TC Energy announces upsizing and results of its cash tender offers

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TC Energy announced that its subsidiary, TransCanada PipeLines , has increased the Maximum Purchase Amount for its cash tender offers from US$1,750,000,000 to US$1,809,000,000. This increase allows for the acceptance of all Notes with Acceptance Priority Levels 1-5 in full. The offers expired on Oct. 8, 2024, with US$2,870,274,000 aggregate principal amount of Notes validly tendered and not withdrawn. An additional US$78,193,000 was tendered through Guaranteed Delivery Procedures.

The company has accepted US$1,873,968,000 aggregate principal amount of Notes for purchase, excluding those delivered via Guaranteed Delivery Procedures. Notes with Acceptance Priority Levels 6 and 7 were not accepted due to the Maximum Purchase Condition not being satisfied for these series. Holders of accepted Notes will receive the applicable Total Consideration plus the Accrued Coupon Payment.

TC Energy ha annunciato che la sua controllata, TransCanada PipeLines, ha aumentato l'Importo Massimo di Acquisto per le sue offerte di acquisto in contante da 1.750.000.000 USD a 1.809.000.000 USD. Questo aumento consente l'accettazione di tutte le Note con Livelli di Priorizzazione di Accettazione da 1 a 5 in modo integrale. Le offerte sono scadute l'8 ottobre 2024, con un importo principale aggregato di 2.870.274.000 USD di Note validamente offerte e non ritirate. Un ulteriore importo di 78.193.000 USD è stato offerto tramite Procedure di Consegna Garantita.

L'azienda ha accettato 1.873.968.000 USD di importo principale aggregato di Note per l'acquisto, escludendo quelle consegnate tramite Procedure di Consegna Garantita. Le Note con Livelli di Priorizzazione di Accettazione 6 e 7 non sono state accettate poiché la Condizione Massima di Acquisto non è stata soddisfatta per queste serie. I detentori delle Note accettate riceveranno il Corrispettivo Totale applicabile più il Pagamento degli Interessi Accumulati.

TC Energy anunció que su filial, TransCanada PipeLines, ha Aumentado el Monto Máximo de Compra para sus ofertas de compra en efectivo de 1.750.000.000 USD a 1.809.000.000 USD. Este aumento permite la aceptación de todas las Notas con Niveles de Prioridad de Aceptación de 1 a 5 en su totalidad. Las ofertas vencieron el 8 de octubre de 2024, con un monto principal agregado de 2.870.274.000 USD de Notas válidamente ofrecidas y no retiradas. Se ofreció un monto adicional de 78.193.000 USD a través de Procedimientos de Entrega Garantizada.

La empresa ha aceptado 1.873.968.000 USD de monto principal agregado de Notas para su compra, excluyendo las entregadas a través de Procedimientos de Entrega Garantizada. Las Notas con Niveles de Prioridad de Aceptación 6 y 7 no fueron aceptadas debido a que no se cumplió la Condición de Monto Máximo para estas series. Los tenedores de Notas aceptadas recibirán la Consideración Total aplicable más el Pago de Cupón Acumulado.

TC 에너지가 자회사인 TransCanada PipeLines가 현금 입찰 제안의 최대 구매 금액을 17억 5천만 달러에서 18억 9천만 달러로 증가시켰다고 발표했습니다. 이 증가는 수용 우선 순위 수준 1-5에 해당하는 모든 노트를 전량 수용할 수 있게 합니다. 제안은 2024년 10월 8일에 만료되며, 유효하게 입찰된 노트의 총 원금이 28억 7천만 달러에 달합니다 (철회되지 않음). 추가로 7천8백19만 달러가 보증 배송 절차를 통해 입찰되었습니다.

회사는 구매를 위해 18억 7천9백68만 달러의 노트 총 원금을 수용했습니다, 보증 배송 절차를 통해 전달된 금액은 제외됩니다. 수용 우선 순위 수준 6 및 7에 해당하는 노트는 최대 구매 조건이 충족되지 않아 수용되지 않았습니다. 수용된 노트의 보유자는 해당 총 고려금액 및 발생 이자 지급액을 받을 것입니다.

TC Energy a annoncé que sa filiale, TransCanada PipeLines, a augmenté le Montant Maximale d'Achat pour ses offres d'achat en espèces de 1 750 000 000 USD à 1 809 000 000 USD. Cette augmentation permet l'acceptation de toutes les Obligations avec des Niveaux de Priorité d'Acceptation de 1 à 5 dans leur intégralité. Les offres ont expiré le 8 octobre 2024, avec un montant principal total de 2 870 274 000 USD d'Obligations valablement soumises et non retirées. Un montant supplémentaire de 78 193 000 USD a été soumis par le biais de Procédures de Livraison Garanties.

