Tejon Ranch Co. Names New Senior Vice President- Corporate Communications and Public Affairs

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Tejon Ranch Co. (NYSE: TRC) has announced the appointment of Nicholas (Nick) T. Ortiz as Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs. Ortiz, who previously served as Vice President of Small Business Advocacy for the California Chamber of Commerce, will oversee the company's communications, brand image, government affairs, and key stakeholder engagement activities. He will also coordinate with the investor relations team to support Tejon Ranch's long-term growth objectives.

Gregory S. Bielli, President and CEO of Tejon Ranch Co., expressed excitement about bringing Ortiz back to Kern County, citing his expertise in developing strategies to inform and engage key audiences. Ortiz's background includes nearly eight years as President & CEO of the Greater Bakersfield Chamber and experience with various organizations in public affairs and policy.

Ortiz, a Kern County native, expressed enthusiasm for joining Tejon Ranch Company and supporting its efforts to boost housing availability, increase job opportunities, and spur economic development in Los Angeles County and Southern California.

Tejon Ranch Co. (NYSE: TRC) ha annunciato la nomina di Nicholas (Nick) T. Ortiz come Vice Presidente Senior, Comunicazioni Aziendali e Affari Pubblici. Ortiz, che in precedenza ha ricoperto il ruolo di Vice Presidente per la Difesa delle Piccole Imprese presso la California Chamber of Commerce, avrà la responsabilità della comunicazione dell'azienda, dell'immagine del marchio, delle relazioni governative e delle attività di coinvolgimento dei principali stakeholder. Coordinerà anche con il team delle relazioni con gli investitori per supportare gli obiettivi di crescita a lungo termine di Tejon Ranch.

Gregory S. Bielli, Presidente e CEO di Tejon Ranch Co., ha espresso il suo entusiasmo per il ritorno di Ortiz nella Contea di Kern, citando la sua esperienza nello sviluppo di strategie per informare e coinvolgere i principali pubblici. Il background di Ortiz include quasi otto anni come Presidente e CEO della Greater Bakersfield Chamber e un'esperienza con varie organizzazioni negli affari pubblici e nelle politiche.

Ortiz, originario della Contea di Kern, ha espresso entusiasmo per l'ingresso nella Tejon Ranch Company e per il sostegno ai suoi sforzi per aumentare la disponibilità di alloggi, incrementare le opportunità di lavoro e stimolare lo sviluppo economico nella Contea di Los Angeles e nel Sud della California.

Tejon Ranch Co. (NYSE: TRC) ha anunciado el nombramiento de Nicholas (Nick) T. Ortiz como Vicepresidente Senior de Comunicaciones Corporativas y Asuntos Públicos. Ortiz, quien anteriormente se desempeñó como Vicepresidente de Defensa de Pequeñas Empresas en la Cámara de Comercio de California, supervisará las comunicaciones de la empresa, la imagen de la marca, los asuntos gubernamentales y las actividades de participación de los principales interesados. También coordinará con el equipo de relaciones con inversores para apoyar los objetivos de crecimiento a largo plazo de Tejon Ranch.

Gregory S. Bielli, Presidente y CEO de Tejon Ranch Co., expresó su entusiasmo por el regreso de Ortiz al Condado de Kern, citando su experiencia en el desarrollo de estrategias para informar y comprometer a las audiencias clave. La trayectoria de Ortiz incluye casi ocho años como Presidente y CEO de la Greater Bakersfield Chamber y experiencia con varias organizaciones en asuntos públicos y políticas.

Ortiz, nacido en el Condado de Kern, expresó su entusiasmo por unirse a Tejon Ranch Company y apoyar sus esfuerzos para aumentar la disponibilidad de vivienda, incrementar las oportunidades de empleo y estimular el desarrollo económico en el Condado de Los Ángeles y el Sur de California.

