25 Diverse Grocery Suppliers Queue Up for ReposiTrak’s Rapidly Expanding Food Traceability Network

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ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK), the world's largest food traceability and regulatory compliance network, is set to onboard 25 diverse grocery suppliers to its ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). This move comes as regulatory deadlines approach, with suppliers aiming to comply with FDA requirements well before the January 2026 deadline.

The new members include nationally recognized companies specializing in various categories, such as canned soups, fresh produce, and iced tea beverages. ReposiTrak's system is designed to exceed extensive retailer demands, offering full traceability solutions for any supplier, regardless of product category.

The RTN requires no additional hardware or software, and ReposiTrak assists in making necessary connections. Suppliers can connect to unlimited trading partners and share data for a low, flat fee, making it an efficient solution for compliance and traceability.

ReposiTrak (NYSE: TRAK), la rete di tracciabilità alimentare e conformità normativa più grande al mondo, è pronta ad accogliere 25 fornitori di generi alimentari diversi nella sua ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). Questa mossa arriva in vista delle scadenze regolatorie, con i fornitori che mirano a conformarsi ai requisiti della FDA ben prima della scadenza di gennaio 2026.

I nuovi membri includono aziende di riconoscimento nazionale specializzate in varie categorie, come zuppe in scatola, prodotti freschi e bevande al tè freddo. Il sistema di ReposiTrak è progettato per superare le elevate richieste dei rivenditori, offrendo soluzioni complete di tracciabilità per ogni fornitore, indipendentemente dalla categoria di prodotto.

La RTN non richiede hardware o software aggiuntivi, e ReposiTrak assiste nel creare le connessioni necessarie. I fornitori possono connettersi a partner commerciali illimitati e condividere dati per una tariffa fissa contenuta, rendendolo una soluzione efficiente per la conformità e la tracciabilità.

ReposiTrak (NYSE: TRAK), la red de trazabilidad alimentaria y cumplimiento normativo más grande del mundo, está lista para incorporar 25 proveedores de comestibles diversos a su ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). Este movimiento se produce a medida que se acercan los plazos regulatorios, con los proveedores buscando cumplir con los requisitos de la FDA mucho antes de la fecha límite de enero de 2026.

Los nuevos miembros incluyen empresas reconocidas a nivel nacional que se especializan en diversas categorías, como sopas enlatadas, productos frescos y bebidas de té helado. El sistema de ReposiTrak está diseñado para superar las exigencias de los minoristas, ofreciendo soluciones de trazabilidad completas para cualquier proveedor, sin importar la categoría del producto.

La RTN no requiere hardware o software adicional, y ReposiTrak ayuda a establecer las conexiones necesarias. Los proveedores pueden conectarse a socios comerciales ilimitados y compartir datos por una tarifa fija baja, haciéndolo una solución eficiente para el cumplimiento y la trazabilidad.

ReposiTrak (NYSE: TRAK), 세계 최대의 식품 추적 및 규제 준수 네트워크가 25개의 다양한 식료품 공급업체를 ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN)에 가입시키려고 합니다. 이 조치는 규제 기한이 다가오고 있는 가운데, 공급업체들이 2026년 1월 기한 이전에 FDA 요구 사항을 준수하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

새로운 회원에는 캔 수프, 신선 농산물, 아이스 티 음료 등 다양한 범주에서 전문화된 국가적으로 인정받는 기업들이 포함됩니다. ReposiTrak의 시스템은 광범위한 소매업체의 요구를 능가하기 위해 설계되어, 제품 범주에 관계없이 모든 공급업체에 대한 완전한 추적 솔루션을 제공합니다.

RTN은 추가 하드웨어나 소프트웨어를 필요로 하지 않으며, ReposiTrak은 필요한 연결을 만드는 데 도움을 줍니다. 공급업체는 무제한 거래 파트너에 연결하고 데이터를 공유할 수 있으며, 정액 요금으로 효율적인 준수 및 추적 솔루션을 제공합니다.

ReposiTrak (NYSE: TRAK), le plus grand réseau de traçabilité alimentaire et de conformité réglementaire au monde, s'apprête à intégrer 25 fournisseurs d'épicerie divers dans son ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). Cette initiative intervient alors que les délais réglementaires approchent, les fournisseurs cherchant à se conformer aux exigences de la FDA bien avant l'échéance de janvier 2026.

Les nouveaux membres comprennent des entreprises de renommée nationale spécialisées dans diverses catégories telles que les soupes en conserve, les produits frais et les boissons au thé glacé. Le système de ReposiTrak est conçu pour dépasser les exigences élevées des détaillants, offrant des solutions complètes de traçabilité pour tout fournisseur, quelle que soit la catégorie de produit.

Le RTN nécessite aucun matériel ou logiciel supplémentaire, et ReposiTrak aide à établir les connexions nécessaires. Les fournisseurs peuvent se connecter à un nombre illimité de partenaires commerciaux et partager des données pour un tarif fixe peu élevé, ce qui en fait une solution efficace pour la conformité et la traçabilité.

ReposiTrak (NYSE: TRAK), das größte Netzwerk für Lebensmittelsicherheit und behördliche Compliance weltweit, wird 25 verschiedene Lebensmittelzulieferer in sein ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN) aufnehmen. Dieser Schritt erfolgt, da die regulatorischen Fristen näher rücken, während die Zulieferer darauf abzielen, die Anforderungen der FDA noch vor der Frist im Januar 2026 zu erfüllen.