L'entreprise a accepté 1 873 968 000 USD de montant principal total d'Obligations à acheter, excluant celles livrées par le biais des Procédures de Livraison Garanties. Les Obligations avec des Niveaux de Priorité d'Acceptation 6 et 7 n'ont pas été acceptées en raison de la non-satisfaction de la Condition Maximale d'Achat pour ces séries. Les détenteurs des Obligations acceptées recevront le Montant Total Applicable ainsi que le Paiement des Intérêts Courus.

TC Energy gab bekannt, dass ihre Tochtergesellschaft, TransCanada PipeLines, den maximalen Kaufbetrag für ihre Barkäufen von 1.750.000.000 USD auf 1.809.000.000 USD erhöht hat. Diese Erhöhung ermöglicht die vollständige Annahme aller Notes mit den Annahme-Prioritätsstufen 1-5. Die Angebote lieferten am 8. Oktober 2024 ab, mit einem insgesamt validierten Hauptbetrag von 2.870.274.000 USD an Anleihen, die nicht zurückgezogen wurden. Darüber hinaus wurden 78.193.000 USD über die Garantierte Lieferverfahren angeboten.

Das Unternehmen hat insgesamt 1.873.968.000 USD an Hauptbetragsmöglichkeiten für den Kauf akzeptiert, ausgenommen die über Garantierte Lieferverfahren gelieferten. Anleihen mit den Annahme-Prioritätsstufen 6 und 7 wurden aufgrund der Nichterfüllung der maximalen Kaufbedingung für diese Serien nicht akzeptiert. Inhaber der akzeptierten Anleihen erhalten die geltende Gesamtvergütung zuzüglich der aufgelaufenen Zinszahlung.

  • Increased Maximum Purchase Amount from US$1,750,000,000 to US$1,809,000,000
  • Accepted US$1,873,968,000 aggregate principal amount of Notes for purchase
  • All Notes with Acceptance Priority Levels 1-5 accepted in full
  • Notes with Acceptance Priority Levels 6 and 7 not accepted due to Maximum Purchase Condition not being satisfied


TC Energy's subsidiary, TransCanada PipeLines , has successfully upsized and completed its cash tender offers for seven series of outstanding notes. The company increased the Maximum Purchase Amount from US$1.75 billion to US$1.809 billion, allowing it to accept all Notes with Acceptance Priority Levels 1-5 in full.

Key points:

  • Total tendered amount: US$2.87 billion
  • Additional amount tendered via Guaranteed Delivery: US$78.19 million
  • Accepted for purchase: US$1.87 billion

This move demonstrates TC Energy's strong financial position and ability to manage its debt effectively. By repurchasing these notes, the company is likely aiming to optimize its capital structure and potentially reduce interest expenses. The successful upsizing of the offer indicates strong investor participation and confidence in TC Energy's financial strategy.

For investors, this action may be viewed positively as it shows proactive debt management and could lead to improved financial flexibility for the company in the long term.

The results of TC Energy's tender offer reveal interesting dynamics in the bond market. The company targeted seven different series of notes, with varying levels of investor response:

  • The 2.500% Senior Notes due 2031 saw the highest participation, with 73.92% of the outstanding amount tendered
  • The 4.750% Senior Notes due 2038 had the second-highest participation at 62.64%
  • Lower participation was seen in the 5.000% Senior Notes due 2043 (32.13%) and 5.100% Senior Notes due 2049 (17.99%)

The varying levels of participation across different maturities and coupon rates reflect investors' assessments of current market conditions and future interest rate expectations. The higher participation in shorter-term notes suggests that bondholders may be anticipating better reinvestment opportunities or are seeking to reduce duration risk in their portfolios.

The pricing of the tender offers, with Total Consideration ranging from US$887.76 to US$1,003.36 per US$1,000 principal, indicates a discount to par for most series, potentially providing a good opportunity for TC Energy to retire debt at favorable terms.

CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- News Release – TC Energy Corporation (TSX, NYSE: TRP) (“TC Energy”) today announced that TransCanada PipeLines Limited (the “Company”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of TC Energy, has released (i) the results of its previously announced seven separate offers (the “Offers”) to purchase for cash the outstanding notes of the series listed in the table below (collectively, the “Notes”) and (ii) that it has amended the Offers by increasing the Maximum Purchase Amount from US$1,750,000,000 to US$1,809,000,000, an amount sufficient to accept for purchase all Notes with Acceptance Priority Levels 1 – 5 in full, in accordance with the terms of the Tender Documents (as defined below).

