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Wynnefield Partners, the largest stockholder of TechPrecision (NASDAQ: TPCS), has launched a campaign to rebuild the company's credibility. They are nominating two new directors, General Victor Eugene Renuart Jr. and Robert D. Straus, for election at the upcoming 2024 Annual Meeting. Wynnefield cites TechPrecision's poor stockholder returns, recent M&A failures, and lack of transparency as reasons for change.

The group highlights TechPrecision's underperformance compared to the Russell Micro Index, with a -37.7% 5-year return versus the index's 30.1%. They criticize the failed Votaw acquisition and the underperforming STADCO acquisition, which resulted in significant stockholder dilution. Wynnefield emphasizes the need for new independent voices, increased transparency, and disciplined business judgment on the board to enhance stockholder value.

Wynnefield Partners, il maggiore azionista di TechPrecision (NASDAQ: TPCS), ha avviato una campagna per ricostruire la credibilità dell'azienda. Hanno nominato due nuovi direttori, il Generale Victor Eugene Renuart Jr. e Robert D. Straus, per l'elezione nella prossima Assemblea Annuale del 2024. Wynnefield cita i scarsi ritorni per gli azionisti di TechPrecision, i recenti fallimenti in fusioni e acquisizioni, e la mancanza di trasparenza come motivi per il cambiamento.

Il gruppo mette in evidenza la scarsa performance di TechPrecision rispetto all'Indice Russell Micro, con un ritorno negativo del -37,7% negli ultimi cinque anni rispetto al 30,1% dell'indice. Criticano l'acquisizione fallita di Votaw e l'acquisizione poco proficua di STADCO, che ha determinato una significativa diluizione per gli azionisti. Wynnefield sottolinea la necessità di nuove voci indipendenti, maggiore trasparenza e giudizio imprenditoriale disciplinato nel consiglio di amministrazione per aumentare il valore per gli azionisti.

Wynnefield Partners, el mayor accionista de TechPrecision (NASDAQ: TPCS), ha lanzado una campaña para reconstruir la credibilidad de la empresa. Están nominando a dos nuevos directores, el General Victor Eugene Renuart Jr. y Robert D. Straus, para ser elegidos en la próxima Junta Anual de 2024. Wynnefield cita los pobres retornos para los accionistas de TechPrecision, los recientes fracasos en fusiones y adquisiciones, y la falta de transparencia como razones para el cambio.

El grupo destaca la baja performance de TechPrecision en comparación con el Índice Russell Micro, con un retorno a cinco años de -37.7% frente al 30.1% del índice. Critican la fallida adquisición de Votaw y la adquisición poco exitosa de STADCO, que resultó en una significativa dilución de los accionistas. Wynnefield enfatiza la necesidad de nuevas voces independientes, mayor transparencia y juicio empresarial disciplinado en la junta para mejorar el valor para los accionistas.

Wynnefield Partners는 TechPrecision (NASDAQ: TPCS)의 최대 주주로서 회사의 신뢰성을 회복하기 위한 캠페인을 시작했습니다. 그들은 다가오는 2024년 연례 총회에서 제너럴 빅터 유진 레뉴아르트 주니어와 로버트 D. 스트라우스를 이사로 임명할 것을 제안하고 있습니다. Wynnefield는 TechPrecision의 저조한 주주 수익률, 최근 M&A 실패 및 투명성 부족을 변화의 이유로 언급하고 있습니다.

이 그룹은 TechPrecision의 러셀 마이크로 지수 대비 저조한 성과를 강조하며, 5년 간 -37.7%의 수익률을 기록한 반면 지수는 30.1%를 기록했다고 비판합니다. 그들은 실패한 Votaw 인수와 성과가 저조한 STADCO 인수를 비판하며, 이는 주주들에게 상당한 희석을 초래했습니다. Wynnefield는 새로운 독립적인 목소리, 증가된 투명성 및 규율 있는 사업 판단이 이사회에 필요하다고 강조하며 주주 가치를 향상시키고자 합니다.

Wynnefield Partners, le plus grand actionnaire de TechPrecision (NASDAQ: TPCS), a lancé une campagne pour reconstruire la crédibilité de l'entreprise. Ils nomment deux nouveaux administrateurs, le Général Victor Eugene Renuart Jr. et Robert D. Straus, pour être élus lors de la prochaine Assemblée Générale Annuelle de 2024. Wynnefield cite les mauvais rendements pour les actionnaires de TechPrecision, les récents échecs en fusions et acquisitions, et le manque de transparence comme raisons du changement.

