Trex Expands Mid-Tier Composite Decking Options With New Performance-Engineered™ Boards

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Trex Company (NYSE: TREX) announces the expansion of its Trex Select® line, enhancing its mid-tier composite decking options. This spring, Trex will introduce three new colors with refined aesthetics and heat-mitigating technology to the Select line, aiming to solidify its position in the mid-tier market.

The new hues—Malted Barley, Millstone, and Whiskey Barrel—feature a new grain pattern with subtle streaking and refined embossing. These boards will be the industry's first mid-priced options with Trex's SunComfortable™ IR technology, designed to reflect the sun and keep the surface cooler.

Trex Select decking is submersible, rated for W.U.I. compliance, and ideal for marine and wildfire-prone areas. The boards come in 12', 16', and 20' lengths and support the Trex Hideaway® Hidden Fastener Collection for a smooth finish. They are backed by a 35-year Residential Warranty and a 10-year Commercial Warranty.

Made from up to 95% recycled content, Trex Select boards resist stains, scratches, and mold, and require no sanding, staining, or painting. The new products will be available in the Midwest and East Coast in April, with further expansion to the West Coast this summer.

Trex Company (NYSE: TREX) annuncia l'espansione della sua linea Trex Select®, migliorando le opzioni di decking composito di fascia media. Questa primavera, Trex presenterà tre nuovi colori con un'estetica raffinata e una tecnologia di mitigazione del calore per la linea Select, con l'obiettivo di consolidare la propria posizione nel mercato di fascia media.

I nuovi colori—Malted Barley, Millstone e Whiskey Barrel—presentano un nuovo motivo di venatura con striature sottili e una goffratura raffinata. Queste tavole saranno le prime opzioni di prezzo medio del settore dotate della tecnologia SunComfortable™ IR di Trex, progettata per riflettere il sole e mantenere la superficie più fresca.

Il decking Trex Select è submersibile, conforme agli standard W.U.I., ed è ideale per aree marine e soggette a incendi boschivi. Le tavole sono disponibili in lunghezze di 12', 16' e 20' e supportano la Collezione di Fissaggi Nascosti Trex Hideaway® per una finitura liscia. Sono coperte da una garanzia residenziale di 35 anni e una garanzia commerciale di 10 anni.

Realizzate con fino al 95% di materiali riciclati, le tavole Trex Select resistono a macchie, graffi e muffa, e non richiedono levigatura, verniciatura o pittura. I nuovi prodotti saranno disponibili nel Midwest e sulla Costa Est ad aprile, con ulteriori espansioni sulla Costa Ovest quest'estate.

Trex Company (NYSE: TREX) anuncia la expansión de su línea Trex Select®, mejorando las opciones de decking compuesto de gama media. Esta primavera, Trex presentará tres nuevos colores con una estética refinada y tecnología de mitigación del calor para la línea Select, con el objetivo de consolidar su posición en el mercado de gama media.

Los nuevos tonos—Malted Barley, Millstone y Whiskey Barrel—presentan un nuevo patrón de vetas con estrías sutiles y un embossing refinado. Estas tablas serán las primeras opciones de precio medio en la industria con la tecnología SunComfortable™ IR de Trex, diseñada para reflejar el sol y mantener la superficie más fresca.

El decking Trex Select es sumergible, cumple con la norma W.U.I., y es ideal para áreas marinas y propensas a incendios forestales. Las tablas vienen en longitudes de 12', 16' y 20' y son compatibles con la Colección de Sujetadores Ocultos Trex Hideaway® para un acabado suave. Están respaldadas por una garantía residencial de 35 años y una garantía comercial de 10 años.

Hechas con hasta un 95% de contenido reciclado, las tablas Trex Select resisten manchas, rayones y moho, y no requieren lijado, teñido ni pintura. Los nuevos productos estarán disponibles en el Medio Oeste y la Costa Este en abril, con una expansión adicional a la Costa Oeste este verano.

Trex Company (NYSE: TREX)는 Trex Select® 라인의 확장을 발표하며 중급 복합재 데크 옵션을 강화합니다. 이번 봄, Trex는 Select 라인에 세 가지 새로운 색상을 도입하여 세련된 미학과 열 완화 기술을 추가하여 중급 시장에서의 입지를 확고히 할 계획입니다.