The Offers were made upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Offer to Purchase dated Oct. 1, 2024 relating to the Notes (the “Offer to Purchase”) and the notice of guaranteed delivery attached as Appendix A thereto (the “Notice of Guaranteed Delivery” and, together with the Offer to Purchase, the “Tender Offer Documents”). Capitalized terms used but not defined in this announcement have the meanings given to them in the Offer to Purchase.

The Offers expired at 5 p.m. (Eastern time) on Oct. 8, 2024 (the “Expiration Date”). The Guaranteed Delivery Date will be the second business day after the Expiration Date and is expected to be Oct.10, 2024. The Settlement Date will be the fourth business day after the Expiration Date and is expected to be Oct. 15, 2024.

According to information provided by D.F. King & Co., Inc., the Information and Tender Agent in connection with the Offers, US$2,870,274,000 combined aggregate principal amount of Notes were validly tendered prior to or at the Expiration Date and not validly withdrawn. In addition, US$78,193,000 combined aggregate principal amount of Notes were tendered pursuant to the Guaranteed Delivery Procedures and remain subject to the Holders’ performance of the delivery requirements under such procedures. The table below provides certain information about the Offers, including the aggregate principal amount of each series of Notes validly tendered and not validly withdrawn at or prior to the Expiration Date and the aggregate principal amount of Notes reflected in Notices of Guaranteed Delivery delivered at or prior to the Expiration Date pursuant to the Tender Offer Documents.

Title of NotesCUSIP / ISIN
Nos. (1)
Reflected in
Notices of
12.500% Senior Notes due 203189352HBC2 / US89352HBC25US$1,000,000,000US$887.76US$739,213,000US$739,213,000US$47,207,000
25.000% Senior Notes due 204389352HAL3 / US89352HAL33US$625,000,000US$965.85US$200,842,000US$200,842,000
34.875% Senior Notes due 204889352HAY5 / US89352HAY53US$1,000,000,000US$941.07US$440,800,000US$440,800,000US$4,281,000
45.100% Senior Notes due 204989352HAZ2 / US89352HAZ29US$1,000,000,000US$977.29US$179,924,000US$179,924,000US$19,144,000
54.750% Senior Notes due 203889352HAX7 / US89352HAX70US$500,000,000US$963.02US$313,189,000US$313,189,000US$1,611,000
64.250% Senior Notes due 202889352HAW9 / US89352HAW97US$1,400,000,000US$994.82US$566,368,000US$5,880,000
74.875% Senior Notes due 202689352HAT6 / US89352HAT68US$850,000,000US$1,003.36US$429,938,000US$70,000

(1) No representation is made by the Company as to the correctness or accuracy of the CUSIP numbers or ISINs listed in this News Release or printed on the Notes. They are provided solely for convenience. 
(2) The total consideration for each series of Notes (such consideration, the “Total Consideration”) payable per each US$1,000 principal amount of such series of Notes validly tendered for purchase. 
(3) The amounts exclude the principal amounts of Notes for which Holders have complied with certain procedures applicable to guaranteed delivery pursuant to the Guaranteed Delivery Procedures. Such amounts remain subject to the Guaranteed Delivery Procedures. Notes tendered pursuant to the Guaranteed Delivery Procedures are required to be tendered at or prior to 5 p.m. (Eastern time) on Oct. 10, 2024.

Overall, US$1,873,968,000 aggregate principal amount of Notes have been accepted for purchase, excluding the Notes delivered pursuant to the Guaranteed Delivery Procedures. The Maximum Purchase Condition (after giving effect to the increase described above) has been satisfied with respect to the Offers in respect of the series of Notes with Acceptance Priority Levels 1 – 5. Accordingly, all Notes of those series that have been validly tendered and not validly withdrawn at or prior to the Expiration Date have been accepted for purchase. Because the Maximum Purchase Condition was not satisfied with respect to the series of Notes with Acceptance Priority Levels 6 and 7, the Company has not accepted any Notes of such series (as indicated in the table above) and will promptly return all validly tendered Notes of such series to the respective tendering Holders.

Upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Offer to Purchase, Holders whose Notes have been accepted for purchase in the Offers will receive the applicable Total Consideration specified in the table above for each US$1,000 principal amount of such Notes, which will be payable in cash on the applicable Settlement Date.

In addition to the applicable Total Consideration, Holders whose Notes have been accepted for purchase will be paid the Accrued Coupon Payment. Interest will cease to accrue on the Settlement Date for all Notes accepted in the Offers, including those tendered pursuant to the Guaranteed Delivery Procedures. Under no circumstances will any interest be payable because of any delay in the transmission of funds to Holders by the Depository Trust Company (“DTC”) or its participants.

The Offers are subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions as described in the Offer to Purchase. The Company reserves the right, subject to applicable law, to waive any and all conditions to any Offer. If any of the conditions is not satisfied, the Company is not obligated to accept for payment, purchase or pay for, and may delay the acceptance for payment of, any tendered notes, in each event subject to applicable laws, and may terminate or alter any or all of the Offers.

