Interactive Strength Inc. (Nasdaq: TRNR) Enters the Medical channel for the first time by Exhibiting FORME at APTA Private Practice Annual Conference on October 9-12

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Interactive Strength Inc. (Nasdaq: TRNR) is entering the medical channel for the first time by exhibiting FORME at the APTA Private Practice Annual Conference on October 9-12 in National Harbor, MD. This move targets the physical therapy market, which offers potential for insurance-reimbursed rehabilitation sessions and a compelling ROI for installing FORME Lift in practices.

CEO Trent Ward highlighted strong interest from physical therapists and the revenue-increasing potential of FORME Lift through its ability to serve multiple patients simultaneously and demonstrate patient improvement via data collection. The company's distributor, WOODWAY, brings extensive experience in the medical channel, accelerating TRNR's penetration into this new market.

The FORME Lift, known for its compact size and versatility, is well-suited for physical therapy practices. With over 250,000 physical therapists in the US and growing demand, TRNR sees significant potential in this expanding market.

Interactive Strength Inc. (Nasdaq: TRNR) sta entrando per la prima volta nel settore medico esponendo FORME alla Conferenza Annuale della Pratica Privata APTA dal 9 al 12 ottobre a National Harbor, MD. Questa mossa mira al mercato della fisioterapia, che offre potenzialità per sessioni di riabilitazione rimborsate dalle assicurazioni e un ROI interessante per l'installazione di FORME Lift nelle pratiche.

Il CEO Trent Ward ha evidenziato il forte interesse da parte dei fisioterapisti e il potenziale di incremento delle entrate di FORME Lift grazie alla sua capacità di servire più pazienti contemporaneamente e di dimostrare i miglioramenti dei pazienti tramite la raccolta di dati. Il distributore dell'azienda, WOODWAY, porta un'esperienza consolidata nel canale medico, accelerando la penetrazione di TRNR in questo nuovo mercato.

Il FORME Lift, noto per le sue dimensioni compatte e versatilità, è particolarmente adatto per le pratiche di fisioterapia. Con oltre 250.000 fisioterapisti negli Stati Uniti e una crescente domanda, TRNR vede un potenziale significativo in questo mercato in espansione.

Interactive Strength Inc. (Nasdaq: TRNR) está entrando en el canal médico por primera vez al exhibir FORME en la Conferencia Anual de Práctica Privada de APTA del 9 al 12 de octubre en National Harbor, MD. Este movimiento se dirige al mercado de la terapia física, que ofrece potencial para sesiones de rehabilitación reembolsadas por el seguro y un ROI convincente para la instalación de FORME Lift en las prácticas.

El CEO Trent Ward destacó el fuerte interés de los fisioterapeutas y el potencial de aumento de ingresos de FORME Lift a través de su capacidad para atender a múltiples pacientes simultáneamente y demostrar la mejora del paciente mediante la recopilación de datos. El distribuidor de la empresa, WOODWAY, aporta una amplia experiencia en el canal médico, acelerando la penetración de TRNR en este nuevo mercado.

El FORME Lift, conocido por su tamaño compacto y versatilidad, es muy adecuado para las prácticas de fisioterapia. Con más de 250,000 fisioterapeutas en los EE. UU. y una creciente demanda, TRNR ve un potencial significativo en este mercado en expansión.

Interactive Strength Inc. (Nasdaq: TRNR)는 10월 9일부터 12일까지 메릴랜드 주 내셔널 하버에서 개최되는 APTA 개인 실무 연례 회의에 FORME를 전시함으로써 처음으로 의료 분야에 진입하고 있습니다. 이번 움직임은 보험 청구를 통한 재활 세션의 가능성을 제공하고, FORME Lift를 실제에 설치함으로써 매력적인 ROI를 목표로 하는 물리 치료 시장을 겨냥하고 있습니다.

CEO 트렌트 워드는 물리 치료사들로부터 강한 관심을 받고 있으며, 여러 환자를 동시에 수용하고 데이터 수집을 통해 환자 개선을 보여줄 수 있는 FORME Lift의 수익 증가 잠재력을 강조했습니다. 회사의 유통업체인 WOODWAY는 의료 분야에서의 풍부한 경험을 바탕으로 TRNR의 이 새로운 시장 침투를 가속화하고 있습니다.

FORME Lift는 컴팩트한 사이즈와 다재다능성으로 잘 알려져 있어 물리 치료 관행에 적합합니다. 미국 내 25만 명 이상의 물리 치료사와 증가하는 수요로, TRNR은 이 확장하는 시장에서 상당한 잠재력을 보고 있습니다.

