truInsights into Xylitol: The Dangers Behind Common Sugar Substitutes for Pets

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Trupanion, Inc. (Nasdaq: TRUP), a leading provider of pet medical insurance, has released data on xylitol-related claims through its truInsights initiative. Xylitol, a common sugar substitute, is highly toxic to pets, potentially causing hypoglycemia, seizures, liver failure, and death in cats and dogs. From 2019 to 2023, Trupanion recorded 1,927 xylitol-related claims, averaging 385 claims annually. The average claim amount was $733, with a peak claim of $4,365. Claims were highest from December to March, with spikes in August and October. Labrador Retrievers topped the list of affected breeds, while Massachusetts led in claims by state. Trupanion emphasizes the importance of awareness and prevention, urging pet owners to check labels and keep xylitol-containing products out of pets' reach.

Trupanion, Inc. (Nasdaq: TRUP), un fornitore leader di assicurazione medica per animali domestici, ha pubblicato dati riguardanti le richieste di risarcimento legate al xilitolo attraverso la sua iniziativa truInsights. Xilitolo, un comune sostituto dello zucchero, è altamente tossico per gli animali domestici, potendo causare ipoglicemia, crisi epilettiche, insufficienza epatica e morte in gatti e cani. Dal 2019 al 2023, Trupanion ha registrato 1.927 richieste di risarcimento legate al xilitolo, con una media di 385 richieste all'anno. L'importo medio delle richieste è stato di $733, con una richiesta massima di $4.365. I risarcimenti sono stati più elevati da dicembre a marzo, con picchi ad agosto e ottobre. I Labrador Retriever sono risultati i più colpiti, mentre il Massachusetts ha registrato il maggior numero di richieste per stato. Trupanion sottolinea l'importanza della consapevolezza e della prevenzione, esortando i proprietari di animali a controllare le etichette e a tenere i prodotti contenenti xilitolo fuori dalla portata degli animali.

Trupanion, Inc. (Nasdaq: TRUP), un proveedor líder de seguros médicos para mascotas, ha publicado datos sobre reclamaciones relacionadas con el xilitol a través de su iniciativa truInsights. Xilitol, un sustituto del azúcar común, es altamente tóxico para las mascotas, pudiendo causar hipoglucemia, convulsiones, insuficiencia hepática y muerte en gatos y perros. Desde 2019 hasta 2023, Trupanion registró 1,927 reclamaciones relacionadas con el xilitol, con un promedio de 385 reclamaciones anuales. El monto promedio de las reclamaciones fue de $733, con una reclamación máxima de $4,365. Las reclamaciones fueron más altas de diciembre a marzo, con picos en agosto y octubre. Los Labrador Retrievers encabezaron la lista de razas afectadas, mientras que Massachusetts lideró en reclamaciones por estado. Trupanion enfatiza la importancia de la conciencia y la prevención, instando a los dueños de mascotas a revisar las etiquetas y mantener los productos que contienen xilitol fuera del alcance de las mascotas.

Trupanion, Inc. (Nasdaq: TRUP)는 반려동물 의료 보험의 주요 제공업체로서 truInsights 이니셔티브를 통해 자일리톨 관련 청구 데이터 를 발표했습니다. 자일리톨은 일반적인 설탕 대체물로, 반려동물에게 매우 독성이 강하여 개와 고양이에게 저혈당, 발작, 간부전, 사망을 유발할 수 있습니다. 2019년부터 2023년까지 Trupanion은 1,927건의 자일리톨 관련 청구를 기록했으며, 연평균 385건의 청구가 발생했습니다. 청구의 평균 금액은 $733였으며, 최고 청구 금액은 $4,365였습니다. 청구는 12월부터 3월까지 가장 많았으며, 8월과 10월에 급증했습니다. 래브라도 리트리버가 영향을 받은 품종 중에서 가장 많이 기록되었고, 매사추세츠주가 주별 청구에서 1위를 차지했습니다. Trupanion은 경각심과 예방의 중요성을 강조하며, 반려동물 주인들에게 라벨을 확인하고 자일리톨이 포함된 제품을 반려동물의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 보관할 것을 권장합니다.

Trupanion, Inc. (Nasdaq: TRUP), un fournisseur de premier plan d'assurances médicales pour animaux de compagnie, a publié des données sur les demandes liées au xylitol dans le cadre de son initiative truInsights. Xylitol, un substitut de sucre courant, est extrêmement toxique pour les animaux de compagnie, pouvant provoquer une hypoglycémie, des crises, une insuffisance hépatique et la mort chez les chats et les chiens. De 2019 à 2023, Trupanion a enregistré 1.927 demandes liées au xylitol, avec une moyenne de 385 demandes par an. Le montant moyen des demandes était de $733, avec une demande maximale de $4.365. Les demandes étaient les plus élevées de décembre à mars, avec des pics en août et octobre. Les Labrador Retrievers figuraient en tête de la liste des races touchées, tandis que le Massachusetts était en tête des demandes par État. Trupanion souligne l'importance de la sensibilisation et de la prévention, encourageant les propriétaires d'animaux à vérifier les étiquettes et à tenir les produits contenant du xylitol hors de portée des animaux.

