OHA is Lead Left Arranger of Private Unitranche Financing Supporting Acquisition of Farsound by Onex

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Oak Hill Advisors (OHA) has acted as the Lead Left Arranger for a private unitranche facility supporting Onex's acquisition of Farsound Aviation . Farsound is a leading global supply chain solutions provider for the aerospace engine maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) market.

OHA's extensive knowledge of the aerospace sector and previous investment experience in the industry were key factors in structuring this LBO financing solution. Alexis Atteslis, Co-Head of Europe and Partner at OHA, expressed confidence in Farsound's growth potential, citing its best-in-class management team and unique business model, coupled with Onex's industry expertise.

This transaction marks a continuation of OHA's growth in the European private credit business, demonstrating its ability to lead transactions and provide flexible, tailored capital solutions.

Oak Hill Advisors (OHA) ha agito come Lead Left Arranger per una struttura di finanziamento unitranche privata a supporto dell'acquisizione di Farsound Aviation da parte di Onex. Farsound è un fornitore globale leader di soluzioni per la catena di approvvigionamento nel mercato della manutenzione, riparazione e revisione (MRO) dei motori aerospaziali.

La vasta esperienza di OHA nel settore aerospaziale e la sua precedente esperienza di investimento nel settore sono stati fattori chiave nella strutturazione di questa soluzione di finanziamento LBO. Alexis Atteslis, Co-Head of Europe e Partner di OHA, ha espresso fiducia nel potenziale di crescita di Farsound, citando il suo team di gestione di prima classe e il modello di business unico, insieme all'esperienza di Onex nel settore.

Questa transazione segna una continuazione della crescita di OHA nel settore del credito privato europeo, dimostrando la sua capacità di guidare transazioni e fornire soluzioni di capitale flessibili e su misura.

Oak Hill Advisors (OHA) ha actuado como Lead Left Arranger para una instalación de financiación unitaria privada que apoya la adquisición de Farsound Aviation por parte de Onex. Farsound es un proveedor líder mundial de soluciones de cadena de suministro para el mercado de mantenimiento, reparación y revisión (MRO) de motores aeroespaciales.

El amplio conocimiento de OHA en el sector aeroespacial y su experiencia previa en inversiones en la industria fueron factores clave para estructurar esta solución de financiación LBO. Alexis Atteslis, Co-Head de Europa y Socio en OHA, expresó confianza en el potencial de crecimiento de Farsound, citando su equipo de gestión de primera clase y modelo de negocio único, junto con la experiencia de Onex en la industria.

Esta transacción marca una continuación del crecimiento de OHA en el negocio de crédito privado europeo, demostrando su capacidad para liderar transacciones y proporcionar soluciones de capital flexibles y a medida.

오크 힐 어드바이저스(OHA)는 Lead Left Arranger로서 온엑스의 파사운드 항공 인수를 지원하기 위한 사설 유니트란체 시설의 주관사로 활동하였습니다. 파사운드는 항공기 엔진 유지보수, 수리 및 정비(MRO) 시장을 위한 최고 수준의 글로벌 공급망 솔루션 제공업체입니다.

OHA의 항공 우주 분야에 대한 광범위한 지식과 업계에서의 이전 투자 경험은 이 LBO 금융 솔루션을 구조화하는 데 있어 중요한 요소였습니다. OHA의 유럽 공동 책임자이자 파트너인 알렉시스 아테슬리스는 파사운드의 성장 잠재력에 대한 신뢰를 표명하며, 최고의 경영진과 독특한 비즈니스 모델을 언급하였으며, 온엑스의 산업 전문성과 함께 강조했습니다.

이번 거래는 OHA의 유럽 개인 신용 사업의 성장의 연속을 나타내며, 거래를 주도하고 맞춤형 유연한 자본 솔루션을 제공할 수 있는 능력을 보여줍니다.

Oak Hill Advisors (OHA) a agi en tant que Lead Left Arranger pour une installation de financement unitranche privée soutenant l'acquisition de Farsound Aviation par Onex. Farsound est un fournisseur mondial de solutions de chaîne d'approvisionnement de premier plan pour le marché de la maintenance, de la réparation et de la révision (MRO) des moteurs aérospatiaux.