Interactive Strength Inc. (Nasdaq: TRNR) entre pour la première fois dans le secteur médical en exposant FORME lors de la Conférence Annuelle sur la Pratique Privée de l'APTA, qui se déroulera du 9 au 12 octobre à National Harbor, MD. Cette initiative vise le marché de la kinésithérapie, qui offre un potentiel pour des séances de réhabilitation remboursées par les assurances et un retour sur investissement convaincant pour l'installation de FORME Lift dans les pratiques.

Le PDG Trent Ward a souligné l'intérêt marqué des kinésithérapeutes et le potentiel d'augmentation des revenus de FORME Lift grâce à sa capacité à servir plusieurs patients simultanément et à démontrer l'amélioration des patients via la collecte de données. Le distributeur de l'entreprise, WOODWAY, apporte une large expérience dans le secteur médical, accélérant la pénétration de TRNR dans ce nouveau marché.

Le FORME Lift, reconnu pour sa taille compact et sa polyvalence, est particulièrement adapté aux cabinets de kinésithérapie. Avec plus de 250 000 kinésithérapeutes aux États-Unis et une demande croissante, TRNR voit un potentiel significatif dans ce marché en expansion.

Interactive Strength Inc. (Nasdaq: TRNR) tritt zum ersten Mal in den medizinischen Sektor ein, indem es FORME auf der APTA-Jahrestagung der Privatpraxis vom 9. bis 12. Oktober in National Harbor, MD, ausstellt. Dieser Schritt zielt auf den Physiotherapie-Markt ab, der das Potenzial für von Versicherungen erstattete Rehabilitationssitzungen bietet und eine überzeugende Rendite für die Installation von FORME Lift in der Praxis verspricht.

CEO Trent Ward hob das große Interesse der Physiotherapeuten und das potenzielle Umsatzwachstum von FORME Lift hervor, da es in der Lage ist, mehrere Patienten gleichzeitig zu betreuen und die Patientenvortschritte durch Datenerfassung zu demonstrieren. Der Distributor des Unternehmens, WOODWAY, bringt umfangreiche Erfahrung im medizinischen Sektor mit und beschleunigt den Markteintritt von TRNR in diesen neuen Markt.

Der FORME Lift, bekannt für seine kompakte Größe und Vielseitigkeit, ist gut für physiotherapeutische Praxen geeignet. Mit über 250.000 Physiotherapeuten in den USA und einer wachsenden Nachfrage sieht TRNR erhebliches Potenzial in diesem expandierenden Markt.

  • Entering the medical channel, specifically physical therapy, for the first time
  • Potential for insurance-reimbursed rehabilitation sessions using FORME Lift
  • Strong interest received from physical therapists
  • Partnership with WOODWAY, an experienced distributor in the medical channel
  • Large and growing market with over 250,000 physical therapists in the US
  • None.
  • The medical channel, and specifically physical therapy, is a new channel for FORME

  • WOODWAY has been in the medical channel for decades and has dedicated sales representatives with long-term relationships

  • Rehabilitation sessions can be reimbursed by insurance and there can be a compelling return on investment for installing a FORME Lift in a practice

AUSTIN, TX / ACCESSWIRE / October 8, 2024 / Interactive Strength Inc. (NASDAQ:TRNR) ("TRNR" or "the Company"), maker of innovative specialty fitness equipment under the CLMBR and FORME brands, today announced that the Company will be exhibiting FORME at the APTA Private Practice Annual Conference on October 9-12 in National Harbor, MD.

FORME is entering the medical channel for the first time and the market is large and growing. APTA Private Practice is a component of the American Physical Therapy Association, and the Conference is the premier annual gathering for physical therapists nationwide who own, operate, or work in a private practice setting.

Trent Ward, Co-Founder and CEO of TRNR, said: "Our decision to exhibit FORME this year at APTA Private Practice is a result of the strong interest we have received from physical therapists and the clear return on investment that they can project from adding a FORME Lift to their practice. Rehabilitation can be reimbursable by insurance and therefore physical therapists understand that being able to serve more than one patient at their practice at one time due to the digital programing on the FORME Lift can directly increase their revenue. Additionally, being able to demonstrate continued improvement for a patient through the data collected by FORME can also allow for incremental sessions that will be reimbursed, further driving incremental revenue for the therapist."

