First Orion, TNS and TransUnion Partnership Launches Branded Calling with Logos for Enterprises

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First Orion, Transaction Network Services (TNS), and TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) have announced the availability of branded calling with logos across the top three U.S. wireless carriers. This partnership aims to deliver five billion authenticated, branded calls in 2024. The solution adds rich content to mobile displays, including name, number, and logo, with secure end-to-end authentication to prevent call spoofing.

Key achievements include:

  • Adoption by over 4,500 U.S. businesses, including 15% of Fortune 500 companies
  • Delivering 3.7 billion branded calls this year
  • Shared network coverage of over 300 million consumers
  • Registering 250,000+ businesses and 22 million phone numbers
The partnership expects continued increase in secure branded calling adoption by the end of 2024, addressing the $73 billion potential cost of robocall scams to consumers this year.

Primo Orion, Transaction Network Services (TNS) e TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) hanno annunciato la disponibilità di chiamate con marchio e loghi presso i primi tre operatori di rete wireless negli Stati Uniti. Questa partnership mira a fornire cinque miliardi di chiamate brandizzate e autenticate nel 2024. La soluzione aggiunge contenuti ricchi ai display mobili, inclusi nome, numero e logo, con una autentificazione sicura end-to-end per prevenire la falsificazione delle chiamate.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • Adesione da parte di oltre 4.500 aziende statunitensi, incluse il 15% delle aziende Fortune 500
  • Consegna di 3,7 miliardi di chiamate brandizzate quest'anno
  • Copertura di rete condivisa di oltre 300 milioni di consumatori
  • Registrazione di oltre 250.000 aziende e 22 milioni di numeri di telefono
La partnership prevede un aumento continuo nell'adozione sicura delle chiamate brandizzate entro la fine del 2024, affrontando il potenziale costo di 73 miliardi di dollari dei furti tramite robocall per i consumatori quest'anno.

Primero Orion, Transaction Network Services (TNS) y TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) han anunciado la disponibilidad de llamadas con marca y logotipos en los tres principales operadores inalámbricos de EE. UU. Esta asociación tiene como objetivo ofrecer cinco mil millones de llamadas autenticadas y con marca en 2024. La solución añade contenido rico a las pantallas móviles, incluyendo nombre, número y logotipo, con una autenticación segura de extremo a extremo para prevenir la suplantación de llamadas.

Los logros clave incluyen:

  • Adopción por parte de más de 4,500 empresas en EE. UU., incluidas el 15% de las empresas Fortune 500
  • Entrega de 3.7 mil millones de llamadas con marca este año
  • Cobertura de red compartida de más de 300 millones de consumidores
  • Registro de más de 250,000 empresas y 22 millones de números de teléfono
La asociación espera un aumento continuo en la adopción segura de llamadas con marca para finales de 2024, abordando el costo potencial de $73 mil millones de las estafas de robocalls para los consumidores este año.

첫째, Orion, Transaction Network Services (TNS), 그리고 TransUnion (NYSE: TRU)는 미국의 Top 3 무선 통신사에서 로고가 포함된 브랜드 콜의 가용성을 발표했습니다. 이 파트너십은 2024년까지 50억 개의 인증된 브랜드 전화를 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 솔루션은 이름, 번호 및 로고를 포함한 풍부한 콘텐츠를 모바일 디스플레이에 추가하며, 전화 사기를 방지하기 위해 안전한 종단 간 인증을 제공합니다.

주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 4,500개 이상의 미국 기업이 채택, Fortune 500 기업의 15% 포함
  • 올해 37억 개의 브랜드 전화를 제공
  • 3억 명 이상의 소비자를 위한 공유 네트워크 범위
  • 25만 개 이상의 기업 및 2200만 개의 전화번호 등록
파트너십은 2024년 말까지 안전한 브랜드 호출의 지속적인 증가를 예상하며, 올해 소비자에게 robocall 사기로 인해 발생할 수 있는 730억 달러의 잠재적 비용을 해결합니다.

Tout d'abord, Orion, Transaction Network Services (TNS) et TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) ont annoncé la disponibilité de appels de marque avec logos auprès des trois principaux opérateurs mobiles américains. Ce partenariat vise à fournir cinq milliards d'appels authentifiés et de marque en 2024. La solution ajoute du contenu riche aux écrans mobiles, y compris le nom, le numéro et le logo, avec une authentification sécurisée de bout en bout pour prévenir la falsification d'appels.