Tejon Ranch Co. (NYSE: TRC)는 Nicholas (Nick) T. Ortiz를 수석 부사장, 기업 커뮤니케이션 및 공공 업무로 임명했다고 발표했습니다. Ortiz는 이전에 캘리포니아 상공회의소에서 소규모 비즈니스 옹호 담당 부사장을 역임했으며, 회사의 커뮤니케이션, 브랜드 이미지, 정부 업무 및 주요 이해 관계자 참여 활동을 감독합니다. 그는 또한 Tejon Ranch의 장기 성장 목표를 지원하기 위해 투자자 관계 팀과 협력할 것입니다.

Gregory S. Bielli, Tejon Ranch Co.의 회장 겸 CEO는 Ortiz가 Kern 카운티로 돌아오는 것에 대한 기대감을 표명했으며, 중요한 청중을 알리고 참여시키기 위한 전략 개발에 대한 그의 전문성을 언급했습니다. Ortiz의 경력에는 Greater Bakersfield Chamber의 회장 및 CEO로 거의 8년의 경험과 공공 업무 및 정책 관련 다양한 조직에서의 경험이 포함됩니다.

Kern 카운티 출신인 Ortiz는 Tejon Ranch Company에 합류하게 되어 기쁘고, 로스앤젤레스 카운티 및 남부 캘리포니아의 주택 공급 증가, 일자리 기회 확대 및 경제 개발을 위한 노력을 지원할 수 있게 되어 기쁘다고 밝혔습니다.

Tejon Ranch Co. (NYSE: TRC) a annoncé la nomination de Nicholas (Nick) T. Ortiz en tant que Vice-président senior, Communications d'entreprise et Affaires publiques. Ortiz, qui a précédemment occupé le poste de Vice-président de la Défense des petites entreprises à la Chambre de commerce de Californie, supervisera les communications de l'entreprise, l'image de marque, les affaires gouvernementales et les activités d'engagement des parties prenantes clés. Il coordonnera également avec l'équipe des relations investisseurs pour soutenir les objectifs de croissance à long terme de Tejon Ranch.

Gregory S. Bielli, Président et CEO de Tejon Ranch Co., a exprimé son enthousiasme à l'idée de ramener Ortiz dans le comté de Kern, citant son expertise dans le développement de stratégies pour informer et engager les publics clés. Le parcours d'Ortiz comprend près de huit ans en tant que Président et CEO de la Greater Bakersfield Chamber et une expérience au sein de diverses organisations dans les affaires publiques et les politiques.

Ortiz, originaire du comté de Kern, a exprimé son enthousiasme à rejoindre la Tejon Ranch Company et à soutenir ses efforts visant à accroître la disponibilité de logements, à créer des opportunités d'emploi et à stimuler le développement économique dans le comté de Los Angeles et dans le sud de la Californie.

Tejon Ranch Co. (NYSE: TRC) hat die Ernennung von Nicholas (Nick) T. Ortiz zum Senior Vice President für Unternehmenskommunikation und öffentliche Angelegenheiten bekannt gegeben. Ortiz, der zuvor als Vizepräsident für die Unterstützung kleiner Unternehmen in der Handelskammer von Kalifornien tätig war, wird die Kommunikation des Unternehmens, das Markenimage, die Regierungsangelegenheiten und die Aktivitäten zur Einbindung wichtiger Interessengruppen leiten. Er wird auch mit dem Investor-Relations-Team zusammenarbeiten, um die langfristigen Wachstumsziele von Tejon Ranch zu unterstützen.

Gregory S. Bielli, Präsident und CEO von Tejon Ranch Co., äußerte sich begeistert über die Rückkehr von Ortiz in den Kernkreis und verwies auf seine Expertise in der Entwicklung von Strategien zur Information und Einbindung wichtiger Zielgruppen. Ortiz' Hintergrund umfasst fast acht Jahre als Präsident und CEO der Greater Bakersfield Chamber sowie Erfahrungen mit verschiedenen Organisationen in den Bereichen öffentliche Angelegenheiten und Politik.

Ortiz, einheimisch aus dem Kernkreis, äußerte seine Begeisterung für die Mitarbeit bei der Tejon Ranch Company und für die Unterstützung ihrer Bemühungen zur Steigerung des Wohnungsangebots, zur Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen und zur Förderung der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung im Los Angeles County und in Südkalifornien.