"We have received strong interest from commercial accounts such as multi-family developers and country clubs for the FORME Lift," continued Mr. Ward, "but the physical therapy channel is a new one for FORME and it is very exciting. We are fortunate that our distributor, WOODWAY, has been in the medical channel for a long time and has three sales representatives dedicated to the channel, which has really helped us accelerate penetration of the channel."

The FORME Lift provides an innovative strength training option that fits in a small footprint and so the use case for a physical therapy practice is clear given its elegant design, compact size and wide variety of functions. There are over 250,000 physical therapists in the US and the need for more therapists is expected to grow significantly.

The FORME Lift is a compact strength training device with digital programming

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About APTA Private Practice:
APTA Private Practice is comprised of physical therapists nationwide who own, operate, or work in a private practice setting. We are a component of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and our mission is to champion the success of the physical therapist in business. APTA Private Practice members benefit from the Section's focus on advocacy; payment policy; education on practice management, business, marketing, public relations, and business innovation. APTA Private Practice was incorporated in 1956 and is headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia.

About Interactive Strength Inc.:
Interactive Strength Inc. produces innovative specialty fitness equipment and digital fitness services under two main brands: 1) CLMBR and 2) FORME. Interactive Strength Inc. is listed on NASDAQ (symbol:TRNR).

CLMBR is a vertical climbing machine that offers an efficient and effective full-body strength and cardio workout. CLMBR's design is compact and easy to move - making it perfect for commercial or in-home use. With its low impact and ergonomic movement, CLMBR is safe for most ages and levels of ability and can be found at gyms and fitness studios, hotels, and physical therapy facilities, as well as available for consumers at home.

FORME is a digital fitness platform that combines premium smart gyms with live virtual personal training and coaching to deliver an immersive experience and better outcomes for both consumers and trainers. FORME delivers an immersive and dynamic fitness experience through two connected hardware products: 1) The FORME Studio Lift (fitness mirror and cable-based digital resistance) and 2) The FORME Studio (fitness mirror). In addition to the company's connected fitness hardware products, FORME offers expert personal training and health coaching in different formats and price points through Video On-Demand, Custom Training, and Live 1:1 virtual personal training.

Forward-Looking Statements:
This press release includes certain statements that are "forward-looking statements" for purposes of the safe harbor provisions under the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements do not relate strictly to historical or current facts and reflect management's assumptions, views, plans, objectives and projections about the future. Forward-looking statements generally are accompanied by words such as "believe", "project", "expect", "anticipate", "estimate", "intend", "strategy", "future", "opportunity", "plan", "may", "should", "will", "would", "will be", "will continue", "will likely result" or similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding potential growth or demand for the FORME Lift in the medical or physical therapy channels, insurance reimbursement of rehabilitation sessions, additional revenue or return on investment for a physical therapist. The reader is cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current expectations of future events. If underlying assumptions prove inaccurate or known or unknown risks or uncertainties materialize, actual results could vary materially from the expectations and projections of the Company. Risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to: demand for our products; competition, including technological advances made by and new products released by our competitors; our ability to accurately forecast consumer demand for our products and adequately maintain our inventory; and our reliance on a limited number of suppliers and distributors for our products. A further list and descriptions of these risks, uncertainties and other factors can be found in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. To the extent permitted under applicable law, the Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

SOURCE: Interactive Strength Inc.

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What is Interactive Strength Inc.'s (TRNR) new market strategy?

Interactive Strength Inc. (TRNR) is entering the medical channel for the first time by exhibiting FORME at the APTA Private Practice Annual Conference on October 9-12, targeting the physical therapy market.

How can FORME Lift benefit physical therapy practices?

FORME Lift can increase revenue for physical therapy practices by allowing them to serve multiple patients simultaneously, collect patient improvement data, and potentially receive insurance reimbursements for rehabilitation sessions.

Who is TRNR's distributor for the medical channel?

TRNR's distributor for the medical channel is WOODWAY, which has extensive experience and dedicated sales representatives in this sector.

What are the key features of FORME Lift for physical therapy use?

FORME Lift offers an innovative strength training option with a small footprint, elegant design, compact size, and a wide variety of functions, making it suitable for physical therapy practices.

What is the size of the physical therapy market that TRNR is targeting?

There are over 250,000 physical therapists in the US, and the demand for more therapists is expected to grow significantly, presenting a large and expanding market for TRNR's FORME Lift.

Interactive Strength Inc.


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