Les réalisations clés incluent:

  • Adoption par plus de 4 500 entreprises américaines, dont 15 % des entreprises Fortune 500
  • Fourniture de 3,7 milliards d'appels de marque cette année
  • Couverture réseau partagée pour plus de 300 millions de consommateurs
  • Enregistrement de plus de 250 000 entreprises et 22 millions de numéros de téléphone
Le partenariat s'attend à une augmentation continue de l'adoption des appels de marque sécurisés d'ici la fin de 2024, en répondant aux coûts potentiels de 73 milliards de dollars liés aux escroqueries par robocall pour les consommateurs cette année.

Zunächst haben Orion, Transaction Network Services (TNS) und TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) die Verfügbarkeit von markierten Anrufen mit Logos bei den drei größten Mobilfunkanbietern in den USA bekannt gegeben. Diese Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, fünf Milliarden authentifizierte, markierte Anrufe im Jahr 2024 bereitzustellen. Die Lösung fügt mobilen Displays reichhaltige Inhalte hinzu, einschließlich Name, Nummer und Logo, mit einer sicheren End-to-End-Authentifizierung, um Anrufsp spoofing zu verhindern.

Wichtige Errungenschaften umfassen:

  • Über 4.500 US-Unternehmen haben sich angeschlossen, darunter 15 % der Fortune 500 Unternehmen
  • In diesem Jahr werden 3,7 Milliarden markierte Anrufe getätigt
  • Gemeinsame Netzabdeckung für über 300 Millionen Verbraucher
  • Registrierung von über 250.000 Unternehmen und 22 Millionen Telefonnummern
Die Partnerschaft erwartet eine kontinuierliche Zunahme der sicheren markierten Anrufe bis Ende 2024, um die potenziellen Kosten von 73 Milliarden US-Dollar durch Robocall-Betrug für Verbraucher in diesem Jahr anzugehen.

  • Partnership with major telecom companies to deliver 5 billion authenticated, branded calls in 2024
  • Adoption by over 4,500 U.S. businesses, including 15% of Fortune 500 companies
  • Delivered 3.7 billion branded calls this year
  • Shared network coverage of over 300 million consumers
  • Registered 250,000+ businesses and 22 million phone numbers
  • None.


The partnership between First Orion, TNS and TransUnion marks a significant advancement in caller authentication and branding technology. The introduction of branded calling with logos across major U.S. carriers is a game-changer for enterprise communication. With projections to deliver 5 billion authenticated, branded calls in 2024, this initiative addresses critical issues of trust and engagement in phone communications.

The adoption by 15% of Fortune 500 companies and over 4,500 U.S. businesses indicates strong market traction. This technology could significantly impact customer engagement rates and potentially reduce the $73 billion annual cost of robocall scams. For TransUnion, this partnership leverages its data and identity solutions, potentially opening new revenue streams in the telecommunications sector.

However, the long-term impact on TransUnion's financials remains to be seen. While promising, investors should monitor adoption rates and any regulatory developments in call authentication technologies. The success of this venture could position TransUnion as a key player in communications security, potentially boosting its market value in the long run.

The partnership's focus on end-to-end authentication for branded calls represents a significant step forward in combating call spoofing and phone-based fraud. By leveraging STIR/SHAKEN frameworks and advanced branding solutions, this initiative directly addresses the $73 billion threat of robocall scams.

The registration of over 250,000 businesses and 22 million phone numbers indicates substantial progress in creating a secure calling ecosystem. This large-scale implementation of authenticated calling could dramatically reduce the effectiveness of fraudulent calls, potentially disrupting criminal operations as predicted by Juniper Research.

For TransUnion, this venture aligns well with its core competencies in identity verification and fraud prevention. It could enhance the company's reputation in cybersecurity circles and open doors to new partnerships in the telecom sector. Investors should view this as a strategic move that could yield long-term benefits, particularly if the solution becomes an industry standard for secure communications.

Industry-leading partnership to deliver five billion authenticated, branded calls across the top three U.S. wireless carriers in 2024

LAS VEGAS, Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- First OrionTransaction Network Services (TNS), and TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) today announced the availability of branded calling with logos across the top three U.S. wireless carriers. The partnership ensures branded calls with rich content are verified with end-to-end authentication, providing a secure method to help prevent call spoofing. With the addition of logo delivery to the portfolio of rich content, the partnership expects a continued increase in secure branded calling adoption before the end of 2024.

