Targa Resources Corp. Releases Sustainability Report

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Targa Resources Corp. (NYSE: TRGP) has released its Sustainability Report for 2023, highlighting key achievements in environmental, social, and governance areas. The report, available on the company's website, showcases Targa's commitment to sustainability and transparency.

Notable accomplishments include:

  • A 19% decrease in Gathering & Boosting sector methane intensity
  • Surpassing original methane intensity goals set through ONE Future participation
  • Conducting aerial methane surveys across all gathering and processing assets
  • Increasing methane monitoring frequency at compressor stations and gas plants
  • Exporting approximately 5.6 billion gallons of LPG globally, potentially displacing higher GHG-emitting fuels
  • Improving safety performance with a 25% decrease in Employee Total Recordable Incident Rate since 2021
  • Receiving nine midstream safety recognition awards
  • Maintaining a high level of local hiring and board independence

The report aligns with GRI Standards, IFRS, SASB Oil & Gas Midstream Standard, and TCFD guidelines, demonstrating Targa's commitment to recognized sustainability reporting frameworks.

Targa Resources Corp. (NYSE: TRGP) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto di Sostenibilità per il 2023, evidenziando i principali risultati nelle aree ambientale, sociale e di governance. Il rapporto, disponibile sul sito web dell'azienda, mostra l'impegno di Targa verso la sostenibilità e la trasparenza.

Tra i risultati notevoli ci sono:

  • Una diminuzione del 19% dell'intensità di metano nel settore Gathering & Boosting
  • Superamento degli obiettivi di intensità di metano inizialmente fissati attraverso la partecipazione a ONE Future
  • Esecuzione di survey aeree sul metano in tutte le risorse di raccolta e lavorazione
  • Aumento della frequenza di monitoraggio del metano presso le stazioni di compressione e gli impianti di gas
  • Esportazione di circa 5,6 miliardi di galloni di GPL a livello globale, potenzialmente sostituendo combustibili con maggiori emissioni di gas serra
  • Miglioramento delle prestazioni di sicurezza con una diminuzione del 25% del Tasso di Incidenti Registrabili Totali dei Dipendenti dal 2021
  • Ricezione di nove premi di riconoscimento per la sicurezza nel settore midstream
  • Mantenimento di un alto livello di assunzione locale e indipendenza del consiglio di amministrazione

Il rapporto è conforme agli Standard GRI, IFRS, SASB Oil & Gas Midstream Standard e alle linee guida TCFD, dimostrando l'impegno di Targa verso quadri riconosciuti di reporting sulla sostenibilità.

Targa Resources Corp. (NYSE: TRGP) ha publicado su Informe de Sostenibilidad para 2023, resaltando los logros clave en áreas ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza. El informe, disponible en el sitio web de la empresa, muestra el compromiso de Targa con la sostenibilidad y la transparencia.

Logros notables incluyen:

  • Una reducción del 19% en la intensidad de metano del sector Gathering & Boosting
  • Superación de los objetivos de intensidad de metano establecidos originalmente a través de la participación en ONE Future
  • Realización de encuestas aéreas de metano en todos los activos de recolección y procesamiento
  • Aumento de la frecuencia de monitoreo de metano en las estaciones de compresión y plantas de gas
  • Exportación de aproximadamente 5.6 mil millones de galones de GPL a nivel mundial, potencialmente reemplazando combustibles con mayores emisiones de GHG
  • Mejoramiento de los resultados de seguridad con una disminución del 25% en la Tasa Total de Incidentes Registrables de Empleados desde 2021
  • Recepción de nueve premios de reconocimiento de seguridad en el sector midstream
  • Mantenimiento de un alto nivel de contratación local e independencia de la junta directiva

El informe se alinea con los estándares GRI, IFRS, SASB Oil & Gas Midstream Standard y las directrices TCFD, demostrando el compromiso de Targa con marcos de reporte sostenible reconocidos.

Targa Resources Corp. (NYSE: TRGP)는 2023년 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표하며 환경, 사회 및 지배구조 분야에서 주요 성과를 강조했습니다. 회사 웹사이트에서 확인할 수 있는 이 보고서는 Targa의 지속 가능성 및 투명성에 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다.

