Trifecta Gold Samples 7.25 g/t Gold from Intrusion-Related System at Rye Project, Yukon and Provides Exploration Update

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Trifecta Gold (TSXV:TG)(OTCQB:TRRFF) has announced results from its 2024 exploration program at the Rye Project in Yukon's Tombstone Gold Belt. The company identified new areas of mineralization within the Itsi pluton and surrounding hornfels altered sedimentary rocks. Outcrop sampling returned up to 7.25 g/t gold with 240 ppm Bismuth and 5.23 ppm Tellurium. The project is well-located, only 14 km from the North Canol Highway and near other significant gold projects.

Exploration activities included geological mapping, soil sampling, and airborne LiDAR surveying. The company also completed work at its Lance Project and conducted surveys and drilling at the Mt. Hinton Project. Trifecta highlighted the potential of the Tombstone Gold Belt, which hosts several large Reduced Intrusion-Related Gold Systems (RIRGS) mines and recent significant gold discoveries.

Trifecta Gold (TSXV:TG)(OTCQB:TRRFF) ha annunciato i risultati del suo programma di esplorazione 2024 presso il Rye Project nella Tombstone Gold Belt dello Yukon. L'azienda ha identificato nuove aree di mineralizzazione all'interno del plutone Itsi e nelle rocce sedimentarie cambiate dell'hornfels circostante. I campionamenti in affioramento hanno restituito fino a 7,25 g/t di oro con 240 ppm di bismuto e 5,23 ppm di tellurio. Il progetto è ben posizionato, a solo 14 km dalla North Canol Highway e vicino ad altri significativi progetti auriferi.

Le attività di esplorazione includevano mappatura geologica, campionamento del suolo e rilievi aerei con LiDAR. L'azienda ha inoltre completato lavori presso il suo Lance Project e ha condotto rilevazioni e perforazioni al Mt. Hinton Project. Trifecta ha sottolineato il potenziale della Tombstone Gold Belt, che ospita diversi grandi sistemi auriferi legati a intrusioni ridotte (RIRGS) e recenti scoperte significative di oro.

Trifecta Gold (TSXV:TG)(OTCQB:TRRFF) ha anunciado los resultados de su programa de exploración 2024 en el Rye Project en la Tombstone Gold Belt de Yukón. La empresa identificó nuevas áreas de mineralización dentro del plutón Itsi y en las rocas sedimentarias alteradas circundantes de hornfels. Las muestras de afloramiento arrojaron hasta 7,25 g/t de oro con 240 ppm de bismuto y 5,23 ppm de telurio. El proyecto está bien ubicado, a solo 14 km de la North Canol Highway y cerca de otros proyectos de oro significativos.

Las actividades de exploración incluyeron mapeo geológico, muestreo de suelos y levantamientos aéreos con LiDAR. La empresa también completó trabajos en su Lance Project y realizó encuestas y perforaciones en el Mt. Hinton Project. Trifecta destacó el potencial de la Tombstone Gold Belt, que alberga varios grandes sistemas de oro relacionados con intrusiones reducidas (RIRGS) y recientes descubrimientos significativos de oro.

Trifecta Gold (TSXV:TG)(OTCQB:TRRFF)는 유콘의 Tombstone Gold Belt에 위치한 Rye Project의 2024 탐사 프로그램 결과를 발표했습니다. 회사는 Itsi 플루톤 내 및 주변의 hornfels 변성 퇴적암에서 새로운 광물화 지역을 확인했습니다. 노출 샘플링에서 최대 7.25 g/t의 금이 발견되었습니다는 240 ppm의 비스무트와 5.23 ppm의 텔루륨이 포함되었습니다. 이 프로젝트는 North Canol Highway에서 단 14km 떨어져 있으며, 다른 중요한 금 프로젝트와 가깝게 위치하고 있습니다.

탐사 활동에는 지질지도 제작, 토양 샘플링 및 항공 LiDAR 조사 포함되었습니다. 회사는 또한 Lance Project에서 작업을 완료하고 Mt. Hinton Project에서 조사 및 시추를 수행했습니다. Trifecta는 여러 대형 환원 침입 관련 금 시스템(RIRGS) 광산과 최근의 중요한 금 발견이 있는 Tombstone Gold Belt의 잠재력을 강조했습니다.

Trifecta Gold (TSXV:TG)(OTCQB:TRRFF) a annoncé les résultats de son programme d'exploration 2024 au Rye Project dans la Tombstone Gold Belt du Yukon. L'entreprise a identifié de nouvelles zones de minéralisations à l'intérieur du pluton Itsi et des roches sédimentaires altérées d'hornfels environnantes. Les échantillons de surface ont révélé jusqu'à 7,25 g/t d'or avec 240 ppm de bismuth et 5,23 ppm de tellure. Le projet est bien situé, à seulement 14 km de la North Canol Highway et près d'autres projets d'or significatifs.