Le groupe souligne la sous-performance de TechPrecision par rapport à l'Indice Russell Micro, avec un retour de -37,7 % sur 5 ans contre 30,1 % pour l'indice. Ils critiquent l'acquisition ratée de Votaw et l'acquisition peu performante de STADCO, qui a entraîné une dilution significative des actionnaires. Wynnefield souligne la nécessité de nouvelles voix indépendantes, d'une plus grande transparence et d'un jugement d'affaires discipliné au sein du conseil pour améliorer la valeur pour les actionnaires.

Wynnefield Partners, der größte Aktionär von TechPrecision (NASDAQ: TPCS), hat eine Kampagne gestartet, um die Glaubwürdigkeit des Unternehmens wiederherzustellen. Sie nominieren zwei neue Direktoren, General Victor Eugene Renuart Jr. und Robert D. Straus, zur Wahl auf der bevorstehenden Jahreshauptversammlung 2024. Wynnefield nennt die schlechten Renditen für Aktionäre von TechPrecision, kürzliche M&A-Fehlschläge und den Mangel an Transparenz als Gründe für den Wandel.

Die Gruppe hebt die schlechte Leistung von TechPrecision im Vergleich zum Russell Micro Index hervor, mit einer 5-Jahres-Rendite von -37,7% im Gegensatz zu 30,1% des Index. Sie kritisieren die gescheiterte Votaw-Akquisition und die schwach performende STADCO-Akquisition, die zu einer erheblichen Verwässerung der Aktionäre führte. Wynnefield betont die Notwendigkeit von neuen unabhängigen Stimmen, erhöhter Transparenz und diszipliniertem Geschäftssinn im Vorstand, um den Aktionärswert zu steigern.

  • Wynnefield Partners, owning 7.0% of TechPrecision, is actively seeking to improve company performance
  • Nomination of two experienced directors with military, financial, and corporate governance expertise
  • TechPrecision's 5-year total stockholder return of -37.7% significantly underperforms the Russell Micro Index (+30.1%)
  • Failed Votaw acquisition resulted in a share-based M&A break-up fee and additional capital raise at $3.45 per share
  • STADCO acquisition remains underperforming after nearly three years
  • Lack of transparency in company reporting and failure to timely file SEC reports

This news represents a significant development in TechPrecision's corporate governance landscape. Wynnefield Partners, as the largest shareholder with a 7.0% stake, is launching a proxy fight to elect two new independent directors to the board. This move is driven by several concerning factors:

  • TechPrecision's poor stock performance, with a -37.7% return over the past 5 years compared to the Russell Micro Index's 30.1% gain.
  • Recent M&A missteps, including the failed Votaw acquisition and the underperforming STADCO integration.
  • Lack of transparency and delayed SEC filings.

The nomination of General Victor Eugene Renuart and Robert D. Straus brings valuable expertise in military leadership, aerospace operations and investment analysis to the board. Their potential election could significantly impact TechPrecision's strategic direction and governance practices.

This proxy contest highlights the growing trend of activist investors pushing for change in underperforming companies. It's important for all shareholders to carefully consider the arguments presented by both sides before the upcoming annual meeting on October 2, 2024.

The financial implications of this proxy fight are substantial. TechPrecision's stock has significantly underperformed, with a -53.2% return over the past year compared to the Russell Micro Index's 4.0% gain. This underperformance is exacerbated by recent M&A decisions:

  • The failed Votaw acquisition resulted in a share-based break-up fee and additional borrowing, leading to a dilutive capital raise at $3.45 per share.
  • The STADCO acquisition, funded by an equity raise at $4.40 per share in 2021, remains underperforming after nearly three years.

These actions have eroded shareholder value and raise questions about the current board's capital allocation decisions. The potential addition of new board members with financial and strategic expertise could lead to more disciplined M&A practices and improved capital management. However, the proxy fight itself may incur additional costs and create short-term volatility in the stock price. Investors should closely monitor the outcome of this contest and its potential impact on TechPrecision's financial strategy and performance.

This proxy contest raises several legal considerations:

  • Disclosure Compliance: Wynnefield's public letter and campaign website must adhere to SEC regulations regarding proxy solicitations. The Group has filed a Schedule 13D, demonstrating compliance with beneficial ownership reporting requirements.
  • Board Responsibilities: The current board's fiduciary duties are under scrutiny, particularly regarding the failed Votaw acquisition and delayed SEC filings. These issues could potentially expose the company to shareholder litigation.
  • Proxy Contest Procedures: Both Wynnefield and TechPrecision must follow strict legal procedures in the lead-up to the annual meeting, including proper filing of proxy materials and adherence to solicitation rules.
  • M&A Due Diligence: The failed Votaw acquisition without secured financing raises questions about the board's due diligence process, potentially exposing them to legal challenges.