주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • Gathering & Boosting 부문에서 메탄 강도 19% 감소
  • ONE Future 참여를 통해 설정된 초기 메탄 강도 목표 초과 달성
  • 모든 수집 및 처리 자산에 대한 항공 메탄 조사 실시
  • 압축기 스테이션 및 가스 플랜트에서의 메탄 모니터링 빈도 증가
  • 전 세계적으로 약 56억 갤런의 LPG 수출, 이로 인해 높은 GHG 배출 연료 대체 가능성
  • 2021년 이래로 직원 총 기록 가능한 사건 비율이 25% 감소하여 안전 성과 개선
  • 중간 산업 안전 인정 상 9개 수상
  • 지역 채용 및 이사회 독립성 높은 수준 유지

이 보고서는 GRI 표준, IFRS, SASB 석유 및 가스 중간 표준, TCFD 지침에 부합하며, Targa의 인정받는 지속 가능성 보고 프레임워크에 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다.

Targa Resources Corp. (NYSE: TRGP) a publié son Rapport de Durabilité pour 2023, mettant en avant des réalisations clés dans les domaines environnemental, social et de gouvernance. Le rapport, disponible sur le site web de l'entreprise, illustre l'engagement de Targa envers la durabilité et la transparence.

Parmi les réalisations notables figurent :

  • Une réduction de 19 % de l'intensité en méthane du secteur Gathering & Boosting
  • Dépassement des objectifs d'intensité en méthane fixés initialement par le biais de la participation à ONE Future
  • Réalisation d'enquêtes aériennes sur le méthane dans tous les actifs de collecte et de traitement
  • Augmentation de la fréquence de surveillance du méthane dans les stations de compression et les usines de gaz
  • Exportation d'environ 5,6 milliards de gallons de GPL dans le monde, remplaçant potentiellement des combustibles à plus fortes émissions de GES
  • Amélioration des performances de sécurité avec une diminution de 25 % du Taux Total d'Incidents Enregistrables des Employés depuis 2021
  • Obtention de neuf prix de reconnaissance pour la sécurité dans le secteur midstream
  • Maintien d'un haut niveau d'embauche locale et d'indépendance du conseil d'administration

Le rapport est conforme aux Normes GRI, aux IFRS, à la Norme SASB Oil & Gas Midstream et aux directives TCFD, démontrant l'engagement de Targa envers des cadres de reporting en matière de durabilité reconnus.

Targa Resources Corp. (NYSE: TRGP) hat seinen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht für 2023 veröffentlicht, der wichtige Erfolge in den Bereichen Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung hervorhebt. Der Bericht, der auf der Website des Unternehmens verfügbar ist, zeigt Targas Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und Transparenz.

Bemerkenswerte Erfolge umfassen:

  • Eine Reduzierung der Methanintensität im Bereich Gathering & Boosting um 19%
  • Übertreffen der ursprünglich durch die Teilnahme an ONE Future festgelegten Methanintensitätsziele
  • Durchführung von Luft-Methanuntersuchungen in allen Sammel- und Verarbeitungseinrichtungen
  • Steigerung der Methanüberwachungsfrequenz an Verdichtern und Gaswerken
  • Export von etwa 5,6 Milliarden Gallonen LPG weltweit, was potenziell fossile Brennstoffe mit höheren GHG-Emissionen verdrängt
  • Verbesserung der Sicherheitsleistung mit einer Reduzierung der Gesamthäufigkeit registrierbarer Vorfälle der Mitarbeiter um 25% seit 2021
  • Erhalt von neun Auszeichnungen für Sicherheitsanerkennung im Midstream-Bereich
  • Hochgradige lokale Einstellung und Unabhängigkeit des Vorstands beibehalten

Der Bericht entspricht den GRI-Standards, IFRS, SASB Oil & Gas Midstream Standards und den TCFD-Richtlinien und demonstriert Targas Engagement für anerkannte Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattungsrahmen.

  • None.
  • None.

HOUSTON, Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Targa Resources Corp. (NYSE: TRGP) ("Targa" or the "Company") announced today that its Sustainability Report for 2023 is now available on the Company’s website at The report advances Targa’s sustainability disclosures and provides a review of Targa’s performance for calendar year 2023 against various environmental, social, and governance topics that we believe are important to our industry and our business.