In a joint statement at Mobile World Congress, the companies said, “Despite the many digital communication channels available, the phone call is the preferred channel for addressing personal, complex, and high-value business situations. Companies must consider leveraging the benefits of authenticated branded calling to build long-term brand affinity and improve engagement. This becomes even more vital to financial service firms that have experienced a dramatic uptick in fraudulent activity, which can negatively impact their brand and customers.”

Branded calling enables enterprises to add rich content to the mobile display, including name, number, and now, logo, along with a secure end-to-end authentication and verification framework, to ensure calls are not spoofed. The solution is essential for promoting businesses, establishing consumer trust, and increasing engagement while protecting brands and consumers from fraud.

After two years of close collaboration, the partnership continues to advance innovation and adoption, most recently achieving industry milestones, including:

  • Branded calling adoption by more than 4,500 U.S. businesses, including 15 percent of Fortune 500 companies
  • Delivering more than 3.7 billion branded calls this year, on track to reach five billion by the end of 2024
  • Shared network coverage, including more than 300 million consumers
  • Registering more than 250,000 businesses and 22 million phone numbers

According to Juniper Research, robocall scams could cost consumers $73 billion this year, and “the implementation of frameworks such as STIR/SHAKEN, and mass rollout of branded calling solutions, are expected to significantly impact criminals' operations.” Already working in lockstep with this guidance, the partnership is responsible for establishing the industry standards that helped introduce branded calling to the U.S. marketplace.

With the addition of logos and nationwide coverage across the top three wireless carriers in the U.S., a mass branded calling rollout is already underway, with expectations to continue to reach more businesses and consumers over time.

About First Orion
Since 2008, First Orion has transformed the phone call experience for businesses, carriers and consumers through its industry-leading communication branding and protection solutions. As the market leader in branded calling, First Orion is a trusted partner to Fortune 500 companies and the largest U.S. mobile carriers. The global telecommunications solutions provider helps businesses generate more revenue, increase efficiency, and improve the customer experience by empowering them to brand their phone calls with their name, logo and reason for calling. First Orion also provides the industry’s most secure calling experience and best-in-class analytics for call program optimization. For more information, visit

About Transaction Network Services (TNS)
TNS, a market leader in call identification and robocall mitigation, provides an end-to-end ecosystem for protecting and restoring trust in voice calling. TNS addresses the full needs of wireless and wireline operators globally with TNS Call Guardian®, the industry-leading call analytics solution that protects subscribers from high risk and nuisance robocalls. In addition, its Enterprise product suite, including TNS Enterprise Authentication and Spoof Protection and TNS Enterprise Branded Calling, is taking the next step in enriching consumer engagement, making the voice channel an integral part of an omnichannel customer experience program. TNS analyzes over 1.5 billion call events across more than 500 operators every single day, enabling enterprises to protect their brand and consumers, and carriers to identify more unwanted robocalls. For additional information visit:

About TransUnion (NYSE: TRU)
TransUnion is a global information and insights company with over 13,000 associates operating in more than 30 countries. We make trust possible by ensuring each person is reliably represented in the marketplace. We do this with a Tru™ picture of each person: an actionable view of consumers, stewarded with care. Through our acquisitions and technology investments we have developed innovative solutions that extend beyond our strong foundation in core credit into areas such as marketing, fraud, risk and advanced analytics. As a result, consumers and businesses can transact with confidence and achieve great things. We call this Information for Good® — and it leads to economic opportunity, great experiences and personal empowerment for millions of people around the world.

Learn more about TransUnion Branded Call Display (BCD).

Media/PR Contacts:

First Orion Media Relations
Lucie Pathmann

TNS Media Relations
Brian Lustig

TransUnion Media Relations
Dave Blumberg


What is the expected number of authenticated, branded calls to be delivered by the First Orion, TNS, and TransUnion (TRU) partnership in 2024?

The partnership expects to deliver five billion authenticated, branded calls across the top three U.S. wireless carriers in 2024.

How many U.S. businesses have adopted branded calling through the First Orion, TNS, and TransUnion (TRU) partnership?

Over 4,500 U.S. businesses, including 15% of Fortune 500 companies, have adopted branded calling through this partnership.

What is the shared network coverage of the First Orion, TNS, and TransUnion (TRU) partnership for branded calling?

The partnership has a shared network coverage of more than 300 million consumers.

How many branded calls has the First Orion, TNS, and TransUnion (TRU) partnership delivered in 2023?

The partnership has delivered more than 3.7 billion branded calls in 2023, on track to reach five billion by the end of 2024.



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