Trio Reports Notable Increases in Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves

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Trio Petroleum Corp (NYSE American: TPET) has reported significant increases in estimated oil and gas reserves and future net cash flows at its South Salinas Project in Monterey County, California. The company's updated reserve report, effective April 30, 2024, shows:

  • A $67 million increase in estimated discounted (at 10%) net cash flow, reaching $475 million
  • Probable (P2) Undeveloped Reserves of approximately 40 million stock tank barrels of oil and 42 billion cubic feet of gas
  • An Undiscounted Net Cash Flow of approximately $2.1 billion

CEO Robin Ross attributes this improvement to successful operational investments and focused efforts on optimizing current production and increasing lease and working interest acquisitions.

Trio Petroleum Corp (NYSE American: TPET) ha riportato significativi aumenti delle riserve stimate di petrolio e gas e dei flussi di cassa netti futuri nel suo progetto South Salinas nella contea di Monterey, California. Il rapporto aggiornato sulle riserve dell'azienda, valido dal 30 aprile 2024, mostra:

  • Un incremento di 67 milioni di dollari nel flusso di cassa netto scontato (al 10%), raggiungendo 475 milioni di dollari
  • Riserve Probabili (P2) non sviluppate di circa 40 milioni di barili di petrolio e 42 miliardi di piedi cubi di gas
  • Un flusso di cassa netto non scontato di circa 2,1 miliardi di dollari

Il CEO Robin Ross attribuisce questo miglioramento agli investimenti operativi di successo e agli sforzi mirati per ottimizzare la produzione attuale e aumentare le acquisizioni di lease e interessi operativi.

Trio Petroleum Corp (NYSE American: TPET) ha reportado incrementos significativos en las reservas estimadas de petróleo y gas y en los flujos de caja netos futuros de su proyecto South Salinas en el condado de Monterey, California. El informe actualizado sobre reservas de la compañía, efectivo el 30 de abril de 2024, muestra:

  • Un incremento de 67 millones de dólares en el flujo de caja neto descontado (al 10%), alcanzando 475 millones de dólares
  • Reservas Probables (P2) no desarrolladas de aproximadamente 40 millones de barriles de petróleo y 42 mil millones de pies cúbicos de gas
  • Un flujo de caja neto no descontado de aproximadamente 2.1 mil millones de dólares

El CEO Robin Ross atribuye esta mejora a las inversiones operativas exitosas y los esfuerzos concentrados en optimizar la producción actual y aumentar las adquisiciones de arrendamientos e intereses de trabajo.

Trio Petroleum Corp (NYSE American: TPET)는 캘리포니아 몬터레이 카운티에 위치한 South Salinas 프로젝트에서 추정된 석유 및 가스 매장량과 미래의 순 현금 흐름이 크게 증가했다고 보고했습니다. 2024년 4월 30일 기준의 업데이트된 보고서는 다음과 같은 내용을 보여줍니다:

  • 할인된 순 현금 흐름(10% 기준)이 6700만 달러 증가하여 4억 7500만 달러에 도달했습니다.
  • 4000만 배럴의 석유와 420억 입방피트의 가스가 포함된 확실한(P2) 미개발 매장량
  • 21억 달러비할인 순 현금 흐름

CEO Robin Ross는 이러한 개선이 성공적인 운영 투자와 현재 생산 최적화 및 임대와 작업 권리 취득의 집중적인 노력 덕분이라고 설명했습니다.

Trio Petroleum Corp (NYSE American: TPET) a signalé des augmentations significatives des réserves estimées de pétrole et de gaz ainsi que des flux de trésorerie nets futurs de son projet South Salinas dans le comté de Monterey, Californie. Le rapport de réserve mis à jour de l'entreprise, valable à partir du 30 avril 2024, indique :

  • Une augmentation de 67 millions de dollars du flux de trésorerie net actualisé (à 10%), atteignant 475 millions de dollars
  • Réserves probables (P2) non développées d'environ 40 millions de barils de pétrole et 42 milliards de pieds cubes de gaz
  • Un flux de trésorerie net non actualisé d'environ 2,1 milliards de dollars

Le PDG Robin Ross attribue cette amélioration à des investissements opérationnels réussis et à des efforts ciblés pour optimiser la production actuelle et augmenter les acquisitions de baux et d'intérêts opérationnels.

