The Pet Hazard Decking Your Halls: truInsights into Foreign Body Ingestion & Holiday Decor

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Trupanion reports over 24,000 foreign body ingestion (FBI) claims in 2023, with an average claim of $878 and a peak claim of $27,403. The condition affects 7% of dogs and 3% of cats, with pets under 1 year claiming 322% more than older pets. Doberman Pinschers and Persians lead claims among dogs and cats respectively. The condition occurs when pets ingest objects they can't naturally pass, requiring veterinary intervention. During holidays, decorations like tinsel, garlands, and ribbons pose particular risks. Early symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy, with treatment options ranging from diagnostic imaging to surgery.

Trupanion riporta oltre 24.000 richieste di indennizzo per ingestione di corpi estranei (FBI) nel 2023, con un'indennità media di 878$ e un'indennità massima di 27.403$. La condizione colpisce il 7% dei cani e il 3% dei gatti, con gli animali domestici di età inferiore a un anno che presentano richieste il 322% in più rispetto agli animali più anziani. I Doberman e i Persiani guidano le richieste rispettivamente tra i cani e i gatti. La condizione si verifica quando gli animali ingeriscono oggetti che non possono espellere naturalmente, richiedendo l'intervento del veterinario. Durante le festività, decorazioni come l'argento, le ghirlande e i nastri presentano rischi particolari. I sintomi iniziali includono vomito, diarrea e letargia, con opzioni di trattamento che vanno dall'imaging diagnostico alla chirurgia.

Trupanion informa que hay más de 24,000 reclamaciones por ingestión de cuerpos extraños (FBI) en 2023, con una reclamación promedio de $878 y una reclamación máxima de $27,403. Esta condición afecta al 7% de los perros y al 3% de los gatos, siendo las mascotas menores de un año las que reclaman un 322% más que las mascotas mayores. Los Doberman y los Persas lideran las reclamaciones entre perros y gatos respectivamente. La condición ocurre cuando las mascotas ingieren objetos que no pueden expulsar naturalmente, requiriendo intervención veterinaria. Durante las fiestas, decoraciones como el espumillón, guirnaldas y cintas representan riesgos particulares. Los síntomas iniciales incluyen vómitos, diarrea y letargo, con opciones de tratamiento que van desde imágenes diagnósticas hasta cirugía.

Trupanion은 2023년에 24,000건 이상의 이물질 섭취(FBI) 청구를 보고하며, 평균 청구액은 $878, 최고 청구액은 $27,403입니다. 이 상태는 개의 7%와 고양이의 3%에 영향을 미치며, 1세 미만의 애완동물은 나이가 많은 애완동물보다 322% 더 많이 청구하고 있습니다. 도베르만 핀셔페르시안 고양이가 각각 개와 고양이 청구에서 가장 많습니다. 이 상태는 애완동물이 자연스럽게 배출할 수 없는 물체를 섭취할 때 발생하며, 수의학적 개입이 필요합니다. 휴일 동안에는 금속 장식품, 화환 및 리본과 같은 장식이 특히 위험합니다. 초기 증상으로는 구토, 설사, 무기력감이 있으며, 치료 옵션은 진단 영상 촬영에서 수술까지 다양합니다.

Trupanion rapporte plus de 24 000 demandes d'indemnisation pour ingestion de corps étrangers (FBI) en 2023, avec une demande moyenne de 878 $ et une demande maximale de 27 403 $. Cette condition affecte 7 % des chiens et 3 % des chats, les animaux de compagnie de moins d'un an faisant des demandes 322 % plus fréquentes que les animaux plus âgés. Les Doberman et les Persans dominent les demandes parmi les chiens et les chats respectivement. La condition survient lorsque les animaux ingèrent des objets qu'ils ne peuvent pas évacuer naturellement, nécessitant une intervention vétérinaire. Pendant les vacances, les décorations telles que le tinsel, les guirlandes et les rubans présentent des risques particuliers. Les symptômes précoces incluent les vomissements, la diarrhée et la léthargie, avec des options de traitement allant de l'imagerie diagnostique à la chirurgie.