Trupanion, Inc. (Nasdaq: TRUP), ein führender Anbieter von Tierkrankenversicherungen, hat im Rahmen seiner truInsights-Initiative Daten zu xylitbezogenen Ansprüchen veröffentlicht. Xylit, ein gängiger Zuckeraustauschstoff, ist für Haustiere hochgiftig und kann bei Katzen und Hunden zu Hypoglykämie, Krampfanfällen, Leberversagen und sogar zum Tod führen. Von 2019 bis 2023 verzeichnete Trupanion 1.927 xylitbezogene Ansprüche, was einer jährlichen Durchschnittszahl von 385 Ansprüchen entspricht. Der durchschnittliche Anspruchsbetrag betrug $733, mit einem Höchstbetrag von $4.365. Die Anzahl der Ansprüche war von Dezember bis März am höchsten, mit Spitzen im August und Oktober. Labrador Retriever führten die Liste der betroffenen Rassen an, während Massachusetts bei den Ansprüchen nach Bundesstaat an erster Stelle lag. Trupanion betont die Wichtigkeit von Bewusstsein und Prävention und fordert Tierbesitzer auf, Etiketten zu überprüfen und Produkte, die Xylit enthalten, außerhalb der Reichweite von Haustieren zu halten.

  • Trupanion's data analysis provides valuable insights into xylitol-related pet health risks
  • The company's extensive database of 20+ years of pet health data enhances its market position
  • Average claim amount of $733 indicates potential for significant revenue from xylitol-related incidents
  • High number of xylitol-related claims (1,927 over 5 years) may indicate increased risk and potential for higher payouts
  • Seasonal spikes in claims could lead to periods of increased financial strain on the company


The article highlights a significant health risk for pets, particularly dogs and cats, from xylitol ingestion. This artificial sweetener, found in many "sugar-free" products, can cause severe hypoglycemia and liver failure in pets, even in small amounts. Key points:

  • As little as 0.1 g/kg can cause hypoglycemia and 0.25-0.5 g/kg can lead to liver damage
  • A single piece of gum can be dangerous for a 20lb dog
  • Symptoms include vomiting, weakness, seizures and poor coordination

This information is important for pet owners and veterinarians to understand the severity and prevalence of xylitol toxicity. The increasing use of xylitol in everyday products makes this a growing concern in veterinary medicine.

Trupanion's data reveals interesting trends in xylitol-related claims:

  • Average of 385 claims per year from 2019 to 2023
  • Average claim amount: $733
  • Highest claim: $4,365 (Morkie in Massachusetts, 2022)
  • Peak claim periods: December to March, August and October

This data suggests a consistent and significant financial impact on pet owners due to xylitol poisoning. The seasonal trends could indicate increased exposure during holiday seasons and summer vacations. For insurers and pet owners, this highlights the importance of coverage for such emergencies and the need for increased awareness during high-risk periods.

The article underscores a critical consumer safety issue that extends beyond pet health. Many consumers may be unaware that common household items pose a severe risk to their pets. Key takeaways:

  • Xylitol is present in unexpected products like peanut butter and liquid Benadryl
  • It's listed under various names: birch sugar, wood sugar, birch bark extract
  • Labrador Retrievers and doodle breeds are most frequently affected

This information calls for improved product labeling and consumer education. Manufacturers should consider clearer warnings on xylitol-containing products and retailers might need to reassess product placement to reduce accidental pet exposure. The data also suggests a need for targeted awareness campaigns in high-claim states like Massachusetts and Washington.

truInsights is a data focused initiative introduced by Trupanion and designed to deliver valuable health-related data and insights to pet parents, veterinarians and pet lovers alike.

SEATTLE, Aug. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Xylitol, also known as birch sugar, wood sugar, or birch bark extract, is a sugar substitute product commonly found in foods labeled “sugar free”, “no sugar added”, “reduced sugar”, “diabetic friendly” and other related products. Though the ingredient is safe for humans1, ingestion of even a small amount of this sweetener can be deadly for dogs and cats.

With over 20 years of pet health data, Trupanion, Inc. (Nasdaq: TRUP), the leading provider of medical insurance for cats and dogs, has explored its veterinary invoice data to look at data trends for xylitol related claims and provides details on the toxicity of xylitol for pets and prevention tips for keeping them safe.

