60 Diverse Grocery Suppliers Join the Queue to Connect to the Rapidly Growing ReposiTrak Traceability Network
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK), the world's largest food traceability and regulatory compliance network, announces the addition of 60 new diverse grocery suppliers to its ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). These suppliers will exchange FDA-required Key Data Elements (KDEs) for Critical Tracking Events (CTEs) to meet compliance deadlines by January 2026.
Among the new members are three notable companies: a snack manufacturer founded in 1871 known for animal crackers, America's Oldest Corned Beef Specialist established in 1883, and a global pork rind producer founded in 1947. The network's hardware-free solution enables suppliers to share traceability data with all customers for a flat fee, helping them meet both FDA requirements and broader retailer-driven demands.
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK), la rete di tracciabilità alimentare e conformità normativa più grande del mondo, annuncia l'aggiunta di 60 nuovi fornitori di generi alimentari diversificati alla sua ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). Questi fornitori scambieranno gli Elementi Chiave di Dati (KDE) richiesti dalla FDA per gli Eventi di Tracciamento Critico (CTE) per rispettare le scadenze di conformità entro gennaio 2026.
Tra i nuovi membri ci sono tre aziende notevoli: un produttore di snack fondato nel 1871 famoso per i cracker per animali, il più antico specialista di carne in scatola d'America fondato nel 1883 e un produttore globale di strisce di cotenna di maiale fondato nel 1947. La soluzione senza hardware della rete consente ai fornitori di condividere dati di tracciabilità con tutti i clienti per una tariffa fissa, aiutandoli a soddisfare sia i requisiti della FDA sia le più ampie richieste dei rivenditori.
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK), la red de trazabilidad alimentaria y cumplimiento normativo más grande del mundo, anuncia la incorporación de 60 nuevos proveedores de productos alimenticios diversos a su ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). Estos proveedores intercambiarán los Elementos Clave de Datos (KDE) requeridos por la FDA para los Eventos Críticos de Seguimiento (CTE) para cumplir con los plazos de conformidad antes de enero de 2026.
Entre los nuevos miembros se encuentran tres compañías notables: un fabricante de snacks fundado en 1871 conocido por sus galletas para animales, el especialista más antiguo en carne en conserva de América fundado en 1883, y un productor global de cortezas de cerdo fundado en 1947. La solución sin hardware de la red permite a los proveedores compartir datos de trazabilidad con todos los clientes por una tarifa plana, ayudándolos a cumplir tanto con los requisitos de la FDA como con las demandas más amplias impulsadas por los minoristas.
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK), 세계에서 가장 큰 식품 추적성 및 규제 준수 네트워크가 60개의 다양한 식료품 공급업체를 ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN)에 추가했다고 발표했습니다. 이 공급업체들은 FDA에서 요구하는 핵심 데이터 요소(KDE)를 중요한 추적 이벤트(CTE)에 대해 교환하여 2026년 1월까지 준수 기한을 맞출 것입니다.
새로운 회원 중에는 1871년에 설립된 동물 크래커로 유명한 스낵 제조업체, 1883년에 설립된 미국의 가장 오래된 콘 비프 전문점, 1947년에 설립된 글로벌 돼지 껍질 생산업체가 포함되어 있습니다. 이 네트워크의 하드웨어가 필요 없는 솔루션은 공급업체들이 모든 고객과 추적성 데이터를 공유할 수 있도록 하여 고정 요금으로 FDA 요구 사항과 더 넓은 소매업체의 요구를 충족하는 데 도움을 줍니다.
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK), le plus grand réseau de traçabilité alimentaire et de conformité réglementaire au monde, annonce l'ajout de 60 nouveaux fournisseurs de produits alimentaires diversifiés à son ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). Ces fournisseurs échangeront les Éléments Clés de Données (KDE) requis par la FDA pour les Événements de Suivi Critiques (CTE) afin de respecter les délais de conformité d'ici janvier 2026.
Parmi les nouveaux membres figurent trois entreprises notables : un fabricant de collations fondé en 1871 connu pour ses biscuits pour animaux, le plus ancien spécialiste de la viande en conserve d'Amérique établi en 1883, et un producteur mondial de peau de porc fondé en 1947. La solution sans matériel du réseau permet aux fournisseurs de partager des données de traçabilité avec tous les clients moyennant un tarif fixe, les aidant à répondre aux exigences de la FDA ainsi qu'aux demandes plus larges des détaillants.
ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK), das weltweit größte Netzwerk für Lebensmittetracierung und regulatorische Compliance, gibt die Hinzufügung von 60 neuen diversen Lebensmittelanbietern zu seinem ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN) bekannt. Diese Anbieter werden die von der FDA geforderten Schlüssel-Daten Elemente (KDE) für Kritische Verfolgungsereignisse (CTE) austauschen, um die Compliance-Fristen bis Januar 2026 einzuhalten.
Zu den neuen Mitgliedern gehören drei bemerkenswerte Unternehmen: ein Snackhersteller, der 1871 gegründet wurde und für Tierkekse bekannt ist, Amerikas ältester Spezialist für Corned Beef, der 1883 gegründet wurde, und ein globaler Hersteller von Schweineschwarte, der 1947 gegründet wurde. Die Hardware-freie Lösung des Netzwerks ermöglicht es den Anbietern, Rückverfolgbarkeitsdaten zu einem Festpreis mit allen Kunden zu teilen und ihnen zu helfen, die Anforderungen der FDA sowie die breiteren Anforderungen der Einzelhändler zu erfüllen.
- Expansion of network with 60 new grocery suppliers indicates strong market adoption
- Solution requires no additional hardware or software investment
- Flat fee pricing model for unlimited trading partner connections
- None.
This development signals a compelling acceleration in ReposiTrak's market penetration strategy, with several noteworthy implications for investors:
Strategic Market Position: The onboarding of 60 diverse suppliers, including three heritage brands (dating back to 1871, 1883 and 1947), demonstrates strong market validation. These established companies, with their complex supply chains and nationwide distribution networks, serve as powerful reference customers that could accelerate broader market adoption.
Revenue Model Advantages: The flat-fee, hardware-free approach addresses two critical market needs:
- Low barrier to entry for suppliers of all sizes
- Scalable revenue potential through unlimited trading partner connections
- Predictable recurring revenue through SaaS model
Regulatory Catalyst: The FDA's January 2026 deadline for enhanced traceability creates a compelling compliance driver. More significantly, retailers are expanding requirements beyond FDA-mandated categories, effectively multiplying the addressable market.
Competitive Moat: The network effect becomes increasingly valuable as more suppliers join - each new participant makes the platform more attractive to others in the ecosystem. The company's position as the 'world's largest food traceability network' creates a significant barrier to entry for competitors.
While supplier queuing indicates strong demand, the key metric to watch will be the conversion rate and speed of implementation. The platform's success in onboarding these 60 suppliers could serve as a template for rapid scaling across the industry.
Ahead of regulatory deadlines, these 60 suppliers are queued to join ReposiTrak for its innovative, hardware-free traceability solutions
Among the 60 new suppliers are three standout members with a rich history. One, founded in 1871, is best known for its iconic animal crackers and nationwide distribution of snacks and cookies from multiple
“Retailers are raising the bar on traceability by requiring data from suppliers in all food categories—not just those on the FDA’s Food Traceability List,” said Randy Fields, chairman and CEO of ReposiTrak. “By joining the ReposiTrak Traceability Network, suppliers are equipping themselves to meet these broader retailer-driven demands while also staying ahead of FDA requirements. Our hardware-free solution makes it easy for companies to share their traceability data with all of their customers in the network.”
The ReposiTrak Traceability Network requires no additional hardware or software and the ReposiTrak team assists in making the connections needed under the new regulation. Suppliers can connect to an unlimited number of trading partners and share data for a low, flat fee.
About ReposiTrak
ReposiTrak (NYSE: TRAK) provides retailers, suppliers, food manufacturers and wholesalers with a robust solution suite to help reduce risk and remain in compliance with regulatory requirements, enhance operational controls and increase sales with unrivaled brand protection. Consisting of three product families – food traceability, compliance and risk management and supply chain solutions – ReposiTrak’s integrated, cloud-based applications are supported by an unparalleled team of experts. For more information, please visit https://repositrak.com.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250211225574/en/
Investor Relations Contact:
John Merrill, CFO
Rob Fink
Source: ReposiTrak