Trupanion berichtet von über 24.000 Schadensmeldungen wegen Fremdkörperaufnahme (FBI) im Jahr 2023, mit einer durchschnittlichen Schadenssumme von 878$ und einer Höchstsumme von 27.403$. Die Erkrankung betrifft 7% der Hunde und 3% der Katzen, wobei Haustiere unter einem Jahr 322% häufiger Ansprüche geltend machen als ältere Tiere. Dobermann und Perser führen die Schadensmeldungen unter Hunden und Katzen an. Die Erkrankung tritt auf, wenn Tiere Gegenstände aufnehmen, die sie nicht auf natürliche Weise ausstoßen können, was veterinärmedizinische Intervention erfordert. Während der Feiertage stellen Dekorationen wie Lametta, Girlanden und Bänder besondere Risiken dar. Frühe Symptome sind Erbrechen, Durchfall und Lethargie, während die Behandlungsmöglichkeiten von diagnostischer Bildgebung bis zu chirurgischen Eingriffen reichen.

  • High insurance claim coverage with average payout of $878 per incident
  • Clear identification of most affected breeds helps risk assessment
  • High treatment costs with maximum claim reaching $27,403
  • Significant risk exposure with 7% of insured dogs and 3% of cats affected
  • Young pets (under 1 year) show 322% higher claim rates


The data reveals concerning trends in pet foreign body ingestion (FBI), with $878 average claims and a staggering peak of $27,403. The 322% higher claim rate for young pets versus adults highlights a significant risk factor for pet owners. The cost implications and health risks are substantial:

  • High prevalence: 7% of dogs and 3% of cats affected
  • Breed-specific risks identified in Doberman Pinschers and Persian cats
  • Critical timing factor in treatment outcomes

These statistics indicate a material financial impact for both pet owners and Trupanion's business model. The seasonal correlation with holiday decorations suggests potential cyclical claim patterns that could affect quarterly financial performance.

This data presents significant business implications for the pet care industry. With over 24,000 FBI claims in 2023, there's a clear market opportunity for preventive products and pet-safe holiday decorations. The high treatment costs and breed-specific data could influence insurance premium structures and market segmentation strategies. For investors in pet insurance and pet care sectors, this highlights a growing market for specialized products and services, particularly during holiday seasons when risk factors increase substantially.

Pet parents reported more than 24,000 foreign body ingestion claims in 2023 alone

SEATTLE, Oct. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tis the season for holiday decor. But all those haunted Halloween decorations, Thanksgiving centerpieces and Christmas ornaments present a hidden danger pet parents need to watch out for.

In 2023 alone, pet medical insurance company Trupanion (Nasdaq: TRUP) received more than 24,000 foreign body ingestion claims. Foreign body ingestion (FBI) is a painful, sometimes deadly, and costly condition that happens when a pet eats something they can’t pass through their gastrointestinal system without veterinary help.

“Keep a close eye on your pets during the holiday season,” says veterinarian and Trupanion General Manager, Dr. Stephen Rose, BVSc (Hons1) M Infotech CVA ACVCHM. “And if you suspect your pet ate something they shouldn’t have, don't risk it—reach out to your veterinarian to have them examined to be sure. It’s better to be safe than sorry in these instances.”

Foreign Body Ingestion: By the Numbers

In 2023, Trupanion paid 24,305 foreign body ingestion claims. The average claim was $878, while the highest claim was $27,403.

Amongst Trupanion’s current population of insured pets, 7% of dogs and 3% of cats have had an FBI claim. Puppies and kittens have the most FBI claims of any age group by far. Pets under 1 year of age claim 322% more than adults and senior pets. Adult pets claim 34% more than senior pets.

Top 5 Dog Breeds Claiming

  • Doberman Pinscher
  • Maltese
  • Boston Terrier
  • Shih Tzu
  • German Pointer

Top 5 Cat Breeds Claiming

  • Persian
  • Bengal
  • Russian Blue
  • Sphynx
  • Siberian

The Science & Medicine of Foreign Body Ingestion

When a pet eats a foreign object that they can't pass through their gastrointestinal system, it can become lodged anywhere along the GI Tract and cause a variety of symptoms from vomiting and diarrhea to obstruction, organ damage, and even death.

Early signs and symptoms of foreign body ingestion are vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, refusal of food or loss of appetite, whining, restlessness, pain in the belly, straining to defecate or being unable to fully vacate the bowels.

If these symptoms are observed, it’s recommended that the pet is seen by a veterinarian as quickly as possible so that they can be evaluated for foreign body ingestion.

During the examination, the vet may perform diagnostic imaging such as x-rays to see if a foreign object can be seen, or use a substance called Barium which when swallowed, illuminates on the radiographs to show if there is a blockage somewhere along the GI tract, and can help track the foreign material.

