TransUnion Appoints Mohamed Abdelsadek Chief Global Solutions Officer
TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) has appointed Mohamed Abdelsadek as Executive Vice President and Chief Global Solutions Officer, effective March 10, 2025. Reporting to CEO Chris Cartwright, Abdelsadek will lead the Global Solutions team, focusing on advancing innovation and commercialization of TransUnion's global product portfolio.
Abdelsadek joins from Mastercard, where he served in executive roles for seven and a half years, including EVP of business & market insights, North America Services, and global strategy. His prior experience includes leadership positions at Synchrony Financial, GE Capital, and McKinsey & Company.
In his new role, Abdelsadek will be responsible for managing revenue growth and profitability through strategy, planning, innovation, and commercialization of TransUnion's products and solutions globally. He holds an MBA from Wharton, an MS in Computer Science from Columbia University, and a bachelor's degree in computer science and electrical engineering from SUNY Stony Brook.
TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) ha nominato Mohamed Abdelsadek come Vice Presidente Esecutivo e Chief Global Solutions Officer, con effetto dal 10 marzo 2025. Rispondendo al CEO Chris Cartwright, Abdelsadek guiderà il team Global Solutions, concentrandosi sull'avanzamento dell'innovazione e sulla commercializzazione del portafoglio prodotti globale di TransUnion.
Abdelsadek proviene da Mastercard, dove ha ricoperto ruoli dirigenziali per sette anni e mezzo, inclusi EVP di business & market insights, North America Services e strategia globale. La sua esperienza precedente include posizioni di leadership presso Synchrony Financial, GE Capital e McKinsey & Company.
Nel suo nuovo ruolo, Abdelsadek sarà responsabile della gestione della crescita dei ricavi e della redditività attraverso strategia, pianificazione, innovazione e commercializzazione dei prodotti e delle soluzioni di TransUnion a livello globale. Ha conseguito un MBA presso Wharton, un MS in Informatica presso la Columbia University e una laurea in informatica e ingegneria elettrica presso la SUNY Stony Brook.
TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) ha nombrado a Mohamed Abdelsadek como Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Director Global de Soluciones, con efecto a partir del 10 de marzo de 2025. Reportando al CEO Chris Cartwright, Abdelsadek liderará el equipo de Soluciones Globales, centrándose en avanzar en la innovación y comercialización del portafolio de productos globales de TransUnion.
Abdelsadek se une a nosotros desde Mastercard, donde ocupó roles ejecutivos durante siete años y medio, incluidos EVP de información comercial y de mercado, Servicios de América del Norte y estrategia global. Su experiencia previa incluye posiciones de liderazgo en Synchrony Financial, GE Capital y McKinsey & Company.
En su nuevo rol, Abdelsadek será responsable de gestionar el crecimiento de los ingresos y la rentabilidad a través de estrategia, planificación, innovación y comercialización de los productos y soluciones de TransUnion a nivel mundial. Tiene un MBA de Wharton, un MS en Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad de Columbia y una licenciatura en informática e ingeniería eléctrica de SUNY Stony Brook.
TransUnion (NYSE: TRU)은 Mohamed Abdelsadek을 2025년 3월 10일부로 부사장 겸 글로벌 솔루션 책임자로 임명했습니다. CEO Chris Cartwright에게 보고하는 Abdelsadek은 글로벌 솔루션 팀을 이끌며 TransUnion의 글로벌 제품 포트폴리오의 혁신 및 상용화를 추진하는 데 집중할 것입니다.
Abdelsadek은 Mastercard에서 7년 반 동안 비즈니스 및 시장 통찰력 EVP, 북미 서비스 및 글로벌 전략을 포함한 임원직을 역임한 후 합류했습니다. 그의 이전 경험에는 Synchrony Financial, GE Capital 및 McKinsey & Company에서의 리더십 직책이 포함됩니다.
새로운 역할에서 Abdelsadek은 전략, 계획, 혁신 및 TransUnion의 제품 및 솔루션의 글로벌 상용화를 통해 수익 성장 및 수익성을 관리하는 책임을 집니다. 그는 Wharton에서 MBA를, Columbia University에서 컴퓨터 과학 석사 학위를, SUNY Stony Brook에서 컴퓨터 과학 및 전기 공학 학사 학위를 취득했습니다.
TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) a nommé Mohamed Abdelsadek au poste de Vice-Président Exécutif et Responsable des Solutions Globales, à compter du 10 mars 2025. Relevant du PDG Chris Cartwright, Abdelsadek dirigera l'équipe des Solutions Globales, en se concentrant sur l'avancement de l'innovation et la commercialisation du portefeuille de produits global de TransUnion.