새로운 색상—Malted Barley, Millstone, Whiskey Barrel—은 미세한 스트라이프와 정교한 엠보싱이 있는 새로운 나무 결 패턴을 특징으로 합니다. 이 보드는 Trex의 SunComfortable™ IR 기술를 갖춘 업계 최초의 중가 옵션으로, 태양을 반사하고 표면을 더 시원하게 유지하도록 설계되었습니다.

Trex Select 데크는 수중 사용이 가능하고 W.U.I. 기준을 충족하며 해양 및 산불 발생 위험 지역에 적합합니다. 보드는 12', 16', 20' 길이로 제공되며 매끄러운 마감을 위한 Trex Hideaway® 숨겨진 패스너 컬렉션을 지원합니다. 또한 35년 주거용 보증10년 상업용 보증이 제공됩니다.

최대 95%의 재활용 소재로 제작된 Trex Select 보드는 얼룩, 긁힘 및 곰팡이에 강하며 샌딩, 염색 또는 페인팅이 필요하지 않습니다. 새로운 제품은 4월에 중서부와 동부 해안에서 제공될 예정이며, 여름에는 서부 해안으로 추가 확장이 이루어질 것입니다.

Trex Company (NYSE: TREX) annonce l'expansion de sa ligne Trex Select®, améliorant ses options de terrasses en composite de milieu de gamme. Ce printemps, Trex introduira trois nouvelles couleurs avec une esthétique raffinée et une technologie de mitigation de la chaleur pour la ligne Select, visant à consolider sa position sur le marché de milieu de gamme.

Les nouvelles teintes—Malted Barley, Millstone et Whiskey Barrel—présentent un nouveau motif de grain avec des stries subtiles et un embossage raffiné. Ces planches seront les premières options de prix moyen de l'industrie à disposer de la technologie SunComfortable™ IR de Trex, conçue pour réfléchir le soleil et garder la surface plus fraîche.

Le decking Trex Select est submersible, conforme aux normes W.U.I., et idéal pour les zones maritimes et sujettes aux incendies de forêt. Les planches sont disponibles en longueurs de 12', 16' et 20' et soutiennent la Collection de Fixations Cachées Trex Hideaway® pour une finition lisse. Elles sont couvertes par une garantie résidentielle de 35 ans et une garantie commerciale de 10 ans.

Fabriquées avec jusqu'à 95 % de contenu recyclé, les planches Trex Select résistent aux taches, aux rayures et à la moisissure, et ne nécessitent ni ponçage, ni teinture, ni peinture. Les nouveaux produits seront disponibles dans le Midwest et sur la Côte Est en avril, avec une expansion supplémentaire sur la Côte Ouest cet été.

Trex Company (NYSE: TREX) kündigt die Erweiterung seiner Trex Select® Linie an, um die Optionen für Verbunddecking im mittleren Preissegment zu verbessern. In diesem Frühjahr wird Trex drei neue Farben mit verfeinertem Design und wärmeabweisender Technologie in die Select-Linie einführen, um seine Position im mittleren Markt zu festigen.

Die neuen Farbtöne—Malted Barley, Millstone und Whiskey Barrel—verfügen über ein neues Holzmaserungsmuster mit subtilen Streifen und verfeinerter Prägung. Diese Bretter werden die ersten mittleren Preisoptionen der Branche mit Trex's SunComfortable™ IR-Technologie sein, die dafür entwickelt wurde, die Sonne zu reflektieren und die Oberfläche kühler zu halten.

Trex Select Decking ist tauchfähig, erfüllt die W.U.I.-Standards und ist ideal für maritim gelegene und feuergefährdete Gebiete. Die Bretter sind in Längen von 12', 16' und 20' erhältlich und unterstützen die Trex Hideaway® Hidden Fastener Collection für eine glatte Oberfläche. Sie sind durch eine 35-jährige Wohngebäude-Garantie und eine 10-jährige Gewerbe-Garantie abgesichert.

Hergestellt aus bis zu 95 % recyceltem Material, sind Trex Select Bretter beständig gegen Flecken, Kratzer und Schimmel und benötigen kein Schleifen, Färben oder Streichen. Die neuen Produkte werden im April im Mittleren Westen und an der Ostküste erhältlich sein, mit einer weiteren Expansion an die Westküste in diesem Sommer.