Die Trio Petroleum Corp (NYSE American: TPET) hat signifikante Steigerungen der geschätzten Öl- und Gasreserven sowie der künftigen Nettobarflüsse in ihrem South Salinas Projekt im Monterey County, Kalifornien, gemeldet. Der aktualisierte Reservenbericht des Unternehmens, gültig ab dem 30. April 2024, zeigt:

  • Ein Anstieg von 67 Millionen Dollar im geschätzten diskontierten (auf 10%) Nettobarfluss, der 475 Millionen Dollar erreicht
  • Wahrscheinliche (P2) unentwickelte Reserven von etwa 40 Millionen Barrel Öl und 42 Milliarden Kubikfuß Gas
  • Ein undiskontierter Nettobarfluss von etwa 2,1 Milliarden Dollar

CEO Robin Ross führt diese Verbesserung auf erfolgreiche betriebliche Investitionen und konzentrierte Bemühungen zur Optimierung der aktuellen Produktion sowie zur Erhöhung von Pacht- und Betriebsinteressenseinkäufen zurück.

  • Increase of $67 million in estimated discounted net cash flow, reaching $475 million
  • Probable (P2) Undeveloped Reserves of 40 million stock tank barrels of oil and 42 billion cubic feet of gas
  • Undiscounted Net Cash Flow of approximately $2.1 billion
  • Increased lease and working interest acquisitions
  • Progress in permitting process and discussions for potential carbon capture and storage project
  • None.

The updated reserve report for Trio Petroleum Corp shows a significant increase in estimated discounted net cash flow, rising by $67 million to $475 million. This 16.4% increase is substantial and reflects positively on the company's operational investments and asset optimization efforts.

The report indicates Probable (P2) Undeveloped Reserves of approximately 47 million barrels of oil equivalent, with an undiscounted net cash flow of $2.1 billion. These figures suggest strong potential for future revenue generation, albeit with the inherent risks associated with undeveloped reserves.

Investors should note that while these numbers are promising, they are based on projections and assumptions. The realization of these reserves and cash flows depends on successful execution of development plans, stable oil prices and favorable regulatory conditions.

Trio's increased working interest acquisitions and focus on optimizing current production are strategic moves in the current market environment. The company's progress in permitting and discussions about potential carbon capture and storage projects demonstrate a forward-thinking approach, aligning with industry trends towards sustainability.

The South Salinas Project's reserves estimate of 40 million barrels of oil and 42 billion cubic feet of gas is significant for a company of Trio's size. However, investors should be aware that developing these reserves, especially in California's regulatory environment, may face challenges and delays.

The company's diversified portfolio, including interests in Utah, provides some risk mitigation. Overall, this update suggests Trio is positioning itself for potential growth, but execution risks remain substantial in this capital-intensive industry.

Discounted Net Cash Flow (at 10%) increase of $67 Million to $475 Million

Based on Updated Operations

Bakersfield, CA, Sept. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trio Petroleum Corp (NYSE American: TPET) (“Trio” or the “Company”), a California-based oil and gas company, today provided an update on estimates of oil and gas reserves and future net cash flows at its South Salinas Project in Monterey County, California. The Company recently filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) a Registration Statement on Form S-1 (“S-1”) that included an updated reserve report, effective April 30, 2024 (“Reserve Report”), for the Company’s assets at the South Salinas Project. The Reserve Report was prepared by an independent third-party engineering firm, KLS Petroleum Consulting LLC.

The updated Reserve Report calculated approximately $475 million in estimated discounted (at 10%) net cash flow to the Company from its Probable (P2) Undeveloped Reserves of combined Phases 1-3 in the South Salinas Project, which is an increase of approximately $67 million from the Company’s earlier reserve report as filed with the SEC. The Reserve Report recognizes Probable (P2) Undeveloped Reserves and Possible (P3) Undeveloped Reserves for three project development phases, namely existing wells and permitted drilling locations, an additional 12-well drilling program, and the full development of the field over a four year period.