Les activités d'exploration comprenaient la cartographie géologique, l'échantillonnage des sols et le relevé LiDAR aérien. L'entreprise a également achevé des travaux sur son Lance Project et a mené des relevés et des forages au Mt. Hinton Project. Trifecta a souligné le potentiel de la Tombstone Gold Belt, qui abrite plusieurs grands systèmes d'or liés à des intrusions réduites (RIRGS) et des découvertes d'or significatives récentes.

Trifecta Gold (TSXV:TG)(OTCQB:TRRFF) hat die Ergebnisse seines Erkundungsprogramms 2024 im Rye Project im Tombstone Gold Belt im Yukon bekannt gegeben. Das Unternehmen hat neue Mineralisierungsgebiete im Itsi-Pluton und den umliegenden hornfels-veränderten Sedimentgesteinen identifiziert. Die Gesteinsproben ergaben bis zu 7,25 g/t Gold mit 240 ppm Bismut und 5,23 ppm Tellur. Das Projekt ist gut gelegen, nur 14 km von der North Canol Highway entfernt und in der Nähe anderer bedeutender Goldprojekte.

Die Explorationsaktivitäten umfassten geologische Kartierung, Bodenprobenahme und luftgestützte LiDAR-Vermessung. Das Unternehmen schloss auch Arbeiten an seinem Lance Project ab und führte Vermessungen und Bohrungen im Mt. Hinton Project durch. Trifecta hob das Potenzial des Tombstone Gold Belt hervor, der mehrere große reduzierende Intrusions-assoziierte Goldsysteme (RIRGS) und kürzliche bedeutende Goldfunde beherbergt.

  • Outcrop sampling at Rye Project returned high-grade gold results up to 7.25 g/t
  • Identification of new mineralization areas within the Itsi pluton and surrounding rocks
  • Strategic location near infrastructure and other significant gold projects
  • Awarded Yukon Mineral Exploration Program (YMEP) grants for both Rye and Lance projects
  • Completion of property-wide ZTEM and magnetic survey at Mt. Hinton Project
  • drilling at Mt. Hinton Project due to equipment issues
  • Sheeted veining discovered within hornfels altered sedimentary rocks flanking a granitic intrusion within the Tombstone Gold Belt.

  • Outcrop sampling returned up to 7.25 g/t gold with 240 ppm Bismuth and 5.23 ppm Tellurium.

  • Located near infrastructure 14 km south of the North Canol Highway near Fireweed Metals' Macpass Project.

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / September 5, 2024 / Trifecta Gold Ltd. (TSXV:TG)(OTCQB:TRRFF) ("Trifecta" or the "Company") is pleased to announce results from its 2024 exploration program at the Rye Project (the "Project"), which consisted of geological mapping, soil sampling and property-wide airborne LiDAR surveying. The Company successfully identified new areas of mineralization within the Itsi pluton and its surrounding hornfels altered sedimentary rocks.

The Rye Project is situated between two Mid-Cretaceous granitic intrusions in the eastern portion of Yukon's Tombstone Gold Belt. It is well located, only 14 km from the North Canol Highway, 15 km from Fireweed Metals Corp.'s Macpass Project, and 95 km from Snowline Gold Corp.'s Valley Gold Deposit. Mapping focused on characterizing vein densities and collecting structural measurements within and adjacent to the Itsi pluton. Results from vein material collected near this contact are tabulated below.



Au (g/t)

Bi (ppm)

Te (ppm)


Outcrop sample, quartz vein in granodiorite adjacent to mm-scale sheeted veining (~7/metre)





Outcrop sample of arsenopyrite-bearing quartz vein from a zone of sheeted veining mm to 2 cm scale (~6/metre)





Arsenopyrite vein in outcrop





Grab from top of float train at ridge crest





Grab sample, quartz in float with arsenopyrite




Most of the contact between the Itsi intrusion and the hornfelsed metasediments is covered by large talus fields and glacial colluvium. Intense fracturing and veining have been identified in outcrop within the hornfelsed metasediments, adjacent to intrusive contact, as pictured below. These highly prospective areas have not yet been sampled.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Grid soil sampling in the southern portion of the property better defined an area of overlapping anomalous gold, bismuth and tellurium geochemistry that extends through the mapped hornfels altered sediments to the boundary with the Itsi intrusion.

Finally, a LiDAR ("Light Detection and Ranging") survey was completed over the property to help identify structural features and gain a baseline elevation model, which is necessary for establishing an effective 3-D model for future drilling.

Analytical work for the Rye Project was performed by ALS Minerals, with sample preparation in Whitehorse, Yukon and assays and geochemical analyses in North Vancouver, British Columbia. All rock and soil samples were analyzed for gold by fire assay fusion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (Au-ICP21) and 51 other elements by aqua regia digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ME-MS41).