La vaste expérience d'OHA dans le secteur aérospatial et les expériences d'investissement antérieures dans l'industrie ont été des facteurs clés dans la structuration de cette solution de financement LBO. Alexis Atteslis, Co-Head of Europe et partenaire chez OHA, a exprimé sa confiance dans le potentiel de croissance de Farsound, en citant son équipe de direction de premier plan et son modèle commercial unique, associé à l'expertise sectorielle d'Onex.

Cette transaction marque une continuité dans la croissance d'OHA dans le secteur du crédit privé européen, démontrant sa capacité à diriger des transactions et à fournir des solutions de capital flexibles et sur mesure.

Oak Hill Advisors (OHA) hat als Lead Left Arranger für eine private Unitranche-Finanzierung fungiert, die Onex' Übernahme von Farsound Aviation unterstützt. Farsound ist ein führender globaler Anbieter von Lösungen für die Lieferkette im Bereich Wartung, Reparatur und Überholung (MRO) von Flugtriebwerken.

Die umfassende Branchenkenntnis von OHA im Bereich Luftfahrt und die vorherige Investmenterfahrung in der Branche waren entscheidende Faktoren bei der Strukturierung dieser LBO-Finanzierungslösung. Alexis Atteslis, Co-Head of Europe und Partner bei OHA, äußerte Vertrauen in das Wachstumspotenzial von Farsound und verwies auf deren erstklassiges Managementteam und einzigartiges Geschäftsmodell, in Verbindung mit Onex' Branchenexpertise.

Diese Transaktion markiert eine Fortsetzung von OHA's Wachstum im europäischen Privatkreditgeschäft und demonstriert die Fähigkeit, Transaktionen zu leiten und flexible, maßgeschneiderte Finanzierungslösungen anzubieten.

  • OHA's role as Lead Left Arranger showcases its strong position in the private credit market
  • Acquisition of Farsound by Onex indicates potential for business growth and expansion
  • OHA's expertise in the aerospace sector adds value to the financing solution
  • Transaction contributes to OHA's growth in the European private credit business
  • None.

London, United Kingdom, Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Oak Hill Advisors (“OHA”) served as Lead Left Arranger for a private unitranche facility supporting the acquisition of Farsound Aviation Limited (“Farsound”) by private equity sponsor Onex. Farsound is a leading global supply chain solutions provider for the aerospace engine maintenance, repair and overhaul (“MRO”) market. OHA’s extensive knowledge of the aerospace sector and experience from previous investments in the industry enabled it to play a key role in this LBO financing solution.

“With its best-in-class management team and unique business model, supported by Onex’ extensive experience and strategic presence in the industry, we believe Farsound is well-positioned to continue its strong growth trajectory,” said Alexis Atteslis, Co-Head of Europe and Partner at OHA. “With this financing, we continue to grow our European private credit business, leading transactions and providing flexible, tailored capital solutions.”


About OHA: Oak Hill Advisors (OHA) is a leading global credit-focused alternative asset manager with over 30 years of investment experience. OHA works with institutions and individuals and seeks to deliver a consistent track record of attractive risk-adjusted returns. The firm manages approximately $65 billion of capital across credit strategies, including private credit, high yield bonds, leveraged loans, stressed and distressed debt and collateralized loan obligations as of June 30, 2024. OHA’s emphasis on long-term partnerships with companies, sponsors and other partners provides access to a proprietary opportunity set, allowing for customized credit solutions across market cycles.

With over 400 experienced professionals across six global offices, OHA brings a collaborative approach to offering investors a single platform to meet their diverse credit needs. OHA is the private markets platform of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. (NASDAQ – GS: TROW). For more information, please visit


What role did Oak Hill Advisors play in the acquisition of Farsound by Onex?

Oak Hill Advisors (OHA) served as the Lead Left Arranger for a private unitranche facility supporting Onex's acquisition of Farsound Aviation

What is Farsound's main business focus?

Farsound is a leading global supply chain solutions provider for the aerospace engine maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) market.

How does this transaction impact OHA's European private credit business?

This transaction contributes to the growth of OHA's European private credit business, demonstrating its ability to lead transactions and provide flexible, tailored capital solutions.

Who commented on the acquisition from OHA, and what did they say?

Alexis Atteslis, Co-Head of Europe and Partner at OHA, commented on the acquisition, expressing confidence in Farsound's growth potential due to its best-in-class management team, unique business model, and Onex's industry expertise.

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