ReposiTrak Adds 50 New Suppliers of Products Featuring Nut Butters to the Queue for the Rapidly Expanding Food Traceability Network
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK) has announced the addition of 50 new suppliers of nut butter products to its ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). The expansion comes as companies prepare to meet the FDA's January 2026 traceability requirements.
The new suppliers include established companies such as a decade-old manufacturer of plant-based organic protein bars, a 2012-founded energy food sector leader, and a century-old family-owned business specializing in nut and nut butter products.
The RTN platform enables efficient exchange of FDA-required Key Data Elements (KDEs) for Critical Tracking Events (CTEs) in supply chains. According to Randy Fields, ReposiTrak's chairman and CEO, the solution simplifies FSMA 204 compliance for both suppliers and retailers without requiring additional hardware or software. Suppliers can connect with unlimited trading partners and share data for a flat fee.
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK) ha annunciato l'aggiunta di 50 nuovi fornitori di prodotti a base di burro di noci alla sua ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). L'espansione avviene mentre le aziende si preparano a soddisfare i requisiti di tracciabilità della FDA previsti per gennaio 2026.
I nuovi fornitori includono aziende consolidate come un produttore di barrette proteiche biologiche a base vegetale attivo da un decennio, un leader del settore alimentare energetico fondato nel 2012 e un'azienda familiare con un secolo di storia specializzata in prodotti a base di noci e burro di noci.
La piattaforma RTN consente uno scambio efficiente degli Elementi Chiave di Dati (KDE) richiesti dalla FDA per gli Eventi di Tracciamento Critico (CTE) nelle catene di approvvigionamento. Secondo Randy Fields, presidente e CEO di ReposiTrak, la soluzione semplifica la conformità al FSMA 204 per fornitori e rivenditori senza richiedere hardware o software aggiuntivi. I fornitori possono connettersi con partner commerciali illimitati e condividere dati per una tariffa fissa.
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK) ha anunciado la incorporación de 50 nuevos proveedores de productos de mantequilla de nuez a su ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). La expansión se produce mientras las empresas se preparan para cumplir con los requisitos de trazabilidad de la FDA que entrarán en vigor en enero de 2026.
Los nuevos proveedores incluyen empresas consolidadas, como un fabricante de barras de proteínas orgánicas a base de plantas con una década de experiencia, un líder del sector de alimentos energéticos fundado en 2012 y una empresa familiar con un siglo de historia especializada en productos de nueces y mantequilla de nuez.
La plataforma RTN permite el intercambio eficiente de Elementos Clave de Datos (KDE) requeridos por la FDA para Eventos Críticos de Trazabilidad (CTE) en las cadenas de suministro. Según Randy Fields, presidente y CEO de ReposiTrak, la solución simplifica el cumplimiento de FSMA 204 para proveedores y minoristas sin necesidad de hardware o software adicional. Los proveedores pueden conectarse con socios comerciales ilimitados y compartir datos por una tarifa fija.
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK)는 50개의 새로운 공급업체를 ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN)에 추가했다고 발표했습니다. 이 확장은 기업들이 2026년 1월 FDA의 추적 요구 사항을 충족하기 위해 준비하는 가운데 이루어졌습니다.
새로운 공급업체에는 10년 된 식물성 유기농 단백질 바 제조업체, 2012년에 설립된 에너지 식품 분야의 선두주자, 그리고 100년 된 가족 소유의 견과류 및 견과류 버터 제품 전문 기업이 포함됩니다.
RTN 플랫폼은 공급망에서 FDA가 요구하는 주요 데이터 요소(KDE)를 위한 중요한 추적 이벤트(CTE)의 효율적인 교환을 가능하게 합니다. ReposiTrak의 회장 겸 CEO인 Randy Fields에 따르면, 이 솔루션은 공급업체와 소매업체 모두를 위해 FSMA 204 준수를 간소화하며 추가 하드웨어나 소프트웨어를 요구하지 않습니다. 공급업체는 무제한 거래 파트너와 연결하고 고정 요금으로 데이터를 공유할 수 있습니다.
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK) a annoncé l'ajout de 50 nouveaux fournisseurs de produits à base de beurre de noix à son ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). Cette expansion intervient alors que les entreprises se préparent à répondre aux exigences de traçabilité de la FDA qui entreront en vigueur en janvier 2026.
Les nouveaux fournisseurs comprennent des entreprises établies, telles qu'un fabricant de barres protéinées biologiques à base de plantes actif depuis une décennie, un leader du secteur alimentaire énergétique fondé en 2012 et une entreprise familiale centenaire spécialisée dans les produits à base de noix et de beurre de noix.
