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T. Rowe Price's recent survey reveals that 51% of American sports fans are more likely to know their favorite team's record than their retirement savings. The survey, conducted by Wakefield Research, sampled 1,000 adults aged 18 and older. Key findings include:

- 64% of Americans believe they started thinking about retirement later than they should have
- Nearly 2 in 5 employed Americans feel behind on their retirement goals
- 13% of employed Americans haven't started planning for retirement

On a positive note, 37% of respondents feel that saving a set amount monthly would increase their retirement security. The survey coincides with National Retirement Security Week and the MLB playoffs, following T. Rowe Price's partnership with The Baltimore Orioles as their exclusive investment and wealth management sponsor.

Un recente sondaggio di T. Rowe Price rivela che il 51% dei tifosi sportivi americani è più propenso a conoscere il record della propria squadra del cuore piuttosto che i propri risparmi per la pensione. Il sondaggio, condotto da Wakefield Research, ha coinvolto 1.000 adulti di età pari o superiore ai 18 anni. I risultati principali includono:

- Il 64% degli americani crede di aver iniziato a pensare al futuro pensionistico più tardi di quanto avrebbe dovuto
- Quasi 2 americani su 5 con un lavoro sentono di essere in ritardo rispetto ai loro obiettivi pensionistici
- Il 13% degli americani occupati non ha ancora iniziato a pianificare per la pensione

In un aspetto positivo, il 37% dei partecipanti ritiene che risparmiare una somma fissa mensile migliorerebbe la loro sicurezza pensionistica. Il sondaggio coincide con la National Retirement Security Week e i playoff MLB, seguendo la partnership di T. Rowe Price con i Baltimore Orioles come sponsor esclusivo per gli investimenti e la gestione patrimoniale.

Una encuesta reciente de T. Rowe Price revela que el 51% de los aficionados deportivos estadounidenses es más propenso a conocer el récord de su equipo favorito que sus ahorros para la jubilación. La encuesta, realizada por Wakefield Research, muestreó a 1,000 adultos de 18 años o más. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- El 64% de los estadounidenses cree que comenzó a pensar en la jubilación más tarde de lo que debería
- Casi 2 de cada 5 estadounidenses empleados sienten que están atrasados en sus metas de jubilación
- El 13% de los estadounidenses empleados no ha comenzado a planificar para la jubilación

De manera positiva, el 37% de los encuestados siente que ahorrar una cantidad fija mensualmente aumentaría su seguridad financiera para la jubilación. La encuesta coincide con la Semana Nacional de Seguridad para la Jubilación y los playoffs de la MLB, tras la asociación de T. Rowe Price con los Baltimore Orioles como su patrocinador exclusivo en inversión y gestión de patrimonio.

T. Rowe Price의 최근 조사에 따르면 미국 스포츠 팬의 51%가 은퇴 저축보다 좋아하는 팀의 기록을 더 잘 알고 있다고 합니다. 이 조사는 Wakefield Research에 의해 18세 이상의 성인 1,000명을 대상으로 진행되었습니다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

- 미국인의 64%가 자신이 은퇴를 생각하기 시작한 시점이 늦었다고 생각하고 있습니다
- 거의 5명 중 2명의 미국 직장인이 은퇴 목표에서 뒤쳐져 있다고 느끼고 있습니다
- 미국 직장인의 13%는 아직 은퇴 계획을 세우지 않았습니다

긍정적인 점은 응답자의 37%가 매달 일정 금액을 저축하면 은퇴 보장이 강화될 것이라고 느낀다는 것입니다. 이 조사는 T. Rowe Price가 볼티모어 오리올스와 독점 투자 및 자산 관리 스폰서로 파트너십을 맺은 MLB 플레이오프 및 국가 은퇴 보안 주간과 동시에 진행됩니다.

Une récente enquête de T. Rowe Price révèle que 51% des fans de sport américains connaissent plus facilement le bilan de leur équipe favorite que leurs économies pour la retraite. L'enquête, réalisée par Wakefield Research, a sondé 1.000 adultes de 18 ans et plus. Les résultats clés comprennent :

- 64% des Américains estiment avoir commencé à penser à la retraite plus tard qu'ils ne l'auraient dû
- Près de 2 Américains sur 5 employées se sentent à la traîne par rapport à leurs objectifs de retraite
- 13% des Américains employés n'ont pas encore commencé à planifier leur retraite

Sur une note positive, 37% des répondants pensent qu'épargner un montant fixe chaque mois améliorerait leur sécurité financière à la retraite. L'enquête coïncide avec la Semaine nationale de la sécurité de la retraite et les playoffs de la MLB, suite au partenariat de T. Rowe Price avec les Baltimore Orioles en tant que sponsor exclusif pour les investissements et la gestion de patrimoine.