Shareholders should expect extensive legal maneuvering from both sides as the proxy contest unfolds. The outcome could have significant implications for TechPrecision's governance structure and future legal compliance efforts.


Launches Campaign Website at

NEW YORK, July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Wynnefield Partners Small Cap Value, L.P. I and its affiliates ("Wynnefield"), and Robert D. Straus (together, with Wynnefield, the "Group"), who collectively own more shares of TechPrecision Corporation (the "Company") (NASDAQ: TPCS) than any other stockholder, collectively owning approximately 7.0% of the Company's outstanding common stock according to Bloomberg, today launched a campaign website at and issued the following public letter to the Company's stockholders.

Dear Fellow TechPrecision Stockholders:

We are writing to you as the largest collective stockholders of TechPrecision Corporation ("TechPrecision" or the "Company"), owners of approximately 7.0% of the Company's outstanding common stock according to Bloomberg. The Company's upcoming 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "2024 Annual Meeting"), tentatively scheduled by the Company for October 2, 2024, must be about rebuilding TechPrecision's credibility and repairing the relationship between the Company and its stockholders.

On July 2, 2024, the Group delivered a letter to the Company notifying it of Wynnefield's intention to nominate and seek to elect General Victor Eugene "Gene" Renuart, Jr., U.S. Air Force (Ret.) and Robert D. Straus as members of the Company's Board of Directors (the "Board") at the Company's 2024 Annual Meeting. The biographies of General Renuart and Mr. Straus are set forth at the end of this letter. To this end, we will soon be mailing to you a proxy statement and a GREEN proxy card where you will have an opportunity to vote on the future of TechPrecision. Please be on the lookout for our proxy materials. In the meantime, you may find additional information at our newly launched campaign website at

We believe new independent voices are needed on TechPrecision's Board as we seek better transparency and disciplined business judgement.

  • NEW INDEPENDENT VOICES on the Board to give stockholders the ability to express concerns and objectives, and to effectuate change.

  • TRANSPARENCY to allow stockholders the opportunity to assess the Company's investment risks and the Board's performance.

  • DISCIPLINED BUSINESS JUDGEMENT to avoid poorly conceived and costly strategies like the recently failed acquisition of Votaw Precision Technologies, Inc. ("Votaw") and to enhance stockholder value.

The Group believes the Company and the Board have failed its stockholders, and their decisions have resulted in the Company significantly underperforming the market over the past five years.

  • TechPrecision's total stockholder returns are unfavorable in absolute and relative terms:




Time Period


Micro Index


Proposed Votaw Acquisition

11/29/23 to 07/02/24

-47.1 %

13.1 %

-60.2 %

STADCO Acquisition

08/25/21 to 07/02/24

-41.5 %

-19.0 %

-22.5 %

2024 Performance

12/29/23 to 07/02/24

-33.6 %

-2.0 %

-31.6 %


07/03/23 to 07/02/24

-53.2 %

4.0 %

-57.2 %


07/03/21 to 07/02/24

-31.2 %

-22.2 %

-9.0 %


07/03/19 to 07/02/24

-37.7 %

30.1 %

-67.8 %

  • M&A Debacles Resulted in Significant Stockholder Dilution.

    • FAILED Votaw transaction resulted in the Company paying a share-based M&A break-up fee to Doerfer Corporation, Votaw's parent company. The Company paid M&A advisory fees with borrowings from its revolver, necessitating the Company to then raise additional capital in order to repay such loans. On July 8, 2024, TechPrecision sold shares and warrants at $3.45 per-share.

    • AGREEING TO PURCHASE Votaw without an assured financing commitment in place violated fundamental M&A practices and basic process tenets.

    • LAGGING STADCO acquisition is still not fully integrated and remains an underperformer after nearly three years, per Company SEC filings. In August 2021, the STADCO acquisition was funded by an equity capital raise at $4.40 per-share, which is 27.5% higher than the recent raise.

  • Transparency & Governance.

    • LACK OF transparency prevents stockholders from reasonably valuing the Company's investment risks.

    • FAILURE to timely file SEC reports demonstrates the Board's poor oversight and management of the Company.

Wynnefield's Statement of Beneficial Ownership on Schedule 13D

Please see Wynnefield's Statement of Beneficial Ownership on Schedule 13D relating to TechPrecision's common stock, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 2, 2024, a copy of which can be found at:

2024 Annual Meeting

According to information provided from bank and broker intermediaries, the Company has tentatively scheduled the 2024 Annual Meeting for Wednesday, October 2, 2024, and the record date for the 2024 Annual Meeting has been tentatively scheduled for August 13, 2024. Owners of TechPrecision's common stock as of August 13, 2024 will be entitled to vote at the 2024 Annual Meeting.


