KBRA Assigns Rating to TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund's $400 Million Senior Unsecured Notes Due in 2028 and 2029

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KBRA has assigned a BBB rating with a Stable outlook to TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund's (TCAP) $400 million senior unsecured notes due in 2028 and 2029. The notes are divided into three tranches: a 4-year $85 million fixed rate, a 5-year $290 million fixed rate, and a 5-year $25 million floating rate. The proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes and to pay down secured credit facilities.

Key factors supporting the rating include TCAP's ties to TPG Angelo Gordon's $86 billion investment platform, a solid management team, and a well-diversified $2.3 billion investment portfolio. The company's gross leverage was 0.96x as of June 30, 2024, with a target leverage of 1.10x or less. Counterbalancing factors include the unseasoned portfolio, potential risks related to illiquid investments, and an uncertain economic environment.

KBRA ha assegnato un rating BBB con prospettive stabili alle note senior non garantite da TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund (TCAP) del valore di 400 milioni di dollari in scadenza nel 2028 e 2029. Le note sono suddivise in tre tranche: una tranche a tasso fisso di 85 milioni di dollari per 4 anni, una tranche a tasso fisso di 290 milioni di dollari per 5 anni e una tranche a tasso variabile di 25 milioni di dollari per 5 anni. I proventi saranno utilizzati per scopi aziendali generali e per ridurre i crediti garantiti.

I fattori chiave a sostegno del rating includono i legami di TCAP con la piattaforma di investimento da 86 miliardi di dollari di TPG Angelo Gordon, un team di gestione solido e un portafoglio di investimento diversificato da 2,3 miliardi di dollari. L'indebitamento lordo dell'azienda era pari a 0,96x al 30 giugno 2024, con un target di indebitamento di 1,10x o inferiore. I fattori di controbilanciamento includono un portafoglio non consolidato, i potenziali rischi legati a investimenti illiquidi e un ambiente economico incerto.

KBRA ha asignado una con perspectiva estable a las notas senior no garantizadas del TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund (TCAP) por un valor de 400 millones de dólares que vencen en 2028 y 2029. Las notas se dividen en tres tramos: uno a tasa fija de 85 millones de dólares a 4 años, otro a tasa fija de 290 millones de dólares a 5 años, y uno más a tasa variable de 25 millones de dólares a 5 años. Los ingresos se utilizarán para fines corporativos generales y para reducir las facilidades de crédito garantizadas.

Los factores clave que respaldan la calificación incluyen los vínculos de TCAP con la plataforma de inversión de 86 mil millones de dólares de TPG Angelo Gordon, un sólido equipo de gestión y un portafolio de inversiones diversificado de 2.3 mil millones de dólares. El apalancamiento bruto de la compañía era de 0.96x hasta el 30 de junio de 2024, con un objetivo de apalancamiento de 1.10x o menos. Los factores que contrarrestan incluyen un portafolio no experimentado, riesgos potenciales relacionados con inversiones ilíquidas y un entorno económico incierto.

KBRA는 TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund (TCAP)의 2028년 및 2029년 만기 4억 달러 규모의 비담보 시니어 채권에 BBB 등급안정적 전망을 부여했습니다. 채권은 3개 트랜치로 나뉘며, 4년 만기 고정금리 8,500만 달러, 5년 만기 고정금리 2억 9천만 달러, 5년 만기 변동금리 2,500만 달러로 구성되어 있습니다. 수익금은 일반 법인 목적 및 담보 신용 시설 상환에 사용될 것입니다.

등급을 뒷받침하는 주요 요소로는 TCAP의 TPG 앙겔로 고든의 860억 달러 투자 플랫폼과의 연계, 탄탄한 경영진, 23억 달러 규모의 잘 분산된 투자 포트폴리오가 있습니다. 2024년 6월 30일 기준으로 회사의 총 레버리지는 0.96배였으며, 목표 레버리지는 1.10배 이하입니다. 이와 반대되는 요소로는 미성숙 포트폴리오, 유동성이 부족한 투자와 관련된 잠재적 위험, 불확실한 경제 환경이 있습니다.

KBRA a attribué une note BBB avec une perspective stable aux obligations senior non garanties du TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund (TCAP) d'une valeur de 400 millions de dollars arrivant à échéance en 2028 et 2029. Les obligations sont divisées en trois tranches : une tranche à taux fixe de 85 millions de dollars sur 4 ans, une tranche à taux fixe de 290 millions de dollars sur 5 ans et une tranche à taux variable de 25 millions de dollars sur 5 ans. Les produits seront utilisés à des fins corporatives générales et pour rembourser des facilités de crédit garanties.

Les facteurs clés soutenant la note comprennent les liens de TCAP avec la plateforme d'investissement de 86 milliards de dollars de TPG Angelo Gordon, une équipe de gestion solide et un portefeuille d'investissement bien diversifié de 2,3 milliards de dollars. L'endettement brut de l'entreprise était de 0,96x au 30 juin 2024, avec un objectif d'endettement de 1,10x ou moins. Les facteurs de contrebalancement comprennent le portefeuille non mûr, les risques potentiels liés à des investissements illiquides et un environnement économique incertain.

