ReposiTrak Traceability Network Grows to 4,000 Suppliers, Attracting Retailers and Wholesalers for Fast, Easy FSMA 204 Compliance

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ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK), the world's largest food traceability and regulatory compliance network, has reached a significant milestone with 4,000 food suppliers joining the ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). This growth facilitates easier compliance with the FDA's FSMA 204 food traceability final rule for retailers and wholesalers.

Key points:

  • Suppliers can share all FDA-required traceability data through RTN
  • Suppliers represent categories on the FDA's Food Traceability List (FTL) and beyond
  • RTN enables efficient exchange of Key Data Elements (KDEs) with multiple customers
  • Onboarding process is automated with no new hardware or software required
  • Suppliers can share data with unlimited in-network customers for a flat fee
  • FSMA 204 enforcement begins January 20, 2026

ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK), la rete di tracciabilità alimentare e di compliance normativa più grande al mondo, ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo con l'adesione di 4.000 fornitori di alimenti alla ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). Questa crescita facilita la conformità con la regola finale di tracciabilità degli alimenti FSMA 204 della FDA per i rivenditori e i grossisti.

Punti chiave:

  • I fornitori possono condividere tutti i dati di tracciabilità richiesti dalla FDA tramite RTN
  • I fornitori rappresentano categorie nell'elenco di tracciabilità degli alimenti della FDA (FTL) e oltre
  • RTN consente uno scambio efficiente di Elementi Chiave di Dati (KDE) con più clienti
  • Il processo di onboarding è automatizzato e non richiede nuove hardware o software
  • I fornitori possono condividere dati con un numero illimitato di clienti in rete per una tariffa fissa
  • L'applicazione della FSMA 204 inizia il 20 gennaio 2026

ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK), la red de trazabilidad alimentaria y cumplimiento normativo más grande del mundo, ha alcanzado un hito significativo con la incorporación de 4,000 proveedores de alimentos a la ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). Este crecimiento facilita el cumplimiento de la regla final de trazabilidad alimentaria FSMA 204 de la FDA para minoristas y mayoristas.

Puntos clave:

  • Los proveedores pueden compartir todos los datos de trazabilidad requeridos por la FDA a través de RTN
  • Los proveedores representan categorías en la Lista de Trazabilidad Alimentaria de la FDA (FTL) y más allá
  • RTN permite el intercambio eficiente de Elementos Clave de Datos (KDE) con múltiples clientes
  • El proceso de incorporación está automatizado y no requiere nuevo hardware ni software
  • Los proveedores pueden compartir datos con un número ilimitado de clientes en la red por una tarifa fija
  • La aplicación de FSMA 204 comienza el 20 de enero de 2026

ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK), 세계 최대의 식품 추적 및 규제 준수 네트워크가 4,000명의 식품 공급업체가 ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN)에 가입하는 중요한 이정표를 세웠습니다. 이 성장은 소매업체와 도매업체를 위해 FDA의 FSMA 204 식품 추적 최종 규정을 더 쉽게 준수할 수 있게 합니다.

주요 사항:

  • 공급업체는 RTN을 통해 FDA에서 요구하는 모든 추적 데이터를 공유할 수 있습니다.
  • 공급업체는 FDA의 식품 추적 목록(FTL) 및 그 이상에 있는 카테고리를 대표합니다.
  • RTN은 여러 고객과 Key Data Elements (KDE)의 효율적인 교환을 가능하게 합니다.
  • 온보딩 과정은 자동화되어 있으며 새로운 하드웨어나 소프트웨어가 필요하지 않습니다.
  • 공급업체는 고정 요금으로 네트워크 내의 무제한 고객과 데이터를 공유할 수 있습니다.
  • FSMA 204 시행은 2026년 1월 20일에 시작됩니다.

ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK), le plus grand réseau de traçabilité alimentaire et de conformité réglementaire au monde, a atteint un jalon important avec 4 000 fournisseurs alimentaires rejoignant le ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). Cette croissance facilite le respect de la règle finale de traçabilité des aliments FSMA 204 de la FDA pour les détaillants et les grossistes.

Points clés :

  • Les fournisseurs peuvent partager toutes les données de traçabilité exigées par la FDA via RTN
  • Les fournisseurs représentent des catégories dans la liste de traçabilité des aliments de la FDA (FTL) et au-delà
  • RTN permet un échange efficace des Éléments Clés de Données (KDE) avec plusieurs clients
  • Le processus d'intégration est automatisé et ne nécessite aucun nouveau matériel ou logiciel
  • Les fournisseurs peuvent partager des données avec un nombre illimité de clients en réseau pour un forfait fixe
  • L'application de la FSMA 204 commence le 20 janvier 2026

ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK), das weltweit größte Netzwerk für Lebensmittelsicherheit und gesetzliche Compliance, hat mit der Aufnahme von 4.000 Lebensmittelanbietern in das ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN) einen bedeutenden Meilenstein erreicht. Dieses Wachstum erleichtert die Einhaltung der endgültigen Regelung zur Lebensmittelsicherheit FSMA 204 der FDA für Einzelhändler und Großhändler.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Anbieter können sämtliche von der FDA erforderlichen Rückverfolgbarkeitsdaten über RTN teilen
  • Anbieter vertreten Kategorien in der FDA-Liste zur Lebensmittelsicherheit (FTL) und darüber hinaus
  • RTN ermöglicht den effizienten Austausch von Schlüssel-Daten-Elementen (KDE) mit mehreren Kunden
  • Der Onboarding-Prozess ist automatisiert und erfordert keine neue Hardware oder Software
  • Anbieter können Daten gegen eine Pauschalgebühr mit unbegrenzten Kunden im Netzwerk teilen
  • Die Durchsetzung der FSMA 204 beginnt am 20. Januar 2026
  • ReposiTrak has reached 4,000 food suppliers in its Traceability Network
  • The network facilitates compliance with FDA's FSMA 204 food traceability rule
  • Suppliers can share data with unlimited customers for a flat fee
  • Automated onboarding process with no new hardware or software required
  • None.


ReposiTrak's achievement of 4,000 suppliers in its Traceability Network is a significant milestone, indicating strong industry adoption ahead of the FSMA 204 compliance deadline. This growth demonstrates ReposiTrak's market leadership in food traceability solutions, potentially strengthening its competitive position.

The company's automated, hardware-free approach and flat-fee model for unlimited data sharing could be attractive for suppliers, potentially driving further network growth. For investors, this could translate to increased revenue streams and market share as more retailers and wholesalers join to leverage the existing supplier base.

However, with the compliance deadline not until January 2026, it's important to monitor the pace of adoption and any potential regulatory changes. The long lead time could allow competitors to develop rival solutions, potentially impacting ReposiTrak's first-mover advantage.

ReposiTrak's Traceability Network leverages a SaaS platform, which typically offers high scalability and recurring revenue potential. The network effect created by 4,000 suppliers could provide a significant competitive moat, as it becomes increasingly valuable for retailers and wholesalers to join where their suppliers are already present.

The company's emphasis on automated onboarding and no additional hardware requirements reduces friction for adoption, which is important in the B2B space. This low-barrier entry strategy could accelerate growth as the compliance deadline approaches.

Investors should consider the long-term technological scalability of the platform, as handling complex traceability data for thousands of companies will require robust infrastructure and data management capabilities. The success of this platform could position ReposiTrak for expansion into other regulatory compliance areas beyond food traceability.

Retailers and wholesalers find that many or most of their suppliers are traceability-ready, as the industry prepares with ReposiTrak

SALT LAKE CITY--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK), the world’s largest food traceability and regulatory compliance network, leveraging its established inventory management and out-of-stock reduction SaaS platform, has reached a major growth milestone, welcoming 4,000 food suppliers to the ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). Each supplier is in the process of connecting to RTN to share data as required under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s FSMA 204 food traceability final rule, making traceability easier for retailers and wholesalers.

“The industry is waking up to the fact that traceability is here. We can tell, because we’re doing it, while others are just talking about it,” said ReposiTrak Chairman and CEO Randy Fields. “Through RTN, we establish a connection with each supplier that enables them to share ALL of the FDA-required traceability data and not just what’s on the label. Suppliers can then share this data with any of their retailer or wholesaler customers, which makes it a practical solution for everyone involved.”

With a network of this size, retailers or wholesalers who are new to RTN find that many of their suppliers are already onboarding. The suppliers in the queue to connect to RTN represent each category on the FDA’s Food Traceability List (FTL) and beyond. Once connected to RTN, suppliers can efficiently exchange intricate, FDA-required Key Data Elements (KDEs) with any of their retailer or wholesaler customers, ensuring proactive compliance before FSMA 204 enforcement begins January 20, 2026. The onboarding process for suppliers is entirely automated, no new hardware or software is required, and suppliers can share data with an unlimited number of in-network customers for one low, flat fee.

Suppliers, retailers and wholesalers interested in learning more about food traceability and the ReposiTrak Traceability Network should contact ReposiTrak Chief Customer Officer Derek Hannum at

About ReposiTrak

ReposiTrak (NYSE: TRAK), formerly Park City Group, provides retailers, suppliers and wholesalers with a robust solution suite consisting of three product families: food traceability, compliance and risk management and supply chain solutions. ReposiTrak’s integrated, cloud-based applications are supported by an unparalleled team of experts. For more information, please visit

Derek Hannum

Chief Customer Officer


Source: ReposiTrak


How many suppliers are now part of ReposiTrak's Traceability Network (RTN)?

ReposiTrak's Traceability Network (RTN) has reached 4,000 food suppliers.

What is the purpose of ReposiTrak's Traceability Network for FSMA 204 compliance?

The ReposiTrak Traceability Network (RTN) enables suppliers to share FDA-required traceability data with retailers and wholesalers, making compliance with FSMA 204 easier.

When does FSMA 204 enforcement begin for ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK) users?

FSMA 204 enforcement begins on January 20, 2026, for all food industry participants, including ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK) users.

What are the benefits for suppliers using ReposiTrak's Traceability Network?

Suppliers using ReposiTrak's Traceability Network can share data with unlimited in-network customers for a flat fee, with an automated onboarding process and no new hardware or software required.

ReposiTrak, Inc.


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