Danielle Barnes Joins Truxton’s Board of Directors
Truxton Trust Company announced the appointment of Danielle W. Barnes to its Board of Directors. Barnes currently serves as CEO/President of the Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee, overseeing operations for over 16,000 girls and volunteers. Her prior experience includes leading Ernst & Young's U.S. Human Services practice and serving as Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Human Services under two governors, where she managed the state's second-largest agency supporting over 2 million Tennesseans. Barnes holds degrees from Spelman College and the University of Tennessee College of Law, and is actively involved in various community organizations.
Truxton Trust Company ha annunciato la nomina di Danielle W. Barnes nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione. Barnes attualmente ricopre il ruolo di CEO/Presidente delle Girl Scouts del Middle Tennessee, supervisionando le operazioni di oltre 16.000 ragazze e volontari. La sua esperienza precedente include la leadership della pratica di servizi umani di Ernst & Young negli Stati Uniti e il servizio come Commissario del Dipartimento dei Servizi Umani del Tennessee sotto due governatori, dove ha gestito la seconda agenzia più grande dello stato a supporto di oltre 2 milioni di cittadini del Tennessee. Barnes è laureata al Spelman College e all'Università del Tennessee College of Law, ed è attivamente coinvolta in varie organizzazioni comunitarie.
Truxton Trust Company anunció el nombramiento de Danielle W. Barnes en su Junta Directiva. Barnes actualmente ocupa el cargo de CEO/Presidente de las Girl Scouts de Middle Tennessee, supervisando las operaciones de más de 16.000 niñas y voluntarios. Su experiencia previa incluye liderar la práctica de Servicios Humanos de Ernst & Young en EE. UU. y servir como Comisionada del Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Tennessee bajo dos gobernadores, donde gestionó la segunda agencia más grande del estado que apoya a más de 2 millones de habitantes de Tennessee. Barnes tiene títulos de Spelman College y de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Tennessee, y está activamente involucrada en diversas organizaciones comunitarias.
트럭스턴 트러스트 컴퍼니는 다니엘 W. 바네스를 이사회의 임원으로 임명했다고 발표했습니다. 바네스는 현재 중부 테네시의 걸스카우트의 CEO/회장으로 재직 중이며 16,000명이 넘는 소녀들과 자원봉사자의 운영을 감독하고 있습니다. 그녀의 이전 경험에는 미국의 어니스트 앤 영 인적 자원 서비스 부서의 리더십과 두 명의 주지사 하에 테네시 인적 자원부의 커미셔너로서 200만 명이 넘는 테네시 주민을 지원하는 주에서 두 번째로 큰 기관을 관리한 경험이 포함됩니다. 바네스는 스펠먼 칼리지와 테네시 대학교 법대에서 학위를 받았으며, 다양한 지역 사회 단체에도 적극적으로 참여하고 있습니다.
Truxton Trust Company a annoncé la nomination de Danielle W. Barnes au Conseil d'Administration. Barnes est actuellement PDG/Présidente des Girl Scouts du Middle Tennessee, supervisant les opérations de plus de 16.000 filles et bénévoles. Son expérience antérieure inclut la direction de la pratique des services humains d'Ernst & Young aux États-Unis et le service en tant que Commissaire du Département des Services Humains du Tennessee sous deux gouverneurs, où elle a géré la deuxième plus grande agence de l'État soutenant plus de 2 millions de Tennessiens. Barnes est diplômée du Spelman College et de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université du Tennessee, et est activement impliquée dans diverses organisations communautaires.
Die Truxton Trust Company gab die Ernennung von Danielle W. Barnes in ihren Vorstand bekannt. Barnes ist derzeit CEO/Präsident der Girl Scouts von Middle Tennessee und überwacht die Abläufe für über 16.000 Mädchen und Freiwillige. Zu ihren vorherigen Erfahrungen gehört die Leitung der US-Practice für Human Services bei Ernst & Young sowie die Tätigkeit als Kommissarin des Tennessee Department of Human Services unter zwei Gouverneuren, wo sie die zweitgrößte Behörde des Staates verwaltete, die über 2 Millionen Bürger von Tennessee unterstützt. Barnes hat Abschlüsse vom Spelman College und der Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaften der Universität von Tennessee und ist aktiv in verschiedenen Gemeinschaftsorganisationen engagiert.
- Addition of experienced executive with public sector and private consulting background to the Board
- Strategic expansion of board expertise in human services and community leadership
- None.
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Dec. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Truxton Trust Company is pleased to announce that Danielle W. Barnes has joined its Board of Directors.
Mrs. Barnes currently serves as CEO/President of the Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee, serving over 16,000 girls and volunteers across the region. She has a lifelong passion for building strong communities and building leaders, especially women, girls, and the disadvantaged.
Prior to joining Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee, she led the U.S. Human Services practice for Ernst & Young, counseling state and local governments across the country and creating innovative and practical solutions and programs for families and vulnerable individuals. Mrs. Barnes previously served as a member of the Governor’s Cabinet as the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Human Services. Under two different Governors, she led the operations and strategic direction of the state’s second largest agency responsible for aiding over 2 million vulnerable Tennesseans.
“We are very fortunate to have Danielle joining our team,” said Tom Stumb, Chairman of the Board and CEO. He continued, “We are constantly striving to make our company better and we believe that Danielle’s experience and leadership will be invaluable to our team.”
Mrs. Barnes earned her undergraduate degree from Spelman College and her law degree from the University of Tennessee College of Law. She is active in a variety of organizations, including, Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Tennessee State Museum, Governor’s Early Literacy Foundation, the Tennessee Adoption Project, and MLB Music City (Nashville Stars).
About Truxton
Truxton is a provider of wealth, banking, and family office services for wealthy individuals, their families, and their business interests. Serving clients across the world, Truxton’s vastly experienced team of professionals provides customized solutions to its clients’ complex financial needs. Founded in 2004 in Nashville, Tennessee, Truxton upholds its original guiding principle: do the right thing. Truxton Trust Company is a subsidiary of financial holding company, Truxton Corporation (OTCPK: TRUX). For more information, visit truxtontrust.com.
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Austin Branstetter | Swan Burrus |
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austin.branstetter@truxtontrust.com | swan.burrus@truxtontrust.com |