KBRA hat dem TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund (TCAP) für die 400 Millionen US-Dollar umfassenden unbesicherten Senior Notes mit Fälligkeiten 2028 und 2029 ein BBB-Rating mit stabiler Aussicht zugewiesen. Die Notes sind in drei Tranchen unterteilt: eine 4-jährige Tranchen zu einem Festzinssatz von 85 Millionen US-Dollar, eine 5-jährige Tranchen zu einem Festzinssatz von 290 Millionen US-Dollar und eine 5-jährige Tranchen zu einem variablen Zinssatz von 25 Millionen US-Dollar. Die Einnahmen werden für allgemeine Unternehmenszwecke und zur Abzahlung gesicherter Kredite verwendet.

Schlüssel-Faktoren, die das Rating unterstützen, sind die Verbindung von TCAP zur 86 Milliarden US-Dollar umfassenden Investitionsplattform von TPG Angelo Gordon, ein solides Managementteam und ein gut diversifiziertes Investitionsportfolio von 2,3 Milliarden US-Dollar. Die Bruttoverschuldung des Unternehmens lag zum 30. Juni 2024 bei 0,96x, mit einer Zielverschuldung von 1,10x oder weniger. Gegenläufige Faktoren umfassen das nicht ausgereifte Portfolio, potenzielle Risiken im Zusammenhang mit illiquiden Investitionen und ein unsicheres wirtschaftliches Umfeld.

  • BBB rating assigned to $400 million senior unsecured notes
  • Well-diversified $2.3 billion investment portfolio across 217 companies and 38 sectors
  • Low gross leverage of 0.96x as of June 30, 2024
  • Strong asset coverage of 204%, providing a 36% cushion to regulatory minimum
  • Increased credit facility by $675 million after quarter-end, adding substantial liquidity
  • Unseasoned portfolio adds uncertainty to future performance
  • First non-accrual added in Q2 2024, though minimal at 0.1% of portfolio cost
  • Concentration risk in Health Care sector (28.9% of portfolio)
  • Potential risks from illiquid investments and uncertain economic environment


TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund's (TCAP) $400 million senior unsecured notes issuance is a significant move that strengthens its capital structure. The BBB rating from KBRA reflects the fund's solid positioning in the middle market lending space.

Key positives include:

  • Strong backing from TPG Angelo Gordon's $86 billion platform
  • Well-diversified $2.3 billion portfolio, primarily in first-lien loans
  • Low leverage (0.96x) and strong asset coverage (204%)
  • Improved liquidity post-issuance

However, investors should note the unseasoned nature of the portfolio and potential risks in the current economic environment. The shift towards more unsecured debt (increasing from 19.5% to ~48% of total debt) provides flexibility but also increases the risk profile slightly.

Overall, this issuance enhances TCAP's financial position and supports its growth strategy in the competitive BDC landscape.

The BBB rating assigned by KBRA to TCAP's notes reflects a balanced risk profile. The fund's ties to TPG Angelo Gordon and now TPG Inc. provide robust institutional support, enhancing its market position and deal sourcing capabilities.

Key credit strengths include:

  • High-quality portfolio with 97% senior secured first lien loans
  • Low non-accrual rate of 0.1%
  • Conservative leverage target of 1.10x or less
  • Adequate liquidity with $235.7 million in cash and credit line availability

However, the unseasoned nature of the portfolio and concentration in healthcare (28.9%) present some risks. The current economic uncertainties and rising interest rates could potentially impact portfolio performance.

The notes issuance improves TCAP's debt maturity profile and increases financial flexibility. While it raises the unsecured debt portion, it aligns with industry trends and supports growth. Investors should monitor portfolio performance and economic conditions closely.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- KBRA assigns a BBB rating to TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund's ("TCAP" or "the company") (fka AG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund) $400 million senior unsecured notes due in 2028 and 2029. The notes comprise three tranches: a 4-year, $85 million fixed rate tranche due October 15, 2028, with coupon rate of 6.42%; a 5-year, $290 million fixed rate tranche due October 15, 2029, with coupon rate of 6.52%; and a 5-year, $25 million floating rate tranche due October 15, 2029, priced at SOFR +324. Funding for the $290 million tranche is expected in three phases: $100 million on October 15, 2024; $100 million on November 14, 2024; and $90 million on December 12, 2024. The rating Outlook is Stable. The proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes and to pay down secured credit facilities.