  • Introduction of three new colors with refined aesthetics and heat-mitigating technology.
  • First mid-priced boards with SunComfortable™ IR technology, reflecting the sun and keeping the surface cooler.
  • Trex Select decking is submersible and W.U.I. compliant, ideal for marine applications and wildfire-prone areas.
  • Backed by a 35-year Residential Warranty and a 10-year Commercial Warranty.
  • Made from up to 95% recycled content, resisting stains, scratches, and mold.
  • Trex Select boards can still get hot to the touch under direct sunlight and high temperatures.


The strategic expansion of Trex's mid-tier Select line represents a calculated move to dominate all price segments in the composite decking market. By introducing SunComfortable™ IR technology in the mid-tier segment - a feature typically reserved for premium products - Trex is effectively creating a new sub-category that could disrupt traditional market segmentation.

The phased geographical rollout, starting with the Midwest and East Coast in April before expanding westward, suggests a carefully orchestrated supply chain strategy that allows for production optimization and targeted market penetration. This approach helps manage inventory levels while maximizing the impact during peak decking season.

The product enhancements address three critical market demands: aesthetic preferences (new colors and patterns), performance features (heat mitigation), and durability (solid board profile). The 35-year residential warranty positions the product as a premium offering at a mid-tier price point, potentially pressuring competitors to either upgrade their mid-tier offerings or risk market share erosion.

The timing of this launch is particularly strategic as it coincides with:

  • Growing consumer preference for outdoor living spaces
  • Increasing focus on sustainable building materials
  • Rising demand for heat-resistant outdoor products due to climate concerns

From a business perspective, strengthening the mid-tier offering could help Trex capture a larger share of the price-sensitive professional contractor market while maintaining its premium brand positioning. The enhanced product features and extended warranty suggest confident gross margins despite the mid-tier pricing, indicating effective cost management in production.

On-Trend Colors, Refined Aesthetics and IR Technology Added to Trex Select® Line

WINCHESTER, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Over the past several years, Trex Company (NYSE:TREX) has unveiled innovations that have solidified its position as the leader at both the premium and entry levels of the composite decking category. This spring, the world’s largest manufacturer of wood-alternative decking and railing will complete a strategic trifecta by strengthening its mid-tier offerings with the expansion of its Trex Select® line. Just in time for prime decking season, the company is rolling out three new colors featuring elevated aesthetics and performance – including the industry’s first mid-priced board with heat-mitigating technology.

Lighter hues with heat-mitigating technology now available in the Trex Select decking line. (Photo: Business Wire)

Lighter hues with heat-mitigating technology now available in the Trex Select decking line. (Photo: Business Wire)

“The Select line has held a pivotal position in Trex’s product portfolio for decades, providing a reliable mid-tier option, but it has been eclipsed in recent years by innovations at the premium and entry level ends of the spectrum,” explained Adam Zambanini, COO of Trex Company. “With these new additions, we aim to solidify our position in this vital space.”

Three New Hues, Performance-Driven Technology

To better align with current consumer preferences, the 2025 additions to the Trex Select line not only introduce a brightened color palette but an updated design aesthetic as well. Joining the existing shades of Saddle and Pebble Grey are three fresh, on-trend hues featuring a new grain pattern with subtle streaking and refined embossing:

  • Malted Barley – a warm earthy shade with soft and subtle grey undertones
  • Millstone – a natural, weathered grey with a timeless shadowed undertone
  • Whiskey Barrel – a rich, rustic brown complimented with cozy, refined streaking

Further differentiating these new offerings is the fact that they will be the first mid-tier options in the industry to feature Trex’s proprietary SunComfortable™ IR technology. Advanced heat-mitigation properties engineered into the shell of the boards reflect the sun and keep the surface cooler* than other composite decking offerings of a similar color.

“This breakthrough not only sets a new standard for comfort but also reinforces our position as a leader in performance-engineered decking solutions,” noted Zambanini. “In addition, Trex Select decking is also submersible and fully rated for W.U.I. (Wild Urban Interface) compliance, making it ideal for marine applications and areas susceptible to wildfires.”