Why is Xylitol Dangerous for Pets?

When ingested by cats and dogs, xylitol can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, liver failure, and even death. Pets absorb the sugar substitute rapidly, which causes an exaggerated release of insulin from the pancreas 3-7 times higher than normally released to metabolize regular sugar. The excessive insulin then enters the bloodstream and causes a severe low blood sugar response (hypoglycemia) within a few minutes to an hour after ingestion. This large drop in blood sugar and release of insulin from the pancreas can also cause liver damage that may be permanent or even fatal.

Even very small amounts can be significantly harmful. As little as 0.1 g/kg can cause hypoglycemia, and 0.25-0.5 g/kg can cause liver damage. Most chewing gum contains anywhere from 0.2-1.0 grams of xylitol per piece, so a single piece of gum can cause hypoglycemia in a 20lb. dog, and 2-4 pieces of gum could cause liver damage or liver failure.

Trupanion Data Trends on Xylitol

In looking at Trupanion North American data from 2019 to 2023, Trupanion saw 1,927 total xylitol related claims, with 385 claims each year on average. The average claim amount for xylitol was $733, while the highest claim we saw was $4,365, a Morkie in Massachusetts in 2022. Most of our xylitol claims occur between December to March, with two other high points in August and October.

North American Xylitol Invoices

Top 5 Dog Breeds Claiming for Xylitol

  • Labrador Retriever
  • Australian Labradoodle
  • Goldendoodle
  • Labradoodle
  • French Bulldog

Top 5 States in North America for Xylitol Claims

  • Massachusetts
  • Washington
  • Florida
  • California
  • New York

Xylitol Prevention & Safety Tips

If your pet has ingested xylitol, or is exhibiting worrisome signs and symptoms, seek immediate medical attention from your veterinarian. Common signs of ingestion of xylitol ingestion are vomiting, weakness, seizures, poor coordination or difficulty walking (ataxia), or tremors.

Depending on when the xylitol was ingested, a veterinarian may induce vomiting to prevent further absorption. Further treatment will depend on lab results and clinical signs, but can include hospitalization for serial blood sugar monitoring, IV fluid therapy, activated charcoal administration (to absorb stomach contents and prevent further absorption into the blood stream), administration of liver protectants, and other supportive medications and care as needed.

“The best prevention is to be aware of common sources of xylitol and keep them out of reach and in a safe place,” says veterinarian and Trupanion General Manager, Dr. Stephen Rose, BVSc (Hons1) M Infotech CVA ACVCHM. “Xylitol is found in more products than you might think, including many products that we use regularly including gum, candies, cough syrup, liquid Benadryl, mouthwash, lattes, and even peanut butter. Check your labels for not just xylitol but also the many other names it’s commonly listed as (birch sugar, wood sugar, or birch bark extract) and when in doubt, never feed your pets anything that isn’t clearly labeled as safe for pets.”

About Trupanion

Trupanion is a leader in medical insurance for cats and dogs throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Puerto Rico and Australia with over 1,000,000 pets enrolled. For over two decades, Trupanion has given pet owners peace of mind so they can focus on their pet's recovery, not financial stress. Trupanion is committed to providing pet owners with the highest value in pet medical insurance with unlimited payouts for the life of their pets. With its patented process, Trupanion is the only North American provider with the technology to pay veterinarians directly in seconds at the time of checkout. Trupanion is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol "TRUP". The company was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Seattle, WA. Trupanion policies are issued, in the United States, by its wholly-owned insurance entity American Pet Insurance Company and, in Canada, by Accelerant Insurance Company of Canada. Trupanion Australia is a partnership between Trupanion and Hollard Insurance Company. Policies are sold and administered by Trupanion Managers USA, Inc. (CA license No. 0G22803, NPN 9588590). For more information, please visit


Media: Trupanion Corporate Communications

“Xylitol and Dogs, A Deadly Combination” U.S. Food & Drug Administration


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at 


How many xylitol-related claims did Trupanion (TRUP) process from 2019 to 2023?

Trupanion processed 1,927 xylitol-related claims from 2019 to 2023, averaging 385 claims per year.

What was the average claim amount for xylitol-related incidents for Trupanion (TRUP)?

The average claim amount for xylitol-related incidents was $733, according to Trupanion's data.

Which dog breeds had the most xylitol-related claims with Trupanion (TRUP)?

The top five dog breeds with xylitol-related claims were Labrador Retriever, Australian Labradoodle, Goldendoodle, Labradoodle, and French Bulldog.

What are the potential health risks for pets ingesting xylitol, according to Trupanion (TRUP)?

According to Trupanion, xylitol ingestion can cause hypoglycemia, seizures, liver failure, and even death in cats and dogs.



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