General Victor Eugene "Gene" Renuart, Jr., U.S. Air Force (Ret.) is a retired four-star general of the U.S. Air Force with over 39 years of service and extensive experience in military leadership, national defense, and aerospace operations. The Group believes that General Renuart's proven military, governmental and corporate leadership record, his extensive experience in multi-national strategic and operational planning, fiscal oversight of large organizations with annual multi-billion-dollar budgets as well as his public company and private company board of director experience, provide him with unique skills, insights and qualifications to serve as a member of the Company's Board and any of its committees.

Robert D. Straus is an institutional portfolio manager with 25 years of proven experience investing in and serving as an advisor to C-suite executives of public and private companies. His expertise includes evaluating business and capital allocation strategies as well as advising on executive compensation structure, strategic initiative analysis and corporate governance best practices. The Group believes that Mr. Straus' extensive investment, financial, capital allocation and strategic initiative analysis expertise, as well as his significant corporate governance experience serving as a director and board committee member of publicly traded companies, provide him with unique skills, insights and qualifications to serve as a member of the Company's Board and any of its committees.


Wynnefield Partners Small Cap Value, L.P. I; Wynnefield Partners Small Cap Value, L.P.; Wynnefield Small Cap Value Offshore Fund, Ltd.; Wynnefield Capital, Inc. Profit Sharing Plan; Wynnefield Capital Management, LLC; Wynnefield Capital, Inc.; Nelson Obus; Joshua Landes; and Robert D. Straus (collectively, the "Group") together with General Victor Eugene "Gene" Renuart, Jr., U.S. Air Force (Ret.) are participants in the solicitation of proxies from stockholders in connection with the 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "Annual Meeting") of TechPrecision Corporation (the "Company"). The Group intends to file a proxy statement (the "2024 Proxy Statement") with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") in connection with the solicitation of proxies for the Annual Meeting unless it withdraws its nominations.

The Group may be deemed to beneficially own 633,606 shares of the Company's common stock, representing approximately 7.0% of the Company's outstanding common stock. Other than the Group, none of the other participants own any shares of the Company's common stock. Additional information regarding such participants, including their direct or indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, will be included in the 2024 Proxy Statement and other relevant documents to be filed with the SEC in connection with the Annual Meeting.

Promptly after any filing of its definitive 2024 Proxy Statement with the SEC, the Group intends to mail the definitive 2024 Proxy Statement and an accompanying universal proxy card to some or all stockholders pursuant to applicable SEC rules. STOCKHOLDERS ARE URGED TO READ THE 2024 PROXY STATEMENT (INCLUDING ANY AMENDMENTS OR SUPPLEMENTS THERETO) AND ANY OTHER RELEVANT DOCUMENTS THAT THE GROUP WILL FILE WITH THE SEC WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE BECAUSE THEY WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Stockholders may obtain, free of charge, copies of the definitive 2024 Proxy Statement and any other documents filed by the Group with respect to the Company with the SEC in connection with the Annual Meeting at the SEC's website (

You may stay abreast of information about our director nominees and the Group's campaign by visiting our campaign website at

Respectfully yours,

Nelson J. Obus          Robert D. Straus
Founder                     Portfolio Manager

Daniel Yunger
Kekst CNC

Cision View original content:

SOURCE Wynnefield Capital


What is Wynnefield Partners' ownership stake in TechPrecision (TPCS)?

Wynnefield Partners and its affiliates collectively own approximately 7.0% of TechPrecision 's outstanding common stock, making them the largest stockholder.

Who are the director nominees proposed by Wynnefield for TechPrecision (TPCS)?

Wynnefield is nominating General Victor Eugene 'Gene' Renuart, Jr., U.S. Air Force (Ret.) and Robert D. Straus for election to TechPrecision's Board of Directors at the 2024 Annual Meeting.

What is TechPrecision's (TPCS) 5-year total stockholder return compared to the Russell Micro Index?

TechPrecision's 5-year total stockholder return from July 3, 2019 to July 2, 2024 was -37.7%, compared to the Russell Micro Index return of 30.1% for the same period.

When is TechPrecision's (TPCS) 2024 Annual Meeting scheduled?

TechPrecision's 2024 Annual Meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 2, 2024, with a record date of August 13, 2024 for stockholders entitled to vote.

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