TransUnion Identifies Increased Risk for Tax Fraud Linked to 970 Data Breaches in 2024
TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) warns of heightened tax fraud risks in 2025 following analysis of 2024 data breaches. The study revealed 970 data breaches exposing 640 million consumer records containing critical personal information needed for tax fraud.
Key findings show that 71% of data breaches in the first half of 2024 exposed full Social Security numbers, up from 57% in 2023. This exposed data enables fraudsters to file false tax returns or intercept legitimate returns through bank account access.
To combat this threat, TransUnion recommends government agencies implement call authentication and identity verification tools, particularly as 62% of consumers won't answer calls from unknown numbers. Banks are advised to verify payee-account matches and monitor for fraudulent account creation. Consumers are encouraged to regularly monitor bank activities and credit history, especially during tax refund periods.
TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) avverte dei crescenti rischi di frodi fiscali nel 2025 a seguito di un'analisi delle violazioni dei dati del 2024. Lo studio ha rivelato 970 violazioni dei dati che hanno esposto 640 milioni di registrazioni di consumatori contenenti informazioni personali critiche necessarie per le frodi fiscali.
I risultati chiave mostrano che il 71% delle violazioni dei dati nella prima metà del 2024 ha esposto numeri di previdenza sociale completi, rispetto al 57% del 2023. Questi dati esposti consentono ai truffatori di presentare dichiarazioni fiscali false o di intercettare dichiarazioni legittime attraverso l'accesso ai conti bancari.
Per combattere questa minaccia, TransUnion raccomanda alle agenzie governative di implementare strumenti di autenticazione delle chiamate e verifica dell'identità, specialmente poiché il 62% dei consumatori non risponderà a chiamate da numeri sconosciuti. Si consiglia alle banche di verificare la corrispondenza tra beneficiario e conto e di monitorare la creazione di conti fraudolenti. I consumatori sono incoraggiati a monitorare regolarmente le attività bancarie e la storia creditizia, soprattutto durante i periodi di rimborso fiscale.
TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) advierte sobre el aumento de riesgos de fraude fiscal en 2025 tras un análisis de las violaciones de datos de 2024. El estudio reveló 970 violaciones de datos que expusieron 640 millones de registros de consumidores que contienen información personal crítica necesaria para el fraude fiscal.
Los hallazgos clave muestran que el 71% de las violaciones de datos en la primera mitad de 2024 expusieron números de seguro social completos, en comparación con el 57% en 2023. Estos datos expuestos permiten a los estafadores presentar declaraciones fiscales falsas o interceptar declaraciones legítimas a través del acceso a cuentas bancarias.
Para combatir esta amenaza, TransUnion recomienda que las agencias gubernamentales implementen herramientas de autenticación de llamadas y verificación de identidad, especialmente dado que el 62% de los consumidores no responderá a llamadas de números desconocidos. Se aconseja a los bancos que verifiquen la coincidencia entre el beneficiario y la cuenta y que monitoreen la creación de cuentas fraudulentas. Se alienta a los consumidores a monitorear regularmente las actividades bancarias y el historial crediticio, especialmente durante los períodos de reembolso de impuestos.
TransUnion (NYSE: TRU)은 2024년 데이터 유출 분석을 바탕으로 2025년에 세금 사기 위험이 증가할 것이라고 경고합니다. 이 연구는 970건의 데이터 유출이 6억 4천만 개의 소비자 기록을 노출시켰음을 밝혔으며, 이 기록에는 세금 사기에 필요한 중요한 개인 정보가 포함되어 있습니다.
주요 발견에 따르면 2024년 상반기 데이터 유출의 71%가 전체 사회 보장 번호를 노출시켰으며, 이는 2023년의 57%에서 증가한 수치입니다. 이러한 노출된 데이터는 사기꾼이 잘못된 세금 신고를 하거나 은행 계좌 접근을 통해 정당한 신고를 가로채는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.
이 위협에 대응하기 위해 TransUnion은 정부 기관이 전화를 인증하고 신원을 확인하는 도구를 구현할 것을 권장합니다. 특히 62%의 소비자가 알 수 없는 번호로부터의 전화를 받지 않을 것이라는 점을 고려해야 합니다. 은행은 수취인-계좌 일치를 확인하고 사기 계좌 생성을 모니터링할 것을 권장합니다. 소비자는 세금 환급 기간 동안 특히 은행 활동과 신용 기록을 정기적으로 모니터링할 것을 권장합니다.
TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) met en garde contre les risques accrus de fraude fiscale en 2025 suite à une analyse des violations de données de 2024. L'étude a révélé 970 violations de données exposant 640 millions de dossiers de consommateurs contenant des informations personnelles critiques nécessaires à la fraude fiscale.
Les résultats clés montrent que 71% des violations de données au cours du premier semestre 2024 ont exposé des numéros de sécurité sociale complets, contre 57% en 2023. Ces données exposées permettent aux fraudeurs de soumettre de fausses déclarations fiscales ou d'intercepter des déclarations légitimes par le biais d'un accès aux comptes bancaires.
Pour lutter contre cette menace, TransUnion recommande aux agences gouvernementales de mettre en œuvre des outils d'authentification des appels et de vérification de l'identité, en particulier alors que 62% des consommateurs ne répondront pas aux appels de numéros inconnus. Les banques sont conseillées de vérifier les correspondances entre le bénéficiaire et le compte et de surveiller la création de comptes frauduleux. Les consommateurs sont encouragés à surveiller régulièrement les activités bancaires et l'historique de crédit, en particulier pendant les périodes de remboursement d'impôts.
TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) warnt vor erhöhten Risiken von Steuerbetrug im Jahr 2025 nach einer Analyse von Datenpannen im Jahr 2024. Die Studie ergab 970 Datenpannen, die 640 Millionen Verbraucherakten offenlegten, die kritische persönliche Informationen enthalten, die für Steuerbetrug erforderlich sind.
Wichtige Ergebnisse zeigen, dass 71% der Datenpannen in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2024 vollständige Sozialversicherungsnummern offenlegten, im Vergleich zu 57% im Jahr 2023. Diese offengelegten Daten ermöglichen es Betrügern, falsche Steuererklärungen einzureichen oder legitime Rückerstattungen durch den Zugriff auf Bankkonten abzufangen.
Um dieser Bedrohung entgegenzuwirken, empfiehlt TransUnion, dass Regierungsbehörden Anrufauthentifizierungs- und Identitätsprüfungswerkzeuge implementieren, insbesondere da 62% der Verbraucher keine Anrufe von unbekannten Nummern annehmen werden. Banken wird geraten, Übereinstimmungen zwischen Zahlungsempfänger und Konto zu überprüfen und die Erstellung betrügerischer Konten zu überwachen. Verbraucher werden ermutigt, ihre Bankaktivitäten und Kreditgeschichte regelmäßig zu überwachen, insbesondere während der Steuererstattungszeiträume.
- Company positioning as leader in fraud prevention solutions
- Development of comprehensive fraud prevention tools (TruValidate and TruContact)
- Strategic focus on government and financial sector security solutions
- 970 data breaches identified in 2024 expose significant security vulnerabilities
- 640 million consumer records compromised, increasing fraud risk
- 71% of breaches exposed full Social Security numbers, up from 57% in 2023
Exposed personal data creates risks to government agencies, banks and consumers
CHICAGO, March 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tax refund theft is an annual concern and 2025 brings an elevated risk, according to a TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) analysis. Researchers found that in 2024 there were 970 data breaches in which fraudsters obtained the kinds of personally identifiable information (PII) required for various forms of tax fraud.
In total, 640 million consumer records were exposed in 2024, containing critical pieces of information like Social Security numbers, address histories, and full names. A recent TransUnion report found full Social Security numbers were exposed in
“What we found is that the volume and severity of recent data breaches have created tremendous vulnerability,” said Greg Schlichter, director of research and consulting for TransUnion’s public sector business. “Government agencies, like the IRS, as well as financial institutions and consumers need to be alert to this threat.”
How government agencies can defeat fraudsters
Many fraudsters will target call centers to either test the veracity of PII acquired from criminal marketplaces, or to directly impersonate a victim. Call center leaders must look out for suspicious calls—such as those that show signs of spoofing, or those placed through a Voice-over-IP service—even for routine requests like address changes or tax return tracking.
In addition, fraudsters will access online government portals with stolen PII to validate stolen identity information, file false returns or intercept return status updates. Agencies should employ identity verification and document authentication technologies to flag impersonators who may also use AI to generate photo-realistic credentials.
“There are a number of fraud prevention tools that agencies can leverage,” said Naureen Ali, U.S. Head of Fraud at TransUnion. “Using call authentication and identity resolution capabilities will make it easier to thwart fraud attempts that use stolen and synthetic identities.”
The researchers note branded calling tools are likely needed for agencies looking to proactively notify taxpayers whose returns are at risk, given the volume of government impersonation fraud. A recent TransUnion survey found that
The role for banks and consumers
While the government should look out for fraudsters attempting to falsely file and claim tax returns, banks and other financial institutions should check to confirm that the payee matches the account owner on record. This can help ensure that incoming funds are intended for that customer.
Even prior to this point, however, banks should already be scrutinizing their deposit account openings to check for potentially fraudulent account creations that are used for criminal activities like drop accounts and mule accounts. Similarly, financial institutions should remain diligent to try to protect their existing deposit accounts from account takeovers.
Consumers can also protect themselves by monitoring their bank account activity and credit history. When they know their tax refund is due, they can check regularly to ensure it remains in their account. They can also use credit monitoring services to know if fraudsters have created new accounts in their name.
Learn more about TransUnion’s TruValidate™ Identity Verification Solutions and TruContact™ Trusted Call Solutions.
Read more about the implications of data breaches on tax fraud here.
About TransUnion (NYSE: TRU)
TransUnion is a global information and insights company with over 13,000 associates operating in more than 30 countries. We make trust possible by ensuring each person is reliably represented in the marketplace. We do this with a Tru™ picture of each person: an actionable view of consumers, stewarded with care. Through our acquisitions and technology investments we have developed innovative solutions that extend beyond our strong foundation in core credit into areas such as marketing, fraud, risk and advanced analytics. As a result, consumers and businesses can transact with confidence and achieve great things. We call this Information for Good® — and it leads to economic opportunity, great experiences and personal empowerment for millions of people around the world.
Contact | Dave Blumberg TransUnion | | |
Telephone | 312-972-6646 |

How many data breaches did TransUnion identify in 2024 that could lead to tax fraud?
What percentage of data breaches exposed Social Security numbers in early 2024 according to TRU?
How many consumer records were compromised in the 2024 data breaches identified by TRU?
What solutions does TransUnion recommend for government agencies to prevent tax fraud?