Zu den neuen Mitgliedern gehören landesweit anerkannte Unternehmen, die sich auf verschiedene Kategorien spezialisiert haben, wie zum Beispiel Dosen-Suppen, frisches Obst und Gemüse sowie Eistee-Getränke. Das System von ReposiTrak ist darauf ausgelegt, die umfassenden Anforderungen der Einzelhändler zu übertreffen, und bietet vollständige Rückverfolgbarkeitslösungen für jeden Lieferanten, unabhängig von der Produktkategorie.

Die RTN erfordert keine zusätzlichen Hardware- oder Softwarelösungen, und ReposiTrak hilft dabei, die erforderlichen Verbindungen herzustellen. Die Lieferanten können sich mit unbegrenzten Handelspartnern verbinden und Daten für eine niedrige Pauschalgebühr teilen, was es zu einer effizienten Lösung für Compliance und Rückverfolgbarkeit macht.

  • 25 new grocery suppliers joining ReposiTrak's Traceability Network
  • System designed to exceed retailer demands for full traceability
  • No additional hardware or software required for implementation
  • Low, flat fee for unlimited trading partner connections
  • None.

The shift towards extensive traceability solutions in the grocery sector, as demonstrated by 25 suppliers joining ReposiTrak’s network, indicates a significant transformation in industry standards. This is driven by regulatory requirements and increasing retailer demands. ReposiTrak’s hardware-free solution, facilitating seamless integration into supply chains, is a competitive edge. The move suggests that companies are prioritizing compliance and transparency, likely to enhance consumer trust and operational efficiency.

For retail investors, the rapid adoption of ReposiTrak's platform by major suppliers underscores potential growth in their client base and revenue streams. The timing ahead of regulatory deadlines reflects proactive industry behavior, suggesting long-term stability and reliability in their operations.

ReposiTrak’s traceability network leverages SaaS infrastructure to ensure compliance with FDA regulations without the need for additional hardware. This approach reduces barriers to entry, making it easier for suppliers to join and benefit from the network. The emphasis on sharing key data elements efficiently could set a new industry standard, making ReposiTrak an attractive investment in the tech-enabled logistics space.

The scalable, flat-fee pricing model is crucial. It allows suppliers of various sizes to participate, potentially boosting ReposiTrak's market penetration and scalability. Retail investors should note the technological simplicity and cost-effectiveness that may drive widespread adoption and sustained revenue growth.

From a financial perspective, ReposiTrak’s strategy to onboard diverse suppliers ahead of the 2026 FDA deadline reflects prudent management and strong market positioning. The company's ability to attract nationally recognized brands speaks volumes about its credibility and future revenue potential. The flat-fee structure ensures predictable revenue, while the network's scalability could lead to substantial client base expansion.

Investors should consider the long-term financial benefits of ReposiTrak’s comprehensive traceability solutions in an increasingly regulated industry. The proactive compliance measures by suppliers signal a healthy demand for such services, positioning ReposiTrak as a key player poised for growth.

As regulatory deadlines approach, 25 grocery suppliers from various sectors align with ReposiTrak for its state-of-the-art, hardware-free traceability solutions

SALT LAKE CITY--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ReposiTrak (NYSE:TRAK), the world’s largest food traceability and regulatory compliance network, leveraging its established inventory management and out-of-stock reduction SaaS platform, is preparing to welcome 25 various new grocery suppliers into the queue for the ReposiTrak Traceability Network® (RTN). These new members will efficiently exchange intricate, FDA-required Key Data Elements (KDEs) for each Critical Tracking Event (CTE) in their supply chains, ensuring proactive compliance well before the January 2026 deadline.

Among the 25 grocery suppliers specializing in various categories are nationally recognized companies with rich histories. The first, a cornerstone in the soup industry, is famed for its wide array of canned soups and broths, a staple in households for over a century. The second, a leader in fresh produce, is known for its extensive selection of pre-packaged salads and fresh vegetables, innovating in agricultural practices since its inception. The third, renowned for its signature iced tea beverages, has been a cultural icon with its affordable, large-volume offerings since its debut in the early 1990s.

“The growing participation in our ReposiTrak Traceability Network reflects a significant shift; retailers increasingly mandate traceability for all products, far beyond the FDA-mandated list,” stated Randy Fields, chairman and CEO of ReposiTrak. “Our system is perfectly equipped to exceed these extensive retailer demands, offering full traceability solutions for any supplier, regardless of their product category.”

The ReposiTrak Traceability Network requires no additional hardware or software and the ReposiTrak team assists in making the connections needed under the new regulation. Suppliers can connect to an unlimited number of trading partners and share data for a low, flat fee.

About ReposiTrak

ReposiTrak (NYSE: TRAK), formerly Park City Group, provides retailers, suppliers and wholesalers with a robust solution suite to help reduce risk and remain in compliance with regulatory requirements, enhance operational controls and increase sales with unrivaled brand protection. Consisting of three product families – food traceability, compliance and risk management and supply chain solutions – ReposiTrak’s integrated, cloud-based applications are supported by an unparalleled team of experts. For more information, please visit

Investor Relations Contact:

John Merrill, CFO



Rob Fink


Source: ReposiTrak


What is ReposiTrak's NYSE stock symbol?

ReposiTrak's NYSE stock symbol is TRAK.

How many new grocery suppliers are joining ReposiTrak's Traceability Network?

25 diverse grocery suppliers are joining ReposiTrak's Traceability Network.

When is the FDA deadline for compliance with new traceability requirements?

The FDA deadline for compliance with new traceability requirements is January 2026.

Does ReposiTrak's Traceability Network require additional hardware or software?

No, ReposiTrak's Traceability Network does not require any additional hardware or software.

ReposiTrak, Inc.


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