“I am pleased to report the results of our updated independent reserves report. This improved value is a strong validation of the operational investments we have successfully completed on these assets in 2024,” commented Robin Ross, CEO of Trio Petroleum. “We have been extremely focused on improving the current value of our California oil and gas assets, bringing wells online, carefully investing to optimize current production, increasing lease and working interest acquisitions with the goal of quickly generating sustained cash flows. Additionally we have been making notable progress in the permitting process as well as holding ongoing discussions with third-parties that may wish to join us in expanding our oil and gas development project to include a carbon capture and storage project. Increasing our reserves and increasing our discounted net cash flow by $67 million are healthy reflections of our continued effort to unlock the value of our assets.”

The Reserve Report indicates that the Probable (P2) Undeveloped Reserves of combined Phases 1-3, net to TPET, are approximately 40 million stock tank barrels of oil and 42 billion cubic feet of gas, or 47 million barrels of oil equivalent, that the associated Undiscounted Net Cash Flow to TPET is approximately $2.1 billion, and that the associated Discounted Net Cash Flow (discounted at 10%) to TPET is approximately $475 million.

For additional information, the updated Reserve Report is available online at the following link:

About Trio Petroleum Corp

Trio Petroleum Corp is an oil and gas exploration and development company headquartered in Bakersfield, California, with operations in Monterey County, California, and Uintah County, Utah. In Monterey County, Trio owns a 85.75% working interest in 9,245 acres at the Presidents and Humpback oilfields in the South Salinas Project, and a 21.92% working interest in 800 acres in the McCool Ranch Field. In Uintah County, Trio owns a 2.25% working interest in 960 acres and options to acquire up to an additional 17.75% working interest in the 960 acres, and also an option to acquire 20% working interest in an adjacent 1,920 acres, and a right of first refusal to participate in an additional approximate 30,000 acres of the Asphalt Ridge Project at terms offered to other third parties.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

All statements in this press release of Trio Petroleum Corp (“Trio”) and its representatives and partners that are not based on historical fact are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and the provisions of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Acts”). In particular, when used in the preceding discussion, the words "estimates," "believes," "hopes," "expects," "intends," “on-track”, "plans," "anticipates," or "may," and similar conditional expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Acts and are subject to the safe harbor created by the Acts. Any statements made in this news release other than those of historical fact, about an action, event or development, are forward-looking statements. While management has based any forward-looking statements contained herein on its current expectations, the information on which such expectations were based may change. These forward-looking statements rely on a number of assumptions concerning future events and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are outside of the Trio's control, that could cause actual results to materially and adversely differ from such statements. Such risks, uncertainties, and other factors include, but are not necessarily limited to, those set forth in the Risk Factors section of the Trio’s reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including its 2024 Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on January 29, 2024. Copies are of such documents are available on the SEC's website, Trio undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release, except as required by law.

Investor Relations Contact:
Redwood Empire Financial Communications
Michael Bayes
(404) 809 4172


What is the new estimated discounted net cash flow for Trio Petroleum Corp (TPET) according to the updated reserve report?

According to the updated reserve report, Trio Petroleum Corp (TPET) reported an estimated discounted net cash flow of $475 million, which is an increase of $67 million from the previous report.

How much are the Probable (P2) Undeveloped Reserves for Trio Petroleum Corp (TPET) as of April 30, 2024?

As of April 30, 2024, Trio Petroleum Corp (TPET) reported Probable (P2) Undeveloped Reserves of approximately 40 million stock tank barrels of oil and 42 billion cubic feet of gas, or 47 million barrels of oil equivalent.

What is the Undiscounted Net Cash Flow for Trio Petroleum Corp (TPET) based on the latest reserve report?

Based on the latest reserve report, Trio Petroleum Corp (TPET) reported an Undiscounted Net Cash Flow of approximately $2.1 billion.

What projects is Trio Petroleum Corp (TPET) considering for future development?

Trio Petroleum Corp (TPET) is making progress in the permitting process and holding discussions with third parties about potentially expanding their oil and gas development project to include a carbon capture and storage project.

Trio Petroleum Corp.


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Oil & Gas E&P
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United States of America