Exploration Update

The Company was awarded Yukon Mineral Exploration Program ("YMEP") grants for Target Evaluation at both the Rye Project and its Lance Project. Under the YMEP, the Yukon Government provides successful applicants funding to support mineral exploration activities for 50% of eligible expenditures to a maximum of $50,000. Work at the Lance Project is complete, and results are being compiled.

Crews and equipment are now demobilized from the Mt. Hinton Project where Trifecta completed a property wide Z-Tipper Electromagnetic (ZTEM) and magnetic survey, road and drill pad construction, mapping, prospecting and soil sampling. Due to equipment issues, drilling at Mt. Hinton was limited to one hole at the 85 vein. Results of this work will be released once assays are received and can be compiled and evaluated.

Tombstone Gold Belt

Extending for more than 1000 km from the Fairbanks district in Alaska eastward across the entire width of Yukon, the Tombstone Gold Belt hosts many large RIRGS mines such as Fort Knox in Alaska (>10 million oz), the recently suspended Eagle mine in Yukon (>4 million oz) and the past-producing Brewery Creek Mine, also in Yukon. Since May 2020 over 17 million additional ounces of gold have been discovered in the Yukon portion of the belt, including Snowline Gold's Tier 1 Valley discovery, Sitka Gold's RC deposit, Banyan Gold's AurMac deposits and Victoria Gold's Raven deposit.

Tombstone Gold Belt systems are characterized by sheeted, auriferous quartz veins forming in the carapace zones of Cretaceous-age plutons. They have a characteristic geochemical signature with a gold-bismuth-tellurium±tungsten core within a broader gold-arsenic halo. The deposits are found within and surrounding the reduced intrusions, and typically exhibit a geophysical signature comprising a magnetic low (ie. reduced) coinciding with at conductivity low. Veining in RIRGS systems is typically zoned with a core of sheeted veins surrounded by more discrete gold-arsenic veins and more distal silver-lead-zinc veins.

Technical information in this news release has been approved by Trifecta's Vice President, Jackson Morton, P.Geo., a qualified person as defined under the terms of National Instrument 43-101.

About Trifecta Gold Ltd.

Trifecta is a Canadian-based precious metals exploration company dedicated to increasing shareholder value through the discovery and development of 100% held gold projects in Yukon and Nevada. Trifecta has secured an option to acquire a 100% interest in Mt. Hinton, Rye and 9 other highly prospective, intrusion-related gold projects located in Yukon's Tombstone Gold Belt where over 17 million ounces of gold have been discovered since May 2020. Initial drilling at the Company's Yuge Gold Project, located in northern Nevada, has identified multiple broad zones of gold mineralization near historical high-grade mines. The Company's Eureka Project hosts an 8 x 2.5 kilometre belt of surface showings and anomalous gold-in-soil that straddle the headwaters of two of the most productive placer creeks in Yukon's southern Klondike Goldfields. Trifecta's Treble Project covers a large hydrothermal system, located midway between Western Copper and Gold Corporation's Casino Deposit, the largest copper and gold deposit in the Yukon, and Rockhaven Resources Ltd.'s Klaza Deposit, a high-grade gold-silver deposit.


"Richard Drechsler"
President and CEO

For further information concerning Trifecta or its various exploration projects please visit or contact:

Corporate Information

Trifecta Gold Ltd.
Richard Drechsler
President, CEO & Director
Tel: (604) 687-2522

This news release may contain forward looking statements based on assumptions and judgments of management regarding future events or results that may prove to be inaccurate as a result of exploration and other risk factors beyond its control, and actual results may differ materially from the expected results.

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SOURCE: Trifecta Gold Ltd.

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What were the highest gold grades sampled at Trifecta Gold's Rye Project (TRRFF)?

The highest gold grade sampled at Trifecta Gold's Rye Project was 7.25 g/t gold, along with 240 ppm Bismuth and 5.23 ppm Tellurium, from outcrop sampling of quartz veins in granodiorite.

Where is Trifecta Gold's Rye Project (TRRFF) located?

Trifecta Gold's Rye Project is located in Yukon's Tombstone Gold Belt, 14 km from the North Canol Highway, 15 km from Fireweed Metals Corp.'s Macpass Project, and 95 km from Snowline Gold Corp.'s Valley Gold Deposit.

What exploration activities did Trifecta Gold (TRRFF) conduct at the Rye Project in 2024?

In 2024, Trifecta Gold conducted geological mapping, soil sampling, and property-wide airborne LiDAR surveying at the Rye Project. They also identified new areas of mineralization within the Itsi pluton and surrounding hornfels altered sedimentary rocks.

Did Trifecta Gold (TRRFF) receive any government funding for its exploration projects in 2024?

Yes, Trifecta Gold was awarded Yukon Mineral Exploration Program (YMEP) grants for Target Evaluation at both the Rye Project and its Lance Project in 2024. The YMEP provides funding for 50% of eligible expenditures up to $50,000.



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