La plateforme RTN permet un échange efficace des Éléments de Données Clés (KDE) requis par la FDA pour les Événements de Traçabilité Critiques (CTE) dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement. Selon Randy Fields, président et PDG de ReposiTrak, la solution simplifie la conformité au FSMA 204 pour les fournisseurs et les détaillants sans nécessiter de matériel ou de logiciel supplémentaire. Les fournisseurs peuvent se connecter avec un nombre illimité de partenaires commerciaux et partager des données pour un tarif fixe.
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK) hat die Hinzufügung von 50 neuen Lieferanten von Nussbutter-Produkten zu seinem ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN) bekannt gegeben. Die Expansion erfolgt, während sich die Unternehmen auf die Rückverfolgbarkeitsanforderungen der FDA vorbereiten, die im Januar 2026 in Kraft treten.
Zu den neuen Lieferanten gehören etablierte Unternehmen wie ein seit einem Jahrzehnt aktiver Hersteller von pflanzlichen Bio-Proteinriegeln, ein 2012 gegründeter Marktführer im Bereich Energienahrung und ein seit einem Jahrhundert familiengeführtes Unternehmen, das sich auf Nüsse und Nussbutterprodukte spezialisiert hat.
Die RTN-Plattform ermöglicht den effizienten Austausch der von der FDA geforderten Schlüssel-Daten-Elemente (KDE) für kritische Rückverfolgbarkeitsereignisse (CTE) in den Lieferketten. Laut Randy Fields, dem Vorsitzenden und CEO von ReposiTrak, vereinfacht die Lösung die Einhaltung von FSMA 204 sowohl für Lieferanten als auch für Einzelhändler, ohne dass zusätzliches Hardware oder Software erforderlich ist. Lieferanten können sich mit unbegrenzten Handelspartnern verbinden und Daten gegen eine Pauschalgebühr austauschen.
- Expansion of network with 50 new suppliers indicates strong market adoption
- Platform requires no additional hardware/software investment from suppliers
- Unlimited trading partner connections available for a flat fee structure
- Strategic positioning ahead of FDA's 2026 regulatory requirements
- None.
ReposiTrak's addition of 50 new suppliers to its traceability network represents meaningful expansion of the company's customer base ahead of important regulatory deadlines. This development highlights the company's growing market position in food traceability services as the January 2026 FDA deadline approaches for compliance with Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA 204) requirements.
The expansion includes notable customer wins across established market segments, including organic protein bar manufacturers, energy food producers, and century-old family businesses in the nut product category. ReposiTrak's success in attracting these diverse suppliers demonstrates market validation for its software-as-a-service (SaaS) approach.
What stands out from a business model perspective is ReposiTrak's pricing strategy - suppliers pay a flat fee for unlimited trading partner connections. This approach is particularly attractive for suppliers who must exchange complex data elements with multiple partners, potentially creating strong retention once suppliers are integrated into the network.
The company's focus on a hardware-free solution that simplifies regulatory compliance positions it well in the food traceability space. This announcement signals positive customer acquisition momentum approximately 10 months before regulatory enforcement begins, suggesting ReposiTrak may benefit from accelerating adoption as the deadline approaches.
Ahead of regulatory deadlines, these 50 suppliers are queued to join ReposiTrak for its innovative, hardware-free traceability solutions
Among the 50 new suppliers are several renowned names. One supplier, founded more than a decade ago, is known for producing plant-based, organic protein bars and energy snacks. Another, founded in 2012, is a leader in the energy food sector, focusing on creating high-performance, healthy snack options with premium ingredients. Also joining is a family-owned company, established more than a century ago, known for its assortment of nut and nut butter products and commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing.
“ReposiTrak is delivering traceability for everyone by simplifying FSMA 204 compliance for both suppliers and retailers,” said Randy Fields, chairman and CEO of ReposiTrak. “As retailers make public commitments to traceability—often going beyond the FDA Food Traceability List—our solution ensures suppliers can meet and exceed FSMA 204 requirements while also fulfilling individual retailer needs. We make it easy for businesses to exchange traceability data efficiently and at scale.”
The ReposiTrak Traceability Network requires no additional hardware or software and the ReposiTrak team assists in making the connections needed under the new regulation. Suppliers can connect to an unlimited number of trading partners and share data for a low, flat fee.
About ReposiTrak
ReposiTrak (NYSE: TRAK) provides retailers, suppliers, food manufacturers and wholesalers with a robust solution suite to help reduce risk and remain in compliance with regulatory requirements, enhance operational controls and increase sales with unrivaled brand protection. Consisting of three product families – food traceability, compliance and risk management and supply chain solutions – ReposiTrak’s integrated, cloud-based applications are supported by an unparalleled team of experts. For more information, please visit
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Investor Relations Contact:
John Merrill, CFO
Rob Fink
Source: ReposiTrak