Abdelsadek rejoint Mastercard, où il a occupé des postes de direction pendant sept ans et demi, y compris EVP des informations commerciales et de marché, Services Amérique du Nord et stratégie globale. Son expérience antérieure comprend des postes de leadership chez Synchrony Financial, GE Capital et McKinsey & Company.
Dans son nouveau rôle, Abdelsadek sera responsable de la gestion de la croissance des revenus et de la rentabilité grâce à la stratégie, à la planification, à l'innovation et à la commercialisation des produits et solutions de TransUnion à l'échelle mondiale. Il est titulaire d'un MBA de Wharton, d'un MS en informatique de l'Université de Columbia et d'un diplôme de premier cycle en informatique et en ingénierie électrique de SUNY Stony Brook.
TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) hat Mohamed Abdelsadek zum Executive Vice President und Chief Global Solutions Officer ernannt, mit Wirkung zum 10. März 2025. Er berichtet an CEO Chris Cartwright und wird das Global Solutions-Team leiten, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Förderung von Innovationen und der Kommerzialisierung des globalen Produktportfolios von TransUnion liegt.
Abdelsadek kommt von Mastercard, wo er siebeneinhalb Jahre in Führungspositionen tätig war, darunter EVP für Business & Market Insights, North America Services und globale Strategie. Zu seinen vorherigen Erfahrungen gehören Führungspositionen bei Synchrony Financial, GE Capital und McKinsey & Company.
In seiner neuen Rolle ist Abdelsadek verantwortlich für das Management des Umsatzwachstums und der Rentabilität durch Strategie, Planung, Innovation und Kommerzialisierung der Produkte und Lösungen von TransUnion weltweit. Er hat einen MBA von Wharton, einen MS in Informatik von der Columbia University und einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Informatik und Elektrotechnik von SUNY Stony Brook.
- Strategic hire with extensive fintech executive experience from Mastercard, Synchrony Financial, and GE Capital
- Strong educational background in both business and technology
- Direct reporting line to CEO indicates strategic importance of the role
- None.
Accomplished global leader will lead efforts to accelerate innovation and growth across TransUnion’s information solutions
CHICAGO, March 10, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mohamed Abdelsadek has joined TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) as Executive Vice President and Chief Global Solutions Officer, effective March 10, 2025.
The Global Solutions team fulfills an important role advancing the innovation and commercialization of TransUnion’s global product portfolio. As Chief Global Solutions Officer, Abdelsadek will manage revenue growth and profitability through the strategy, planning, innovation and commercialization of TransUnion’s products and solutions globally. He will report to TransUnion President and CEO Chris Cartwright and serve on the executive leadership team.
“In an increasingly digital world, consumers and businesses need innovative information solutions to help make trust possible,” said Cartwright. “Mohamed is a proven financial services and technology leader who will help drive our work to accelerate innovation and growth across our solutions suites.”
Abdelsadek joins TransUnion from Mastercard, where he held several executive roles over the past seven and a half years and also served on the company’s management committee. His roles included Executive Vice President, business & market insights leading all data and insights products and the global payment consulting business, Executive Vice President of the North America Services business, as well as Executive Vice President of global strategy, corporate development, and M&A. He previously held leadership roles at Synchrony Financial and GE Capital, and earlier in his career worked at McKinsey & Company advising financial services companies.
Abdelsadek earned an M.B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, an M.S. in computer science from Columbia University and a bachelor’s degree in computer science and electrical engineering from SUNY at Stony Brook. He also serves on the board of Truata.
About TransUnion (NYSE: TRU)
TransUnion is a global information and insights company with over 13,000 associates operating in more than 30 countries. We make trust possible by ensuring each person is reliably represented in the marketplace. We do this with a Tru™ picture of each person: an actionable view of consumers, stewarded with care. Through our acquisitions and technology investments we have developed innovative solutions that extend beyond our strong foundation in core credit into areas such as marketing, fraud, risk and advanced analytics. As a result, consumers and businesses can transact with confidence and achieve great things. We call this Information for Good® — and it leads to economic opportunity, great experiences and personal empowerment for millions of people around the world.
Contact Telephone | Dave Blumberg TransUnion 312-972-6646 |

When does Mohamed Abdelsadek start as TransUnion's Chief Global Solutions Officer?
What are Mohamed Abdelsadek's main responsibilities at TransUnion (TRU)?
What was Mohamed Abdelsadek's previous experience before joining TransUnion?