Highlights of Targa’s Sustainability Report for the 2023 calendar year include the following:

  • Decreased Gathering & Boosting (G&B) sector methane intensity by 19%;
  • Exceeded the original methane intensity goals established through the ONE Future participation;
  • Conducted aerial methane surveys at all gathering and processing assets;
  • Increased handheld camera methane monitoring to quarterly at all compressor stations and bi-monthly to all gas plants;
  • Exported approximately 5.6 billion gallons of liquefied petroleum gas (“LPG”) globally that can displace higher GHG-emitting fuels;
  • Realized continued safety performance with a 25% decrease in Employee Total Recordable Incident Rate since 2021;
  • Received nine (9) midstream safety recognition awards for exceptional safety records;
  • 95% of our new hires resided in the communities in which we operate;
  • 91% of Board of Directors are independent; 100% independent Audit, Compensation, Nominating and Governance, Risk Management, and Sustainability Committees;(1)
  • 36% of Board of Directors are women;(1) and
  • Board-level Sustainability Committee continues to oversee management’s implementation of strategy to integrate sustainability into various business activities to create long-term stakeholder benefits.

Please refer to the full sustainability report for additional context regarding these highlights as well as other sustainability matters. The report references the Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards’ (“IFRS”), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board’s (“SASB”) Oil & Gas Midstream Standard, and the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”). In addition, Targa engaged an external third party to perform an attest review engagement for certain greenhouse gas emissions and employee safety data metrics disclosed in Targa’s 2023 Sustainability Report for the year ended December 31, 2023.

(1) As of May 17, 2024.

About Targa Resources Corp.

Targa Resources Corp. is a leading provider of midstream services and is one of the largest independent midstream infrastructure companies in North America. The Company owns, operates, acquires and develops a diversified portfolio of complementary domestic midstream infrastructure assets and its operations are critical to the efficient, safe and reliable delivery of energy across the United States and increasingly to the world. The Company’s assets connect natural gas and NGLs to domestic and international markets with growing demand for cleaner fuels and feedstocks. The Company is primarily engaged in the business of: gathering, compressing, treating, processing, transporting, and purchasing and selling natural gas; transporting, storing, fractionating, treating, and purchasing and selling NGLs and NGL products, including services to LPG exporters; and gathering, storing, terminaling, and purchasing and selling crude oil.

Targa is a FORTUNE 500 company and is included in the S&P 500.

For more information, please visit the Company’s website at

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this release are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included in this release that address activities, events or developments that the Company expects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future, are forward-looking statements, including statements regarding our projected financial performance and capital spending. These forward-looking statements rely on a number of assumptions concerning future events and are subject to a number of uncertainties, factors and risks, many of which are outside the Company’s control, which could cause results to differ materially from those expected by management of the Company. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, weather, political, economic and market conditions, including a decline in the price and market demand for natural gas, natural gas liquids and crude oil, the impact of pandemics or any other public health crises, commodity price volatility due to ongoing or new global conflicts, actions by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (“OPEC”) and non-OPEC oil producing countries, the impact of disruptions in the bank and capital markets, including those resulting from lack of access to liquidity for banking and financial services firms, the timing and success of business development efforts and other uncertainties. These and other applicable uncertainties, factors and risks are described more fully in the Company’s Sustainability Report for 2023 and its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, and any subsequently filed Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Current Reports on Form 8-K. The Company does not undertake an obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Targa Investor Relations
(713) 584-1133


What are the key highlights of Targa Resources Corp's (TRGP) 2023 Sustainability Report?

Key highlights include a 19% decrease in G&B sector methane intensity, exceeding original methane intensity goals, conducting aerial methane surveys, increasing methane monitoring frequency, exporting 5.6 billion gallons of LPG globally, improving safety performance, and maintaining high levels of board independence and local hiring.

How has Targa Resources Corp (TRGP) improved its methane monitoring in 2023?

Targa conducted aerial methane surveys at all gathering and processing assets, increased handheld camera methane monitoring to quarterly at all compressor stations, and bi-monthly at all gas plants.

What safety improvements did Targa Resources Corp (TRGP) achieve in 2023?

Targa realized a 25% decrease in Employee Total Recordable Incident Rate since 2021 and received nine midstream safety recognition awards for exceptional safety records.

How does Targa Resources Corp (TRGP) contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions globally?

Targa exported approximately 5.6 billion gallons of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) globally in 2023, which can potentially displace higher GHG-emitting fuels.

What percentage of Targa Resources Corp's (TRGP) Board of Directors are women as of May 17, 2024?

As of May 17, 2024, 36% of Targa Resources Corp's Board of Directors are women.

Targa Resources Corp.


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Oil & Gas Midstream
Natural Gas Transmission
United States of America