Key Credit Considerations

The rating and Outlook are supported by TCAP’s ties to TPG Angelo Gordon’s $86 billion investment platform, with $24 billion of direct lending within the TPG Twin Brook Capital Partners middle market lending platform, that allows for SEC exemptive relief to co-invest with TPG Angelo Gordon affiliated funds. TPG Angelo Gordon provides the company with robust deal sourcing, a strong sponsor network, and extensive banking relationships. More recently, TPG Inc., a global alternative asset manager, acquired TPG Angelo Gordon, resulting in an aggregate of $222 billion of AUM and further strengthening the company’s support base. TCAP has a solid management team, which has a long track record working with the private debt markets with each member of senior management having 15 or more years of experience in the industry. The rating is also supported by TCAP’s growing and well-diversified $2.3 billion investment portfolio comprised almost entirely of senior secured first lien loans (97%) to 217 portfolio companies across 38 sectors in primarily the lower middle market at 2Q24. As of June 30, 2024, the portfolio companies had a weighted average EBITDA of $19.3 million, were largely sponsor backed with meaningful equity cushions with low LTVs and interest coverage of 2.1x, using a “current quarter” calculation. Health Care Providers & Services (28.9%), Media (10.1%), and Diversified Consumer Services (5.4%) are the leading portfolio industries. Although the investment portfolio is concentrated in the Health Care sector, this concentration is mitigated by several factors, including the credit platform’s expertise within the industry and strong subsector diversity. As an unseasoned portfolio, in 2Q24 TCAP added its first non-accrual, Innovative FlexPak, LLC, with an FV of $2.5 million and a cost of $3.3 million, resulting in non-accruals at cost and FV of 0.1%.

As of June 30, 2024, the company's gross leverage was 0.96x and asset coverage was 204%, providing for a solid 36% cushion to the 150% regulatory minimum. Target leverage of 1.10x or less is somewhat lower than traditional BDC peers to ensure sufficient liquidity for potential redemptions as a perpetual-life BDC in less favorable markets. There is adequate liquidity with bank credit line availability and unrestricted cash of $235.7 million with no near-term debt maturities and $621.4 million of unfunded commitments as of June 30, 2024. A portion of the unfunded commitments are tied to covenants, and transactions and are not expected to be drawn while additional equity capital is raised quarterly, including ~$225 million in 2Q24. In addition, after quarter-end, the company increased its credit facility by $675 million, adding substantial liquidity. As of June 30, 2024, unsecured debt to total debt was 19.5%; this unsecured issuance results in pro forma unsecured debt to total debt of ~48%.

Counterbalancing these credit strengths is the unseasoned portfolio that provides an element of uncertainty with respect to future performance. Further counterbalancing the company’s strengths are the potential risk related to the company’s illiquid investments, retained earnings constraints as a regulated investment company (RIC), and a more uncertain economic environment with high interest rates, geopolitical risks, and the potential of increasing non-accruals.

Formed in 2022 as a Delaware Statutory Trust, TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund is a non-diversified, closed-end externally managed business development company that has elected to be treated as a Business Development Company under the 1940 Act and as a RIC, which, among other things, must distribute to its shareholders at least 90% of the company's investment taxable income. The company is managed by AGTB Fund Manager, LLC (“Advisor”), an affiliate of TPG Angelo Gordon (“Angelo Gordon”) that was acquired by TPG, Inc. (NASDAQ: TPG) in 2023.

Rating Sensitivities

A rating upgrade is not expected in the medium term. The Outlook could be revised to Negative, or the rating could be downgraded, if a prolonged downturn in the U.S. economy has a material impact on performance, including increased non-accruals and a significant rise in leverage. An increased focus on riskier investments or a change in the current management structure and/or a change in strategy and risk management that negatively impacts credit metrics could also pressure ratings.

To access rating and relevant documents, click here.



A description of all substantially material sources that were used to prepare the credit rating and information on the methodology(ies) (inclusive of any material models and sensitivity analyses of the relevant key rating assumptions, as applicable) used in determining the credit rating is available in the Information Disclosure Form(s) located here.

Information on the meaning of each rating category can be located here.

Further disclosures relating to this rating action are available in the Information Disclosure Form(s) referenced above. Additional information regarding KBRA policies, methodologies, rating scales and disclosures are available at

About KBRA

Kroll Bond Rating Agency, LLC (KBRA) is a full-service credit rating agency registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as an NRSRO. Kroll Bond Rating Agency Europe Limited is registered as a CRA with the European Securities and Markets Authority. Kroll Bond Rating Agency UK Limited is registered as a CRA with the UK Financial Conduct Authority. In addition, KBRA is designated as a designated rating organization by the Ontario Securities Commission for issuers of asset-backed securities to file a short form prospectus or shelf prospectus. KBRA is also recognized by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners as a Credit Rating Provider.

Doc ID: 1005990

Analytical Contacts

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+1 301-960-7045

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+1 646-731-2386

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Source: Kroll Bond Rating Agency, LLC


What rating did KBRA assign to TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund's notes?

KBRA assigned a BBB rating with a Stable outlook to TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund's $400 million senior unsecured notes due in 2028 and 2029.

How is TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund's $400 million note offering structured?

The notes are divided into three tranches: a 4-year $85 million fixed rate tranche due October 15, 2028, a 5-year $290 million fixed rate tranche due October 15, 2029, and a 5-year $25 million floating rate tranche due October 15, 2029.

What was TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund's gross leverage as of June 30, 2024?

As of June 30, 2024, TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund's gross leverage was 0.96x, with a target leverage of 1.10x or less.

How diversified is TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund's investment portfolio?

TPG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund has a well-diversified $2.3 billion investment portfolio comprised of 217 portfolio companies across 38 sectors, primarily in the lower middle market.

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