Trex Select decking features a solid board profile that delivers increased durability, structural integrity and the ability to be curved. Boards come in 12’, 16’ and 20’ lengths and accommodate the Trex Hideaway® Hidden Fastener Collection, allowing for a smooth, unfettered finish free of nails and other visible fasteners. Further enhancing its appeal, Trex Select is backed by a 35-year Limited Residential and Fade & Stain Warranty and a 10-year Limited Commercial Warranty.

“Trex Select is uniquely positioned within the mid-tier price segment, particularly by being the one of a handful of decking products to feature heat-mitigating technology,” Zambanini added. “This advantage combined with the full board profile make Select ideal for price-conscious contractors, builders and homeowners who value durability, ease of installation and Trex’s trusted reputation.”

Like all Trex decking, Select boards are sustainably made from up to 95% recycled and reclaimed content and engineered with a proprietary, high-traffic formulation and ultra-durable integrated shell that resists stains, scratches and mold**. They won’t rot, warp, crack or splinter like wood, and upkeep is hassle-free. No sanding, staining or painting is ever needed, and spills wash off easily with just soap and water.

Trex Select will be available throughout the Midwest and East Coast in April, with further expansion to the West Coast this summer.

Follow for more information.

*Trex® SunComfortable™ products with heat-mitigating technology are designed to be cooler than most other composite decking products of a similar color. Although engineered to be more comfortable, they can still get hot to the touch when direct sunlight and high temperatures converge for extended periods of time. On such days, care should be taken.

**For details, see Trex’s Limited Warranty at

About Trex Company, Inc.

For more than 30 years, Trex Company [NYSE: TREX] has invented, reinvented and defined the composite decking category. Today, the company is the world’s #1 brand of sustainably made, wood-alternative decking and residential railing, and a leader in high performance, low-maintenance outdoor living products. The undisputed global leader, Trex boasts the industry’s strongest distribution network with products sold through more than 6,700 retail outlets across six continents. Through strategic licensing agreements, the company offers a comprehensive outdoor living portfolio that includes deck drainage, flashing tapes, LED lighting, outdoor kitchen components, pergolas, spiral stairs, fencing, lattice, cornhole and outdoor furniture – all marketed under the Trex® brand. Based in Winchester, Va., Trex is proud to have been named America’s Most Trusted® Outdoor Decking** 5 Years in a Row (2021-2025). The company was also recently included on Barron’s list of the 100 Most Sustainable U.S. Companies 2024, named one of America’s Most Responsible Companies 2024 by Newsweek and ranked as one of the 100 Best ESG Companies by Investor’s Business Daily. For more information, visit You may also follow Trex on Facebook (trexcompany), Instagram (trexcompany), X (Trex_Company), LinkedIn (trex-company), TikTok (trexcompany), Pinterest (trexcompany) and Houzz (trex-company-inc), or view product and demonstration videos on the brand’s YouTube channel (TheTrexCo).

**2021-2025 DISCLAIMER: Trex received the highest numerical score in the proprietary Lifestory Research 2021-2025 America’s Most Trusted® Outdoor Decking studies. Study results are based on the experiences and perceptions of people surveyed. Your experiences may vary. Visit

Sara Camp or Corinne Racine

L.C. Williams & Associates

312/565-3900 or 800/837-7123 or

Source: Trex Company, Inc.


What new features are being added to the Trex Select line?

Trex is adding three new colors with refined aesthetics and heat-mitigating technology to its Trex Select line.

What are the new colors available in the Trex Select line?

The new colors are Malted Barley, Millstone, and Whiskey Barrel.

What is SunComfortable™ IR technology in Trex Select boards?

SunComfortable™ IR technology is designed to reflect the sun and keep the surface cooler.

When will the new Trex Select products be available?

The new Trex Select products will be available in the Midwest and East Coast in April, with further expansion to the West Coast this summer.

What warranties are offered with Trex Select decking?

Trex Select decking comes with a 35-year Residential Warranty and a 10-year Commercial Warranty.

What makes Trex Select decking environmentally friendly?

Trex Select decking is made from up to 95% recycled and reclaimed content.

Is Trex Select decking suitable for high-traffic areas?

Yes, Trex Select decking is engineered with a high-traffic formulation and an ultra-durable integrated shell.

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