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Trillion Energy International Inc. (CSE: TCF) (OTCQB: TRLEF) has announced successful gas production at its SASB field in the Black Sea. The company completed four workovers as part of its strategic perforation program, significantly increasing gas production capacity. Key highlights include:

- Complete payback of recent perforation costs in just 35 days of production
- Production of 140MMcf from four wells: Guluc-2, South Akcakoca-2, West Akcakoca-1, and Akcakoca-3
- South Akcakoca-2 stabilized at approximately 2.75 MMcf/d
- Guluc-2 producing at a stable rate of about 1.25 MMcf/d
- Average gas production from the Akcakoca Platform at 4.6 MMcf/d

The company is considering decreasing production tubing size to further stabilize gas production at targeted rates. Additionally, Trillion has granted 8,800,000 stock options to directors, officers, employees, and consultants at an exercise price of $0.14 per share, expiring August 12, 2029.

Trillion Energy International Inc. (CSE: TCF) (OTCQB: TRLEF) ha annunciato una produzione di gas di successo nel suo campo SASB nel Mar Nero. L'azienda ha completato quattro lavori di ristrutturazione come parte del suo programma strategico di perforazione, aumentando significativamente la capacità di produzione di gas. I punti salienti includono:

- Recupero totale dei costi di perforazione recenti in soli 35 giorni di produzione
- Produzione di 140MMcf da quattro pozzi: Guluc-2, South Akcakoca-2, West Akcakoca-1 e Akcakoca-3
- South Akcakoca-2 stabilizzato a circa 2.75 MMcf/d
- Guluc-2 in produzione a un tasso stabile di circa 1.25 MMcf/d
- Produzione media di gas dalla Piattaforma Akcakoca di 4.6 MMcf/d

L'azienda sta considerando di ridurre la dimensione del tubaggio di produzione per stabilizzare ulteriormente la produzione di gas a tassi mirati. Inoltre, Trillion ha concesso 8.800.000 opzioni su azioni a direttori, funzionari, dipendenti e consulenti a un prezzo di esercizio di $0,14 per azione, in scadenza il 12 agosto 2029.

Trillion Energy International Inc. (CSE: TCF) (OTCQB: TRLEF) ha anunciado una producción de gas exitosa en su campo SASB en el Mar Negro. La compañía completó cuatro trabajos de reacondicionamiento como parte de su programa estratégico de perforación, aumentando significativamente la capacidad de producción de gas. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

- Recupero total de los costos de perforación recientes en solo 35 días de producción
- Producción de 140MMcf de cuatro pozos: Guluc-2, South Akcakoca-2, West Akcakoca-1 y Akcakoca-3
- South Akcakoca-2 estabilizado en aproximadamente 2.75 MMcf/d
- Guluc-2 produciendo a una tasa estable de aproximadamente 1.25 MMcf/d
- Producción promedio de gas en la Plataforma Akcakoca de 4.6 MMcf/d

La empresa está considerando reducir el tamaño del tubería de producción para estabilizar aún más la producción de gas a tasas objetivo. Además, Trillion ha otorgado 8,800,000 opciones sobre acciones a directores, funcionarios, empleados y consultores a un precio de ejercicio de $0.14 por acción, que expira el 12 de agosto de 2029.

Trillion Energy International Inc. (CSE: TCF) (OTCQB: TRLEF)는 흑해의 SASB 필드에서 성공적인 가스 생산을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 전략적 천공 프로그램의 일환으로 네 건의 웰 작업을 완료하여 가스 생산 능력을 크게 증가시켰습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

- 최근 천공 비용의 완전 회수는 단 35일의 생산 만에 이루어졌습니다.
- Guluc-2, South Akcakoca-2, West Akcakoca-1, Akcakoca-3의 네 개 우물에서 140MMcf 생산
- South Akcakoca-2는 약 2.75 MMcf/d로 안정화됨
- Guluc-2는 약 1.25 MMcf/d의 안정적인 생산율을 기록
- Akcakoca 플랫폼의 평균 가스 생산은 4.6 MMcf/d입니다.

