financial impact from cyber attacks.

For investors, this trend suggests potential growth opportunities in the cybersecurity sector, particularly for companies offering solutions tailored to SMEs. It also underscores the importance of assessing cyber risk management strategies when evaluating investments in any sector.

The Travelers Canada Risk Index reveals both opportunities and challenges for the insurance industry. The high level of concern about cyber threats (65%) suggests a strong potential market for cyber insurance products. However, the decline in cyber insurance adoption from 72% to 66% is a red flag.

The reasons cited for not purchasing cyber insurance - cost (32%) and perceived adequate protection (29%) - highlight areas for insurers to address. There's a clear need for more affordable cyber insurance options and better education on the limitations of existing security measures.

For Travelers (TRV), this data presents an opportunity to refine their cyber insurance offerings and marketing strategies. The company could potentially boost its market share by addressing the cost concerns and demonstrating the value of comprehensive cyber coverage, especially to small businesses where adoption is lower (20% vs. 36% for medium-sized businesses).

TORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) today announced the results of the 2024 Travelers Canada Risk Index, showing cyber threats as the leading concern among business leaders for the second consecutive year. The survey, which was first published in 2023, asks business decision-makers from small- and medium-sized Canadian companies across various industries about the issues that worry them most.

Nearly two-thirds (65 per cent) of respondents said they worry somewhat or a great deal about cyber risks – an increase from 61 per cent last year. Cyber concerns were followed this year by broad economic uncertainty (62 per cent), the impact of the global economy on their companies (58 per cent), financial issues (57 per cent) and supply chain risks (56 per cent).

“As technology continues to advance, cyber threats continue to grow,” said Michael Trendler, Managing Director of Specialty Insurance at Travelers Canada. “This year’s survey highlights the importance of preventive measures within organizations, including investing in the right cyber insurance coverage and educating employees on how best to protect information.”

Cyber Coverage

Two-thirds (66 per cent) reported their companies have purchased cyber insurance, a decrease from 72 per cent a year earlier. Among those who said that their companies did not purchase a cyber policy, 32 per cent indicated it was due to the cost of coverage, and 29 per cent said it was because their companies already have adequate protection in place.

Cyber Incidents

Nearly three in 10 respondents (29 per cent) said their companies or organizations have experienced a cybersecurity event. Medium-sized businesses (36 per cent) were more likely to have suffered a cyber incident than small businesses (20 per cent).

Nearly one in five (19 per cent) admitted their companies experienced a cyber event but did not report it, due largely to fear of damaging their brand or compromising intellectual property.

The most common type of incident was a security breach (36 per cent), where someone gained unauthorized access into a company’s computer system.

Top Cyber Concerns

Eighty-four per cent of respondents agreed having proper cyber controls in place is critical to their companies’ well-being.

The top cyber-specific concern was an unauthorized user gaining access to company banking accounts or financial control systems – up from sixth just one year ago – with 60 per cent of respondents citing it as a worry. Additional cyber concerns included:

  • The potential for compromise, theft or loss of control of customer or client records (59 per cent).
  • A security breach where an unauthorized user gains access to computer systems (59 per cent).
  • A system glitch or error causing computers to go down (58 per cent).

For more information about cyber insurance coverage options with Travelers Canada, click here.

About the Survey

Hart Research conducted a national online survey of 1,000 Canadian business decision-makers August 7-19, 2024, regarding their top challenges. The Travelers Canada Risk Index survey was commissioned by Travelers.

About Travelers Canada

The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) is a leading provider of property casualty insurance for auto, home and business. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Travelers has more than 30,000 employees and generated revenues of approximately $41 billion in 2023. Travelers Insurance Company of Canada, The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company and St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company (Canada Branch) are the Canadian licensed insurers known as Travelers Canada. For more information, visit


Sara Ametrano, 416-457-7973

Stephen Bernard, 860-954-5086

Source: The Travelers Companies, Inc.


What is the top business concern according to the 2024 Travelers Canada Risk Index?

According to the 2024 Travelers Canada Risk Index, cyber threats are the top business concern for the second consecutive year, with 65% of respondents worrying about cyber risks.

How many companies have experienced a cybersecurity event according to the Travelers Canada Risk Index?

The Travelers Canada Risk Index reveals that 29% of respondents said their companies or organizations have experienced a cybersecurity event.

What percentage of companies have purchased cyber insurance according to the Travelers (TRV) survey?

According to the Travelers (TRV) survey, 66% of companies reported purchasing cyber insurance, which is a decrease from 72% in the previous year.

What is the most common type of cyber incident reported in the 2024 Travelers Canada Risk Index?

The most common type of cyber incident reported in the 2024 Travelers Canada Risk Index is a security breach, where someone gained unauthorized access into a company's computer system, accounting for 36% of reported incidents.

The Travelers Companies, Inc.


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