The Company has retained Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, and RBC Capital Markets, LLC to act as the dealer managers (the “Dealer Managers”) for the Offers. Questions regarding the terms and conditions for the Offers should be directed to Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. at (866) 627-0391 (toll-free) or (212) 250-2955 (collect), J.P. Morgan Securities LLC at (866) 834-4666 (toll-free) or (212) 834-4818 (collect), Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC at (800) 624-1808 (toll-free) or (212) 761-1057 (collect), or RBC Capital Markets, LLC at (877) 381-2099 (toll-free) or (212) 618-7843 (collect).

D.F. King & Co., Inc. acts as the Information and Tender Agent for the Offers. Questions or requests for assistance related to the Offers or for additional copies of the Offer to Purchase may be directed to D.F. King & Co., Inc. in New York by telephone at +1 (212) 269-5550 (for banks and brokers only) or +1 (866) 620-9554 (for all others toll-free), or by email at You may also contact your broker, dealer, commercial bank, trust company or other nominee for assistance concerning the Offers. The Tender Offer Documents can be accessed at the following link:

If the Company terminates any Offer with respect to one or more series of Notes, it will give prompt notice to the Information and Tender Agent, and all Notes tendered pursuant to such terminated Offer will be returned promptly to the tendering Holders thereof. Upon such termination, any Notes blocked in DTC will be released.

This announcement is for informational purposes only. This announcement is not an offer to purchase or a solicitation of an offer to sell any Notes or any other securities of TC Energy, the Company or any of their subsidiaries. The Offers were made solely pursuant to the Offer to Purchase. The Offers were not made to Holders of Notes in any jurisdiction in which the making or acceptance thereof would not be in compliance with the securities, “blue sky” or other laws of such jurisdiction. In any jurisdiction in which the securities laws or “blue sky” laws require the Offers to be made by a licensed broker or dealer, the Offers will be deemed to have been made on behalf of the Company by the Dealer Managers or one or more registered brokers or dealers that are licensed under the laws of such jurisdiction.

No action has been or will be taken in any jurisdiction that would permit the possession, circulation or distribution of either this announcement, the Offer to Purchase or any material relating to us or the Notes in any jurisdiction where action for that purpose is required. Accordingly, neither this announcement, the Offer to Purchase nor any other offering material or advertisements in connection with the Offers may be distributed or published, in or from any such country or jurisdiction, except in compliance with any applicable rules or regulations of any such country or jurisdiction.

Forward-looking Statements

This news release contains certain forward-looking information and forward-looking statements as defined in applicable securities laws (collectively referred to as “forward-looking statements”). Forward-looking statements include: statements regarding the terms and timing for completion of the Offers, including the settlement dates of the Notes accepted for purchase; and the satisfaction or waiver of certain conditions of the Offers.

Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of TC Energy to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that may cause actual results to vary include, but are not limited to, conditions in financial markets, investor response to the Offers, and other risk factors as detailed from time to time in TC Energy’s reports filed with Canadian securities administrators and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Readers are cautioned against unduly relying on forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are made as of the date of the relevant document and, except as required by law, TC Energy undertakes no obligation to update publicly or otherwise revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information or future events or otherwise.

About TC Energy

We’re a team of 7,000+ energy problem solvers working to safely move, generate and store the energy North America relies on. Today, we’re delivering solutions to the world’s toughest energy challenges – from innovating to deliver the natural gas that feeds LNG to global markets, to working to reduce emissions from our assets, to partnering with our neighbours, customers and governments to build the energy system of the future. It’s all part of how we continue to deliver sustainable returns for our investors and create value for communities.

TC Energy’s common shares trade on the Toronto (TSX) and New York (NYSE) stock exchanges under the symbol TRP. To learn more, visit us at


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What was the new Maximum Purchase Amount for TC Energy's (TRP) cash tender offers?

TC Energy (TRP) increased the Maximum Purchase Amount for its cash tender offers from US$1,750,000,000 to US$1,809,000,000.

How much in aggregate principal amount of Notes did TC Energy (TRP) accept for purchase?

TC Energy (TRP) accepted US$1,873,968,000 aggregate principal amount of Notes for purchase, excluding those delivered via Guaranteed Delivery Procedures.

When did TC Energy's (TRP) cash tender offers expire?

TC Energy's (TRP) cash tender offers expired on October 8, 2024.

Which Acceptance Priority Levels of Notes were fully accepted in TC Energy's (TRP) tender offers?

TC Energy (TRP) fully accepted all Notes with Acceptance Priority Levels 1-5 in its tender offers.

TC Energy Corporation


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