회사는 목표 생산율에서 가스 생산을 더 안정화하기 위해 생산 튜빙의 크기를 줄이는 것을 고려하고 있습니다. 또한, Trillion은 이사, 임원, 직원 및 컨설턴트에게 주당 $0.14의 행사 가격으로 8,800,000 주식 옵션을 부여하였으며, 이는 2029년 8월 12일에 만료됩니다.

Trillion Energy International Inc. (CSE: TCF) (OTCQB: TRLEF) a annoncé une production de gaz réussie sur son champ SASB en mer Noire. L'entreprise a complété quatre travaux de surplomb dans le cadre de son programme stratégique de perforation, augmentant ainsi considérablement sa capacité de production de gaz. Les points clés comprennent :

- Remboursement total des coûts de perforation récents en seulement 35 jours de production
- Production de 140MMcf de quatre puits : Guluc-2, South Akcakoca-2, West Akcakoca-1 et Akcakoca-3
- South Akcakoca-2 stabilisé à environ 2.75 MMcf/d
- Guluc-2 produisant à un rythme stable d'environ 1.25 MMcf/d
- Production moyenne de gaz de la plateforme Akcakoca de 4.6 MMcf/d

L'entreprise envisage de réduire la taille des tubing de production pour stabiliser davantage la production de gaz à des taux ciblés. De plus, Trillion a accordé 8.800.000 options d'achat d'actions à ses directeurs, dirigeants, employés et consultants à un prix d'exercice de 0,14 $ par action, expirant le 12 août 2029.

Trillion Energy International Inc. (CSE: TCF) (OTCQB: TRLEF) hat eine erfolgreiche Gasproduktion in seinem SASB-Feld im Schwarzen Meer angekündigt. Das Unternehmen hat vier Arbeitsüberholungen als Teil seines strategischen Bohrprogramms abgeschlossen, was die Gasproduktionskapazität erheblich erhöht hat. Zu den wichtigsten Punkten gehören:

- Vollständige Rückzahlung der kürzlichen Bohrkosten in nur 35 Tagen Produktion
- Produktion von 140MMcf aus vier Brunnen: Guluc-2, South Akcakoca-2, West Akcakoca-1 und Akcakoca-3
- South Akcakoca-2 stabilisiert sich bei etwa 2.75 MMcf/d
- Guluc-2 produziert stabil etwa 1.25 MMcf/d
- Durchschnittliche Gasproduktion von der Akcakoca-Plattform beträgt 4.6 MMcf/d

Das Unternehmen erwägt, die Größe der Produktionstube zu reduzieren, um die Gasproduktion weiter zu stabilisieren. Darüber hinaus hat Trillion 8.800.000 Aktienoptionen an Direktoren, Führungskräfte, Mitarbeiter und Berater zu einem Ausübungspreis von $0,14 pro Aktie gewährt, die am 12. August 2029 auslaufen.

  • Successful completion of 4 workovers, increasing gas production capacity
  • Payback of perforation costs achieved in just 35 days
  • Production of 140MMcf from four wells since July
  • South Akcakoca-2 well stabilized at 2.75 MMcf/d
  • Akcakoca Platform averaging 4.6 MMcf/d gas production
  • West Akcakoca-1 well showing production irregularities and has not yet stabilized
  • Akcakoca-3 well initially did not produce gas flow

Successful Production and Completion of 4 Workovers, Marks a Major Milestone in Trillion's Strategic Perforation Program, Increasing Gas Production Capacity at the Black Sea Asset

Vancouver, B.C., Aug. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trillion Energy International Inc. (“Trillion” or the “Company”) (CSE: TCF) (OTCQB: TRLEF) (Frankfurt: Z62) is pleased to provide this production update for the SASB gas field.