Surgery is often needed to safely remove foreign objects from the GI tract to prevent further damage. The vet may also support with IV fluids, prescribing pain and/or nausea medications, inducing vomiting, performing bloodwork to check organ function, as well as observation while the pet passes the object.

Prognosis is based on many factors such as what the pet ingested, how long the object has been stuck in the GI tract, where in the tract the object is stuck, and how healthy the pet is otherwise.

Early intervention is always better. If too much time passes before treatment, the pet's health may continue to decline, and if the blockage is an intestinal or stomach obstruction, the blood flow to organs can be affected, which can result in permanent damage or necrosis of those tissues. In these cases, just a few hours can mean the difference between life or death.

Keeping Your Pets Safe During the Holidays

Common items that pets ingest that result in foreign body ingestion include clothing (often socks and underwear), sticks, bones, corn cobs, champagne corks, food packaging and wrappers, dental floss, hair elastics, and toy stuffing or squeakers.

During the holidays, the big ones to watch out for are decorations like tinsel, garlands, ribbons, and string. In fact, there is a specific type of very dangerous foreign body ingestion called a Linear Foreign Body, where things like strings or ribbons get lodged anywhere from the tongue down the esophagus and into the stomach and intestines. These linear foreign objects can cause the intestines to bunch and slice through the tissues as the body tries to expel them.

“Keep a close eye on your pets during the holiday season,” says veterinarian and Trupanion General Manager, Dr. Stephen Rose, BVSc (Hons1) M Infotech CVA ACVCHM. “There’s a lot going on—a lot of distractions for pet parents, and a lot of objects around the house this time of year that look like toys to our pets, so it’s vital to remain vigilant. On special occasions, ensure you’re cleaning up wrapping paper, bows, and ribbons after opening gifts, and when entertaining, keep pets contained and out of the kitchen so they don't have access to food and bones, and to prevent guests from feeding them things they shouldn't eat. And if you suspect your pet ate something they shouldn’t have, don't risk it—reach out to your veterinarian to have them examined to be sure. It’s better to be safe than sorry in these instances.”

More Foreign Body Ingestion Safety Tips

  • Provide gates and pens to control what areas pet have access to
  • Check toys regularly to ensure they’re still intact
  • Dispose of toys that are coming apart to prevent ingestion of stuffing, strings and squeakers
  • Keep laundry room doors closed to prevent access to laundry baskets and detergent pods
  • Keep bathroom and bedroom doors closed to prevent access to garbage cans and other debris

About truInsights

truInsights is a data focused initiative introduced by Trupanion and designed to deliver valuable health-related data and insights to pet parents, veterinarians and pet lovers alike. With over 20 years of pet health data, Trupanion has explored its veterinary invoice data from nearly two million pets and provides details on data trends, as well as prevention tips for keeping our pets safe.

About Trupanion

Trupanion is a leader in medical insurance for cats and dogs throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Puerto Rico and Australia with over 1,000,000 pets currently enrolled. For over two decades, Trupanion has given pet owners peace of mind so they can focus on their pet's recovery, not financial stress. Trupanion is committed to providing pet parents with the highest value in pet medical insurance with unlimited payouts for the life of their pets. With its patented process, Trupanion is the only North American provider with the technology to pay veterinarians directly in seconds at the time of checkout. Trupanion is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol "TRUP". The company was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Seattle, WA. Trupanion policies are issued, in the United States, by its wholly-owned insurance entity American Pet Insurance Company and, in Canada, by Accelerant Insurance Company of Canada. Trupanion Australia is a partnership between Trupanion and Hollard Insurance Company. Policies are sold and administered by Trupanion Managers USA, Inc. (CA license No. 0G22803, NPN 9588590). For more information, please visit


Media: Trupanion Corporate Communications


What was the average cost of foreign body ingestion claims for Trupanion (TRUP) in 2023?

The average foreign body ingestion claim for Trupanion in 2023 was $878, with the highest claim reaching $27,403.

How many foreign body ingestion claims did Trupanion (TRUP) process in 2023?

Trupanion processed 24,305 foreign body ingestion claims in 2023.

Which dog breeds had the highest foreign body ingestion claims for Trupanion (TRUP)?

The top dog breeds claiming were Doberman Pinscher, Maltese, Boston Terrier, Shih Tzu, and German Pointer.

What percentage of Trupanion's (TRUP) insured pets have had foreign body ingestion claims?

Among Trupanion's insured pets, 7% of dogs and 3% of cats have had foreign body ingestion claims.

Trupanion, Inc.


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