Eine aktuelle Umfrage von T. Rowe Price zeigt, dass 51% der amerikanischen Sportfans eher die Bilanz ihres Lieblingsteams kennen als ihre Altersvorsorge. Die Umfrage wurde von Wakefield Research durchgeführt und befragte 1.000 Erwachsene ab 18 Jahren. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind:

- 64% der Amerikaner glauben, dass sie später angefangen haben, über die Altersvorsorge nachzudenken, als sie sollten
- Fast 2 von 5 berufstätigen Amerikanern haben das Gefühl, in ihren Altersvorsorge-Zielen hinterherzuhinken
- 13% der berufstätigen Amerikaner haben noch nicht mit der Planung ihrer Altersvorsorge begonnen

Positiv ist, dass 37% der Befragten der Meinung sind, dass das monatliche Sparen eines festen Betrags ihre Altersvorsorgesicherheit erhöhen würde. Die Umfrage fällt mit der National Retirement Security Week und den MLB-Playoffs zusammen, nach der Partnerschaft von T. Rowe Price mit den Baltimore Orioles als deren exklusiven Sponsor für Investitionen und Vermögensverwaltung.

  • None.
  • None.

Survey highlights the retirement attitudes and behaviors of American sports fans at the intersection of National Retirement Security Week and the Major League baseball playoffs

BALTIMORE, Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- T. Rowe Price, a global investment management firm and leader in retirement today announced new survey findings which revealed that 51% of American sports fans are more likely to know their favorite sports team's record than how much they have saved for retirement. Additionally, 64% of Americans believe that they started thinking about retirement later than they should have, and nearly 2 in 5 employed Americans feel they're behind and catching up with their retirement goals but feel pressure to do more. Thirteen percent of employed Americans say they haven't even started yet. Conducted by Wakefield Research, the national survey is representative of 1,000 adults aged 18 and older.

These findings, announced at the intersection of National Retirement Security Week (Oct. 20-26) and the Major League Baseball playoffs, are meant to shine a light on where Americans may be striking out on retirement planning and where they are scoring some runs. The survey follows an announcement from T. Rowe Price and The Baltimore Orioles in June, naming the financial firm as the exclusive investment and wealth management sponsor of the baseball club.

Meanwhile, there is some good news: while the survey found that most U.S. adults (85%) may not be fully secure in how they reach their retirement goals, their intentions are good. About 4 in 5 Americans still in the workforce thought about their retirement in some way. In fact, 37% feel the strategy of saving a set amount each month would make them more secure in their ability to retire.

"National Retirement Security Week can serve as a reminder for all investors to assess their retirement goals and ensure they are on track with their retirement savings," said Roger Young, CFP®, thought leadership director at T. Rowe Price. "Taking proactive steps, like contributing regularly to a retirement account, can have a significant impact over time and can help put each investor on the path toward a better retirement."

Americans can learn more about how to proactively save for retirement and how to track and manage their progress by visiting

Young continues, "At T. Rowe Price, we understand that planning for retirement can feel overwhelming. Through our research, thought leadership, and investment decisions, our goal is to give our clients more confidence in their financial future so they can look forward to retirement."


Founded in 1937, T. Rowe Price (NASDAQ – GS: TROW) helps individuals and institutions around the world achieve their long-term investment goals. As a large global asset management company known for investment excellence, retirement leadership, and independent proprietary research, the firm is built on a culture of integrity that puts client interests first. Clients rely on the award-winning firm for its retirement expertise and active management of equity, fixed income, alternatives, and multi-asset investment capabilities. T. Rowe Price serves millions of clients globally and manages US $1.63 trillion in assets under management as of September 30, 2024. About two-thirds of the assets under management are retirement-related. News and other updates can be found on Facebook, InstagramLinkedInXYouTube, and

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SOURCE T. Rowe Price Group


What percentage of American sports fans know their team's record better than their retirement savings according to T. Rowe Price's survey?

According to T. Rowe Price's survey, 51% of American sports fans are more likely to know their favorite sports team's record than how much they have saved for retirement.

How many employed Americans feel behind on their retirement goals based on the TROW survey?

The survey found that nearly 2 in 5 employed Americans feel they're behind and catching up with their retirement goals but feel pressure to do more.

What percentage of Americans believe they started thinking about retirement too late, according to T. Rowe Price's survey?

The survey revealed that 64% of Americans believe they started thinking about retirement later than they should have.

When was the T. Rowe Price survey on retirement savings conducted in relation to National Retirement Security Week?

The survey findings were announced at the intersection of National Retirement Security Week (Oct. 20-26) and the Major League Baseball playoffs in 2024.

What strategy did 37% of respondents in the TROW survey believe would make them more secure in their ability to retire?

37% of respondents felt that the strategy of saving a set amount each month would make them more secure in their ability to retire.

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