SASB revitalization program is off to a great start having realized the complete payback of recent perforation costs in just 35 days of production. In first phase of workover all remaining gas pay on the Akcakoca platform was perforated including three long reach deviated gas wells Guluc-2, South Akcakoca-2, West Akcakoca-1 wells and the recompleted legacy well Akcakoca-3, all drilled in the 2022/2023 program. The wells started production over a staggered period from July 9 to July 28 and have already produced 140MMcf representing a 35-day payoff of the recent perforation CAPEX.

South Akcakoca-2 has been producing for 36 days, stabilizing at approximately 2.75 MMcf/d. Guluc-2 has produced for over three weeks with an average production of 2.0 MMcf/d and now produces at a stable rate of about 1.25 MMcf/d. West Akcakoca-1 has produced an average of 0.60 MMcf/d for over two weeks with some irregularities and has not yet stabilized. Akcakoca-3 was perforated and although gas flow did not initially occur the well head pressure (“WHP”) has steadily increased from 100 psi to 478 psi and is therefore anticipated to start producing soon.

Gas production from the Akcakoca Platform has averaged 4.6 MMcf/d since the perforation program concluded.

CEO Arthur Halleran stated:

“The wells on the Akcakoca Platform have been completed successfully with gas production and WHP continuing to increase. This early return on our investment is a clear indicator of the field’s robust production potential. The results are very positive, giving us good indications that decreasing the production tubing size from 4 ½” to 2 3/8” using velocity strings, should stabilize gas production at the targeted rates.”

Trillion also announces that the Board of Directors of the Company has authorized the granting of stock options under its Stock Option Plan to purchase 8,800,000 common shares of the Company at an exercise price of $0.14 per share for a five-year term expiring August 12, 2029. The stock options are being granted to certain directors, officers, employees and consultants of the Company.

About the Company
Trillion Energy International Inc is focused on oil and natural gas production for Europe and Türkiye with natural gas assets in Türkiye. The Company is 49% owner of the SASB natural gas field, a Black Sea natural gas development and a 19.6% (except three wells with 9.8%) interest in the Cendere oil field. The Company has a 50% interest in 3 oil exploration blocks in S.E. Türkiye. More information may be found on, and our website.

Arthur Halleran, Chief Executive Officer
Brian Park, Vice President of Finance

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may contain certain forward-looking information and statements, including without limitation, statements pertaining to the Company's ability to obtain regulatory approval of the executive officer and director appointments. All statements included herein, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking information and such information involves various risks and uncertainties. Trillion does not undertake to update any forward-looking information except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

These statements are no guarantee of future performance and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties, delay, change of strategy, and assumptions that are difficult to predict and which may change over time. Accordingly, actual results and strategies could differ materially and adversely from those expressed in any forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. These factors include unforeseen securities regulatory challenges, COVID, oil and gas price fluctuations, operational and geological risks, changes in capital raising strategies, the ability of the Company to raise necessary funds for development; the outcome of commercial negotiations; changes in technical or operating conditions; the cost of extracting gas and oil may increase and be too costly so that it is uneconomic and not profitable to do so and other factors discussed from time to time in the Company’s filings on, including the most recently filed Annual Report on Form 20-F and subsequent filings. For a full summary of our oil and gas reserves information for Turkey, please refer to our Forms F-1,2,3 51-101 filed on, and or request a copy of our reserves report effective December 31, 2022 and updated January 31 2023.


What is the current average gas production from Trillion Energy's Akcakoca Platform?

The average gas production from Trillion Energy's Akcakoca Platform is 4.6 MMcf/d since the completion of the perforation program.

How long did it take for Trillion Energy (TRLEF) to achieve payback on its recent perforation costs?

Trillion Energy (TRLEF) achieved complete payback of its recent perforation costs in just 35 days of production.

What is the current production rate of the South Akcakoca-2 well for Trillion Energy (TRLEF)?

The South Akcakoca-2 well for Trillion Energy (TRLEF) has stabilized at approximately 2.75 MMcf/d after 36 days of production.

How many stock options did Trillion Energy (TRLEF) grant and at what price in August 2024?

Trillion Energy (TRLEF) granted 8,800,000 stock options at an exercise price of $0.14 per share, expiring on August 12, 2029.



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