  • Appointment of experienced executive Nick Ortiz as Senior VP of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs
  • Ortiz brings expertise in state natural resources policy, advocacy, and grassroots engagement strategies
  • Strategic hire to support long-term growth objectives and stakeholder engagement
  • None.

TEJON RANCH, Calif., Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tejon Ranch Co. (NYSE: TRC) announced today that Nicholas (Nick) T. Ortiz will join the company as Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs. In his position Ortiz will oversee the company’s communications, brand image, government affairs key stakeholder engagement activities, and will coordinate with our investor relations team; all in service of the Company’s long-term, growth-oriented goals for the company shareholders. 

Ortiz most recently served as Vice President of Small Business Advocacy for the California Chamber of Commerce (CalChamber) the state’s largest, broadest and most effective business association. In his role at CalChamber, Ortiz grew the local chamber relations throughout the state including Southern California.

“We’re excited to bring Nick Ortiz back to Kern County, to take on this important role for the company,” said Gregory S. Bielli, President and CEO of Tejon Ranch Co. “Having worked with Nick on important initiatives including the regional branding effort and the B3K economic collaboration, we’ve seen first-hand his acumen at developing strategies to inform and engage key audiences. Armed with recent experience in Sacramento and with chamber organizations around the state, Nick will be a real asset to the Tejon Ranch Company executive team.”

Ortiz is known for his expertise navigating state natural resources policy, developing advocacy and grassroots engagement strategies, and creating compelling brands and messaging.

Prior to his tenure at CalChamber, Ortiz spent nearly eight years as President & CEO of the Greater Bakersfield Chamber. A public affairs veteran, over the course of his career Ortiz has held positions with the Western States Petroleum Association, PG&E, the California State Assembly and the Silicon Valley Leadership Group.

“It’s a privilege to join the team at Tejon Ranch Company,” said Ortiz. “As a stakeholder, I’ve supported the company’s entitlement processes for all three master planned communities. As a Kern County native, I’ve seen the amenities the company has brought to the region, including the Outlets at Tejon. Finally, as a Californian, I’m excited about the company’s future and their efforts to boost housing availability, increase job opportunities, and spur economic development in Los Angeles County and Southern California. I’m thrilled by the prospect of watching the bold promise of Tejon Ranch become reality.”

Ortiz earned a Bachelor of Arts in Politics from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

About Tejon Ranch Company (NYSE: TRC) Tejon Ranch Company (NYSE: TRC) is a growth-oriented, diversified real estate development and agribusiness company whose principal asset is its 270,000-acre land holding located approximately 60 miles north of Los Angeles and 30 miles south of Bakersfield. Tejon Ranch is positioned for growth with its fully operational commercial/industrial real estate development and three master planned communities on the horizon.

More information about Tejon Ranch Co. can be found online at


Allen E. Lyda, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

Rebecca B. Bland, Director, Corporate Communications & Marketing


Who is the new Senior VP of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs at Tejon Ranch Co. (TRC)?

Nicholas (Nick) T. Ortiz has been appointed as the new Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs at Tejon Ranch Co. (NYSE: TRC).

What are Nick Ortiz's primary responsibilities at Tejon Ranch Co. (TRC)?

Nick Ortiz will oversee Tejon Ranch Co.'s communications, brand image, government affairs, key stakeholder engagement activities, and coordinate with the investor relations team to support the company's long-term growth objectives.

What was Nick Ortiz's previous position before joining Tejon Ranch Co. (TRC)?

Prior to joining Tejon Ranch Co., Nick Ortiz served as Vice President of Small Business Advocacy for the California Chamber of Commerce (CalChamber).

How does Tejon Ranch Co. (TRC) expect Nick Ortiz to contribute to the company's goals?

Tejon Ranch Co. expects Nick Ortiz to leverage his expertise in developing strategies to inform and engage key audiences, navigate state natural resources policy, and create compelling brands and messaging to support the company's long-term growth objectives.

Tejon Ranch Co.


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